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[Drama 2017] Saimdang, Light's Diary 사임당, 빛의 일기


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For those who enjoy persimmons like I do

The Yi children attempt to pluck the last persimmons on the tree that is on the premises Queen Dangyeong (in the drama, she is currently known as Deposed Queen Shin) residence


Most landed houses will grow persimmon tree to add colour & have delicious fruit to harvest in their garden during winter

The variety that the children attempts is known as Fuyu persimmon or (Dan Gam, 단감, 杮, in Japanese ka-ki). Fuyu persimmon is light colour orange flesh, round with a flat bottom & have a crunchy like flavour. One need to eat them fully or almost ripe

In the Korean food culture of the Jongga Ancestral Rituals, persimmons is consider one of the important ritual fruits. According to Korean tradition, it is said that if you plant the seed of a persimmon, the resulting tree will produce only a small size, astringent fruit, as such, it is necessary to take a branch from that tree after 3-5 years & graft it onto another persimmon tree in order to produce high quality fruits hence the metaphor for the fact that people must undergo education so that they can become proper members of society

The other available persimmon is the Hachiya (Tteolbeun Gam 떫은감 or Daebong Gam 대봉감). This variety can be eaten & also this variety is usually dried for consumption. Hachiya are deep orange in flesh & its skin almost vermillion, carry an acorn shaped, soft & often mistaken for a tomato at first glance. Hachiya persimmons have a slight attitude that the fruits have to be eaten only when it is ripen & soft then only it is sweet & full of pulpiness & can be messy to eat at times. The fruit can be freeze then peel the skinoff & spoon the content like a sherbet 


The Dried Persimmon (Hachiya) is known as Got Gam (곶감) which the children attempt to "steal" from the Fruit seller. Got Gam (dried persimmon) can be eaten & available all year round. The word "Got" means "skewer" (곶,串) as traditionally persimmons are dried in this manner



Got Gam (곶감) in progress


Got Gam (Dried Persimmons, 곶감)

There is also another variety called Hong Si (홍시, soft persimmon or yeon si,연시) popular depicted in Dae Jang Geum as young Jang Geum could taste persimmon in the dish that was substitute for sugar

There is a Korean saying that if someone lay beneath a persimmon tree, gaping & waiting for a persimmon to drop to their mouth "감나무 밑에 누워서 홍시 입 안에 떨어지기를 기다린다" means "someone is waiting for sweet rewards without putting in the work". 

This saying was said in Episode 8 by one of the Mother's in Mother's club on how Yi Hyeon Ryong eligibility getting enrolled into the school

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@gerrytan8063 Thank you for all the historical and cultural background that you have so kindly shared here. From your posts, 3 of Saimdang's 4 children featured in the drama (Hyun Ryong, Mae Chang, Yi Woo) grew to achieve great heights in their respective chosen fields. May I know if the older son Seon too also became accomplished in his own right, seeing that he is currently portrayed as being disinterested in studies?

Excerpts of other write-ups on her children:

Saimdang’s artistic legacy extended for 3 generations. Her first daughter, Maech’ang, was known for her paintings of bamboo and plum in ink. Her youngest son, Oksan Yi Wu (1542-1609), was a talented musician, poet, calligrapher, and painter who specialized in painting the four gentlemen (bamboo, plum, orchid, and chrysanthemum), and grapes in ink. Oksan’s daughter, Lady Yi (1584-1609), was recognized for her ink bamboo paintings.


Confucian Joseon Korean laws governing women's behaviors were rigid, but Saimdang managed with family support and servants to create beautiful works of art and talented children who were productive in society. For all the cultural limitations of the time, Saimdang made a number of her own choices. She lived in her parents home, caring for her parents, since they had no son to care for them. When her husband took a concubine, she went to Mt. Kumgang to meditate, when at that time yangban women could be punished with 100 lashes for going to the mountains.

cr. New World Encyclopedia

She died young, only fourth-seven years old. Her famous son, Yulgok, was only fifteen, but had already passed the provincial level of a lesser civil service exam. He went into mourning and even retired to a Buddhist temple for a time. Later, he took the rest of the battery of exams, passing the three levels of each exam, the two lesser exams, the Saengwon and the Chinsa, and the High Civil Service exam, the Munkwa. Three levels of three exams — few applicants took all three exams, but Yulgok did. Not only did he pass at each level, he took first place in all nine exams. Extraordinary!

