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♥Quack Couple♥Park Hoon(Lee Jong Suk) & Oh Soo Hyun(Kang So Ra)♥(Sora mentions LeeJong Suk-p385)


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Just had a crazy thought!  I remember Director Choi (the old dude) wanted to go look for JH in NK but Hoon wanted him to go look for JJ in the US.  
What if he comes back with news that JJ is the kid who was orphaned as well as the news that JH had actually died in NK! Haven't seen Director Choi for a long while!

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ZayyanN said: omgggggggg I'm so happyyyyyy   :D :DI'm speechless I love this episode so much   :x :x :x finally in this episode we know how much soo hyun meaning to himand seung hee finaly realize that hoon also have a felling for soo hyunomg !! the way hoon is worry about soo hyun is really make me happyinfront of seung hee he doesn't really showed it but when seung hee looked back to his apartmentshe also see how it's distract him.and the first thing he asked when seung hee called is how is dulbari ?? omgggand he LIE on seung hee about where he is eventhough their moment not really long but it's really deepI can't wait till next week  :(:((

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I think SooHyun feelings towards Hoon now is like ' I Hate That I Love You' but it seems like perhaps in the future episodes, she would sacrifice herself for Hoon like what Jae Hee is doing now. But come to think of it, she has been fighting for/supporting him all this while. Wow Hoon you're a real lucky guy, you have not 1 but 2 girls 'Protecting' you, i guess Hoon's character is like the damsel in distress..  :)) :))

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Guest Karina_S

At the beginning of episode 16, I feel very sad for SooHyun since Hoon seemed don't care about her and hold Jae Hee's hand tighter but the scene that Hoon tried to call SooHyun but she didn't pick up his call made me pretty sure that Hoon has feeling for SooHyun! Since when Jae Hee called him, she said to Hoon that "You should come here together if you're very worry about her (SooHyun)" and Hoon acted like he didn't care but he still try to send message for her but decided to delete it then he tried to ignore this but he still cannot control himself from frustrated and another scene that Jae Hee tried to call Hoon and Hoon lied to her remind me when Jae Joon called SooHyun and SooHyun lied to him! I don't think it's because Hoon is afraid that Jae Hee will worry that Hoon comes to see SooHyun. I think Jae Hee is OK since she is worry about SooHyun too but why Hoon lie? I think he feel something towords SooHyun and he's afraid Jae Hee will know so he lied! I hope the writer will not play with Quack shipper's hearts this time  Quack Couple Fighting!!! ^:)^

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CrystalVIP said: At the beginning of episode 16, I feel very sad for SooHyun since Hoon seemed don't care about her and hold Jae Hee's hand tighter but the scene that Hoon tried to call SooHyun but she didn't pick up his call made me pretty sure that Hoon has feeling for SooHyun! Since when Jae Hee called him, she said to Hoon that "You should come here together if you're very worry about her (SooHyun)" and Hoon acted like he didn't care but he still try to send message for her but decided to delete it then he tried to ignore this but he still cannot control himself from frustrated and another scene that Jae Hee tried to call Hoon and Hoon lied to her remind me when Jae Joon called SooHyun and SooHyun lied to him! I don't think it's because Hoon is afraid that Jae Hee will worry that Hoon comes to see SooHyun. I think Jae Hee is OK since she is worry about SooHyun too but why Hoon lie? I think he feel something towords SooHyun and he's afraid Jae Hee will know so he lied! I hope the writer will not play with Quack shipper's hearts this time  Quack Couple Fighting!!! ^:)^

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Guest dreamerland

sharing here too.. i love her/his point of view.
ANONYMOUSi think you are too harsh on hoon, he has the right to reject her. soo hyun wouldn't take no for an answer.

Okay, I’m gonna have to defend Soohyun. I don’t like how they were writing her character either, but I don’t think she did anything wrong regarding Hoon, she even tried her best to stop her feelings for him.

The problem is Hoon was never honest about the reason why he rejects her. I know he has his reasons to hide Jaehee, but that’s still true. He kept saying dumb richard simmons like ‘you’re hot-tempered so I can never like you’ just little nothings, so in a way maybe Soohyun thought those could be overcome. She didn’t know that the fault wasn’t in her and it couldn’t be changed. Then when Soohyun actually confesses to Hoon for the first time, she asks ‘is it because of jaehee’ he proceeds to throw the father-bombshell in her face. If he ever even once thought of her as a friend, he shouldn’t have used it in that way. He should have told her about her father in another way. So why now? Therefore it’s clear Hoon was using it in a hurtful way and he knew it. He was okay with hurting Soohyun in order to not tell the truth. Once again, he would rather place the fault on Soohyun’s side, using her father as the reason why he’s rejecting her. Which he knows is not true.  Then he goes ‘I didn’t mean to hurt her like that :(‘— lol okay bro.

