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[Drama 2014/2015] Healer 힐러


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Guest pinkpumps






... Just wondering if anyone knows what's going on with this particular scene back in Episode 9, when KMH walks to the stairwell of his apartment, and after talking out loud to Healer/SJH, he places a rock at the foot of the door before leaving... Although there was quite a bit of focus on that gesture in the scene, nothing else came out of it... Anyone, any ideas? 

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 Growingbeautifully88 If you’ve gone to Drama Wiki, you would have seen that each episode has a subtitle. What do you think? Do these subtitles really reflect the theme of the episodes? Ep 1: I have a dream Ep 2: Fate continues Ep 3: The first kiss that day Ep 4: Because I’m next to you Ep 5: Meaning of you Ep 6: Begin Ep 7: We, under the sunset Ep 8: Cannot be forgotten Ep 9: I trust you Ep 10: Can’t it be me? Ep 11: In the darkness Ep 12: I don’t know how to escape Ep 13: I’m waiting Ep 14: It’s alright even if you cry  Lovely, aren’t they? Which scenes do these subtitles remind you of? 

 cr. dramabeans.

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I find MinJae's words to MoonHo sounds like a foretelling about MoonHo's ending.

She said he was full of fears, never fight to the extend that will hurt himself. If the opponent is too strong he will find a excuse to extricate himself.

Now that he believes that he has to protect not just JiAn but JungHoo as well it means he will go all out to fight his brother and Elder.

And JungHoo asked MoonHo other than stopping him what else can he do.

Think that MoonHo will definitely go all out to bring down his brother to save the 2 baby bears and the noona he love.

Thinking of it makes me sad. I like MoonHo, such a torn and lonely character. He needs protection and a good hug too.

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@valsava and @carmen In my eyes, KMS has done bad things, but he is completely evil: he ordered SGC's murder, even before asking for the Elder's decision and tried to frame Healer. So I am quite such things must have happened in the past. He abandonned JiAn for two reasons: 1. he could be with MY2. he might have thought that JA might become a thread to the Elder later so that he knew that the Elder would have ordered her killing. So in his eyes, when she left his car, he was relieved because losing her meant that she was out of the Elder's radar. And KMS was right in his thinking: The Elder ordered JA's killing 20 years later just after finding her.Due to those two reasons, we can see the good and bad side of KMS. He is selfish, but he does care for his friends/relatives. He still loves his brother, although he knows that KMH resents him a lot. He even supported KMH, when the latter didn't do what he was asked at the news station. From an earlier episode, we saw that KMS was tortured, until he betrayed his friends. He was in a pretty bad shape, when we saw him meeting the Elder and when the latter spoke about MY's health condition (taking care of her and hospital), I am pretty sure that's when he decided to betray his friend. He loved MY so much that he couldn't bear the thought, she would be left alone and would suffer even much more. But I guess, later his motives changed. He saw an opportunity to get married to her. Hence, he must have put her under medication a lot... hoping that she would forget her husband as time would pass.His greed grew and he got corrupted with time... he ordered dirty things without any doubt and remorse.To conclude, he isn't a real evil man... he still has good sides (the nightmare of his former friends shows that he still has remorses and still has a conscious), but with the time, he went far beyond redemption: he has blood on his hands. I am expecting his death as a part of his crime's expiation. 
On the other hand, I still believe that KMH has a wrong impression of his brother: I am quite sure, he believes that his brother betrayed his friend due to his obsession for MY (greed) which he witnessed as a kid, but he jumped too quickly to this conclusion. We saw that KMH jumped again to a false conclusion after CYS's murder attempt. He went straight to his brother with the secretary and accused him of the attempt. He thinks, the secretary is only receiving orders from KMS, but in reality he is obeying to the Elder's order. KMS had no idea about it. The secretary is much more powerful than he looks like. KMH hasn't realised that yet. To me, the secretary looks more like a spy... he is kept at KMS's side to make sure that KMS won't betray the Elder. The Elder knows deep down that KMS isn't that corrupted (his so called weaknesses). We don't know for sure if KMS ordered the teacher's killing... to me, it looks like the secretary did it without KMS's knowledge. 
But even KMH has acknoweledged that putting MY in a cage or under drug was a kind of protection. I bet, the former MY would have done anything to find the truth and would have been killed... KMS tried to stop her curiosity/ her thirst for truth/justice. But also to get his chance to marry her. 