cr. Choson Korea

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Episode 7-8

Shin Saimdang while dressing her children cane marks, notice her son Yi Hyeon Ryong compose poem title Hwaseokjeong


Hwaseokjeong Pavilion situated in Paju, Gyeonggi-do is a lone pavilion atop of a cliff where Imjingang River can be seen where scholars & literate like Seo Gi Jeong, Kwon Nam, Jeong Cheol even Song Si Yeol had gone there to discussed poems & enjoy the scenic view that s offered by the pavillion.

It is in Hweaseokjeong Pavilion that Yulgok Yi I enjoy the rest of his life discussing literature after he retired from politics & service of the government. Yukgok's descendant Yi Huji & Yi Hubang restore the pavilion after it was destroyed during the Imjin War but was destroyed again. The present pavilion is restore by the citizen of Paju in 1966. The calligraphy written signage to the pavilion was said to have be written by President Park Chung Hee (1917-1979)

Inside the pavilon hangs the Yulgok Yi poem Hwaseokjeong that he suppose to have compose at the age of 8


Yulgok Yi I poem Hwaseokjeong Pavilion (花石亭 詩)

Hwaseokjeong pavilion (花石亭, 화석정)

林亭秋已晩 임정추이만
騷客意無窮 소객의무궁
遠水連天碧 원수연천벽
霜楓向日紅 상풍향일홍
山吐孤輪月 산토고륜월
江含萬里風 강함만리풍
塞鴻何處去 새홍하처거
聲斷暮雲中 성단모운중

Korean translation

숲속 정자에 가을 이미 늦으니,
시인의 시상은 끝이 없구나.
먼 물줄기는 하늘에 잇닿아 푸르고,
서리 맞은 단풍은 해를 향해 붉도다.
산은 외로운 둥근 달을 토해 내고,
강은 만리의 바람을 머금었도다.
변방의 기러기는 어디로 가는고?
소리가 저녁 구름 속에 끊어지도다

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"May I know if the older son Seon too also became accomplished in his own right, seeing that he is currently portrayed as being disinterested in studies? "

If Yi Seon had any art works, it didn't survive into the modern era to be acknowledge. All we know that he inherited his father Yi Won Su assets as the first born. In the drama being the eldest, he does look after his siblings, even to resorting to "stealing" as his siblings were farmished

Just look at An Gyeon, who was a Court painter & could have painted hundred of art works..... what is left now is a sole surviving piece that is currently in Japan

" She died young, only fourth-seven years old. "

It will be consider young in modern term but the average life span for women in Joseon was 26 years old while men is only 24 years old. The life span of Joseon Kings was 47 years

Shim Saimdang's calligraphy



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Episode 8

You may wonder why Shin Saimdang is "drumming" clothes with 2 pangmangi clubs is a form of traditional pressing of clothes


This is known as Da Da Mi Pangmangi (다다미 방망이) is the Korean traditional process of ironing or pressing out clothes that were wrinkled using dadami pangmangi (a long and rounded wooden bat for drumming on a smoothing stone) & a smoothing stone known as the Dadami dol (from granite or marble). The task was done usually in the evenings, after the kitchen work was finished for the day. When the clothes were still slightly damp after washing, they were folded and beat on a tadumi-dol. Women used the dadami pangmangi clubs in each hand for drumming the cloth. As a result the clothes acquired a certain glossy surface sheen, which lasted for a considerable time.


The drumming beat of the pangmangi clubs is depicted as a joyful sound in a household, sometimes it is a method for a woman to let off stream

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@gerrytan8063 Noted on your thoughts regarding Yi Seon. I am a little surprised by the portrayal of Yi Won Su as someone with no sense of responsibility, and does not appear to have any ambitions or inclinations of bettering himself, seeing that historically, he was a scholar and government official. Did Yi I ever mention his father in his works?

As for the painting that is depicted in the drama as An Gyeon's Mt Geumgang, is there any indication whether this is a painting that is done in the style that is faithful to An Gyeon's, or an actual uncredited painting?

