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[Drama 2017] Saimdang, Light's Diary 사임당, 빛의 일기


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Episode 10

Yi Won Su's future concubine Gwon ssi ( 권씨, 權氏 ) appears, currently a tavern proprietor


Yi Gyeom to Shin Saimdang rescue

Shin Saimdang famously paint on a skirt & rediscovered & show off her artistic talent in front of a gawking mouth open Hwieumdang

Yi Gyeom learns about what happened 20 years ago

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i just watch last part of today ep...SS is really AWESOME!Trying to help and give hope to those poor people...

King seems is still a coward to mee

SS husband is such a foolish, worthless man...seems he already met his concubine

WC and her husband are really match made in hell

Last scene Gyeum holding SS...MAKING SURE SHE WON'T BE HARMED

great preview

Gyeum defending SS fighting WC minions

SS vs WC.seems WC finally start to lose

GYEUM sword fighting


GREAT TO SEE @Yongzura and @gerrytan8063 here...My total respect for SS character

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Alternative to Episode 10


Seo Ji Yun vent her sorrow to her friend Go Hye Jeong over her mother in law outburst saying that there is still a differetiation in the attitude between mother & mother in law. The word that stab her was "Do you think I am your mother...I am your mother in law"

Hwieumdang inform her son Min Chi Sung that he had to be "pals" with Jang Dae Ryong (tubby boy) because of his family wealth in Jeolla-do. Min Chi Sung tells his mother that he will follow instruction but reiterate that Jang Dae Ryong is not a friend

Min Chi Hyeong planted a "spy/mole" (on his payroll) in Biikdang (Yi Gyeom residence) to surveillance the on-goings 

Queen Dangyeong content in her letter to Shin Saimdang is readable as she asked Maid Hyang to pack up for a visit

Man Deuk (paper craftsman) attempts to steal Shin Saimdaing paper when the Mother clubs dispatch deliver a letter since there wasn't anyone in the house, Man Deuk took the letter & try to read but illiterate, took the letter & paper & went off


Prof Min's authenticity of An Gyeon Geumgangsan had been target by RADE, leaving Prof Min vexed

Director Sun warns Prof Min whether he wants to leave her in a lurch

Han Sang Hyeon can't believe his eyes as Seo Ji Yun confirms that it is indeed An Gyeon Geumgangsan

(I believe that the genuine An Gyeon Geumgangsan is embedded within Yi Gyeom Portrait of the Beauty of Shin Saimdang)

Prof Min warns Seo Ji Yun that a person/minions like her, he can finished her off by trampling her 

Hwieumdang Choi clan aka Seok Sun was the daughter of a Ju Mak (주막, 酒幕, tavern) where a woman or the proprietor is called Jumo (주모,酒母) opens her house as a tavern that sells alcohol with simple rustic food & lodgings for rent (Joseon version of a 2 star hotel)



The depiction of Yecheon Sam Gang Ju Mak (예천 삼강주막 (醴泉 三江酒幕)

Sam Gang Ju Mak, was a port tavern/pub & inn in Yecheon, Gyeongsangbuk-do lasted from the Joseon Dynasty until 2006 where the proprietor tavern Mistress Yoo Youk Ryeon ( 주모 유옥련 1917-2005) died but her premises was preserve for its historical value & culture significance

Painters like Kim Hong Do & Shin Yun Bok had drew depiction of a tavern in their painting



Dan Won Kim Hong Do (단원 김홍도, 1745 -1806) 


Hyewon Shin Yuk Bok (혜원 신윤복, 蕙園 申潤福, 1758 - 1814)


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''Saimdang: Light's Diary" Song Seung-heon becomes Lee Young-ae's secret helper





"Saimdang: Light's Diary" Lee Gyeom (Song Seung-heon) helped Saimdang (Lee Young-ae) with her work.

