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[Drama 2014] Pride and Prejudice 오만과 편견


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Guest thecandyce

@chaybags55 You're very welcome :>

@MarjorieA You have a point too. Whilst I was reading some of the comments on AllKpop, I sort of understood things from Choi Min-soo's perspective as well. These days, it's so difficult for talented actors to enter the field because it's so saturated with idol actors/actresses. Whilst not all idols have lackluster acting skills, many who lack the gift of acting actually land big roles that barely fit them. I think that perhaps he was trying to preach about the importance of specificity.

Then again, I also read up a bit about 5urprise and they really did go through rather tough times leading up to their debut. Even though his opinion is not entirely baseless, he should've held it back since Lee Tae-hwan was there.

@booha Omo thank you so much for the subs! I'll follow up with a recap soon, but it'll be shorter and less detailed this time, because I want to save the lengthy, detailed recap for the first episode, since most of the highlight preview is reflective of what'll occur in the first episode. But really, kudos to you for translating the whole thing :)

Also, thanks for the picture! You're right omo. I didn't realize that the small heart sign that Jin-hyuk and Jin-hee made was actually one of Jin-hyuk's trademarks. During the presscon too, they were practically in their own little bubble half the time. T-T Ugh I adore this pairing so much I cannot even-

I was listening to the radio cut from @PolarisCat on the CJH thread, and though I don't really understand Korean, it's so adorable how the both of them are so comfortable and familiar with each other already.


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Guest chaybags55

Oh yes, our OTP enjoying their own world. Look at their cheering signs, it's a cute heart ( CJH trademark), different from the rest.. Aww so cute!! Luv it!

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Guest sullifish

cant wait for this drama to be air on 2 days more..i cant wait to see baek jin hee in this drama...she looks lovely after she cut her hair...hahaha

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Guest thecandyce

Hi P&P girls! This might be slightly unrelated, but I was wondering if you guys have Twitter? I'm not doing this to gain more followers, but I was hoping we could have a #ppcircle on Twitter too, where we can spazz with each other every time our lovely couple has moments.

I'm @thecandyce on Twitter! Just drop me a message so we can have our #ppcircle

EDIT: I'm trying to gather all of you who I know have Twitter already hehe so please join #ppcircle !!!

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Guest meomongco

Oh ho, 1 more day to go to the drama is on air. I can't wait to see. Pls, quickly!!!
Tomorrow night, whether someone will post the screen caps for us.
Have a nice day! And see you tomorrow!

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PP girls   This news article shows GDC (CJH) at home with a cute dog and in an office with business attire.  The article talks about GDC in general.  At the moment I’m too busy to translate it but we will soon see this image of his.

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PP girls  I finally found BJH’s DC site. If anyone is interested here is the link: http://gall.dcinside.com/board/lists/?id=jh      The site doesn’t have many pictures but still I have a few of them.




cr to DC

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Guest thecandyce

Hi guys, here's my recap for the 5-minute preview. It's relatively short because the preview is reflective of the first two episodes, and I want to save the details for my recaps of the first two episodes.

Here's the link ---> http://dongchiyeolmoo.wordpress.com/2014/10/26/pride-and-prejudice-the-5-minute-roller-coaster-ride-of-emotions/#more-98

I'll post it here too.


When I first published the recap of the very first teaser, I distinctly remember adding in several snarky comments criticizing the marketing strategies of MBC. Well, I take half of it back. After the release of the first three (technically four, since Teaser 3 had two versions), I realized that the move was rather strategic. The first was aimed at garnering interest of potential shippers by drawing focus to Choi Jin-hyuk and Baek Jin-hee’s adorable chemistry, and the subsequent teasers focused on unleashing the true plot and the way the drama is, or would like to be, a jack of all trades – law, crime, action, comedy, friendship, family and romance. What better way to top things off with a 5 minute preview? This 5 minute preview perfectly encapsulates all the aforementioned genre in a beautiful, understated manner, evoking my laughter, keeping me at the edge of my seat and tugging at my heartstrings all at once.

(Short note: Since the first episode is airing tomorrow and I’ll probably get the English subs by Tuesday, this will not be an extremely detailed recap. After all, the 5 min preview is reflective of everything that will happen in the first episode, and I’ll be covering everything down to the smallest details when I write the recap of the first episode. It’ll be confusing if I write a detailed recap of the 5 min preview when I’m not 100% sure what actually occurs.)


