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[Drama 2014-2015] Pinocchio, 피노키오

Go Seung Ji

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I want to participate in the 3 most favorite scenes discussion...
1) Ep 4 - when he learns about his father's death, then yells at reporters and pinocchio in general and then goes up and grieves for his father.  Powerful performance.
2) Ep 8 - kiss scene - mostly not for the kiss but for the silent conversation they had with their eyes, without exchanging a single word, with Roy Kim in the background and the christmas lights.  Another unforgettable scene.
3) Ep 12 was it?  When Dal Po tells his Hyung it is him?  First I liked the way he just went nuts beating at his hyungs chest 'you promised me this but what is this?' and then I loved all that - I am with my hyung, he is buying me pizza and coffee and I will look at him with adorable eyes -....Even thinking about it makes me teary eyed.  
Oh...Only 3?
Not fair.  Top 10 please...

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itemprop="name" class="entry-title"Park Shin Hye helps Lee Jong Suk to shave in ‘Pinocchio’

January 12, 2015



The production team for current airing SBS TV Wed-Thu drama ‘Pinocchio,’ has today released a new set of photos where Choi In Ha (Park Shin Hye) is seen helping Ki Ha Myung (Lee Jong Suk) to shave his face, and drew much attention among fans.

In the photos, Choi In Ha is seen approaching Ki Ha Myung, with the latter apparently suffering from a right arm injury. Meanwhile, Ki Ha Myung is seen sitting quietly, with shaving foam all over his face. Choi In Ha then begin shaving the face of Ki Ha Myung.

The gaze and aura exchanged between the two as seen in the photo, hinted at an escalation of their romance to the next level. As the two got close together in the process of shaving, one couldn’t help but smile at this incredibly sweet moment.

In episode 16 shown on January 7th, Ki Ha Myung and Choi In Ha made the decision to overcome the obstacles that had obstructed them from carrying on their relationship. Thus, many will be looking forward to seeing if they will have a happy ending with three episodes to go.

The production team said, “Please continue to show interest in the relationship of Ki Ha Myung and Choi In Ha, as they seek to overcome the obstacles that lay in their way in the final three episodes.”

‘Pinocchio’ is a story about the maturity of youth revolving around a man who lives with a false name, and a woman who can’t tell a lie.

By: Alvin

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class="titleNews"Park Shin Hye Gives Lee Jong Suk a Heart-Fluttering Shave on ′Pinocchio′

January 12, 2015


With shaving causing heart flutters, SBS Pinocchio unveiled new still photos of Park Shin Hye and Lee Jong Suk.

On January 12, Pinocchio released the teaser video for episode 18, as well as new photo stills, showing Park Shin Hye giving Lee Jong Suk a shave.

Having an arm sling on his right arm, people are wondering if Ha Myung (Lee Jong Suk) becomes injured in the next episode. Due to the discomfort of his arm, In Ha (Park Shin Hye) approaches Lee Jong Suk to give him a shave. Ha Myung sits a bit shy with shaving cream over his face as In Ha holds his neck with her hand, gathering much attention.

Park Shin Hye Gives Lee Jong Suk a Heart-Fluttering Shave on ′Pinocchio′

With smiles on their faces, the two continued to meet eyes, allowing a romantic atmosphere to flow into the room.

In episode 16, Ha Myung and In Ha decided not to ignore their feelings for each other and to get through all the obstacles together. With the drama′s end coming up, people are anticipating what will become of Ha Myung and In Ha′s sweet romance. There are only three more episodes to see if this modern day Romeo and Juliet with get a happy ending or a tragic one.

The Pinocchio staff stated, "Please continue to give interest towards Ha Myung and In Ha′s love story as only three more episodes are left."

On January 14, episode 18 and 19 will air back to back, while the drama will finish on January 15 with episode 20.

Photo Credit: iHQ

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miwasj said:

Ep 18 Text Preview translations

EP 18 - Red Shoes

Gyodong feels anxious because Hamyung gave the handphone and text message history to Chaok. However, Hamyung tells Gyodong that there is another informer. Inha who has returned to MSC, claims to report the connection between Chaok and Park Ro Sa, but is ignored repeatedly. Chaok calls the Cap, Gongju, and directs him to cover the connection quietly. On the other hand, President Park (Park Ro Sa) is starting to get annoyed by Hamyung, Chaok and Inha who is pressuring her. (getting in her way).

@vanillatwirls   @JaegerJS

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choosing 3 favourite scenes so far: loved the idea! bt there are so many, how do i restrict to three!!! but i want to try!