On the latest episode of the SBS drama "Saimdang: Light's Diary", Hwieumdang (Oh Yoon-ah) started bullying Saimdang. She witnessed Saimdang selling paper in the market for financial reasons and ordered one of the merchants to ask for 5,000 sheets of paper in just 5 days. If Saimdang didn't meet the demand, she would have to pay 10 times the deposit.

Hwieumdang was sure Saimdang wouldn't be able to do it and she was pleased with her plan.

Saimdang started working with Yeojong. Lee Gyeom and his nephew saw this and couldn't stand to see Saimdang working so hard. His nephew suggested he made papers for her.

Lee Gyeom spent all night making paper for Saimdang. He scolded his nephew if he didn't work well enough. They made everything necessary to make papers. He was happy at the thought of helping Saimdang even though his back was severely hurting.

The next day, Saimdang and her children were shocked to see the papers.

In the end, Saimdang miraculously produced 5,000 sheets of paper in five days. However, the merchant who ordered it wasn't there and someone new came along with contract papers. This merchant said he didn't want the papers and drove Saimdang out of the market. Saimdang was in despair but she didn't give up and decided to sell them on the streets but Hwieumdang managed to mess that up as well.

Meanwhile, Lee Gyeom found out that Min Chi-hyeong (Choi Chul-ho) was involved with the disaster at the Woonpyeong Temple and started investigating. Min Chi-hyeong also found out that Lee Gyeom was on his trail.





According to Nielsen Korea, the KBS 2TV drama "Chief Kim" rated 17.2% on the 23rd.

This is 0.6% lower than the previous episode.

SBS drama "Saimdang: Light's Diary" increased by 0.3% to 10.1%.

MBC drama "Missing 9" came in last with a 0.5% increase to 4.6%.



i'm glad increased by 0.3% ...

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[Hancinema's Drama Review] "Saimdang: Light's Diary" Episode 10





The entirity of the plot this episode rests on a scam designed by Headmistress Choi to humiliate Saimdang. But the plucky Saimdang, to her credit, is able to enlist the help of a large gang of pathetic street bums to complete the supposedly impossible task. It also helps that Lee Gyeom, bless his heart, is able to secretly help Saimdang in the night, like those little elves in fairy tales that help good-hearted souls through the difficult privations of life.

"Saimdang: Light's Diary" has progressed from merely being a bad drama to one that is actively difficult to watch because it is just so embarrassingly corny. I actually kind of miss the academic storyline, impossible thought that would have been to believe yesterday, because helping to give her son a good education was at least one of the historical Saimdang's verifiable accomplishments. Producing and selling large amounts of colored paper is just...I don't even know what that's supposed to be.

The one-dimensionality of the characters is another sore point. Every time Headmistress Choi is on screen I just think to myself, geez lady, don't you have anything better to do? How is she still this mad over a romantic tuffle that happened decades ago? What's even more ridiculous is that Headmistress Choi is supposedly a noblewoman of much more impressive rank than Saimdang, which rather begs the question, has she always been this petty? It's a wonder Headmistress Choi doesn't have more enemies.

Based on the historical record I assumed "Saimdang: Light's Diary" would be focusing a lot more Saimdang's actual accomplishments. Bear in mind that she died relatively young, so it seems like Saimdang should already be reasonably famous at this point. If Saimdang does become famous, it will almost certainly be through the patronage off Lee Gyeom and wow, one of the most famous women in Korean history owing her position to the actions of a man. That is a decidedly less than feminist portrayal.

Eagle-eyed viewers may note that this is the second straight episode which doesn't deal with the modern day framing device at all, even though it does find time to have King Jungjong do tangentially related political stuff. "Saimdang: Light's Diary" really is an exercise in goofy abstract plotting. At this rate it wouldn't surprise me if Headmistress Choi conspires to have Saimdang run into a tiger but is outwitted when Saimdang kindly removes a thorn from the tiger's paw.


Review by William Schwartz


i am not this writer fan...i can't say i agree or like his reviews but i'm still reading its...