People are saying Hoon doesn’t owe Soohyun an explanation about Jaehee’s identity and that may be true, but her reaction was right even as a friend imo. Especially because Soohyun helped Hoon a lot in the beginning regarding Jaehee and she only started developing feelings for Hoon after she thought Jaehee was already dead/gone. She doesn’t know about the spy angle, so as far as she knows they were just lying to her. But even so, now that she knows the real reason, see how Soohyun has backed off? Even felt apologetic towards Jaehee for the way she acted even if she she didn’t really overstep? So again yes, Hoon doesn’t owe her an explanation, but can’t people see why she deserved more than what she was given? She’s such a good girl and they made her feel like a fool.

cr : bastardfeels/tumblr

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At last scene of episode 16, SooHyun went somewhere and our super doctor came along

I wondered what happens with her. Why she went away ? To find Hoon ?? About Agent Cha, he's not die people. He's alive and only did an acting to Hoon since Hoon is confused and denial about the thingy.

And for soohyun, just my delulu mind save me and no matter your ending, i will make a pair to you. Like Choi Young Do in Heirs. Blind date :D

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At last scene of episode 16, SooHyun went somewhere and our super doctor came along

I wondered what happens with her. Why she went away ? To find Hoon ?? About Agent Cha, he's not die people. He's alive and only did an acting to Hoon since Hoon is confused and denial about the thingy.

And for soohyun, just my delulu mind save me and no matter your ending, i will make a pair to you. Like Choi Young Do in Heirs. Blind date :D

I'm worried what will happen with Soohyun...

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Guest aya52893

At the beginning of episode 16, I feel very sad for SooHyun since Hoon seemed don't care about her and hold Jae Hee's hand tighter but the scene that Hoon tried to call SooHyun but she didn't pick up his call made me pretty sure that Hoon has feeling for SooHyun! Since when Jae Hee called him, she said to Hoon that "You should come here together if you're very worry about her (SooHyun)" and Hoon acted like he didn't care but he still try to send message for her but decided to delete it then he tried to ignore this but he still cannot control himself from frustrated and another scene that Jae Hee tried to call Hoon and Hoon lied to her remind me when Jae Joon called SooHyun and SooHyun lied to him! I don't think it's because Hoon is afraid that Jae Hee will worry that Hoon comes to see SooHyun. I think Jae Hee is OK since she is worry about SooHyun too but why Hoon lie? I think he feel something towords SooHyun and he's afraid Jae Hee will know so he lied! I hope the writer will not play with Quack shipper's hearts this time  Quack Couple Fighting!!! ^



My quack heart is crying reading your post because i remember how SooH cried so much on those scenes. I'm really loving her more and more.


PH and SHyun please check my heart. it is totally broken..Hahahaha.

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Guest aya52893

Crazy me again!  What if ....and I repeat what if Hoon & Hyun met as kids and they share a back story also????? Hun would have been staying with her mother at that time (looking at the age of younger Hoon)

Hahahah. I also think that way. But its impossible :)

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Crazy me again!  What if ....and I repeat what if Hoon & Hyun met as kids and they share a back story also????? Hun would have been staying with her mother at that time (looking at the age of younger Hoon)

I also though that hehe

Is it cliche in kdrama the heroes have met when they were child?but they are so young back then~

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Guest TrangB

watching ep 15 and 16 really, really, really makes me believe in our quack couple * i cannot help myself*getting an important exam and my head was like "hoonhyun hoonhyun" all over last night  :-S
ep 15 hoon was soooooo cold to hyun. but in the end, he was "i didn't mean to hurt her like that" oh my quack feels oh my my. that was like the saver of the episode to me. even though the director let hyun know the truth is making her cry and hurt so much is like the most important development of the drama *to me*. it finally shows that hoon has feelings for hyun.  it was like, he held jae hee's hand in the beginning tighter to say to hyun that "i love her, don't love me back or you will get hurt". But when she ran away, he chased after, and what did he want to tell her??? not to sorry, i think, it's something more important than just to say "sorry".  back to ep 15, when she asked "is it because of jae hee?" he didn't admit, he just told her that was because of her father. what does it mean? if it had not been for her father, what would ne his answer???
hyun means a lot to hoon now, we can easily see that. some quacker said "he likes her as a friend and it will develop into love". from my point of view, he likes her AS A WOMAN now, and it has already developed into love. he just cannot admit that yet, one side because of jae hee *he is still in love with her --  when you love someone, in your mind you will always say you love that person and even you have feelings for someone else you cannot admit that immediately*, and one side from her dad. For example, chang yi, who also likes hoon - if this happen to chang yi and it was a shock to her, will he react the same way? i think no. the director let three girls like hoon, in different ways, but the way he treats three of them can show us how he feels about each of them: 