The preview opens by putting us in Han Yeol-moo’s (Baek Jin-hee) shoes – when she rests her eyes on Goo Dong-chi (Choi Jin-hyuk) and freezes, because she recognizes him. Incidentally, he recognizes her as well. They then share a short, nostalgic exchange where Dong-chi asks her whether she’s forgotten him, and she shoots a rhetorical question back at him – “How could I forget?”

 5min5min7 5min8

We’re then sent catapulting into the past, where we’re introduced to the young, ethereal Yeol-moo running away from a bunch of people and hopping into a car, which is, coincidentally, driven by the ‘knight-in-shining-armor’, Dong-chi. But he doesn’t react by kicking her out of it, instead driving her away from the ruckus, lending her money and initiating another meet-up. Personally, I thought it was adorable when he passed her that note with their meeting place, and shot her that cheeky smile before driving away.

But well, that’s the start of their relationship. That’s why they’re on the bus and Dong-chi initiates for them to meet once a month for ten months – it wasn’t because she owed him money, but it’s because he’s so cheekily (or maybe bashfully) interested in her.

Afterwards, we’re transported back into the present, where Dong-chi half-teasingly, half-earnestly calls after her – “It’s nice to meet you again.” Of course, she reciprocates it. But, we know she means it since her tone is ever-so-soft and sincere.

5min9 5min11 5min10

5min12 5min19 5min20

However, it’s not all lovely and rosy for our pair of ex-lovers. They are, after all, prosecutors who are obligated to be committed to their jobs and to adhere to every one of the stringent rules, including the tacit ones. That translates to their office being hardly the place for developing their relationship, especially since they’re under the watchful eyes of their strict and somewhat eccentric boss, Head Prosecutor Moon Hee-man (Choi Min-soo) and the plucky, devoted detective (who’s also going to be one of Yeol-moo’s suitors) Kang Soo (Lee Tae-hwan).

Well, that doesn’t exactly stop Dong-chi and Yeol-moo from warring (or what I would refer to as indirectly fraternizing, knowing the romantic nature of their future relationship). Amidst baffling cases and insolent suspects, the two continue to bicker, banter and take jabs at each other in the most comedic, adorable, yet realistic ways you could imagine.


But of course, the drama serial isn’t just about our leads. Throughout the preview, we feel the domineering, yet somewhat fatherly presence of the Head Prosecutor Hee-man. He takes our leads by the hands, guides them (or drags them) in the direction that he believes is right. This tough dude isn’t daunted by criminals either. We can trust Choi Min-soo to indeed be the perfectly good and bad boss who scares the living daylights out of both his subordinates and his suspects but ultimately leads his juniors towards their goals.


After four teasers and one 5 minute preview, I admit that I’m still unsure of Jeong Chang-gi’s (Son Chang-min) role in the drama is. As the defiant gangster with relations to both Kang Soo and Dong-chi, I suspect that he will be useful in gathering information for them because really, who knows the underworld better than someone who dwells in the underworld? Prosecutors always have a few under-table connections to make their case-solving lives easier. Well, it’s no doubt he contributes to the comic relief of the show – his antics (such as kissing the one-sided mirror in the interrogation room and winking cheekily to the irritated yet amused Hee-man) evoked quite a few chuckles from me.


But, the one who’s left the weakest impression on me has to be Kang Soo. Yes, the description tells us that he’s a naive, innocent and sincere detective whose only concern in life is protecting his grandmother and the civilians of South Korea from harm. Unfortunately, he has yet to prove it. All I’ve seen are his stern, expressionless expressions. Either it’s the PD purposefully revealing little about him in the teasers so as to create some sort of intrigue, or Lee Tae-hwan isn’t living up to the standards that are being set for him.

5min22 5min29

Even less is revealed about our supporting characters Lee Jang-won (Choi Woo-shik), Yoo Kwang-mi (Jung Hye-sung) and Yoo Dae-gi (Jang Hang-seon). Of course, I’m looking forward to seeing Choi Woo-shik rock his diva-prosector role, as well as the father-daughter dynamics between Jung Hye-sung and Jang Hang-seon.

5min24 5min26 5min25

Of course, no crime drama is complete without fast, fervent, adrenaline-inducing action. We see our entire team having a wild goose chase across the city (or even the country) to nab their suspects, procure necessary evidence and save victims from meeting sad deaths. It’s all fast-paced but it’s not just the action that makes your heart race – it’s the emotion conveyed by the ones doing the running.