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This drama continues to enthrall me week after week, leaving me eager for more. I am gratified to see the increase in ratings for Ep10, and hope that this will be the trend from here on. On my part, this episode delivers many heartwarming moments in both versions, which have me ruing the fact that I now have to wait another week to find out what happens next. 

Hyun Ryong's confession to Gyeom about his hopes to better the lives of his family, his very innocent expectation that his mother should already know what was in his heart, and Gyeom's wise response, resonated with me in more ways than one... reminding us once again of the need for communication, even between the closest of families. Saimdang's elves are a hoot to watch, and proof of Gyeom's resourcefulness in finding ways to help her in a way that does not overstep the boundaries that she has resolutely set up, determined to refuse all his overtures of support. In the alternate version, we are given more insight when In Geol puts two and two together, realising that Saimdang was the woman Gyeom said he would love for the rest of his life, during their time on Mt Geumgang. While Gyeom has been respectful of Saimdang's wishes up to now, it is obvious from the preview that he would not be able to contain his feelings for her much longer... and I wonder how that would play out - a blow to the budding trust and respect Hyun Ryong has for him; the vulnerability this love would expose them to their enemies; and even the shadow of Jungjong's possible paranoia and distrust the moment he realises Saimdang is once again back in Gyeom's life, seeing that he decreed her father's death and the dissolution of their impending marriage. 

It comes as a shock to see that MCH does not hesitate to kill Prime Minister Yoon's son when he proves to be out of control, yet am I really surprised, seeing the voracious ambitions of the man and utter fearlessness with which he sets out to amass power. He certainly has eyes everywhere, even in Biikdang, and the confrontation between MCH and Gyeom in the preview shows that both men will be openly antagonistic soon enough, triggered by Gyeom's investigations into MCH's illegal dealings, and the threat to Saimdang. By then, does MCH know Saimdang is the Woonpyeongsa survivor he has been searching for all these years? I can't wait to find out.

Likewise, I am eager to see Saimdang finally take up the brush in that iconic moment when she paints on the skirt of the woman which was stained by tea, her confidence and inspiration flowing through her once more like a long lost friend. 

My only gripe with both versions is that we are still no closer to seeing who the mysterious RADE is, not that the SBS version has even mentioned him. Certainly the SBS version remains firmly in the past, which, for me, is a shame because there is so much that is just as fascinating in the present. The reedit makes the storyline linear, and we easily forget that the source of the narrative is from the Soojinbang Diary, which in turn is to be instrumental in uncovering the modern day conspiracy, and unveiling the reason for SJY's almost supernatural insight into the past. As such, while the alternate version is markedly slower, ending with the reveal of 雲平 Woonpyeong as the theme of the contest, it is a far more coherent and cohesive storyline that weaves both past and present together in one near-seamless thread.

Additional scenes from the alternate version:



After being scolded and beaten by her mother-in-law, SJY expresses her hurt to GJY about being told she was not her mother, but her mother-in-law. She feels that her mother-in-law does not care at all about the difficulties she has to face. GJY tries to cheer her up by comparing her own mother-in-law. Ultimately, SJY feels that this is for the best, and she needs not pretend or hide anymore.

As Gyeom paints, he recalls Saimdang's words that while she has no idea why he wants to help, she does not wish for there to be any misunderstanding.

Hyun Ryong is picked on by the boys in the school, calling him a beggar, who eavesdropped on the lessons. They forcibly emptied his schoolbag, which only consisted of a book and a brush, and mocked his brush, saying dog's hair is better than it. Hyun Ryong quoted the saying by Tang scholar 虞世南 Yu Shinan "善書者不擇筆", meaning a person who is learned does not care what writing instrument he uses. The bully then asks where his paper is, and that he should bring at least one piece, unless he intends to dip his brush in water and write on the floor. Hyun Ryong says it was none of his business whether he wrote on the ground or in the air with his finger. Just as the boy threatens to beat him up, he is stopped by MJK, and they leave along with Tae Ryong. As Hyun Ryong picks up his book, he says to wait and see who would win.

