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[Drama 2014] My Lovely Girl 내겐 너무 사랑스러운 그녀


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ROFL then I am definitely much younger than you. But people generally say that I sound like I am 100. Also, I tend to think more like a guy and I simply refuse to stretch out emotions longer than 5 mins. Inaction really drives me nuts. So I can't help be mad at HW and admire SN, SW and HY. They know what they want and they simply go after it. Only after you try, will you know if you shall succeed!  As I said, its okay to agree to disagree.

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@angelbeast90 Butt in all you want lol! The more the merrier.

@kseeker16_9cc6 Thats way too good of an idea! Like @angelbeast90 said, there needs to be a love button around here! I think that would be the ultimate revenge Hyunwook can get from Jaeyoung. The fact that the latter thinks he'd be able to manipulate Hyunwook's relationship yet again and instead, this time, he'll just push the two together. Wouldn't that be fantastic?

I really want Sena to react differently from what we expect (i.e. being slightly mad at Hyunwook and possibly doubting if he really loves her). Sena has always taken me by surprise with her boldness and she seems less and less a candy character and more a really strong-willed, confident and brave woman. I want her to be able to realize why Hyunwook pushed her away. I also want her to realize that Jaeyoung could've helped trigger her sister's death so this time, she shouldn't let him win. Jaeyoung plays nasty and foul which gives him the upper hand against someone as clean-thinking as Hyunwook. Sena can up him by reacting in the exact opposite of what he expects. 

I want to see Jaeyoung's face when that happens. The actor is really good btw, so the absolute defeat on his face would be worth watching after what he did to Hyunwook, Soeun and recently Shiwoo. I also want Soeun's ghost to make a bit of a return in helping Sena through this. They showed her to be an OTP shipper, we need her more in the drama lol.

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@angelbeast90 thanks a lot for the compliments!! :-*
@kseeker16_9cc6 I have the same wish... I would like SN to act differently from what people have been expecting from her: getting mad at him and disappear after knowing the truth. I wanted her to stay at HW's side no matter what.

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@strawberries34 you are really amazing, while I was tipping my next thread, you wrote something similar. We really do share the same opinion and have the same expectations! 
I also would like the ghost or better said, the supernatural element to come back... it was used in the first two episodes and it would be nice, if it came back for once again!

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Guest kseeker16_9cc6


said: @angelbeast90 Butt in all you want lol! The more the merrier.

@kseeker16_9cc6 Thats way too good of an idea! Like @angelbeast90 said, there needs to be a love button around here! I think that would be the ultimate revenge Hyunwook can get from Jaeyoung. The fact that the latter thinks he'd be able to manipulate Hyunwook's relationship yet again and instead, this time, he'll just push the two together. Wouldn't that be fantastic? 

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Awesome post guys! Love reading them..

As I mentioned pages back (the same as you guys now) I think HW's only problem is in trying to keep the "friend" in his and HY's relationship given their history. He unfortunately has not seen her witchy side as someone said above so he does not know how she can be to someone of the opposite sex who she feels is getting in her way. He has been too soft in his trying to get her to see on her own to let go and move on. I do not blame him for that he is a nice guy after all. But unfortunately HY has the personality that has to have things brought to her head on, respectfully but firmly because if not it will be the same all over again as we have seen. Which is her ignoring what he has said, what he has experienced and what he feels because all that matters is her feelings and wants and needs. She seems the type if things do not go her way she will get mad and use emotional blackmail as we have seen in her last outburst about not being anything to him not even a friend which on his part is not true it is her in my opinion who has not been a real friend. If she can not promote herself in his life then she does not want to hear it. That is not being a friend. With in 20 mins of seeing him again after so long in earlier episodes she bashes SE (asking what was so good about her (at least in the version of subs I saw). is that a friend? nope that is a jealous woman who feels he needs to get over it and turn to her. They do have a dependent relationship and it is on HY part more then HW, since he is the one caring the most about her emotional well being and trying to not hurt her. But as I pointed out there comes a time when you have to just do what needs to be done. I think HY crossed that line in trying to tell him what to do with his feelings and his heart and HW has had enough.

On SJ I can understand trying to walk that line and be friends to them both giving the number of years they have known one another, but he does seem closer to HW then HY and he knows a bit more about his feelings and pain but he still pushed HY to HW even knowing for sure HW is not going to turn to her. In my opinion if you are really a good friend to HW he would consider him as well and consider that continuing to encourage HY on in her feelings for HW is hurting her and and HW as he knows how HW feels about her.

I too think something else went on behind the scenes before the accident that prompted the argument between HW and SE. I am sure JY and HY had something to do with what started it. It is a shame though that so many of these people that know HW keep throwing at him it is his fault when it was really being at the wrong place at the wrong time ending in tragedy.