  • jae hee: his first big big and important love. he still loves her, no one can deny that  =((
  • chang yi: she likes hoon, but their realtionship - that is how we call "like as a friend". they will never develop into love
       soohyun : oh my. he starts having feelings. but he cannot admit it now. he likes her, more than a friend now. if not, why was he so worried and kept calling jae hee because of her????? for chang yi i don't think hoon will react the same way. he also held hyun's hand like that "like truely holding OMG - first time* at the beginning of ep 16. and at the hospital when hyun was about to be hit again, hoon stood in and hit that crazyyyyy man, yeah he will do that to everyone, but after that, he held her back to tell her something again. OMG what the helllll was thattttt??? he still didn't tell her, and in the near future, he will :3. and jae hee is only jealous of hyun, what about changyi????  :)
 sooooooo, don't worry quackers, hoon DOES have feelings for hyun, more than just a friend. after ep 15 and 16 i even believe more in them :3. QUACKERS <3
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Hoon tell meeee....tell meee.... tell meeee....tell meee....just tell us  =))........
  just tell soo hyun

@trangB that's so true about the 3 ladies, i see they all represent a different type of love for hoonchang yi is friendship/sibling love, jae hee is first love and soo hyun is the one who is like in between - the one he can't figure out yet, the one that will turn into final love i love love ur post=))

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Guest kimsontoya

CrystalVIP said: At the beginning of episode 16, I feel very sad for SooHyun since Hoon seemed don't care about her and hold Jae Hee's hand tighter but the scene that Hoon tried to call SooHyun but she didn't pick up his call made me pretty sure that Hoon has feeling for SooHyun! Since when Jae Hee called him, she said to Hoon that "You should come here together if you're very worry about her (SooHyun)" and Hoon acted like he didn't care but he still try to send message for her but decided to delete it then he tried to ignore this but he still cannot control himself from frustrated and another scene that Jae Hee tried to call Hoon and Hoon lied to her remind me when Jae Joon called SooHyun and SooHyun lied to him! I don't think it's because Hoon is afraid that Jae Hee will worry that Hoon comes to see SooHyun. I think Jae Hee is OK since she is worry about SooHyun too but why Hoon lie? I think he feel something towords SooHyun and he's afraid Jae Hee will know so he lied! I hope the writer will not play with Quack shipper's hearts this time  Quack Couple Fighting!!! ^:)^

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Guest Karina_S

TrangB said: watching ep 15 and 16 really, really, really makes me believe in our quack couple * i cannot help myself*getting an important exam and my head was like "hoonhyun hoonhyun" all over last night  :-S
ep 15 hoon was soooooo cold to hyun. but in the end, he was "i didn't mean to hurt her like that" oh my quack feels oh my my. that was like the saver of the episode to me. even though the director let hyun know the truth is making her cry and hurt so much is like the most important development of the drama *to me*. it finally shows that hoon has feelings for hyun.  it was like, he held jae hee's hand in the beginning tighter to say to hyun that "i love her, don't love me back or you will get hurt". But when she ran away, he chased after, and what did he want to tell her??? not to sorry, i think, it's something more important than just to say "sorry".  back to ep 15, when she asked "is it because of jae hee?" he didn't admit, he just told her that was because of her father. what does it mean? if it had not been for her father, what would ne his answer???
hyun means a lot to hoon now, we can easily see that. some quacker said "he likes her as a friend and it will develop into love". from my point of view, he likes her AS A WOMAN now, and it has already developed into love. he just cannot admit that yet, one side because of jae hee *he is still in love with her --  when you love someone, in your mind you will always say you love that person and even you have feelings for someone else you cannot admit that immediately*, and one side from her dad. For example, chang yi, who also likes hoon - if this happen to chang yi and it was a shock to her, will he react the same way? i think no. the director let three girls like hoon, in different ways, but the way he treats three of them can show us how he feels about each of them: 

  • jae hee: his first big big and important love. he still loves her, no one can deny that  =((
  • chang yi: she likes hoon, but their realtionship - that is how we call "like as a friend". they will never develop into love
       soohyun : oh my. he starts having feelings. but he cannot admit it now. he likes her, more than a friend now. if not, why was he so worried and kept calling jae hee because of her????? for chang yi i don't think hoon will react the same way. he also held hyun's hand like that "like truely holding OMG - first time* at the beginning of ep 16. and at the hospital when hyun was about to be hit again, hoon stood in and hit that crazyyyyy man, yeah he will do that to everyone, but after that, he held her back to tell her something again. OMG what the helllll was thattttt??? he still didn't tell her, and in the near future, he will :3. and jae hee is only jealous of hyun, what about changyi????  :)
 sooooooo, don't worry quackers, hoon DOES have feelings for hyun, more than just a friend. after ep 15 and 16 i even believe more in them :3. QUACKERS <3
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