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[Drama 2014/2015] Healer 힐러


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kdramafangirlz said: OMG YOUNGSHIN FOUND OUT FOR REALZ!!! NOW WE NEEED MONDAY!I get how Youngshin will be angry though. But I think the anger is more of in the form of being hurt... Like all these while hes just beside her but he didnt tell her anything (while acting /confessing as park bong soo). So I think all she need is for jung hoo to confess to her himself and tell her everything... of course its not going to be easy for Jung hoo too since their past is rly heavy and youngshin doesnt know that... but i think its a rly a great step forward!!
I think in the last scene in the preview junghoo rly wanted to hold onto her and confess, but anyway we cant conclude much from the preview but i think its gna be pretty awesome for the OTP hereon. They love each other they just gotta get their things out there, and then deal with their past together!
And jung hoo muttering "chae youngshin" in his sleep...And Youngshin finding the paper star he took! AWWWW 

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Guest tomoyo1010

aroma83 said: Preview ep 13's translation:
YS: Bong Soo-ahhhhYS: Park Bong Soo, stop being like this and wake up JH: Chae Young ShinJH: I'm going to MS's house. I'm going to kill himAjumma: Your girl has a mother, in that house?MH: My hospital fees...where did you get that money from at that time?JH: Do they call him Elder?MH: That's the person that we're now fighting againstYS: I'll wait, although i'll wait, i'm still really angry.

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The preview!!!!!

From what I saw on the preview of ep 13: She knows it. I knew she is always quick to connect the dots. I knew the star she folds will be a sign for her to recognize Healer one day. And I personally love that she knows Boong soo being Healer. Let her face it, get angry and move on to fight the bad guys. She also needs to know about being Jian, about her mother, and about Boong soo being Jung Hoo as well.That is more shocking to Young Shin, because she's ready to love Healer behind the mask, but unprepared for other things.
If the show keeps the secret longers, I'm afraid they will have to rush to solve everything near ending and spoil the solid story.
From my experience of previews for this show: there's more about the plots that turns our heart upside down, we will swoon later with more details on each episode. Don't worry that the preview giving out too much details. :D

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mywebfoot said: shinomorisagara said: Thank you for posting the text Preview. Don't be sad ladies that you won't get the scene you were hoping for. I think it's actually better this way cause

1- we'll keep BS for a bit more

2- we'll watch YS getting flustered around BS and wondering if the stuttering dork is actually Healer. This means more comic relief and more romantic moments like those in ep 12.

3- and finally, and this might just be me, but I really want her second kiss to be with BS.

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Ys is mad because the one friend she rejected and  thought she could talk to about anything is indeed the person she has in her heart.. Ys was kind of a scatterbrain already got 100 thoughts and questions going through her head but the main question she's going to want to know is who commision  him about her and was it a DnA done on her..

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I keep rewatching the preview and I discover new things :))

I think from their hands gesture , It makes more sense that Jung hoo is the one who is holding Young shin's hands and not vice versa . I know it's the same , lol , but I can't help but to think that way .Although Jung hoo is supposed to be unconscious , his hands are holding Yong shin's strongly . Someone help me examine it :-B

Also there's his sleepy voice calling : " Young shin " and not sunbae , I can't waait .

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sia3 said: @ larienssi
If my poor Korean understanding is correct, the last lines that YS said "I'll will wait, although I'll wait, but I'm still angry..." is correct then maybe she did find out PBS = Healer later in the episode.

Her finding the star is one HUGE revelation. Can't believe that boy puts it in a jewelry sort of box! :))
He's such a virgin in everything =))

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Guest Cinderella1

i think she's suspecting that BS is healer but she's not sure yet or maybe she refuses to believe it ! i don't know

but if she knows , i hope jung hoo stops pretending to be the clumsy dumpo park BS :D

i want him to reveal himself and be himself and use his beautiful masculine voice and puff his chest and show his 50 CM shoulders and gaze at her with his big sexy eyes

and writers please enough is enough with the hands scenes , let's move to the next level :-\"

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Guest tomoyo1010

@mywebfoot and @azzuri mentioned about JCW multiple personas before. I was thinking for a while which one i like the most. :D 
so, it turns out - Park Bong Soo, rather than the cool and smart but mysterious Healer and the forever alone Seo Jung Hoo (i wish i can describe him better). Out of the three, PBS is the most carefree one. he's clumsy and always stuttering but he can always be beside CYS, talk to her, comforting her. and CYS, has become dependent on him too. she never know Healer personally, just that they share the same feeling. it feels a little bit absurd she's very serious about their relationship. but what if Healer is someone else, probably Teacher. :D and SJH? she never knew he existed, is she? :)
i would want CYS to fall in love with PBS first before then it was revealed that both are the same person. but seems like it's not going to happen.
Looks like KMS will find something that he never expected. maybe he was used/exploited more than he knows. :(

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@Ahpheng...thanks for the preview link...

Why do I get the feeling both CYS and PBS are going to be like.....I know that you know who I am......but I'm gonna pretend I don't know that you know who I am
.......and I love that CYS is angry.....she should be...nobody likes being played for a fool.....make him suffer i say......so we get more lovesick healer scenes......maybe a broody shower scene =P~  
.....we got YJT in shower already (though clothed).....now its JCW's turn....

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Guest Cinderella1

tomoyo1010 said:
i would want CYS to fall in love with PBS first before then it was revealed that both are the same person. but seems like it's not going to happen.
Looks like KMS will find something that he never expected. maybe he was used/exploited more than he knows. :(

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In the preview it is definitely Healer that was holding CYS's hand. And based on CYS's looks she is finding similarities in that hand hold vs the time when Healer hold her hand and told her not to fearlessly follow anyone and be careful of people who suddenly appear and is nice to her.

From there I'm sure she can link the dots together and conclude PBS = Healer.

Just wonder what will happen to JH's mom. Did his mom safely go home? Was JH's mom phone just a ploy to trap Healer?

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