And thank you for pointing out the typo by New World Encyclopedia regarding Lady Yi's birth year, being 1584, not 1504 as originally stated in their article, which would have made her a centenarian rather than her actual age of 25 when she passed away! :blink:

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" Did Yi I ever mention his father in his works? "

No, not to my knowledge or in the list of works

Yulgok Yi I wrote Seonbi-Haengjang (선비행장, 先妣行狀, Biography of My Deceased Mother)

Even if you runs Yi Won Su in the search, you don't get very much information, just he is the father of Yulgok Yi I & he is from Deoksu Yi clan & the entry in Deoksu Yi clan genealogy book....Just lived 1501 & died 1561

" As for the painting that is depicted in the drama as An Gyeon's Mt Geumgang, is there any indication whether this is a painting that is done in the style that is faithful to An Gyeon's, or an actual uncredited painting? "

At this moment, I believe that the present Geumgangsan is not An Gyeon therefore it is fake

Seo Ji Yun had indicated that brush stroke in the present Geumgangsan painting is too rigid & not free flowing therefore her suspicion that the painting is a copy of the style of An Gyeon done in the 17th century, Edo Period is 1603-1868

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This is Yi Won Su entry in the Deoksu Yi clan genealogy book 


According to the entry Yi Won Su is the only son of Yi Cheon (이천,李蕆 not to be mistaken with historical famous Yi Cheon who live 1376-1451 & carry the same name)

Yi Won Su (이원수, 李元秀) had the officaldom rank of 監察 (Inspector) marries Shin Myeong Hwa ( 신명화,申命和 ) daughter (Shin Saimdang)

In some notes that Yi Won Su had the officialdom of  Jwachanseong (좌찬성, 左贊成, 4th State Councillor Junior 1st rank officaldom in the office of State Council -Uijeongbu 의정부 議政府)

Yi Won Su had 4 son in his entry Yi Seon ( 이선,李璿, he had 2 sons), Yi Beon ( 이번,李璠, 2 sons ), Yi I ( 이이,李珥, Yulgok, 2 sons) & Yi Wu (이우,李瑀, Oksan, 1 son)


You can look further on in the genealogy book if you are interested 

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" "May I know if the older son Seon too also became accomplished in his own right, seeing that he is currently portrayed as being disinterested in studies? " 


According to his tombstone Yi Seon (이선, 李璿 1525-1570) did have a penname Juk Guk (죽곡,竹谷)

He was a graduate of Sungkyunkwan (Joseon foremost education institute) & had the officialdom of Superintendent (Jangsarang 장사랑,將仕郞, 남부 참봉, 南部參奉)  

Buried with him is his wife from Seonsan Gwak Clan (선산 곽씨 , 善山 郭氏) 

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@gerrytan8063 You are absolutely amazing and I cannot express how much I appreciate all that you have shared here! It is truly fascinating, being able to trace the lives of historical characters that we have been introduced to by the drama, and I am certainly far more enriched by all that I have learnt, thanks to your tireless efforts.

The current timeline puts them at 1540, during which time historical Yulgok Yi I would have only been 4, and before Oksan Yi Wu was born (1542), so we are seeing creative license in terms of her children's depiction. However, I am curious... at 1540, Yi Seon was supposed to be 15, yet he is portrayed here without a care in the world, certainly not in terms of studies. At the time, what age were children expected to attend school? Am I right in saying that only sons were allowed to attend, and any education daughters had, could only be conducted within the privacy of their own homes?

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" The current timeline puts them at 1540, during which time historical Yulgok Yi I would have only been 4, and before Oksan Yi Wu was born (1542), so we are seeing creative license in terms of her children's depiction. However, I am curious... at 1540, Yi Seon was supposed to be 15, yet he is portrayed here without a care in the world, certainly not in terms of studies. At the time, what age were children expected to attend school? Am I right in saying that only sons were allowed to attend, and any education daughters had, could only be conducted within the privacy of their own homes? "

Drama is for entertainment, therefore physical historical timeline will be compressed or prolong & historical events will differ in the drama. Liberties are taken with characters, names, relationship & etc  giving the impression that things happened closer than they actually did or sometimes along a different timeline