It’s the action that indirectly birthed my favourite scene amongst the teasers and preview – the one where Dong-chi saves Yeol-moo in the alleyway, and whilst panting, he gazes at her with a mixture of fury, exasperation, concern, and possibly, love.


Well, to top things off, more details about Dong-chi and Yeol-moo’s romantic history is revealed when we’re shown the scene of the teary two in the past, with Dong-chi’s voiceover in the present: “That time, were you playing with me? I wasn’t playing with you.” Apparently our strong, chiseled and fearless hero was mercilessly ditched by our seemingly sweet and devoted heroine. Really, who doesn’t love a little angst?


I don’t mean to be overly wordy and repetitive, but I love how the opening scenes were carried out. I don’t know whether the first episode will have the scenes put in the same places, with Yeol-moo recognizing Dong-chi and them being overcome by the tidal wave of their memories, but if so, it’ll be perfect. In most Korean dramas, these flashbacks are exaggerated with dramatic music and further dramatized by people plucking at the most trivial details, but the preview framed the flashback nicely. The tender music, their soft expressions (Baek Jin-hee’s silent, quiet crying is just amazing) and bashful words, and most importantly, the way both Dong-chi and Yeol-moo look at each other so ardently yet say much less than what they wish to, all contribute to the nostalgia welling up within not just them, but also watchers like me. That has to be the best opening I’ve seen so far – simple, understated, but emotional.


However, beyond the praises, I have qualms about the nature of Dong-chi’s interest in Yeol-moo. Maybe it’s the lack of details, but I don’t trust that he truly fell for her at first sight when she was in her state of desperation. It could be hormonal attraction to her beauty, but if that’s true, then that renders most of what he thought he initially felt for her void. Of course, the drama could also be crafted in such a way where he is first attracted to her, then pursues her cheekily, but then genuinely falls for her – we need the first episode to be sure.

But, I’m not entirely skeptical about what he feels for her, because his feelings for her become more evident in the so-called ‘present’ scenes. When he first sets his eyes on her after five years, when he panics when he can’t reach her on her cell-phone during their chase, when he saves her from an incoming motorcycle – it all reflects so much concern and love that I’d be cruel to say that his feelings for her are only induced by his hormones. Kudos to Choi Jin-hyuk for pulling it off.


Baek Jin-hee’s performance is not inferior to her male counterpart’s, though. If we assume that Yeol-moo is indeed supposed to be less in love with Dong-chi than he is with her, but at the same time, still somewhat, unknowingly in love with him, then Baek Jin-hee’s hitting all the right notes. I did feel that she indeed cares and holds him close to her heart by the way she looked at him when they met again after five years, but perhaps is slightly unsure, and more focused on her career and the case she wants to crack to be distracted by her emotions. We can trust Baek Jin-hee to deliver an outstanding performance in juggling all the conflicting emotions.


I also adored all the comedy and action that was being tossed about throughout the preview. The supporting characters did generally well in putting necessary emphasis on both comedic elements and the severity of the cases.  All of this managed to show me that the whole drama would have a nice balance of the necessary genres – the same way life itself is balanced.

I have one complaint though – I’m not getting much about the first case. This, after all, is a crime drama. As much as I adore Choi Jin-hyuk and Baek Jin-hee’s budding chemistry, I want there to be solid, unpredictable and intriguing cases. I mean, the part about missing children and defiant suspects does evoke my interest, but I was hoping for a little more details about them. At least, peak my interest a little more, please?

All in all, I’ll conclude my teaser recaps with one question – what’s the purpose of teasers/previews? They’re to depict the general gist of the plot. They’re to reveal enough to intrigue watchers, but to reveal as little as possible so as to ensure that the whole plot isn’t given away at the teasers. Though we have in total about seven minutes (or less, considering some scenes were repeated across the teasers and the preview) worth of the drama, I’m proud to say that it all managed to hike up my interest but I can’t predict where the plot will twist and turn, even for the romance between our leads. It’s all detailed, yet vague – that’s not an easy feat to achieve, really.


I’m looking forward to a thrilling, emotional and heartening roller coaster ride of a drama. Hopefully, the entire drama will do justice to it’s phenomenal cast, it’s difficult genres, and it’s ardent, enthusiastic fans. I’ll round things up with a quote from one of my favourite writers, Oscar Wilde – “If one cannot enjoy reading a book over and over again, there is no use in reading it at all.” Similarly, I hope that this drama will be one that is worth us watching it, one that will be watched time and time again.

