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[Drama 2014/2015] Healer 힐러


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Yes I hardly wait the kiss between PBS and CYS or the real ones (after both find out the truth about their past)

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This scene got me so much lolling :P
Its when YS tells her dad PBS is sleeping over, and her father warns her to lock her room. She is all like: HA, its only Bong Sookie. 
Look at that face LOL. I have noticed, everytime JH is nervous he plays with his fingernails (just like in ep 3 when YS asked him if she has met him before). Poor guy, he so wants to go into her room and sleep with her. We understand you honey. FucH0i1.jpg

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I hope at the end Healer can travel with Young-shin to his remote island. In real life Healer's island is indee beautiful! One of some 378 others. But each one is far from the other. The trip takes maybe 2 and half hours in boat from the Panama Canal, or Panama City. It depends on his private boat. There is no ferry, no big ship line carriers to transport turists to one of the biggest 378 islands. There isn't a road connecting the rest of the country to the coast close to these islands. There is just a small path between the jungle and a mountain range. The pat is only transitable during 3 months out of a year; from January to march. 4 wheel drive vehicles are the only that can travel there during the "dry season". But it is advisable not to do that trip because it is a long and strenous journey. The vehicles get stuck in the mud in the rough terrain. The rest of the year it is impossible to go to that area because of the rainfall. It is in the rainforest...jungle. And, and... The coastal area between the ocean and the mountain range from the the Panama Canal up to the border with Colombia is an indigenous reservation. That keeps the area more inhabited and inhospitable. There is not hotels build by that coast. So Healer's island is in fact very remote. There are daily flights to the one biggger island by small aircrafts. The airplanes have to climb up and pass the mountain range. They then land on a small airstrip on one of the islands. Small private planes can also land in that island. Healer can also use a water plane. Out of the 378 islands just few are inhabited. The ones inhabited have just few huts. Few tourists are alowed to visit. They stay in a hut like hotel, camp or sleep in hamocks under the stars. But the islands are very appart and it is problable that Healer will not see people around in a whole year, unless he leaves his island to visit other areas in the western part of the country, close to a volcano; or decide to scape incongnito to Panama City at night.

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heartoppaya said:
I usually compare Healer with my all time favorite Hollywood TV Series, "Smallville", and here I am again. That ending scene: In Smallville, Lois watched Clark get stabbed with a kryptonite by Zod and before she can come to his help, he stands on his own when the sun shines on him, then superspeeds thereby confirming Lois' suspicions of him being the Blur (a.k.a Superman). 

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Bong Soo admitting to Min-ja that he likes Young-Shin was a crazy feels part for me.  He was saying it out loud, for someone that he fully trusts to hear.  And I love her reaction when he also tells her that he knows she cares for him and doesn't want him to get hurt.  Though he has him own mother, it feels like Min-ja will always have his back.

And her calling Young-Shin at the end of episode 12?  That's some major trust and step for her to contact someone OUTSIDE their little circle to get to JH.  It brought tears to my eyes because she truly does care about it (and makes me feel like she loves him like a mom does).

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I think Healer is outstanding because of the development of the characters. Usually there is just a hero or a heroine that has a long and sorrowful past to overcome and obstacles and foes to overcome. But in this drama we have both a hero and heroine, both integral parts of the drama, both part of the mysterious crimes and sufferings of the past and deeply connected to everyone in the future. All of these people and events converge in this drama. It is wonderfully thought out and conceived.  In Secret Garden, there is also something like this going on. Both hero and heroine, have a mysterious connection that is part of the sufferingi in the past.  Healer just takes this to even a greater level (in my opinion).  
Min Ho, at one point YS hates him because she thinks he is a phoney who is just stealing her story, then finally she realizes he was truly trying to protect her from extremely evil people and she says to him, that she is happy she found out he is not truly that bad, and he smiles warmly at her.  I think when he speaks with his brother MS, he moves close to his face, in his face, and sneers in such a wicked way at him.  He knows some of the evil things that MS did, stuff we do not know about yet, but it is frustrating because we do not share the knowledge of what he truly knows and also what he does not know but thinks happened.  He tells MS that he grew up with him so he became like him. I think he means in tactics and sneakiness and ruthless behavior. He is warning him that if MS harms anyone he loves he will go after him with the same fierceness MS has used to gain money and power.  I just cannot stand that snarling dog look on Min Ho's face when he speaks like that.  But we saw him cry in the junkyard as he imagined Jung Ho and his dad walking off together.  So I think in the end we will find his heart is good.

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Hello Healors!

I have the same worry as many of you in regards to open ending finale. I keep thinking about City Hunter's finale and how that was such a horrible way to end it. Couldn't they at least exchange words?!!!!

I also keep thinking about writer-nim previous drama "Story of a Man" and how that was also (at least to me) open ended. I could't really tell if it was a happy/sad/whatwasit ending.

The drama was AMAZING and dislike the ending so much.

I am praying that the ending for Healer can at least give us a satisfying happy ending. It is a FREAKING KOREAN DRAMA so please forgot realistic expectations, I want my happy ending!

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@rrmski‌ I wonder how long is deadline to solve a crime in SK before it goes into a pile on nonsolve crimes and the criminal not to be charge anymore. I don't remember the legal name of this process.

