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[Drama 2015] Shine or Go Crazy 빛나거나 미치거나


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Come to think about it, what a blessing Wang So and Shin Yool have!  Everyone comes together as a team to help them out. Even those who didn't like them before such as WW, YW, and SW,  or those who love them like the Chunghae people, and also the king. Queen Mommy, the prophet, the ninjas...  All worked to save them.  A lot to be grateful for.  Don't be so sad!

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Guest gemini3105

Baek Myeo - she always expect WangWok ShinYool and a pair ?!

Now it has become a reality and ...Why ...? ShinYool seeing the wedding garment ... she looks so pathetic -baek Myeo ...The heart unpredictableShe - Baek Myeo ... always bitterly opposed to WangSoShe does not want ShinYool love WangSo, because ... he was married.Now ShinYool will be the official wife of Prince WangWok- honor Prince and not married ... ha ha ha.... =D>  =D>  =D>She (Baek Myeo)'s so happy to be new ....?! =D>

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haymochi said: WHAAAAAATTTTTT!!!!!!!! The viewers love this ep!!!!! Ep 20 got a 13.9 % rating!!!!!! Should i be happy or sad?? X(
AGB Nationwide 
MBC SOGC:13.9%(+2.5)
KBS2 Blood:not in top 20
SBS Grapevie:10.5%(-0.2)

AGB Seoul
MBC SOGC:15.3%(+3)
KBS2 Blood:not in top 20
SBS Grapevine:12.2%(-0.8 )

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Guest pixiee

Hi, does anyone has the links to the bts that @gumi n @Kaoru nisa talking abt? At least watching the bts wont make me sad

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Hope it's true that pinky guy will learn to back off . I will consider giving him kiss oh his cheek maybe ?? :P he seems to have realized the bitter truth bur why did he even suggest about marrying SY? He loves creating messes then cleaning up afterwards

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onnififi said: chajoowon said: haymochi said:


said: The heartbreaking moment for this episode when

Wang So announced that "

Shin Yool is not my woman"

It's like thunder in the morning ... blarrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr.... Shin Yool face so desperate ...

And second thunder is Wang Wok asked King "

I want to married Shin Yool

" and then Shin Yool collapsed ...

The emotional scene when Wang So cry over Shin Yool, being forced to separate ... cry hard alone, and say to himself, I am tiger like a crazy boy .. several times..

I think.. i love this episode.. dunnno about other soompiers.. yes it's sad , yes it's desperate moment.. but so romantic, touch, sad, complicated.. but somehow i feel something here.. every cast had their moment so well even Wang Wook, Yeo Won, the Queen ... OTP scene... increase here too..

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Oh dear.. so sad.. the forced farewell. Must give lots of credits to WW. I think he is so in love with SY. Earlier we see him reflecting the Arabian love bowl. He wants to be with SY by all means. Somehow along these 2 episodes I suppose his ways must have wavered. Listening to SY pleading to save her people and knowing that SY's illness may strike anytime. And WS kneeling before him asking for help. The sadness his sista witnessed, both sharing same fate of having to marry one who will never share their love. I have this sick feeling that SY will die. Probably to make viewers cry, died on her wedding day just before marriage being solemnised? If based on history YW became queen, those may be her kids with WS. I really really hate sad endings!

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After 2 heartbreaking eps that suck out the light i'm glad that this thread is still so funny lol .. Love all your pics. They made me laughed so hard and can't wait for Sat preview, please be gentle to our heart! Hope it will follow the happy ending of the novel , remember what astrologist said a about two people who are fated to be together will never be able to separate. ;)

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Katrina Abdul Talib said: Oh dear.. so sad.. the forced farewell. Must give lots of credits to WW. I think he is so in love with SY. Earlier we see him reflecting the Arabian love bowl. He wants to be with SY by all means. Somehow along these 2 episodes I suppose his ways must have wavered. Listening to SY pleading to save her people and knowing that SY's illness may strike anytime. And WS kneeling before him asking for help. The sadness his sista witnessed, both sharing same fate of having to marry one who will never share their love. I have this sick feeling that SY will die. Probably to make viewers cry, died on her wedding day just before marriage being solemnised? If based on history YW became queen, those may be her kids with WS. I really really hate sad endings!

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keep faith on this from episode 1, Astrologist words

00:04:45 You're destined to meet
00:04:50 The person you're meant to be with
Even if you try not to be with them

00:05:00 That is how destiny works

Isn't now Wang So & Shin Yool condition try not to be together .... so in the end both of them are meant to be ...
Can't wait for Monday again ...  :-w

Random.. but with MBC new drama Wednesday - Thursday Angry mom it's gonna be interesting in the end of year MBC Drama Awards .. if you galls know what I am talking about ... hahaha... There will be two actress that had similar face, long time ago, Oh Yeon Seo called as little Kim Hee Sun ...Doppelgänger thingy hohohoho


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Guest dawnshine

@SMP567 and @eve_wu - Thank you for providing more evidence in suggesting the OTP will have a happy ending. I'm positive about this. For now, the temporary separation of the OTP is to get us all worried jumping up and down pulling our hairs screaming "Ottoke Ottoke!"  :)>-
Actually, like SY said they have their duties and missions. This will give chance for them to breath and focus in getting what needs to be done. There's no way to get rid of WSR with just the broken glass when there's complication of the drama coming from the current king. I think this temporary separation makes them even loving each other even more. Not like their love isn't strong now. It'll only be more and more.
@cutestrobery - I remembered OYS said in that "pizza truck" clip that audience should find it fun seeing them being tortured with challenges. Now we know what she meant. We're screaming Ottoke and pulling hairs about the pinky wedding and SY's health, yet we are having fun in doing so, no?
@onnififi - Unnie, you are very right! The close age gap of the kids mean the OTP are very diligent. Seriously, you don't think they did something more than just a passionate farewell kiss. ;;)
Btw, chingu-a, @SMG567, where did you find the transformed WS picture? Yup that lion-head! WS is now the Lion of the Geumkang. What will his little meow meow think of his new image? :)
@gemini3105 - BM is actually very sad about the WW-SY wedding. I think she now really likes WS. She wants the OTP together. She's now a new converted loyal OTP fan. 8-} So she might steal her agashii's bridal gown and replace her to marry WW. =))

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Guest gemini3105

Ridiculous for WangWok .... ha ha ha ....I despiseThought he was a gentleman's main ...Finally, it is trivialRecommend to marry when she ShinYool danger ...Knows that she loves his brother, still want to take over ...Then pretend painful ...WangWok is a despicable nameOk, will be satisfied only WangWok ah ...Commended for men like you ....To marry a wife ... to use the tricks ...

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Guest dawnshine

@gemini3105 - BM is actually very sad about the  Katrina Abdul Talib said: IRIS 1... seen long ago. Story plot, name of actress and many other details of the drama did not linger or come to mind... BUT its ending 'stuck' right to this day... hero dead just few minutes before drama ended. Hopefully writer don't do this kind of ending for SY!!"

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