Jin-hyuk and Jin-hee are such precious little woobies ugh

- laura

CR. Baidu’s “Pride and Prejudice” thread for the screencaps, and DC for the adorable Jin-hyuk/Jin-hee edit.

Also, @booha , thanks for the GIFs and cute pictures! I'm using them for my signature and my DP now because they're just so cute ugh.



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Guest sullifish

i cant anymore.....20 hours more left for the premiering ep 1...arrgg this drama its really worth to wait... hope the ratings will be more better than the last dramafighting!!!

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Guest meomongco

thecandyce said: Hi guys, here's my recap for the 5-minute preview. It's relatively short because the preview is reflective of the first two episodes, and I want to save the details for my recaps of the first two episodes.

Here's the link ---> http://dongchiyeolmoo.wordpress.com/2014/10/26/pride-and-prejudice-the-5-minute-roller-coaster-ride-of-emotions/#more-98

I'll post it here too.



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Guest meomongco

At the noon, The drama "Pride And Prejudice" will realease OST part 1. 에디킴, ‘오만과 편견’ OST ‘하루 하나’ 음원 27일 정오 공개…


I am looking forward to hearing it. 

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Guest meomongco

The new news for today. @booha and somebody

<오만과 편견> 최진혁, 완벽검사의 반전 담긴 '사생활'은?

“이 남자, 갖고 싶다!”

배우 최진혁이 반전매력을 선보이며 여심을 사로잡았다.

27일(월) 첫 방송될 MBC 새 월화특별기획 <오만과 편견>에서 최진혁이 극과 극 스타일을 100% 소화해내며 ‘카멜레온 본색’을 드러낸 모습이 포착돼 이목을 집중시키고 있다. 

검찰청에서는 깔끔한 수트를 입고 카리스마 있는 ‘검사 패션’을 뽐내다가도, 평소에는 니트에 슬랙스를 착용한 채 더없이 편안한 ‘홈패션’을 선보이는 것. 
검찰청에서는 깔끔한 수트를 입고 카리스마 있는 ‘검사 패션’을 뽐내다가도, 평소에는 니트에 슬랙스를 착용한 채 더없이 편안한 ‘홈패션’을 선보이는 것. 
또한 촬영장에서는 겉으로 보이는 비주얼과는 매치되지 않는 의외의 장난과 말들로 ‘귀여운 허당’의 면모를 드러내며, 끊임없이 현장에 있는 사람들을 웃음 짓게 만들고 있다는 후문이다.
MBC와 제작사 측은 “최진혁에게 구동치는 한 치의 어긋남 없이 딱 맞는 맞춤옷 같은 느낌”이라며 “더할 나위 없는 연기로 캐릭터를 완벽하게 그려내고 있는 최진혁의 활약을 기대해달라”고 밝혔다.

한편 변신을 예고한 최진혁-백진희 주연의 <오만과 편견>은 27일(월) 밤 10시 첫 방송된다.

Here's the link news:"http://www.imbc.com/broad/tv/drama/op/news/index.html"
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Choi Jin-hyeok, perfection reversal of prosecutor was put in, 'private life '?
This man, wants to have! Actor Choi Jin-hyeok to make public a reversal charm and caught alive a woman's heart. Choi Jin-hyeok 100% digesting to carry through the pole and a pole style from <>the MBC new Wol-hwa special edition which (Mon) the first will be broadcast on the 27th 'the public attention the features which showed a chameleon original color' is caught, attracts. From the Public Prosecutor's Office puts on the neat suit there is a charisma, 'takes pride wears a comfortable be, 'home fashion' make public, a prosecutor fashion,' the slacks usually to the knit.
From the Public Prosecutor's Office puts on the neat suit there is a charisma, 'takes pride wears a comfortable be, 'home fashion' make public, a prosecutor fashion,' the slacks usually to the knit. Also at the film studio the visual which is visible at the surface and with play of unexpected does not match does not stop with 'to show the countenance of cute nothing', and constantly laugh people make who is in site and make is a lingering rumor. MBC and the film producer to Choi Jin-hyeok nine equivalent one as for without crossing each other, hits tightly, like the clothes fixing impression to be and with the smoke which is not the necessity which will become worse the character perfectly, draws, participating of Choi Jin-hyeok who is and expects disclosed requests.

On the other hand
Choi Jin-hyeok who notified beforehand a transformation - Baek Jin-hee
<>leading role (Mon) the first is broadcast on the 27th 10:00 p.m.

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