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since written preview or any preview is not out yet for epi 15, a lot of speculations and expectations for the upcoming episode... Just my thought

1. I think YS will spend the night with JH but truthfully, I want them and especially JH start to tell everything to YS...please no more secrets..it's tiring especially seeing YS trusted JH wholeheartedly..it's ok if one thing lead to another..but after 6 days that man is quite weak don't you think?

2. I want to see a rejuvenated JH, back to work but this time being playful & happy around each other... ermm maybe stolen kisses here and there

3. healer 2.0 of course...comprising of JH, YS, ahjumma & KMH, and of course Dae-yong... dad's men will be put to use at later time when they go to war with the doble s people :D

@raky thank you for the info... sometimes the back stories are the ones that put things together. Plus the writer is a very detailed person, and I'm beginning to marvel at her projects

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Guest uctqepe

@briseis so beautiful.. i can hear Beyonce's HALO singing in my head while watching the last 10 minutes and moreover while reading this.. YoungShin managed to break all his walls and it just feels so natural.. thanks! :x 
@juzluvpink it was a very sad scene, not because i am in MoonHo's ship, but because MoonHo is fighting to overcome his fears all alone this time.. he's not perfect, thats for sure, but all his imperfections are just human.. For him to bring out the truth is not as easy it feels for us as, being conflicted because MoonShik is his brother, and then not sure of the end whether he'll succeed or ruin because the enemy is too powerful.. from the 1st epi, MoonHo is a tortured soul.. Like you said, he needs Healer for his own as well.. I just bumped into a song in my ipod which made me thinking of MoonHo.. It's Tom Odell's Heal...the lyrics is just his... I wish a kind soul will make a MV for MoonHo oppa with this song [-O< 

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Guest shinomorisagara

juzluvpink said: I find MinJae's words to MoonHo sounds like a foretelling about MoonHo's ending. She said he was full of fears, never fight to the extend that will hurt himself. If the opponent is too strong he will find a excuse to extricate himself. Now that he believes that he has to protect not just JiAn but JungHoo as well it means he will go all out to fight his brother and Elder. And JungHoo asked MoonHo other than stopping him what else can he do. Think that MoonHo will definitely go all out to bring down his brother to save the 2 baby bears and the noona he love. Thinking of it makes me sad. I like MoonHo, such a torn and lonely character. He needs protection and a good hug too.

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juzluvpink said: I find MinJae's words to MoonHo sounds like a foretelling about MoonHo's ending. She said he was full of fears, never fight to the extend that will hurt himself. If the opponent is too strong he will find a excuse to extricate himself. Now that he believes that he has to protect not just JiAn but JungHoo as well it means he will go all out to fight his brother and Elder. And JungHoo asked MoonHo other than stopping him what else can he do. Think that MoonHo will definitely go all out to bring down his brother to save the 2 baby bears and the noona he love. Thinking of it makes me sad. I like MoonHo, such a torn and lonely character. He needs protection and a good hug too.

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Ahhh now that you'll talking about MH


The way his face changes when she tells him about been scared










- So I came to talk to my friend. Because I have nobody to talk to.  Do I seem lonely and pathetic?
- You’re not the type of person who looks for a friend when you’re lonely.






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Guest shinomorisagara

ceecile said: Yep. Also remember what he told her when she came over to his apartment, about leaving once it was all over. It all sounded pretty ominous. His character actually reminds me of the Prosecutor in City Hunter, and we all know how that ended... But then, I don't know if the writer would actually kill him off. I mean can you imagine? Poor Myung-hee! She''ll have lost her 1st husband, her daughter for 20+ years, she becomes handicapped, her 2nd husband's evil, and on top of that she'll lose Moon-ho? I know she'll reunite with her daughter but still... That poor woman!

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I just want to share this video if you haven't seen this yet.


In the last 5 minutes of the video, you will notice how close JH is to YS's father.  =)) =)) =)) Well, in real life. :-) This video is from his musical "The Days".

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