Because MH is guilty of not saying a word of the wrong-doings of his brother. But could he be still be processed of it?

If Healer gets caught, he doesn't seem to be the one to throw the people he works with to the table.

How is this going to be handle

~X( ~X(

SJN caught me again

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congratulations! moonho loves junghoo unconditionally!! but it seems like an unrequited love. :))


Dumbo S. :))

that said, yoyo man cut a striking figure too. =D>

So Youngshin will looks for evidence of Bongsoo's identity? I hope the way to get evidence.. Youngshin will kiss Bongsoo >< not just holding hand lol so she will know that Bongsoo is Healer.. I need 2nd, 3rd, or bla bla bla kiss as soon as possible!! Palli Palii Palli. Im ready for Next Level 8-> [-O<

If she wants to prove it, she must UNDRESS him! Go for it, YS! :-D

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@namyo said: @rrmski‌ I wonder how long is deadline to solve a crime in SK before it goes into a pile on nonsolve crimes and the criminal not to be charge anymore. I don't remember the legal name of this process. Because MH is guilty of not saying a word of the wrong-doings of his brother. But could he be still be processed of it? If Healer gets caught, he doesn't seem to be the one to throw the people he works with to the table. How is this going to be handle ~X( ~X( SJN caught me again

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thesuitelife547 said: heartoppaya said:
I usually compare Healer with my all time favorite Hollywood TV Series, "Smallville", and here I am again. That ending scene: In Smallville, Lois watched Clark get stabbed with a kryptonite by Zod and before she can come to his help, he stands on his own when the sun shines on him, then superspeeds thereby confirming Lois' suspicions of him being the Blur (a.k.a Superman). 

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I hope that YS week discover Healer's identity by seeing BS activate "badass-mode" in an unavoidable case of emergency... I loved the idea of her nursing him after finding him bloody beaten and defeated, but actually I want her to discover "cool BS" even more + watch JH/BS pretending to be Ok (City Hunter-style) while being wounded...

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“I’m waiting”
Young Shin starts to get suspicious of Bong Su’s identity and looks for evidence of it.
Young Shin’s name stops an angry Jung Hu in his tracks.
Moon Ho tells Jung Hu about the opponent they have to fight against,
and Jung Hu decides to follow Moon Ho’s plan for now although he does not like the plan.
Moon Shik starts to cross the line in order to defend himself.


Sorry to cut your post dear..

So is it Moon-Ho who saves uri 'HeALeR' then. Hmmmm. A possibility!!! :-? :-B :-w

Maybe Moon-Ho indeed has some moves that we're not yet aware of. He was a smart kid back then -and still is -so maybe he learned some smooth figthing moves from the other hyungs' -learning a lot while he watch them fighting and goofing around... He was always with them group -so maybe hyung teacher taught him how to defend himself too.

Ohhhh. And if the SS baddies sees Moon-Hoo as 'the HeALeR' -then they won't touch him then, coz he's the boss' brother!!!

And keeping the pretense would be a great plan -as hiding Jung-hoo's identity as the HeALeR keeps him out of danger...

Moon-Ho might have even suggested this plan afterwards (when they're safely away from young-shin's eyes I hope) to Jung-Hoo coz of the info from Young-Shin that 'the HeALeR' had been accused (by the cyber detective -my first guess as the 'pretend healer' no less..) as a murder suspect. I think Moon-Ho worries and cares a lot for Jung-Hoo too -more so after discovering he was the real HeALeR... It might not suit well with Jung-Hoo as it may seem like his running away, but it is the best solution at the moment -that's why he agreed. -maybe- ??!!

Only downside is.... If Young-shin sees Moon-Ho as he's 'pretending HeALeR' !!! --then here comes Trouble..trouble.. Trouble!! Aiigoooo. Don't even go there writer-nim. Haha. Imagining Jung-Ho's face as he dies with jealousy would be too cute but not pretty... Na-ah!! :wink:

It might be one of Jung-hoos' reason not to agree. Lol.

Add-Edit: or maybe Moon-ho's unwarranted plan is to have Bong-Soo take a vacation from Someday News??!! An emergency Jung-Ho mentioned to Young-shin is a valid excuse to take some time off -so that he can get his strength back while nursing his injured arm... Without getting discovered of his identity either by Young-Shin. Jung-Ho isn't so keen on the idea for obvious reasons -as he won't be able to see her openly.. And. He won't be able to complete a job order -to stay by young-shin's side!!! Haha. Too cheezzyy I know. Lol. :blush:

Confession. Some of you might have noticed.. That most of the time if not always -that I'm Against the norm when it comes to assumptions and guessing events, scenes and previews .. I want an out of the box series of events -though I want the same happy endings as all of you of course. Something different that you don't expect to happen -something that makes the story more compelling to watch. I haven't watched any of this' writers' work -so I don't really know what her style is of creating a good story. But half of the series for me has been great -so I expect the rest of it to be awesome -meaning more surprises hopefully. It makes the show more interesting to watch if you're caught unaware of unexpected twists.

and.Coz I always want to be proven wrong. Bursting my own bubble is my strongest weakness.. But I can if I need to. And I like to be pleasantly surprised. So show -prove me wrong. Or surprise me. And do it unexpectedly.. Pretty Pls. :D ;;):P

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