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RongYi Couple (Lego and Rong Rong)


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The RR pic taken by staff is simply stunning, are you drooling L? I am proud to say i girl-crush her because she's real, humble, classy, fun, beautiful and can poke fun of herself, which to me is huge.

not a big fan of her anime-eyes pics though, it takes away from her natural beauty.

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Looking back @ ING #05 

@ 00:13


RR: A guy who strums the guitar and sings really is....

charming~ :\">

I do not know how to say it....

there's some guy performing live right now and he's a very charming one :P

(*arrow pointing @ Lego & Jay )

Reporter: "you have to choose one out of the two!" ;)

(*cue Rong Rong stunned....she actually thought that there's only one guy performing)

Reporters: "There's one on ur left and one on ur right"

Big Caption>> RR (*huh? there's two people!?)

RR turned to her right first (she didn't know that Jay has been singing and playing the guitar all the while)

hahaha she only has all eyes on her "idol" :x

RR: " :o really there is!" 

Big Caption>> RR (*"oh my gosh~ both of them are really charming! :\"> )

RR: both of them have inner and external beauty~

I really have no idea who to choose! :)

Let us take a look at one by one then ;))

@ 00:40


when RR's walking closer and closer to Lego

Lego's busy playing around with Jack & Steven :P

RR: "this guy here~"

Lego: "Hi~ nice to meet you!"

Big Caption>> RR : (*you are very charming! :\"> )

hahaha (*cue Steven & Jack's cheeky reactionz ;)) )

Lego: "what do you mean?" :P

RR: "you sitting down this way...holding onto a guitar ...

singing and playing the guitar~"

Big Caption>> RR (*anthomaniac tone)

(*cue Lego feeling shy after hearing her complimentz :P )

(*cue Steven & Jack looking at Lego eagerly waiting for his answer ;)) )

@ 00:55 


Lego: "This guitar belongs to Jay"

(awww no answer from Lego to RR's compliments that Steven & Jack turned and look @ RR's reaction >:) )

P.S : something fishy sure is going on btw RR and Lego during that time ;)) )

Lego: As Jay has a very important confession scene today 

playing the guitar solo~"

so I borrowed this guitar from him

Big Caption >> Lego (*talk so much but beating around the bush)

Lego: "this main topic is not about me" :P

RR: "Have you ever sing and played the guitar while confessing to someone before?"

Lego: Yes~ I did

really~ there was once before!"

RR: "really!?" what song did you sing? (very interested in knowing)

Lego: "A composed song of mine!" :P

(*cue Lego waiting for RR's reation)

RR: " :o a song that you composed?!"

Big Caption>> "who did you compose it for?! *Stare

(*cue RR moving her head closer and closer...looking deeply into his eyes

wanting him to give her an answer to : who is this lucky person)

Lego shyly avoided eye contact : "of course is to the girl I want to woo" 

Steven: "She's getting angry!" :))

RR: "When was that" :-w

Big Caption>> RR (*close in on)

Lego: "at age 19"

8 years ago~

(*cue Jack & Steven's expressions! :)) )


RR: "Are you willing to compose another song 8 or 9 years later?!" :\">

singing and playing the guitar to..... (*RR showing hand signalz to Lego who only understands) :P

Big Caption>> Lego showing his teeth to RR (*act blur)

RR: "to other people :P

"dedicate to who?!"

Lego cheekishly acting blur ~ 

Big Caption>> RR (*dedicate to me obviously!")

Lego: "you tell me who~"

RR: "dedicate to the fans!" ;))


(hahaha cue Steven dropped his head down after hearing RR's non satisfactory answer)

Lego actually paused for a bit too ~

hmmm does that mean he was expecting a diff answer from RR) >:)

Lego: dedicate to the fans?? 

If the IAGW fb page can break the record of 15,000 fans

but I feel that...

Both answered at the same timing!

RR  and Lego looking at each other: "Should be very soon!"

(cue Steven's look of amazement :P )

RR: "It should happen very soon!"

Lego: "seems likely too soon!"

no...no... 20 thousand!"

Steven: you have to start writing while we are fiming episode 7!"

Lego: "when the 20,000 record is broken, I will find a free time and write a song

dedicating it to all the supporters of IAGW !"

Big Caption>> RR: (*"keep to your word!")

Lego: "Okay!"


Big Caption >> RR: (*helped you guys gain a song)

Big Caption >> Lego (*everyone click like until it reaches 19,000 then stop alright?!)

(*cue RR burst out laughing!) :))

When Lego starts playing the guitar and RR is admiring his performance


RR to Steven & Jack: "both of you are being such an eyesore~ move away!"

Lego looked at RR and contnued strumming :P

Steven & Jack misinterpret the eye sore as love acting

Big Caption (*loves acting!?)