I have to agree that the people that have history with him seem to not know him or understand all he went through at that time and has dealt with over the last three years. I also agree that they think that time will cure all but if no one has sat down and talked with the man about what happen and consoled him, or just offered support and an ear to him then he has not dealt with it and it is still a huge sense of pain for him although his meeting SN is starting to help him wake up and move on.

 I want SN to act out of the ordinary as well and not do the same old cliched responses to finding out about HW's past with her sister. I want her to also surprise the heck out of those that are hoping to separate them out of spite by not reacting in a predicable manner.

There is my two cents.. lol

So thanks again guys for letting me read your thoughts and point of views..  :)

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@bebebisous33 Aww, thank you! We do think alike and have the same opinions in mostly everything lol. I actually loved that what triggered Sena and Hyunwook's relationship was Soeun's ghost. The super natural elements in this drama is really used in an organic way which I seriously appreciate. It never makes itself prominent in a sense that it drives the narrative. But its present enough to bring things together. I hope when Sena is unsure of herself, her sister will be able to guide her like she guided Hyunwook earlier. Its also very gratifying to think that Sena and Hyunwook have Soeun's well wishes. For those few still finding it a bit difficult to accept their relationship, that's something to take comfort in =)

@kseeker16_9cc6 LOL, and I think your ranting is just downright hilarious so we're even :P Basically, I think Haeyoon isn't as overbearing as say - the second leads in Trot Lovers, Brilliant Legacy or Secret. But like you hilariously described, she's in need of some self-time or a friend that doesn't push her towards her obsession even more. Girlfriend needs to buy herself some pride. As a woman, I feel second hand embarrassment for her because she just doesn't see how pathetic she has become. I wish she'd just say, 'Screw you, I loved you for thismanyyears! and you didn't. So now, I'll live for myself because I deserve better'. But
of course she wouldn't. She's the delusional, obsessive second lead after all. *headdesk*

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@Ldy Gmerm For all the essay writing I've been doing in this thread, there's really nothing I can add to your comment other than you nailed it on everything about everyone lol. I agree with basically everything you said. I do hope Sena continues to surprise us. She's been a breath of fresh air for a female lead who's almost always typecast to either be 'passive-slow' to 'not being able to make a decision' to 'aggressive but not endearing'. I want her to shock us, but more so, shock Haeyoon and Jaeyoung. That would be a treat to watch! 

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:-B I'm more of a numbers person,not reading.Surprisingly i can spend countless hours at this thread,read all the posts here..keep writing guys,would love to read all the insightful views! think i'm going to rewatch ep 8 onwards..miss my OTP badly! (but i'm gonna skip all the HY,Producer Seo and HB's dad scenes) this three characters arghhh!! makes me headache.%-(

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hi guys since the conversation got so interesting then I'm going to join in, I hope you don't mind.  first thanks to everyone for sharing their thoughts. then I would have to extend my agreement to straberrries34 and bebebisous33 like always we just seem  so in sync. ok ,lets discuss  ( even before  that ) .I apologize before hand if something comes off too strong or if it seems that I'm attacking someone because that is certainly not my intention. I do this first so there won't be any misunderstandings and given that English is not my native language I sometimes can't be as fluent and as rich in expressing ideas here in the forum and I don't want to come across as a push over or anything else that it may seem. ok now this is what  I think:

