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[Drama 2014/2015] Healer 힐러


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If you didn't then let me give you a hint, bottom left corner! Just an open mouth as wide as...


A photo posted by @bruxro on Jan 15, 2015 at 1:36pm PST

I Gotsha!!!

#healer #HealerCouple #ParkMinYoung #jichankwook

A photo posted by @bruxro on Jan 15, 2015 at 1:35pm PST


#healer #HealerCouple #ParkMinYoung #jichankwook

A photo posted by @bruxro on Jan 15, 2015 at 1:35pm PST

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raky said:


“I’m waiting”
Young Shin starts to get suspicious of Bong Su’s identity and looks for evidence of it.
Young Shin’s name stops an angry Jung Hu in his tracks.
Moon Ho tells Jung Hu about the opponent they have to fight against,
and Jung Hu decides to follow Moon Ho’s plan for now although he does not like the plan.
Moon Shik starts to cross the line in order to defend himself.


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It is so cute to see CSY's instinct she mentioned in the starting episodes towards Healer/SJH/PBS. When PBS is goofing around, she is unaffected. When SJH park of him starts leaking out, she immediately notices it.

The first time it happened was during the confession. That bold, confident, devil may care attitude was definitely not the same bumbling , nervous PBS that she knew.
The second time it happened was during the cafe hug. SJH, finally finds CYS's real identity and was not in his PBS character till she kicked him in the shins :P He tried to act like PBS, but it took a lot of effort given that he was still in a huge emotional turmoil.


He was in danger of slipping back into the SJH mode during the reverse SeGa scene, but he managed to provoke CYS to lighten the moment.

We could see PBS during the kitchen scene.

But this time I think he has stretched himself thin and I will be really disappointed if CYS cannot figure this out by the next episode. I mean, really, what explaination can PBS give in the current circumstance!!!

On a side note -
I really like Jung Hoo's original nature. He is an uncomplicated fellow, very motivated and talented. He does not clutter his mind with insignificant details, so much so, that he is not interested in anything that deals with society and its humdrum living. He plays by the law of the jungle, which is why he can make quick rational judgements. In one way, he has trained himself to react like an animal without the complications of being a human. But as Ajumma pointed out to his teacher, JH never leaves people he cares about. After reading the back story, I have been wondering if he stayed because of Ajumma. It is clear that he cares for her and he knows that she is alone too. Leaving for the island is a long term goal, but realistically he could leave anytime he wants. But he has stayed up till now for Ajumma, because he feels that eventually she too will leave him and them he could go to his island and spend the rest of his time there, all alone, no longer being disappointed in anyone.

As for Ajumma's character, I hope we get to see more such characters ! It is such an improvement over the crying mothers and vicious mother-in-laws. She definitely is my favourite person in the show. Simply kickass ! Her rough and tough exterior encapsulating her brilliant mind and tender heart are an irresistible combination. I LOVE that she never gets ruffled during a crisis. She simply goes her way fixing things. Her quick fingers and thinking have saved Hearler's most adorable tushy more than once! That he knows that real reason why she wanted to keep him away from CYS was so touching to watch. It is such a pure relationship between these two, that it transcends all the other relationships in the drama for me.

Lastly CYS. But this point in any other drama, I am fed with with the female lead and continue watching for the male lead :P Thankfully I have always liked the roles she picks and I have never been disappointed in the female character  that she chooses to portray. As Healer said, that she is not brave beause she doesn't know the danger, she is brave despite it. Also, she doesn't judge people for their weakness, like when PBS went missing the first time claiming he is scared, or now when he said he is afaird of the camel insect infestation, she never once sneered at him for "not being a man" but was empathetic and compassionate. I really hope she finds out that PBS = Healer, because after than she is yet to find out that Healer = SJH ......uff.

This revelations of the character identities in this drama is getting a gift wrapped in a million boxes kept one inside the other.

@dito - Hi to you too !
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sanika said:
It is so cute to see CSY's instinct she mentioned in the starting episodes towards Healer/SJH/PBS. When PBS is goofing around, she is unaffected. When SJH park of him starts leaking out, she immediately notices it.

The first time it happened was during the confession. That bold, confident, devil may care attitude was definitely not the same bumbling , nervous PBS that she knew.
The second time it happened was during the cafe hug. SJH, finally finds CYS's real identity and was not in his PBS character till she kicked him in the shins :P He tried to act like PBS, but it took a lot of effort given that he was still in a huge emotional turmoil.


He was in danger of slipping back into the SJH mode during the reverse SeGa scene, but he managed to provoke CYS to lighten the moment.

