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Soompi Forums Easter Egg Hunt


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Going thru the threads looking for the Hint 7 answers is very distracting... 

Drools over the pictures.... and forgot why I am there in the first place. 


That's what happened to me for the first hint. I got so captivated that once, I stared for a few minutes at one picture. XD

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I need to give up, guys.
There was a storm here last night, I was without electricity till now and I didn't even started my hunt.
Now I see everybody talking about the hint being multi tier and so on...
I guess I don't have time to keep trying. All the hints so far are not making any sense...
I have just few hours online today, let me see if I can make a miracle.

By the way, does anyone know if this is the last egg and when is the deadline to send our answers?

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I need to give up, guys.

There was a storm here last night, I was without electricity till now and I didn't even started my hunt.

Now I see everybody talking about the hint being multi tier and so on...

I guess I don't have time to keep trying. All the hints so far are not making any sense...

I have just few hours online today, let me see if I can make a miracle.

By the way, does anyone know if this is the last egg and when is the deadline to send our answers?

I think this is the second last egg. If you have found 4 normal eggs and 1 golden egg, you still can submit your URLs to melkimx.

Good luck~! It's a pity that you have to give up though.

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Yup, I've found 5 colored eggs and 1 golden egg. But I wanted to find all the eggs to have more chances to win something.

Juts to be sure, there are 5 clored eggs and 2 golden eggs, right? I'm lacking just the last golden egg then...

I'm not good with these hints, but I'll try to find this egg ^^

I just need to be sure till when I can send the message to melkmix.

No, I'm pretty sure there's 6 normal eggs?

This golden egg is seriously making me want to pull my hair out...

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Guest kujaichi

I found the golden egg! Whoooo!! :D :D
(Er, the first one xD)

I still have no idea what the clue is actually supposed to mean and was just randomly browsing randomly threads with less than 140 pages, ahaha... But at least @Ella's accidental hint makes sense now :D

Now I'm also motivated to work on the other hints again, because I actually only found two normal eggs so far... xD

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