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4 hours ago, Jloves said:

@Lmangla @OMihO Happy  Birthday chingus!! :rolleyes::phew: & also, belated Happy Birthday to you @kokodus I hope for the best of your lives & have a good health always :phew::D


@stroppyse oooh! chingu, you sneaky! :w00t: don't we all have an obsession? we won't stop you!! ROFL

THANK YOU!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :wub::wub::wub::heart::heart::heart:



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17 hours ago, stroppyse said:

Wow. Lee Seo Jin looks so young and hot! I had kind of gotten used to him as a bit of an ajusshi, and forget that he used to be a total heartthrob once upon a time. :) Thanks for the clip.


Dangshin is an interesting word, in that it relies on the context in order to determine whether it means "darling" or just "you". In the scene, it's the way LSJ says it that betrays that he and the lead female had had an intimate history together. In other context, dangshin can be used to refer to a complete stranger without any connections whatsoever, and can even sometimes be used as a hostile, reference to someone. It's because the second person is an informal case pretty much at all times that it can take on those nuances. :)

meant to respond earlier to this and forgot. kekekek... so thanks @stroppyse for the explanation. like I said, because of this drama, I always notice the word tangshin and it has been confusing on why in some dramas, it is translated as darling and others, it is simply you. but based on your explanation, I get it.


reminds me of a suffix that we use in informal speech in my language which can take on different nuances depending on who is using it -- so a mom using it with her daughter makes it more like "child" but with a lover, it is more of an intimate you and more like "darling". with siblings or between friends, it denotes closeness and similar in age. whereas if a stranger was using it, it is actually an insult because it is lack of respect.... so got it! :) 




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