regarding the kiss situation between HJ and HW, In my mind this is how it play out, HJ liked HW when they were teenagers, 12 years so she was like around 18 and lets say he was 20 .they were introduced ,she felt sparkles on her way, he was just a charismatic oppa you can count on .he goes to study abroad, he returns or maybe he never left and study in korea? that is not quiet clear. as she enter her collage years ( in 1 or 2 years after they meet since she was 18)  HJ goes to America to get her upper class education and to ( this is how she felt, she said it ) make herself worth of HW affections. in other words ,financially , socially as well as intellectually his equal or deserving  partner. in this process of getting to know each other HW is still a young man himself who is not too bruise with the shortcoming and situations  in life that demand emotional recovery ( I mean he lost his mom , but his life went on because he is an idealist and a positive person who perhaps found his calling and solace in music ) HW,HY, and SJ are a circle of friends whom later on are join by JY ( he study abroad ,he said it somewhere so I'm  sure of it, ep 3 or 4 perhaps , this leads me to believe that HW did perhaps in fact study abroad ,meet JY and came back home to introduce him to the group) anyway I think I went off topic ,but  the point I was trying to make  was that in those 12 years that they knew each other, HJ approach him ( kiss him often, more like press or push her lips on him  like in ep 1) whenever she  saw the chance to get close, she went for it but I can't imagine her making such bold approach without a backup . her personality is like this ,take one step but  I'll  try to make it seem like a natural happening or a surging moment. ( she's does this often because even if we see her as desperate in the beginning she wasn't so , she doesn't want to come across to HW as clingy .she had hope that maybe he will get the message and act upon signals .but here is the thing HW is a man and man and woman don't operate on the same emotional and rational wave. I'm not saying, I repeat , that man are not sensitive or emotional. every human being posses a rational side and an emotional one . some man can even be more emotional than woman.my point is that we don't read  unspoken signal the same way. for example, some girls can flirt by trying to take a guys cap, the guy can either be thinking why does this chick want to see my hair and this is so not romantic?   I heard this more than once in my profession . sorry I can't come up with a better example at the moment but the thing is that maybe HJ did it playfully  when she was drunk and not on a serious tone  therefore her feeling weren't convey.  I know is brutal but if you really want something to come across and the other person is not getting it then you just have to come out and say it. there are no substitutions for words. communication is what relationships are all about, not just romantic relationship but any type of relationship. HW was young and inexperience himself and she wasn't making herself clear. he can't be held responsible for her actions . he can choose either to ignore it  on the basis that she wasn't herself or let it go and presume that she will come to her senses . I don't think their dynamics involve eye staring and checking each other out and all things that must go on the attraction level , that is why both ignore it  to keep the friendship. she pressed her lips against his( that wasn't even a kiss, even a small kiss requires some type of involvement physical or emotional . it doesn't have to mean that both have to participate, but JH seemed too scare to go further than lip pressing .I assume her age at the time this type of behavior showed up had something to do wit it ) to get a reaction from him  if it didn't work then she could always play it out any other way and since it seems she never put it out there to him   ( not like in ep 9) she never demanded a straight answer from him so why should he give it when he wasn't even asked ?. and its not even that; no matter how often she pressed her lips against his , I don't think it was more than 3 or 5 times at the most  in the span of their early years ( Koreans are very reserve that's why I don't think this happen in big numbers ). even in those 12 years they were more acquaintances than friends .they spend a quite large amount of those 12  years individually, I mean with HW getting his education then JH getting hers and when she finally returns, surprise he's in love with another woman. I don't think they share this kiss thing when SE was alive, he loved her dearly and seemed to be loyal only to her  and as for HY I don't think she pushed it further , , she was jealous but she settle to  being his friend  while maybe taking all out in SE whenever she had her chance of showing who was the better suited woman ,  she also  controlled her approach in order to not lose HW completely. HW and SE dated for 4 years. I mean dalbong is 7 and if we take 3 away ,that is 4 . if we add all that up , 3 of mourning  SE and being away, 4 with SE t ( in this period of time no kissing business until they meet again and he asks her if she still doing this type of thing, like how can you still press lips with anyone ,her  response I only do it to you, for all he cares and knows it could be a lie, I don't think he was aware of how deep she loved him until SJ gives it to him and he comes back home to interact with her and see for himself .( with an absent SE and a very determined and mature/ older  HJ who want to win his affections this time around)  . I mean he dated SE and it wasn't like HJ will go uninvited and tell him straight away I love you too, I love before she did )  all this counting leaves us with 5 years of only HJ and HW   . 4 of collage and being away for education purposes ( they are not meeting often during this time things are kept on friendly terms) , and 1 year of maybe high school, this is where all the kissing business started. like I said they were too inexperience , just barely undertaking attraction and getting out there to experience love. well that was quite long but this is why I don't think Hw should be responsible for HJ feelings . I just think he never actually knew the depth of them or how they got to growth so deep since in his mind  and time wisely ( if we really think about those 12 long years, like I try to do here  ) he never give any indication . HW is a gentleman , a nice cool dude, he couldn't know that he had affected her so deeply ( we saw how nice he has to that woman in ep 1 too) we saw how he was with sena , its his natural instinct like he calls it ,it is blended   in his personality and he shouldn't be blamed for it. for these type of people , if you want them to be held responsible for something, words must be exchange .also I believe that while HW's  perspective of being nice to woman is to be nice and polite  to all woman . once he gets the one, he tones it down, after all someone has won his attention and he will honor such choice with loyalty and undivided affection. once said woman died, he goes  back to interact with others without much care ; grieving his loss,  being nice here and there ( I mean he didn't follow HJ when she got mad at him at some restaurant ) but just letting the days pass by until the next big thing showed up.  this is a whole essay, I will return to share my thoughts on the other character , I really want to comment on HY ,I know she is well dislike, but I can't really dislike her, I know where she is coming from, she is only but human and there is a certain complexity about us all. she is a misguided soul that is for certain. she needs to objectively learn that the chance is gone and that there won't be anything that will provide her with that. her feelings are her own. HW should not be responsible for that  because she never told him  so of her affections until recently which is why for the first time she is getting a loud and sound No from him. certainly  not the response she had expected or that she wanted but it is the given one. I think HW really wanted to try make things work with her upon his return ( not exactly in the beginning, he didn't want to get involve with anyone but when SJ told him, the idea kind of stuck to him and I sense he kind of knew of his growing attraction , not so much sexual but affectionate pull toward sena, so to stop this, he volunteers himself in the hopes that maybe he can feel something- which did not came ) I think he liked sena since ep 1 ,she sparkle his curiosity not as a woman but as a person and we all know now how he ended up getting more involve with her the more they interacted so I won't comment on that ) . also we can all learn to love someone that is true, but only if we are willing ,where there is no will there is no fruition. if you are not interested in at least giving it a try then the other person will come off as annoying, irritating and kind of invading your space . you won't be happy and romance is all about sharing , you share everything, you lay it out there as you are in hopes that the other person will find herself/himself in you . I will return to share more. I must go now.... 

