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RongYi Couple (Lego and Rong Rong)


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i only caught glimpse of the BTS so need to go back and thoroughly observe.

i have to come forward and admit, yes, i'm GREEDY but EP 23 BTS is oh my holy sweet tart lovey dovey natural awesome.  what i love about this RY BTS is no one interrupts them, like breathing, so natural and filled with hearts~~~

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I am going to watch the BTS later on my tablet and join in the convo when I get home.The phone doesn't do justice for RY bts moments lol

I was watching a korean movie last night Love 911..and ever since first episode of IAGW, I see a resemblance between Lego and Go Soo.They can totally pull of being brothers...


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Well well well Lego is up early and posted in IG and what do you know RR is up early and liked his post hehehe..hmm both are up!? hehehe long distance phonecalls between the two gaaaahh lol..

@K4Ice‌ hahaha gotta love the intense look..Go Soo got some intense looks too but I think Lego has more of the heartwarming one that gets me in the guts lol

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@littlesame hahaha you're welcome! :-* 
@clauric Lego is definitely one of those guys who can exude manly sexiness and then turn around and be so cute the next min. I love that he can express so many different emotions and basically can just speak with his eyes. I mean just look at the bts - he and Rong Rong have so many unspoken convos just by looking at each other!! Plus added bonus of an adorable dimple that pops out when he smiles and laughs..I'm such a sucker for dimples...I should probably stop before this gets slightly more R rated since I've had some wine..
@Elezez well if it's any indication of missing someone so much, Rong Rong already liked Lego's latest post....so therefore she misses HIM so much! Now if she would just post a photo so Lego can like it right away and then we'll know that he misses HER so much! :P :x ooh and hopefully he'll bring her back a gift too!! 
Thanks for posting Lego's IG pic @seungzy_kangdamshipper ! That is such a pretty pic of the sakura and sunshine!!

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Hehehe hopefully next Japan trip, our dear RR is with Lego to meet the family (hehehe a shipper's dream)...i think what really made me squeal is that when Lego posted his pic on IG, after 4 minutes later our dear RR liked it..yes yes yes i think everyone is waiting for RR to post on IG in hopes that Lego would like or comment...I have a feeling that maybe in the final episode airing our RY will post a picture of the two of them..and any news if there would be a cast party soon?

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I love all those hand in hand walking about in this episode as they locate the people to return the items to......director must be a cheeky shipper...... No need to have every scene with them hand in hand......but hey, no kiss yet so I'll take what you dish ....lol

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I love all those hand in hand walking about in this episode as they locate the people to return the items to......director must be a cheeky shipper...... No need to have every scene with them hand in hand......but hey, no kiss yet so I'll take what you dish ....lol

they are VERY CONSISTENT on the hand holding which i don't see a lot in dramas..but in IAGW you will start to notice that even though you are not suppose to notice, you end up realizing how many times LC and JE have held hands..i noticed this since a few episodes back when LC and JE were going to meet at the library with Jacky and them..In that scene JE and LC were holding hands..it's like they are a normal couple..now we are just missing the SMOOCHES hahaha coz normal couples DO KISS lol..

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clauric said:

I love all those hand in hand walking about in this episode as they locate the people to return the items to......director must be a cheeky shipper...... No need to have every scene with them hand in hand......but hey, no kiss yet so I'll take what you dish ....lol

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i know the clothing! they repear the clothings which is so rare..

hahaha the ding dong is totally RY adlib and finally it made it onscreen hahaha..

well apparently RR is busy on her phone particularly on IG lol..she might as well go to japan hehehe jk..she liked and posted a comment on Lego's recent IG post and it does look like a wedding ceremony..

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