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[OFFICIAL] ♔ MinShin (Lee Min Ho ❤ Park Shin Hye) ♔ - Thread 2


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[Translation] 20140714 Han Love - PSH interview


Q: What did trigger your debut?
PSH: Umm, when in 6th grader in elementary school, I applied to an audition for LSH's music video and it led me to joining the management agency. I prepared to become a singer, and in 2002? in 2003 I started from starring in a music video and I debuted with a drama 'Stairway to Heaven' as an actress.

Q: Since when, have you aimed to be an actress?
PSH: Frankly I didn't have a dream to be an actress, I wanted to be a policewoman. Not so coincidental event led me to an audition and through that opportunity I become a trainee.

Q. What's your work that you think as a turning point?
PSH: I think it's 'You're Beautiful'. While I was moving from a high school student, passing my adolescence and become 20, there was a time that I took some time off from work while I attended schools. I've always done a project or two every year before that. And while I wasn't doing any, my peers showed up in many dramas. Watching them, I felt being impatient sometimes and thought a lot 'Could I do acting again? Would there be a role suits to me?'. It was right that time I met YAB and the role reminded me that  acting is quite interesting. It was my 1st project done with my peers and the project was a really fun and made me to regain my confidence.

Q. In the future, any character you want to play?
A. There are many genres I haven't worked on, well I'd like to work in an action movie/drama, and also a serious melodrama. I really wants to do an action movie/drama before I get older, even by a year, when I can utilize my body well.

Q. What's the content of upcoming fan meeting in Japan?
PSH: This will be an event that I show what I have, at the same time I'd like to make this one to be a fan meeting to communicate and keep in tune with fans. I wanted to do it as a concert format, but until now there're few opportunities I can meet with fans, so I'd like to make a fan meeting one I can be close to my fans. So that'll be what this fan meeting would be.

CAP: Answer in 3 seconds!

Q1. What's your favorite Korean food?
PSH: Kimchi. (laugh)

Q2: What's the difficult thing as an actress?
PSH: Privacy

Q3: Any behaviors/acts you're attracted to men?
PSH: I don't know, I think I don't have any.

Q4: By what age you want to get married?
PSH: Before 40? (laugh)

Q5: New thing to challenge?
PSH: Surfing (laugh)


CAP: By what age you want to get married?
         Before I'm 40.

PSH: Originally, I wanted to get married really early - I dreamed that I'd be married by 23 and live a lovey-dovey marriage life with my kids(or a kid) not so big age gap to me and with my husband. Now I already passed 23 (shyly laugh). There emerged many things I'd like to do, and those thoughts disappeared little by little. Some of my high school friends are already married, some are to get married soon, so I come to think a lot 'When can I get married?'. Well, it's amazing how one's desire(aspiration) works. There emerge things I'd like to do and I got to see what I need to do, then I become to think less on getting married. On the other side, I some times think 'What if I can't get married?', so I'd like to get married before 40.

CAP: New thing to challenge?

PSH: Surfing, I got to know it back when I filmed a drama in Taiwan - the staff and the director told me they enjoyed surfing. So I wanted to learn it then, and at that time my fans gave me a surfing board as a gift. However, the surfing board is sitting in my house still intact and I haven't tried surfing yet. It seems like there're many around me doing surfing. I enjoy being in nature, so...(I'll try surfing)

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Guest minshin2046

Omg ! We need to wait more 10 ++ for marriage news !!! No......!! This is not good .... I don want to wait so long ..... The baby 2 boys have to delay .... No no no .. [-(

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Guest MáriaP

„Though I speak with the tongues of men and of angels, and have not charity,

I am become as sounding brass, or a tinkling cymbal.

And though I have the gift of prophecy, and undrestand all mysteries, and all knowledge;

and though I have all faith, so that I could remove mountains,

and have not charity, I am nothing.

And though I bestow all my goods to feed the poor,

and though I give my body to be burned,

and have not charity, it profiteth me nothing.

Charity sufferet long, and is kind;

charity envieth not;

charity vaunteth not itfelf, is not puffed up,

Doth not behave itself unseemly,

seeketh not her own,

is not easily provoked, thinketh no evil;

Rejoiceth not in iniquity, but rejoiceth int he truth;

Beareth all things,

believeth all things,

hopeth all things,

endureth all things.

Charity never faileth:

but whether there be prophecies, they shall fail;

wheteher there be tongues, they shall cease;

whether there be knowledge, it shall vanish away.

For we know in part, and we prophesy in part.

But when that which is perfect is come

then that which is in part shall be done away.

When I was a child, I thought as a child:

but when I became a man, I put away childish things.

For now we see through a glass, darkly; but then face to face:

now I know in part; but then shall I know even as also I am known.

And now abideth faith, hope, charity, these three;

but the greatest of these is charity.”

/1. Chorinthians 13./

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awww so many pages to backread. cant do lurking right now and check up on you guys since my licensure exam is this week and next week *nervesssss* please pray for me :'( but hey! so glad SH's so active with the media now with her fansign events!!! yay and she's soooooo pretty in white!!! :x
Missing all you guys and especially our babies! MInShin needs to promote overseas for Heirs! Been missing seeing them together physically! ugh. Poor heart of mine..
and do check out our lovely AFF and our branwen's wordpress! we've got great stuff in there! yayy!!!
SH: MinShinners got the message about the marriage thing! jeez!

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Guest MichikoS

Annyeong Chingu, I am new in this forum. So please guided me to provide support and love for our Minshin.

When I discovered this family I am very happy and I said to myself, "Finally I get so warm family, who always support each other, encourage each other, comfort each other and the most important is always to divide so much in love with each other." I really love Minshin, so there is no day for me to visit this family. I've never been all that love couple korean drama like this before. But after seeing The Heirs, like I got an incredible gift. I remember one of my older sister who does not know who it was Lee Min Ho and Park Shin Hye  for the first time saw the drama Heirs, BTS videos and SBS Drama Awards she said, "Are they dating? From the way they look and shy as with they look really admire and fall in love with each other." And I was shocked, so I was not wrong to feel that they are like each other, love each other and have a strong chemistry on screen or of screen.

In conclusion I believe MINSIN is 300% REAL 

ps: Sorry with my bad english and long post. Still continue support Our Baby Boy and Baby Girl in any poll    X_X X_X X_X   ;;):D @-) (:| :-j

[-O< [-O< :!!
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Guest RoseLynB1430293944

Thankyou so much @nevrmind for the translation :x

I really miss MinShin so much :(( :((

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