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1 minute ago, larus said:

Now I see Armenia. I really liked it.  It has folklore elements and it is catchy.


Chingu, I hate all of the songs you have mentioned liking so far :loolz:


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1 minute ago, partyon said:

You always like the songs I don't. :D Am pretty sure you like France's performance too?


It looks like it. While I find Croatia`s song catchy, I don`t want them to win. 🤣  Last year I liked France. This year, I don`t know. Never heard the song.





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12 minutes ago, kokodus said:

My friend is a dentist like me, her parents are both doctors. Her father is a military doctor actually. And her sister is also a doctor. And they are also older than the groom's parents by 10 years atleast. That is why she is more pissed. She is saying that, they are disrespecting her parents. Sigh. 


Are these in-laws to be crazy??? Do they really want to offend someone who's with the army??? Not to mention she is from a family of doctors. 


Ms Koko, your friend can do better. Hell, with her background alone she can get herself a better husband than her intended to be, even without a hefty dowry, someone who will treasure her as a new addition to their family.


P.S. my first dentist was a military dentist. He was the best and the nicest dentist for me, else I won't remember him anymore, LOL!


@partyon Equal rights at all time, any time! 🙂



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2 minutes ago, larus said:

t looks like it. While I find Croatia`s song catchy, I don`t want them to win.


They have NEVER won the Eurovision. That's why I really hope they win. Go Baby Lasagna Go!



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6 minutes ago, partyon said:

Chingu, I hate all of the songs you have mentioned liking so far


It was expected. We don`t like the same Kdramas either. Different taste.


Now I watch Switzerland. I liked it. The video is quite interesting but it sounds good live too.



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2 minutes ago, larus said:

It was expected. We don`t like the same Kdramas either. Different taste.


We both like Jane Eyre though? :heartxoxo:

Alright, am off to bed now. Have an early morning tomorrow.



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6 minutes ago, partyon said:


@kokodus @MayanEcho All I can say is that life would be so much easier for everyone - especially women - if they followed the Nordic countries' philosophy of everyone being equal. Regardless of age or status.

Hmm we just got universal suffrage some 100 years ago....so I guess it might take another 100-200 years for it to reflect on the society. LOL. 


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9 minutes ago, partyon said:

We both like Jane Eyre though?


Sometimes we like the same things. It is hard to be diametrically opposed in everything.



Now I watch Croatia. They did well. They had show and the song is catchy. It is easy to remember.  They will be in top 5. If they will win, it is alright.





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6 minutes ago, MayanEcho said:


Are these in-laws to be crazy??? Do they really want to offend someone who's with the army??? Not to mention she is from a family of doctors. 


Ms Koko, your friend can do better. Hell, with her background alone she can get herself a better husband than her intended to be, even without a hefty dowry, someone who will treasure her as a new addition to their family.


I know right? Then I thought that maybe they are influential in some way to behave this way. I dont know. 


The problem is my friend's parents are trying to get her married for atleast 4 years now. And apparently 27 years is too late for a girl to stay unmarried. They have seen endless profiles in various matrimony sites. She must have met atleast 20 men in person. God knows how many she talked to over phone. Nothing worked out. This is the only guy she liked very much and he also liked her. The engagement ceremony is done. It is very rare for a wedding to stop after the engagement ceremony is over. Now if she says no, she has to start from zero. Once you are above 30, the marriage market won't be so much receptive of you. Sigh. 


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Now France. You were right, I like it. 😆 But in top five for me but I could listen the song again.


Now I saw every entry. I think it is the first time I watched all the songs in a final. 🤣 


My top 5 in no particulary order. Switzerland, Israel, Croatia, Ukraine, Italy. But I liked other sons as well. Let see who will win this year. I will go to bed and I will see the results tomorrow. 



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38 minutes ago, kokodus said:

I know right? Then I thought that maybe they are influential in some way to behave this way. I dont know. 


Hmm, if she's comfortable talking now to fiancé, maybe she can "say" something, tactfully, on how his parents are behaving? It's gonna be very awkward, but if he's the observant and broadminded sort, he'd get it and try to help tone down his parents.


To help minimise or avoid conflicts, the spouses would handle their own parents or family members when they're being insufferable. 


Twenty-seven is hardly off the market. The norm now is 30s above. 



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19 hours ago, joccu said:

Switzerland won.  


I like who won. 😁 Congratulation, Switzerland and Nemo!


I looked for the top 10. It is exactly my top 10. 😍 If you asked me last night, I would have excluded Ireland. I could not follow the representation until the end (the demonic vibe was off putting for me, the screaming) but I listened the song this morning and I was OK with it. It was different and that`s exactly what is Eurovision.




Edit: I changed my mind about Ireland song. After listened without watching the show I was Ok with the song but no, the choreography was not making the song any better.

I apreciate more the songs that are good even without the show behind it. I will put on my top 10, the Germany`s song instead of Ireland. The guy had good vocals and I liked the song.

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@larus  I also liked Nemo song. 

@partyon  I did not think I would ever say this but thank god for jury votes.   They screwed Croatia same way that they did to Finland last year. But without Jury Israel would have won. 


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10 hours ago, MayanEcho said:

Hmm, if she's comfortable talking now to fiancé, maybe she can "say" something, tactfully, on how his parents are behaving? It's gonna be very awkward, but if he's the observant and broadminded sort, he'd get it and try to help tone down his parents.

Tactfully being the key word. It's an arranged marriage. Ofcourse they love each other now, but it's still very nascent. Any wrong move might collapse everything. That's why I guess she is being cautious. But I did advise her to have word with him. Sometimes men can be so oblivious about what is happening right in front of them. Sigh.

10 hours ago, MayanEcho said:

Twenty-seven is hardly off the market. The norm now is 30s above. 

27 is not, but is still very close to 30. We can round it off to 30. Lol. I dont understand who set these deadlines. Why can't we get married whenever we want? It is just so much pressure. 


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3 hours ago, kokodus said:

Sometimes men can be so oblivious about what is happening right in front of them. Sigh.


This is true for many men. Hopefully your friend somehow finds a way to broach the subject... it would be ideal if there's another person close to the groom and observes the same behaviour who could talk to him frankly and also tactfully that his parents are kind of rude to their son's future in-laws.


3 hours ago, kokodus said:

I dont understand who set these deadlines. Why can't we get married whenever we want? It is just so much pressure. 


I think the 30s and below is due to having kids before 35? 



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4 hours ago, MayanEcho said:

think the 30s and below is due to having kids before 35?

Yeah I know. But we are living in a different world. Science and technology has improved so much that anyone can give birth at any time. LOL. Plus who cares really. Not everyone wants to have a baby. DINK is the new trend. 


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