As Gyeom and In Geol watches Hyun Ryong leave for the day, Gyeom mutters that if it isn't enough that "she" lets her son come to school with a 20-year-old book, she does not even show up. When asked who he is referring to, Gyeom says it's nobody, to which In Geol guesses that Hyun Ryong's mother is the woman that Gyeom mentioned about while on Mt Geumgang - the one he says he loves forever. Gyeom brushes him off and walks away.

MJK asks his mother to find him a personal tutor, saying he refuses to go to school anymore because the new teacher does not teach but asks them to think for themselves, and they even admit students who cannot afford a piece of paper. Since the teacher is a favourite kin of the king, they cannot get rid of him, so he does not wish to go to school. When told off for describing Tae Ryong as a dumb pig, he reminds Hwieumdang that she was the one who told him not to simply make friends. She points out that he should be nice to Tae Ryong because he is from the richest family in Jeolla-do, whom his father went to great effort to bring over. MJK says he will follow her instructions, but reiterates that he is not a friend.

As Hwieumdang watches Saimdang making paper, she recalls all that she went through, from being abandoned by Gyeom to seducing MJH.

After hearing his nephew's report on what Saimdang is up to, Gyeom gets up to leave, only to be asked if he has eaten, since his nephew is hungry. Gyeom retorts that he is in no mood for food, to which his nephew grumbles that all the work is pushed to him, and that Gyeom himself must have already eaten.

A longer scene of when Hwieumdang approaches Gyeom and In Geol about holding the mother/son contest at Biikdang. Since all the talented artists are gathered at Biikdang, this would be a great impetus for the students. Gyeom acquiesces to her request. After she leaves, In Geol wonders what she is up to. Gyeom is outraged that the 4 government schools are being controlled by the mothers, saying it is no wonder rumours are flying around about the declining standards in education and monopoly by the rich. In Geol explains this is why he asked Gyeom to help control them. He says he will not show up at the contest, but leaves it to Biikdang to deal with the mothers. Gyeom recalls the intel about Hwieumdang being the head of the paper merchants

Gyeom is introduced to the new government officials who are interested in gathering at Biikdang

Gyeom asks if they have any hidden talents, or else he would be in a difficult position (welcoming them to Biikdang), after which he laughes it off as a joke. Their introducer (MCH's mole) explains that they have been asking repeatedly to be introduced to Gyeom. His nephew then notes he can gain a lot of profit selling introductions to Gyeom, while the official says if there were such a thing, he would be the first to buy. We cut to MCH speaking to his mole, who says there is no one suspicious among those at Biikdang. In addition, Gyeom has also accepted the new officials just as he did the others. MCH instructs him to tell them to make sure Gyeom is not wary of them, as they would be of use one day. As MCH passes the bribe to him, he notes that men should have lofty ambitions, to which his mole agrees.

In response to Jungjong's concern that his mission for Gyeom has been exposed, his bodyguard asserts that Jungjong himself should know very well that while Gyeom appears to be bold and carefree, his character is such that he will accomplish what he sets out to do. Since he has accepted Jungjong's command, every step taken is done after careful consideration. Still, Jungjong cannot help but be concerned that no matter how prudent Gyeom's every action is, he cannot escape the prying eyes of the wily ministers, and fears that their plans will fall apart.

Longer scene of Yi Won Su complaining he is hungry, as well as close-up of Yi Won Su's mottos paste all over the wall, including the words 無限挑戰 Infinite Challenge and 元秀不敗 Undefeated Won Su :D

Close-up of the letter deposed Lady Shin wrote to Saimdang, ending with Saimdang telling Hyang to call it a day. The next scene shows them visiting Lady Shin, with a close-up of her sewing kit and the delicious food she has prepared for her guests.

Just as Man Deuk is about to run off with the paper, a man comes with a letter for Saimdang from the mothers, saying there is no one at her home. He passes the letter to Man Deuk, which Man Deuk opens but is unable to read. Man Deuk then runs off with both the paper and letter.