(*cue both of them acting lovey dovey hugging each other in front of RR & Lego)

Big Caption>> (*eye sore + love acting)

RR giggled while Lego concentrates playing his song ~

Steven: "which scene are we currently acting?"

RR turned away and paid attention to Lego performing

swaying...enjoying and immersed into Lego's guitar performance :x

Steven: "We should fade out in just a bit now!"

RR looked towards Steven & Jack

Jack pushed RR closer to Lego

then RR hit Jack a bit

Big Caption >> RR : "Very shy"

RR to Jack: "Why did you push me for!"

Lego seems amused and continued performing for his only audience >> RR :x

Steven: "these two over here look very intimate!"

Jack: And then looking right over at the other side....

Steven: there isn't any fu (feeling) going on :))

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Guest nutella101

thank you for the BTS translation @seungzy_kangdamshipper. I wonder what did Steven and Jack say toLego when RR was talking to Jay Shih

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@nutella101 basically RR asked Jay the same qn
RR: have you ever sing and played the guitar for love confessions purpose before?
Jay: nope this is my first time!
RR: not even once?
Jay: nope!
RR: not at all!? you must be lying!
Steven: I don't believe what he just said too!
Big Caption (*Men canting)
Steven: The original intention for guys learning guitar skills is..
Lego: Is all becos of (*doing hand signals to RR again ;)) )
RR: all becos of what!?
Steven: don't come and tell me it's mainly becos of your passion for music!
I don't believe you! :P

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i just watched the bts for epi 23..anyone noticed RR carrying the umbrella for the both of them (what a nice caring gf ahem ahem)..no wonder lego notices the lil things that rr does..this could be done by an assistant but rr doesn't seem to mind...

i agree with everyone i really loved that bts this time because the camera panned out and you can tell both RY are unaware that there is a camera..I wish the park bts scenes were longer lol..I saw RY doing the most random things and enjoying their comversation..RR's silliness with the mic is so brilliant that it got Lego's attention..and the random boxing each other (gosh these two are killing me i feel like watching a REAL COUPLE (ahem ahem maybe they are alread are)...and what's up with wave hand on RR's tummy..hmm lego lego lego i know you are itching to put your hard on rongrong's waist..

wishing for more panned out camera angles bts..it's really nice to see how natural RY's interactions are..feel like they are on their lil bubble..

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Ha! These 2 'lovebirds'?!? Or 'lovelorn friends'????

Lego posted a bored looking IG on a train 2 hours ago and RR posted just 5 minutes ago a pretty pic of herself with 'You wake within me, wake within me. You are in my heart forever.' with a musical sign.....*faints* these 2 with their back and forth IGs are really signalling that they miss each other yes? yes?

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Guest dongwookie

am gonna be parking here while waiting to watch subbed epi 23. loved all your IG/bts trans updates, btw. our shipping hearts have much to munch on even though filming already wrapped up. :)

also loved that last RR pic posted. she's very beautiful indeed. i wish we can see Lego seeing her dressed like that. haha. he'd be the real Picachuan i'm sure. won't be able to look away.

ah, did you guys notice how he couldn't seem to take away his eyes off her in the last BTS? someone's falling falling falling..

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Guest tohoshiya

RR IG Update925bc0f8ce8b11e3b78d0002c955b1c0_8.jpg
"You wake within me, wake within me. You're in my heart forever. ♪ #hillsong #wake #strength #shepherd"

Hillsong Young & Free - Wake

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RongRong is very devoted to her faith..Her song choice from Hillsong this morning is very inspiring..

Hehehe the lyrics that she posted might sound romantic but it's about God within her heart :)

But I am still giggling like a school girl that she loves to LIKE Lego's IG post..now Lego needs to give some LIKES back (no pressure dude!)

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Guest dongwookie

aww. thanks tohoshiya for clarifying. i thought too it was romantic. but it's fine. let's all wait for Lego to like her posts back. :)

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100% agree Lego needs to start tapping some likes soon hehe or we can pardon him if he already BTS msg her :D

Forgot how to use html codes so just gonna post the link here, a lil more ep 23 BTS

華劇新角色「李來」 演員頻喊「你來」│三立新聞台:

Can't resist to add one more line - notice how differently she behaves when Mr Lee isn't around, so dialed down and reactive.

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Ugh Rong Rong is just an all around pretty and classy girl!! And Lego is like the all around handsome and classy guy..No wonder they look and are so compatible with each other!!

I suppose since Lego is spending time with his family in Japan that he hasn't had time to really scroll through IG (that's what I imagine as his excuse for not really doing much on IG aside from posting a pic here or there)....

and did you guys happen to notice in ep 23 bts, near the very end when RongYi was rehearsing for the bike scene, 2 things: RongYi are back to hitting each other playfully after messing up their lines and right at the end after the ding dong part when they were rehearsing Lego just kind of quirked his eyebrows at Rong Rong in kind of a playful way..

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