We could see PBS during the kitchen scene.

But this time I think he has stretched himself thin and I will be really disappointed if CYS cannot figure this out by the next episode. I mean, really, what explaination can PBS give in the current circumstance!!!

On a side note -
I really like Jung Hoo's original nature. He is an uncomplicated fellow, very motivated and talented. He does not clutter his mind with insignificant details, so much so, that he is not interested in anything that deals with society and its humdrum living. He plays by the law of the jungle, which is why he can make quick rational judgements. In one way, he has trained himself to react like an animal without the complications of being a human. But as Ajumma pointed out to his teacher, JH never leaves people he cares about. After reading the back story, I have been wondering if he stayed because of Ajumma. It is clear that he cares for her and he knows that she is alone too. Leaving for the island is a long term goal, but realistically he could leave anytime he wants. But he has stayed up till now for Ajumma, because he feels that eventually she too will leave him and them he could go to his island and spend the rest of his time there, all alone, no longer being disappointed in anyone.

As for Ajumma's character, I hope we get to see more such characters ! It is such an improvement over the crying mothers and vicious mother-in-laws. She definitely is my favourite person in the show. Simply kickass ! Her rough and tough exterior encapsulating her brilliant mind and tender heart are an irresistible combination. I LOVE that she never gets ruffled during a crisis. She simply goes her way fixing things. Her quick fingers and thinking have saved Hearler's most adorable tushy more than once! That he knows that real reason why she wanted to keep him away from CYS was so touching to watch. It is such a pure relationship between these two, that it transcends all the other relationships in the drama for me.

Lastly CYS. But this point in any other drama, I am fed with with the female lead and continue watching for the male lead :P Thankfully I have always liked the roles she picks and I have never been disappointed in the female character  that she chooses to portray. As Healer said, that she is not brave beause she doesn't know the danger, she is brave despite it. Also, she doesn't judge people for their weakness, like when PBS went missing the first time claiming he is scared, or now when he said he is afaird of the camel insect infestation, she never once sneered at him for "not being a man" but was empathetic and compassionate. I really hope she finds out that PBS = Healer, because after than she is yet to find out that Healer = SJH ......uff.

This revelations of the character identities in this drama is getting a gift wrapped in a million boxes kept one inside the other.

@dito - Hi to you too !
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I don't know if anybody said that already. the thread is moving with superman speed ;D What really moved me in episode12 was, besides all the other amazing stuff and all the moments  where there is  just one thought: oh my feels!!!! ,was jung hoo's admission that he doesn't know how to run away. It was sooo heartbreaking to hear him admit the that he doesn't know how to run away because everybody left him first and that he still hasn't become that cynical and just wants to stay by ys side.
also during their date it was also ys leaving first and jh watching her back.people are really his weak point. for all his supposed badassery as healer he's really like a puppy who was hurt but still is able to trust unconditianally and this is also why he was hurt by MHs lie about JiAn being dead. Because he said to Ahjumma that he trusted him when he said he would help him in ep 11 and he betrayed his trust in the same minute
On another noteIf our puppy won't get a happy ending, that he so much deserves, I'll flip every table that I'll find

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@maddymappo‌ I'm also intrigued by ahjumma turning into the other side of the "Justice"

This just a thought based on watching Law & Order, CSI... etc..

I remember when watching CSI... there was a case where one nurse was murder in her bathroom and the team was looking for evidence and everything pointed at a doctor, there was evidence of that they were lovers. But it seemed the doctor murder because she was going to leave him. Everything was there to convict him except the doctor used bleach on the crime scene to kill all the DNA left behind. The team knew there was nothing they can do about it

Sorry I posted it and I haven't finished it aishhh. I'll post the rest in a bit

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Seems like I am late to catch this train, but here I go anyways
namyo said: I hate to be a party pooper. But after reading about Pinnochio's end. Can we get something as a happy ending??? I still don't know how SJN is going to turn this around. Healer is still a criminal. What can Healer offer CYS now??? Except for them to scape to other country.

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Basically what I have watch in crime drama detectives tend to get "burn" by the job. Either because the system is corrupt or when they have enough evidence criminals can easily be released while they witness innocent people being convicted and there is nothing else they can do as detectives. And that's how she came close to teacher.

But she must know what she does is a crime, I don't think she does it for money. There is definitely something bigger.