As Hwieumdang gets dressed up for the contest, she is told of the mothers from all the other schools who are also coming as spectators to the contest, and that this is a good opportunity for the Central school to shine. Hwieumdang insists that all the mothers must attend the contest, and confirms that Saimdang will also be coming.

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Episode 10

Shin Saimdang fed barley porridge (보리죽) from her barley rice (mixed grain) ration (bori ssal, 보리쌀) to the group of vagabonds (Yu Min, 유민, 流民 or 遊民)

In Joseon, although the staple grain is rice but not everyone can afford to eat rice, barley (bori ssal, 보리쌀) was the poor man substitute staple grain but these days it is now consider health food


Barley Rice (Bori Bap 보리밥)

During the period of Shin Saimdang, Joseon didn't have a proper currency system therefore taxes were pay in rice grain & cloth. The tax grain is called Segok (세곡, 稅穀).

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2 hours ago, Yongzura said:

Dear @liddi and @gerrytan8063, I found this version recently on YT and it does contain scene that I've never seen before.  Is it the same as the one that both of you mentioned?  So far it has been subbed in the "Malay Language" until Ep. 9.

@Yongzura You're right! This is the alternate version we were talking about, which saves me the trouble of sharing the actual scenes going forward. Thank you! Now with Malay subs, I have yet another avenue of translation to refer to, on top of English and Chinese :) I notice that this version is from Oh!K, and it states it is aired with zero delay on the same day as Korea... which makes me wonder if they are airing two versions in Korea as well... What do you think, @gerrytan8063?

I really like how Ep1 has an additional scene of SJY giving a lecture which shows her insight into Saimdang and Lee Gyeom's works, way before she became intrinsically involved in their history. In the lecture, she first speaks of early-Joseon artist Lee Gyeom, who was of the royal family, and his mother dog painting. As an artist, he did not leave many works behind and his life was shrouded in mystery. This is one of his paintings. It was only known that he was commissioned as a portrait artist to King Jungjong, king of Joseon. She then compares his painting to another painting of dogs from the late-Joseon era, and notes that Lee Gyeom's painting personified beauty, which she deduces could have been because he was of royal blood, but also perhaps due to his personality that eminated from his works. Based on the style of this painting, she feels that he was a warm-hearted, humorous man. She then moves on to the next slide, Shin Saimdang's Chochungdo (Insect and plants). She explains that Lee Gyeom's mother dog painting and Saimdang's Chochungdo were coloured paintings which were rarely seen during the early Joseon era. 

In this version we also see how her work as a lecturer, is starkly constrasted to the next scene, where she battles with Prof. Min's toilet bowl, showing the two extremes she is juggling (housekeeper, washing, cooking), in order to achieve her goal to be a professor. She is unable to attend Eun Soo's sports meet, due to an important presentation. She is also able to identify Prof. Min's new acquisition, Kim Jong-Hak's 1980 painting "Summer", despite it being a less well-known work, showing that she is indeed learned in her field of expertise.

There is a funny scene in English before the Bologna conference when she forgets to bring her make-up kit, and cons the woman in the ladies' to lend her hers, with a sob story that her playboy boyfriend who cheated on her is attending the same party, but she forgot her make-up and now could not look her best :tongue: 

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@Yongzura @liddi

" the one that both of you mentioned?  So far it has been subbed in the "Malay Language" until Ep. 9. "

" which makes me wonder if they are airing two versions in Korea as well... What do you think, "

Oh! K channel is broadcasting the alternative version. I have check that on my Pay TV. As for the Malay version, in the decoder, you can change the subtitles to Chinese & English besides Malay, although the HK-TVB (alternative version) had already dubbed in Cantonese & I think that Taiwan also had the Mandarin dubbed version too, usually on a later broadcast. Japan KNTV kept the audio but with Japanese subtitles & may dubbed to Japanese on a later boradcast

I suppose the rest of the world beside Korea had a better response to the drama than Korea due that it is the original edit & not Korea as SBS chose to do re-edit for ratings

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@gerrytan8063 Do we know what the response is like internationally, seeing everyone else is viewing the original version? This is reminiscent once more of Scarlet Heart:Ryeo, which went through the same thing, with different versions being broadcast domestically and internationally, making it a nightmare to keep track, though in that case, both versions, brought something extra to the table, with the domestic version far more superior for most episodes. Here, I feel that we lose so much more due to the re-edits, and wish they could have trusted their original vision. Sigh.

