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[Drama 2014/2015] Healer 힐러


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Dae Yong came to rescue and took the camera. ahhh KMH and ahjumma met.

KMH is also shocked with ahjumma's presence there :D

everyone is shocked when meeting with ahjumma

ahjumma gave KMH a memory card? cut to Someday boss walking towards a demonstration in front of Someday.

they entered Someday office and JH is already there took the recorder.

now on Coffeebay they put it close. ahjumma, KMH, CYS are all there.

now back with JH recording himself again. he recalls all of his memories with CYS fromt the first meeting. I'm tearing up :')

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I'm late....
Anyway, JH is now talking with the Someday team... Haha... Everybdy's confused..... Haha.... JH squeezes Jong Soo's cheek and ruffles Fat Colleague's hair... Everybody's confused
JH is talking to a recorder... He looks at some paper and remembers how he met YS.... Oh God.. his whispers are very hot... Gosh..... It's JCW's song in the background.... He seems happly remembering YS... Awwwww...... his smile...... Hehe... he hides hs face with a paper...
MH, YS and ahjumma are talking. Ahjumma is knitting. LOL. YS gives MH a pen drive... YS asks where JH is ......
LOLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLHe's drunk on a rooftop, singing.... LOL... he stands up...
YAY!!!! Det. Yoon! Missed you!
He calls ahjumma.... Awwwwww.....He's telling her something...........

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MH, ahjuma and YS having a talk...ahjuma was knitting, YS looks for JH...JH is at the rooftop....

Det.Yoon calls ahjumma...he is reporting something...JH listened to their convo (thru that earpiece)

det. played the video recording of JH admitting to the crime

ahjumma and JH talking, YS listening to their convo crying...gosh

YS talking to JH (thru earpiece,whatsoever is that called, lol)

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CYS handed the flashdisk to KMH... ahjumma in front of him. she seems like asking where's JH.

JH is in the rooftop, singing to himself. then we get too see det. Yoon receiving call from ahjumma. they talk about something and then JH also listened to everything they talk. CYS also in there.

ah...it's the video confession from JH. CYS is crying, ahjumma seems telling him that. JH is silent, while CYS trying to be stronger not weak although she's crying.

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Guest tomoyo1010

SJH read again from the paper. smile...again about otteon yeoja. flashback to his first (?) meeting with CYS.
talk more about it.
talking about his feelings...
continue reading...
wonder what's the funny thing he plan with ahjumma...
back at coffee bay...more discussion.
CYS give something to KMH and ask where's SJH. ahjumma answer then CYS seems curious.
SJH at the rooftop...singing. looking out the scenery.sigh...
show detective yoon..he calls ahjumma and they talk....about PDC. looks like something bad happened.

they show SJH confession already?
det yoon ask about who's SJH and ahjumma said something.
CYS heard.
ahjumma talk something with SJH. SJH sigh again...plan B.
ahjumma said CYS is there and she heard them. CYS crying...said something to SJH.
CYS said if ist not working they should run away together. sad...sad...sad...
SJH didn't answer.

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JH is also listening into their conversation....  I think it's about JH's fake conversation.....Det. Yoon calls her "sunbae" <3
OH SH!T!!!! YS is watching ehind ahjumma.... She's crying and ahjumma tells something about her.....They talk... awwww..... the way JH talks is so sad...
I think she asks him to go away with her. He tells that she has to protect her parents... she says that they will be ok...
They end the call..

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KMH was almost framed - thank God DY and Ajumma were there.

OK I don't really understand this next scene with Someday Director and some protestors. Then JH is listening to something in Someday, an interview with CYS. Maybe it's to do with the Russian connection.
Cuts back to JH filming in his Healer pad. All this is being related by JH? He reads from the paper again. Another question.
He smiles and describes how he first encountered YS. I guess the question, is the hardest job he's had to do. 
Long monologue with 'I'll Protect You' in the background. Looks like he's going to cry. And I'm about to cry too!!  :(( :((
Cuts to KMH, CYS and ajumma talking in Coffee Bay. Ajumma is knitting! LOL YS hands a pendrive for MH. YS asks where JH is....
He's on a rooftop by himself, singing. Ahhhh I'm sad. Why is he like this?
Cuts to Detective Yoon getting into his car. He calls Ajumma on the phone he gave her. I guess there were no positive fingerprints... seems like bad news. SJH's video has been sent to the police! OMG! They actually did it!
Detective Yoon asks... CYS saw the broadcast.... Ajumma talks to SJH while looking at CYS. CYS is crying!! (And looking really pretty in that turqoise colored sweater!)
CYS talks to SJH. She keeps crying. I'm crying too. AHhhhhhhhhh

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These cut-ins to JH's self-interview make me severely despresed! He tells the stroy how he met YS and even looks to the camera, talking to her, giving her something that sounds like last message. Those sad, nostalgic and resigned smiles are breaking my heartah6fj4i.jpgOmM8wIp.jpg

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