The drama circa in 1540, historically Yulgok Yi I is 4 years old but we know that he wrote "Hwaseokjeong" (poem) when he was 8 years old. Oksan Yi Wu currently in the drama looks 4 years old & able to hold a brush like a pencil (tripod grip) although it is not a proper way to hold a calligraphy brush

Education in Joseon Dynasty is not free & limited to a certain class of society because the education predominantly aim for students to  take the civil examination for government service - gwageo (과거,科擧). Therefore there is no expected age for schooling.....it is when your parents is able to pay for your tutelage. School are only for boys in Joseon Dynasty, girls if they are fortunate will be educated at home by their scholar father or grandfathers. It is not until 1866 that Ewha Hak Dang (이화학당) was established by M.F. Scranton & became is the first women-only educational institute & develop to the present day Ehwa Woman University

In the preview you will see that Shin Saimdang had declined Yi Gyeom "scholarship" offer & she will produce paper to sell for her son's tutelage fee & hence will disrupt Min Chi Hyeong paper enterprise

For example Yi Hyeon Ryong pester his mother to send him to Jung Bu Hak Dang (중부학당,中部學堂) is the Joseon niche elementary school, one of the 4 schools/colleges (Sahak, 사학; 四學, Office of 4 colleges)  that is run by Sungkyunkwan & its teaching staff. The others will be is Jung Hak (중학,中學) Gyeong Jung (경중,京中) & Sa Bu Hak Dang  (사부학당, 四部學堂), the different schools or institution of education before entering Sungkyunkwan

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Yi Won Su & Shin Saimdang Tombstone

Just to note that Yulgok Yi I & his wife tomb is is situated behind & above his parents. There is no record explaining why it is such but it seems to have follow the customary of the times which stated that the son who gain fame was to be located above his parents tomb. According to records during the Japanese Invasion of 1592, Yi I wife carried Yi I ancestral tablet from Seoul to his tomb & while enroute she was killed for rebuking the Japanese invaders. When news of her death was learned, the Joseon government erected a monument for her


Yulgok Yi I & his wife Guksan No clan (곡산 노씨,谷山 盧氏) tombstone


Oksan Yi Wu & his wife Deoksan Hwang clan ( 덕산황씨, 德山黃氏)

I have yet to locate Yi Mae Chang as I don't know whom (clan) she married into as she will be known as Mrs so & so rather then her maiden name

If you run Yi Mae Chang on a search you get a fame Gisaeng from Buan (1570-1610), one of the 5 notable Gisaeng of the Joseon Dynasty

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Further information to Yi Mae Chang (이매창, 李梅窓 1529-1592) 

Yi Mae Chang marries to Jo Dae Nam (조대남, 趙大男) from the Yangju Jo clan (양주조씨, 楊州趙氏) officialdom of Jik Jang (직장,直長) in Jongbusi (종부시, 宗簿寺 Office of Royal Household - compiled & maintain the Royal Genealogy Records) who was the 5th descendant of Jo Mal Saeng ( 조말생, 趙末生  1370-1447)

Yi Mae Chang's son Sa An Jo Yeong (사안 조영, 士安 趙嶸 1572-1606) is also an acknowledge painter who painted the genre Sansu Hwa ( 산수화,山水畵, landscape), he famously painted Gunsan Yi Wu Do (군산 이우도,君山二友圖, 2 Friends at Gunsan Mountain)


Gunsan Yi Wu Do (군산 이우도,君山二友圖)


Yi Mae Chang & her husband Jo Dae Nam/Jo Dae Yong Tombstone


Sa An Jo Yeong (사안 조영, 士安 趙嶸) Tomb, son of Yi Mae Chang & Jo Dae Nam/Jo Dae Yong & grandson of Shin Saimdang


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@gerrytan8063 Wow... who would have thought Yi Mae Chang's husband was descended from Jo Mal Saeng, and that their son too was an accomplished artist. It is just incredible, though perhaps not surprising to see all the talent that was nurtured from Saimdang, her children and their descendants. If she were alive today and saw all that her children and their progeny had accomplished in their own lives, I think as a mother, she would have been extremely proud and gratified.