@Yongzura You're right. Seeing it is on Oh!K, it will be available on cable TV, and the subs can be changed to whichever language you prefer. I have not looked to see if it is dubbed as well, though I personally cannot stand dubs, and any attempts to watch them dubbed have me diving for the audio switch button :D 

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" Do we know what the response is like internationally, seeing everyone else is viewing the original version? "

@Mari95 posted an article in page 24 on the ratings in GTV (Taiwan) & Oh! K channel, it seems that the ratings are doing very well. It is a pity that the articles posted are commenting on SBS re-edit. Therefore it is best that let us be our own judge for this drama than to take someone opinion or view to determined our enjoyment of the drama


" This is reminiscent once more of Scarlet Heart:Ryeo, which went through the same thing, with different versions being broadcast domestically and internationally, making it a nightmare to keep track, though in that case, both versions, brought something extra to the table, with the domestic version far more superior for most episodes. Here, I feel that we lose so much more due to the re-edits, and wish they could have trusted their original vision. Sigh. "

It must be SBS "SOP" practices. I suppose SBS needs to pacify Korean advertisers on good ratings to churn revenue. Korea is uncompromisingly result-orientated

The drama is currently a reminiscence of what I like to do when I was a child "Spot the Difference"

" She is also able to identify Prof. Min's new acquisition, Kim Jong-Hak's 1980 painting "Summer", despite it being a less well-known work, showing that she is indeed learned in her field of expertise. "


Kim Jong Hak (김종학 1937-) Summer (여름) circa 1980 - Acrylic on paper

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Fact that defer between the drama & history

Yi Gyeom is a character that is loosely based on historical Painter Yi Am ( 이암 李巖 1499? 1507 -1566). It is said that in 1545, Yi Am painted the Royal Portrait of Jungjong. In the records Yi Am was Grand Prince Imyeong Yi Gu (임영 대군이구 , 臨瀛大君 李璆, 1420-1469)'s great grandson but Yi Am wasn't the grandson of Gwi Seong Gun Yi Jun (귀성군 이준, 龜城君 李浚 1441-1479) as Yi Gyeom was but Yi Am was the grandson of  Yoon Sang Gun Yi Tak (윤산군 이탁, 輪山君 李濯 1462~1547)

The drama circa in 1540 (35th year reign of Jungjong) Yulgok Yi I (in the drama Yi Hyeon Ryong) should be 4 years old (born 1536). Ok San Yi Wu, the youngest son wasn't born until 1542. In the drama they are depicted Yi Hyeon Ryong is 10 while Oksan Yi Wu is 4 years old. In the drama Yi Hyeon Ryong is introduce as Shin Saimdang 2nd son but historical fact, he is the 3rd son, 2nd son is Yi Beon (not depicted) while Oksan Yi Wu is introduce as the 3rd & youngest son, but the fact he is the 4th son. The drama depicts that Shin Saimdang had 3 sons & a daughter but actual fact she had 4 sons & 3 daughters

Eldest son Yi Seon (born in 1525) while Yulgok Yi I (born 1536) the age gap is 11 years but in the drama, the chilren age gap is probably 5 years apart

In the drama Yi Gyeom painting of the mother dog & her puppies didn't have the painter's seal/stamp


The Buddhist Abbot force Yi Won Su to do prostration of repentance 

It is usual in Korean Buddhist temple to conduct 108 bows (Baek Pal Bae 백팔배,百八拜) or prostrations consider a good method to take away lazy & desire minds. Yi Won Su started to complained & the Abbot threaten to do the maximum of 3,000 bows

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