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strawberries34 said: Basically, I think Haeyoon isn't as overbearing as say - the second leads in Trot Lovers, Brilliant Legacy or Secret. But like you hilariously described, she's in need of some self-time or a friend that doesn't push her towards her obsession even more. Girlfriend needs to buy herself some pride. As a woman, I feel second hand embarrassment for her because she just doesn't see how pathetic she has become. I wish she'd just say, 'Screw you, I loved you for thismanyyears! and you didn't. So now, I'll live for myself because I deserve better'. But of course she wouldn't. She's the delusional, obsessive second lead after all. *headdesk*

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kseeker16_9cc6 said:


said: Well if it makes you feel any better



in the Bible it says the men of Israel were expected to marry the widow of a brother! So if a brother died and left a wife, another brother was expected to marry her and take care of her. Similar of course to how HW took in SN. Not expecting to fall in love or marry her, but wanting to at least take care of her.
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themarchioness said:
Totally agree.  She makes me want to facepalm whenever she pops up on the screen and I just cringe on her behalf.  My other problem with HY is that whenever I see the actress I can't help but think of the last drama I saw her in, "Golden Rainbow," and I think to myself, "Still can't get the guy, huh?"  Isn't that horrible of me?  :D

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Guest JamesFrancoPhD

On the topic of HaeYoon, since everyone has already expressed pretty much how I feel about her and her actions and why she is who she is, in light of the disaster known as Shin HaeYoon, I'll just try and list some of her redeeming qualities lol ...

  • She's loyal ... (At least to herself she is, aha, 12-years strong on her one-sided love. Gets rejected multiple times, never mind his feelings, only mine MATTER)
  • She's not as plotting/cunning/evil as other 2nd female leads in K-Dramas ...
  • She knows what she wants and how to get it ... (Emotional blackmail? No problem, I've had 12 years of experience)
  • She's supportive of her friends and their relationships ... (My crush is in a committed relationship, I won't directly try to force them apart, I'll just hide behind the scenes and plant seeds of doubt instead)
  • She's persistent and consistent ... (My crush is ready to love again, but sadly not with me, hang on just one second whilst I stick to the same plan again)
  • She's a great actress ... (Let me be such a doll in front of my crush ... meanwhile I'm slapping his GF in the face when he's not around)
  • She isn't afraid to express herself ... (Let me continually show SJ my state of distress and emotional weakness, he has HW's ear, let me guilt/pity trip him into saying something to HW)
  • She knows how to keep things to herself, at least when sober ... (Oh hi HW, let me mislead you into thinking I told SN your secret and then let me just get drunk and tell JY instead hehehe)

So yeah, just some of her redeeming qualities, I think I did pretty well at praising her lol.


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JamesFrancoPhD said: On the topic of HaeYoon, since everyone has already expressed pretty much how I feel about her and her actions and why she is who she is, I'll just try and list some of her redeeming qualities lol ...

  • She's loyal ... (At least to herself she is, aha, 12-years strong on her one-sided love. Gets rejected multiple times, never mind his feelings, only mine MATTER)
  • She's not as plotting/cunning/evil as other 2nd female leads in K-Dramas ...
  • She knows what she wants and how to get it ... (Emotional blackmail? No problem, I've had 12 years of experience)
  • She's supportive of her friends and their relationships ... (My crush is in a committed relationship, I won't directly try to force them apart, I'll just hide behind the scenes and plant seeds of doubt instead)
  • She's persistent and consistent ... (My crush is ready to love again, but sadly not with me, hang on just one second whilst I stick to the same plan again)
  • She's a great actress ... (Let me be such a doll in front of my crush ... meanwhile I'm slapping his GF in the face when he's not around)
  • She isn't afraid to express herself ... (Let me continually show SJ my state of distress and emotional weakness, he has HW's ear, let me guilt/pity trip him into saying something to HW)
  • She knows how to keep things to herself, at least when sober ... (Oh hi HW, let me mislead you into thinking I told SN your secret and then let me just get drunk and tell JY instead hehehe)

So yeah, just some of her redeeming qualities, I think I did pretty well at praising her lol.


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