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[ Variety ] Youth Over Flowers 꽃보다 청춘

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^ amazing !!! daebak D: Thank u so much, chingu :-)  
wow , Yoon Sang .... I'm surprised , he doesn't have a picky personality ( I think he felt embarrased to ask to change the rooms the first time ) but just like Juck says he's really difficult to understand o_o  to the point to make you feel stressed and frustrated ... hahaha no wonder Juck lost his temper and Hee Yeol just kept laughing at the situation in despair :)) :)) he knew that he was also going to explode! Hee Yeol n Sang's personalities are definitely the perfect opposite ~~~ #uhoh 
The captions were on point ..... hahha suspecting a prank / hidden camera!!  =)) I'm glad Juck considered that crazy probability ( even tho there was no hidden camera ) cos he was already alerted of how crazy Na PD n his staff can be so he won't be an easy target for his evil tricks anymore . 
kkkk and the first part XD Hee Yeol is really a bussiness man =)) if not why proposing Jae Hyung ? man , he's famous for having quite an UNIQUE personality , I know they must be good friends but I'm sure Jae Hyung wasn't the best option among his friends to take a trip to another continent .... I have the feeling he was trying to help Jae Hyung to be casted since HY is his boss in Antenna Music kkk 
Muchas gracias , amiga!  ^.^ 

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He mentioned Shin Dong-yup too (sorry, I misspelled in my translation). I didn't even know they were good friends, I wonder if that's also a business/entertainment move. I have a feeling Hee Yeol's really good friends aren't great on TV. Hehehe.
I guess we'll find out why Yoon Sang was picky about the bathroom later. LJ will be able to understand him better, Yoon Sang looks like the sensitive type, while Hee Yeol, in LJ's words, "Even though he doesn't look like it, he's a namja." 100%!

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fourleafclover said: He mentioned Shin Dong-yup too (sorry, I misspelled in my translation). I didn't even know they were good friends, I wonder if that's also a business/entertainment move. I have a feeling Hee Yeol's really good friends aren't great on TV. Hehehe.
I guess we'll find out why Yoon Sang was picky about the bathroom later. LJ will be able to understand him better, Yoon Sang looks like the sensitive type, while Hee Yeol, in LJ's words, "Even though he doesn't look like it, he's a namja." 100%!

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arghhhh the live stream betrayed me ... it's lagging so badly today! T_T but at least caught few minutes of them at the bar suffering for the korean disaster in the match with Belgium T_T poor Hee Yeol didn't care about the camera and kept drinking beer LOL :(
They also went to Larcomar ( a very famous dept store here ) and kept playing in front of the beach =)
They're back on their dorm and talking about pervy stuff =)) 

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wait ... previews of the hidden camera  ... Na PD left without them ( he just left a letter LMAO ) !!!! =)) =)) =)) they're by themselves( and their respective VJs ) ahahahahha :)) :)) Juck was right : those people are insane ! 

They're leaving Lima and  got the best seats in the bus on their way to Ica ( Nazca ) ... they keep seeing the beach  and desert on the route :)

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It's so sad to see them doing everything by themselves =)) even adjusting details with the tourism agency :)) Na PD is really EVIL!!!  =))
They're finally in the desert of Huacachina .... and doing SAND BOARD!!! haha the way Juck screams :)) :)) his 2 hyungs looked way more cool than him XD 

They're literally playing like kids on the sand :) jumping and running until the night 

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:x :x :x Yoon Sang's kids look just like him 

Can I say how much I loved the way they used Juck's song RUN ACROSS THE SKY for the scenes in the desert  ♥

@ Nate
End of episode 2 .... They're arriving to a small airport ... they're going to take a plane to observe the famous Nazca Lines  :)

.... and leader Hee Yeol appears once again in Cuzco :

@ Nate 

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hull ..... the official web is updating even the BGM of the show !!!! LOVE THIS!!!They're sharing the songs from some of the scenes .... awesome idea :x :x :x


평균 연령 44세,불혹을 넘긴 '아저씨'들의페루 배낭여행기! 신비의 땅 페루에서 펼쳐지는뮤지션 윤상, 유희열, 이적의 초경량 빈손 배낭여행기가드디어 시작되었습니다!      BGM과 함께하는 리뷰 시작합니다~!         1.jpg  사전모임 장소에 모인 꽃청춘 멤버들!비행기표를 받아보는데... 오늘 떠난다구?! 김치찌개 먹다가 떠나게 된 이들!눈 앞이 깜깜~ 앞길이 막막~(그래도 상비약은 챙기기)       BGM♬ 윤상 - 이별의 그늘 floweryoungboy_ep01(RE).mp4_20140807_181242.242.jpg  매니저와도 안녕♬빠이 짜이찌엔~♩ 
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12.jpg 이번 주! 어색한 저녁 식사에서 이적을 울게 만든 윤상의 비밀은?!    8월 8일 밤 9시 50분에방송됩니다!
Source : http://program.interest.me/tvn/floweryoungboy/18/Board/View?b_seq=1
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 BGM과 함께하는 리뷰 시작합니다~!      BGM♬ 루시드 폴 - 바람, 어디에서 부는지 꽃청춘 2회 가편.wmv_20140808_163304.096.jpg  페루에서의 두번째 날,입을 옷을 사러 홀로 산책을 나선 윤상    꽃청춘 2회 가편.wmv_20140808_163628.036.jpg  숙소로 돌아와 희열, 이적과 함께월드컵 경기 시청중 전날 숙소에서의 일로어색한 분위기가 감도는데...    1.jpg  저녁식사에서20년이 넘도록 밝히지 않았던자신의 비밀을 털어놓는 윤상 이적.. 끝내 눈물을 보이다      BGM♬ Oasis - Whatever 
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역시 여행지에서의 묘미는 맥주! 캬~음악에 대한 이야기를 나누는 이들윤상에 대해 존경심을 가지고 있는 이적과, 유희열 윤소녀는 역시 뮤지션이였다.  8.jpg  세월이 지나도 변함없는 그들You're my best friend♬     BGM♬ 버스커 버스커 - 봄바람  꽃청춘 2회 가편.wmv_20140808_191440.933.jpg
숙소로 향하며오늘 여행에 대해 한마디씩!윤상 "오늘 완전 짱이였어~~~"          9.jpg   다음 날 아침,제작진이 남기고 간 편지 12시간동안 자유를 드리겠습니다.나스카로 오세요 잉?    과연 그들의 여행은....!! Source : http://program.interest.me/tvn/floweryoungboy/18/Board/View?b_seq=3
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