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After one day, I'm ready to comment ep 12. I watched it before going to bed and I couldn't sleep because I felt very anxious. The last few minutes were absolutely insane, the suspance was unbelievable!
I think the PD is doing a pretty good job with the editing and the use of OSTs (which I totally love)!Every episode is like a rollercoaster: suspence, sction, melanchony and romance that makes you squeeee! Ep. 12 in particular made me feel different kinds of emotions. The moments I liked most:
1. The hug! Soooo HOT! When he wanted the second one I melted... and YS too, it was impossible not to feel something when someone with that kind of 50cm back is hugging you so tightly you could die. :sbav:

2. After the hug. She accepted to put him up and he's jealous of himself :)) . And that stare??? OMG. YS is not indifferent to PBS! I like this, she likes Jung Hoo as a whole and it's much more interesting plot-wise <3

3. The (third? Fourth?) "hand porn". I can't get enough of this. So simple but so meaningful and passionate. How can they be so good and with soo much chemistry??
I laughted at that scene as well XD. She should try to make PBS fall out of love with her, but how can he, when she keeps on taking his hands, hug him, help him when he's sad, rely on him, treat him like family, etc..  She's one of the best main girls ever <:-P  .
4. The ending scene of ep. 12. Very well done. I was very sad for JH.By now, it seems he doesn't even care much if someone expose him, Healer has become for him more like a burden than an help. He just wants to protect the few people he loves and have an happy life with YS. But seeing him try so hard to fight despite that drug and the wound was breaking my heart. Secretary Oh is mentally ill, he can go to any lenght, and thinking about your mum in the hands of such a moster is SCARY. I would have done the same. Too bad those cowards sedated him like an animal, otherwise they couldn't do anything against him.

Anyway, I'm happy that YS is not gonna find out about Healer (yet). I love secret identies a lot, and I'd like this to go on forever XD I mean, I would be very very happy to see our OTP lovey dovey, but give me just a few episodes more, at least one :) That's because I want YS to develop more feelings (or just confusion) towards PBS, like she did in this episode. After all Park Bong Soo is part of Jung Hoo, his most shy and innocent side ad I want her to love him completely. 
Imagine my scenario: YS goes up to the stairs looking for PBS, then she see some men fighting. WOW, one must be his love, Healer! He tourns his face and.... the teacher!!
OMG, I've kissed that ahjusshi!!!!!! @-)

I would die =))

I'm looking forward to see more of JH-MH relationship, I really like it. He would be like a big brother to him and Myung Hee a good mother (in-law XD). I loved their scene together. Poor her and poor him.

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So I was right?was Moon Shik, who released Jung Hoo from juvenile detention ?and the Teacher waited for him to the exit !!
how did he know?
maybe the Teacher himself, asked Moon Shik to get out JungHoo back then?
wow only questions in this post???????????

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Guys, guys... 

I have a pathetically stupid story to share, but please bear with me.

Last Tuesday, I lost my debit card. Apparently, I left it at the ATM and forgot to eject it out of the machine. And guess what, it was because I was distracted by the sudden rain and by thinking of an upcoming Healer episode later that night. 

Of course, although there were glitches I managed to get another debit card from the issuing bank, but still.

What I want to tell you is, no matter how distracted you are by this amazing show, please keep in touch with reality. 

I hope it's just me who is too distracted and you guys here aren't dead, unconscious, ignoring your immediate family, etc. 

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Guest shinomorisagara

raky said:


“I’m waiting”
Young Shin starts to get suspicious of Bong Su’s identity and looks for evidence of it.
Young Shin’s name stops an angry Jung Hu in his tracks.
Moon Ho tells Jung Hu about the opponent they have to fight against,
and Jung Hu decides to follow Moon Ho’s plan for now although he does not like the plan.
Moon Shik starts to cross the line in order to defend himself.


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@carmens... maybe JH referred to the time he was detained for asking the accident record, not when he was in a juvenile detention. Even Teacher did not have any contact with moon-shik since he (teacher) too has just been released from prison

@akumi99 as always, I like you insightful thoughts on healer. In fact, I'm glad JH wanted to go through myung hee's medical report first before he can tell YS/myung hee about their relationship. He wants to be totally prepared if myung hee's health can stand the shock. The other thing is, fate may be it that YS was adopted by lawyer Chae who has a bright personality. she was raised by a loving parents and little by little her fear and mistrust of people started to fade away and the parents too are aware of her weaknesses and her panic attack when something bad triggered her memory. As time goes by, she managed to control her fear. Plus her circle of ahjussi friends taught her about surviving too. She did not forget her past, but she did not know what happened to her parents either except she felt she was abandoned...and she might not remember any of her parents' friends... unlike JH, she has no picture to remind her.

personally, I don't want to speculate about the ending...we still have 8 episodes to go, a lot can happen during that time...and of course I want a happy ending, at least some closures to the characters

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