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[Drama 2014/2015] Healer 힐러


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Guest blossomnagr

15.02.10 Park Min Young assistant updated instagram 'Hi I do spiritual healer healer Hello Hello # # end # end;' (cr.xoxminahkoo)


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wow..the subbed version was out rather fast..yaaayy...but kinda sad looking at the photo and tag saying 'end of shooting'...i hope the team will not be dissapointed with the rating..the important things you need to know you guys hv done a good job..lotsa of fans here and tq for being part of my life for the past 3 months. i enjoyed it very much..this will definitely be one of my fav show....

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Update IG JCW Ending of filming http:/instagram.com/p/y5Z--7uJhX/ class="entry-title" style="border: 0px; font-family: inherit; font-size: 1.538em; font-style: inherit; font-weight: inherit; margin: 0px; outline: 0px; padding: 0px; vertical-align: baseline; clear: both; line-height: 1.26; word-wrap: break-word; color: rgb(51, 51, 51);"[instagram Update] 10 February 2015Posted by cherkell


7:20am KST


End of filming…

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After watching the preview, healer definitely pretended to goto Director Ahn. Director Ahn instructed JH to kill after securing it. I reckon securing the video and kill KMH and the rest.

I guess that's why KMH asked Healer to reconsider because it's very dangerous. And I love what JH said after, if that his habit to just think.

I think CYS wasn't running away from SJH but seemed to be towards the lady who is caught in the whole Mexican standoff. And JH snatched the gun from the swat team to point back towards the guy standing at the back. The resolution ain't good and I can't tell who. But its doesnt seemed to be YoYo, SS or Director Ahn.

I'm sure JH did tt to protect YS but standing in the heat of the confrontation with police surrounding them and gun in his hands I am just sooo afraid it will be another City Hunter ending!!! Please say it's not SJN writer-nim.

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I've been under the radar for a while until Healer. Well, this kdrama set new standards for my addiction and insanity. I have already spent three whole weekends in a row marathoning episodes of Healer. With comments… ”ah missed that first X times”, “eee… I didn’t see that”. “awesome angle”, “ups…a little blooper”. Consequently, as I have read here that there’s no remedy available for twisted addicted minds like mine, I’ll probably walk like a zombie for while, listen to the OST until my neighbors get crazy, watch Healer again, find a distraction, if any, walk like a zombie for while, listen to the OST….If nothing strikes me hard to bring me back to home galaxy… Ajhumma format C please. Remotely. Full access granted.

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Guest lightfeather

carmens said: who is he?
He is not Healer, isn't it?he does not look like, Ji Chang Wook from any side I look at him...the last image that appeared on my screen after preview of ep 20 ended!!!
OMGpls pls not be Healerrrrr!!

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My thoughts about episode 19.

This episode was sad, funny and mostly epic. Epic healer counterattack and epic Healer team. The last scene was flowing with awesomeness. The way they were walking and the way they were dressed was impressive and fantastic. Also, loved the firm look on their faces. Although is was a bit confusing, all our answers regarding this scene will be answered tomorrow. The writer and director mission was accomplished as it's keeping the tension and our curiosity alive until the last moment. We are wondering and uncertain about what will happen tomorrow which means it's a great cliffhanger.

OTP scenes. My heart was feeling anxious and nervous for both YS and JH. When he saw that YS is held captive and they threatening to kill her, without hesitation yet unwillingly he did what he was told to save her. It shows his love in selfless and that she's the most cherished to him. Their separation scene was sad but it still it gave me hope because it was done differently than the usual break ups. It wasn't heartbreaking sobbing but it felt like they were comforting and reassuring each other that they will be back together as soon as he will win the bad guys. I liked the scenes were they were missing and longing for each other. It warmed my heart to see that they think about each other all the time.

Myung Hee was amazing in this episode. Finally she had the powers the walk out on Moon Shik, like he deserved. His brother and the woman he loves left him, maybe now as he will feel loneliness, he will realize his mistakes and will turn against Elder. Especially now... when he has nothing left, nothing to fight for, no more excuses to continue his bad doings. Yes, he has money and power, but I wonder if he'll realize those things doesn't matter much if he's all alone. Can't wait to see how his story will end. Anyway, back to Myung Hee. She's not lonely anymore and was sincerely happy today. She was surrounded by good company at Someday and they treated her so nice.

Ajumma and JH scenes were nice and funny. He got to see her face at last. No more wall barriers when they talk but from now on they will work face to face. How awesome is that? She really has changed so much since the beginning. She's more open, she's showing her feelings, and she's out of her office much more than she used to. JH action was awesome as usual, I missed watching it.

Preview. Yes, I'm worried. How can I not be? I'm worried it will not be a happy ending of the kind we're hoping for but something more along the lines. I really wish for a complete and beautiful happy ending for our OTP in a way that will suit them. The gun is my second worry. How will it be used if at all? Will someone get injured? What will the detective actions and what side will he take? Who is that woman in the preview? Could she be related to Russia story from today or is she just an unlucky passerby? My third worry, will they have enough time to wrap up all hanging issues like what will happen to bad guys or will YS father ever finds out who is PBS. My brain is filled with so many unanswered questions and it's giving me a huge headache. I wish for the story will be closed neatly and finely, and I do hope it will not rushed or open. Just give me 10 last minutes of sweetness, it's all I'm asking for.

I can't wait for tomorrow. I'm excited and tired too. Just saw the updates... the last shooting! Oh, no! I'm so going to cry now! Why did have to end so soon? What will I do after this drama ends tomorrow? I will have nothing to look forward to anymore.

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Guest keroppikero

40 pages more for happy 1000 pages.. fighting! *LOL

anyway, what would you do to heal your withdrawal symptoms after final episode airing?


maybe i rewatch all episode until I get bored.. :D

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blossomnagr said: For me ratings does not make any sense but here it is if some of you are interested
15.02.09 Nationwide AGB Nielsen : KBS 《Healer》7.9 (-1.2)  ; SBS 《Punch》 12.7 (-0.1)  ; MBC《Shine or go crazy》9.3 (-0.1)

15.02.09 Seoul AGB Nielsen : KBS 《Healer》not in top 20 ; SBS 《Punch》 14.2 (+0.2) ; MBC《Shine or go crazy》10.8 (+/-0)

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*inhales and exhales deeply* Omg. It's the final episode. I... am going to cry. Healer has been such an integral part of my life since November last year (when the stills and teasers first came out). I can't believe we're at the end. This is the first time I've ever followed an airing k-drama so dearly and religiously. Sigh. Withdrawal's going to suck like crazy. :(( :(( :((

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