1. i loved the scene where Ha Myung tells his brother that he is Ha Myung! i dont think Dal Po was ready to tell his brother. But his brother's unexpected attack on In Ha forced this confession. And that scene was soooo intense and heartrending! LJS so far was acting so mature as Dal Po with In Ha n his grief. But that scene he brought back the young Ha Myung who was crying to his elder brother. 'Why dint you come as u promised!' LJS was good in many scenes in pinochio but that scene he brought the younger brother so beautifully and that hug of both brothers was soooo beautiful.

2. i had a tough time choosign bet In Ha's confrontation of her mom in epi 10 or her scene with dad! bt i think that dad scene won over. In Ha's confrontation was dramatic but it had Dal Po dialogues repeated there. But that scene where In Ha cries to her dad to tell her that she did right stuck a chord. dont know why i teared up too! what a dilemma a girl has to face! it was not just ethical dilemma for In ha. she had loved ones involved. evn for her dad his only issue was should he go against his superiors. but in In Ha's case it was her mom and the other person who will be affected was her love. her dilemma is evn worse than what In Ha's parents faced. for both her mom n dad, the ppl involved were third persons. but in ha it became much more personal and so very difficult. That is why whn she has to decide she has all doubts. the dad chr who was more for comic scenes now shwed another dimension. he rightly says yes u did right and thereby giving his daughter the much needed comfort and support. it was beautiful to see such dad daughter scene

3. now i want one scene with our OTP!
epi 8 kiss scene or break up kiss scene or epi 17 resignation scene! or the scene where in ha confronts ki ha myung first time! so many! which one do i choose!!!
i think being a romantic i would go with their first kiss scene for one major reason that there were no dialogues bt lot was said with just stares. other scenes had dialogue accompaniment. in this scene whn In Ha runs off, we have dal po running after her and try to tell his feelign by kissing her. In Ha who has no clue first is shocked. so we have her shocked reaction and her hand blocking her lips. but our dal po is not the sort to get deterred by small details. and he proceeds to kiss her palm. (and let me tell you, i found the palm kiss more romantic!) when she realized that dal po too is feeling like her, she removes her hand and her change of expression shows her comprehension and acceptance. the slight smile and dal po now goes back again for his kiss! and they kiss! what a beautiful setting  - snow falling, lights glittering...it was perfect romance scene!

there are lot more scenes - that reporter room sleepign scene i could just add on! bt let me stop with this three!

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3 favourite scenes:
1) Dalpo vs Hamyung in the YGN meeting room, debating the role of reporters.
2) Inha dissing her mother during the latter's lecture and repeated dalpo's words to the rightful audience.
3) Inha crying in dad's arms when she becomes a whistleblower like her dad.
Not forgetting the cute YGN F4 when they act as spies!!!
And I still can't forget the heartbreaking moment when Jae-myung confessed to his bro "Hamyung ah, I killed... people".  =((
Edit: Another fave moment --> When Jae-myung becomes an informant for Dalpo by giving evidences of his murders to Dalpo, I was like WOAH! WHAT A COURAGEOUS MURDERER!So deep down, Jaemyung has a genuinely good heart :( He became scary because of the unfairness he felt with the world. He is really a brave brother for Hamyung!

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gosh, this is a hard one, but this is my top 3 (up to episode 17):

1. if i had to choose ONE favourite drama moment OF ALL TIME (for me), i wouldn't have had a hard time choosing this one as my fav: episode 11 - the scene in the park when dal po picked her up after in ha getting drunk and they were waiting for the taxi. he tells in ha that he hates himself for not being able to do anything for his brother or for himself because of her. i don't know how the hell lee jong suk made that sound like a heart warming confession instead of a reproach, but he seriously did. i wanna quote my fav lines:

IH: "It's okay if you want to hate me. It's okay if you want to leave me. I'm serious."

DP: "How can I? When it's you?" -----> well at this point i heard my heart shatter and i wailed like i never did before. seriously, too much feels, i couldn't handle it, never EVER cried so hard in my 26 years i've been on this sweet earth. 

2.  aaanndd we're on to the next episode 12: the separation between grandpa and dal po. there's nothing much to say about this scene. just tears and lots AND LOTS of tissues involved.

3. all skinships and kiss scenes of our OTP. it would be such a waste not to have them on the list, since they're all so memorable. god, i'm gonna miss them so much, i don't even know if i should look forward to new episodes or not, since after that i won't see darling anymore. 

:-<   :-<   :-<  
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@myinnerbattles I agree with all your favorite scenes.But the truth is I can't choose 3 favorite scenes.Because I love everything in this drama.All the interaction between characters, each and everyone, very good.Very strong in story telling.Found some similar scenes referred to other well-known drama but I found they're fit in. Not just like copied-pasted. 
Actually it's just a simple story but because of it simplicity this drama become a classic one.And Classic means eternity. It is one of a kind.Like I said before, this drama will be on my "forever playlist". I bet later on, will be more drama referred to this drama on various aspects. 

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