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If you are interested in Shin Saimdang & her posterity, you may visit the Yulgok Memorial Hall (율곡기념관 ,栗谷紀念館) in Paju, Gyeonggi-do where some of the art collection of his siblings, nephew & niece is in display

There is this document in display, this is said to be Yulgok Yi I's copy 


Yi Siblings Sharing of assets (분재기,分財記)

In 1566, 5 years after the death of Yi Won Su (1561) & mourning period (수묘,守墓), Yi Seon distribute & share his parents wealth among his siblings which include property, agriculture land & servants. This is Yulgok Yi I copy (율곡선생 남매분재기, 栗谷先生男妹分財記). It is note that Shin Saimdang 7 off springs was still living in 1566

In this document Yi Mae Chang husband is written as Jo Dae Yong (병절교위 조대용, 秉節校尉 趙大勇) with the officialdom of Byeong Jeol Gyo Hwi (병절교위, 秉節校尉, Military officer) 

Yi Beon (이번,李璠 ) that was not depicted in the drama, his pen name is Jeong Jae (정재 定齋) while the daughters are refer to Mrs Jo, Yun & Hong & wife of so & so, a daughter married to Yun Seob (윤섭, 尹涉 1550-1624) of the Papyeong Yun clan & the other married to Scholar Hong Cheon Wu (홍천우, 洪天祐, deceased in 1566). Provision was also allocated to Yi Won Su concubine Gwon ssi (권씨, 權氏)

Directions:  From Seoul Station,  take Gyeongeui Line to Munsan Station (문산) Exit 1. Then take Bus 11, 11-3 bound for Jaun Seowon Confucian Academy (자운서원).

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Hi, everyone I was wondering if anybody happens to know what the song in Episode 1's title is? It is at the part where the modern day Saimdang's face was first shown right after Lee Gyeom shouted at the hall.. It is a piano instrumental which is played in almost every episode? 

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@Lana Yambao

" Hi, everyone I was wondering if anybody happens to know what the song in Episode 1's title is? It is at the part where the modern day Saimdang's face was first shown right after Lee Gyeom shouted at the hall.. It is a piano instrumental which is played in almost every episode?  "

If it is incidental or background music, you will have to wait for the release of the OST album to listen to them

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Some information on Yi Won Su

이원수의 조모는 세종 때 한글 창제에 반대한 인물로 유명한 유학자 최만리()의 딸인 해주 최씨()이다"

Yi Won Su's paternal grandmother is Choi Hae Su (최해주) of the Haeju Choi clan who is the daughter of Choi Man Ri (최만리,理 1364-1445) who married Yi Ui Seok (이의석,李宜碩)

As I already mentioned that Yi Won Su is also nephew to Yi Gi (이기,李芑 1475-1552 Prime Minster from 1549-1551) & Yi Haeng (이행,李荇 1478-1534)

How they are related is that Yi Ui Seok (Yi Won Su's grandfather) & Yi Ui Mu (이의무, 李宜茂, Yi Gi's father) are siblings

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@gerrytan8063 More and more historical characters that I was introduced to in other dramas (I got to know of Choi Man Ri, who opposed the creation of Hangul through Tree with Deep Roots) are one way or another, related to Shin Saimdang's family! Considering Hangul was already created about 100 years before the time of Saimdang and Yulgok Yi I, was it no longer as widely used by then, or was the use of Hanja only confined to the study of classics and poetry?

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" Considering Hangul was already created about 100 years before the time of Saimdang and Yulgok Yi I, was it no longer as widely used by then, or was the use of Hanja only confined to the study of classics and poetry? "

The literate elite class didn't want to to use Hangeul as a writing system, it was use by commoners, woman & children. It was after 1946, that hangeul became the writing system. Literati elite uses Hanja (Chinese character) as a method of maintaining power & exclusive rights over the illiterate people while Sejong the Great forth sight wanting to better people life with some form of literacy

Choi Man Ri, who opposed the creation of Hangul through Tree with Deep Roots) 

Great to know that you have a well knowledge on historical characters. Choi Man Ri was against the creation of hangeul as he sees providing literacy to commoners will disrupt social order

The KBS drama Great King Sejong had a good depiction on Choi Man Ri resistance to the creation of hangeul

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