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[Drama 2014] Fated To Love You, 운명처럼 널 사랑해

Go Seung Ji

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Guest chunnogirl33

But, but, my problem is that JNR and KMY are not getting enough credit!!!! There's been a lot of fangirling over JH/LG - his moles, his butt, his wavy mane, and his huehuehahaha, right? I wanted more fangirling/boying (shoutout @stuartjmz) over the Snail, that's all. 

Ok, I'll be explicit. :D

Things I loved about the Snail. Everyone feel free to add on to the list.
1. She's a GoStop boss and not the slightest bit ashamed about it.
2. She has a spectacle tic. All geek girls who had/have the same tic, pls unite!
3. She's hot. Especially in skirts with slits on them.
4. She can drop insight bombs like nobody else I've ever seen. 
5. She doesn't let herself forget her responsibilities, even when that means acknowledging the hurt she's caused.
6. She's hot. She's got gorgeous skin and pretty lips.
7. She's awfully brave when it comes to finding the truth.
8. She actually has a more awkward laugh than LG - it goes hur hur hur. It's like the sound you'd get if you took Jabba the Hutt, shrunk him down to tiny, and sent his voice through a kid filter. 
9. She's cuddly with her Omma.
10. She gives real kisses.

There. *satisfied* 

I think girls have a "tendency" to fangirl boys, not all girls of course! Some girls fangirl girls too :)

And I do recall somebody pointing at her moles too :P

This doesn't mean we don't adore the snail! She is OUR hero! I just wish she had allowed him more K..I...double S, that's all! other than that! No complaints :)

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Guest Kdrama-lover

I really don't get why people (this review and some others) are so obsessed with 'plot' and criticize an episode for not being packed with 'plot development'....is plot all we are watching dramas for? then why not just read plot summary? Yeah well I guess that's why they said 'it's satisfying to watch but not satisfying to write about'....cuz guess what dramas are made to be watched, not made to be written about. There's so much more to a drama than 'this happened and that happened', there's the music the expressions the cinematography....The episode was PACKED. Just tell me one other drama who flies over for diff location film on their last week, cuz as far as I know, there's none. The last episode was so full of efforts to make it beautiful, and it's kinda frustrating to see people calling it 'lost the steam'. 

And don't people always complain that Kdramas solve all the conflicts in the last episode and spend only ten minutes to show happy moments? Even without all the crazy and outrageous things happening, you can show feelings and emotions and characters, and that's what FTLY did exactly. FTLY didn't 'run out' of things to say, it just planned its episodes that way. 

@gumi‌ , EXACTLY! :-bd ;)

People nowadays "JUST CAN'T GET SATISFIED". Always "HAS" something to say or better - criticize

I think it may be because they have set a very high standard as they sawcFTLY started very greatly. They were hoping this would be THE REMAKE of all remakes so they set IMPOSSIBLY HIGH STANDARD for it. So let's just understand these pips.. We know better that they are FTLY fanatics, too., just the over-critical ones!, they can't deny it!..or else why did they watch till the end, haha! =))

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lovelyjen said: only1khj said: @lovelyjen: Now I remember why I was so shocked and kept looking at the screen making sure I was seeing what I thought I saw.  This event happens during the misunderstanding about the selling/redemption of Yeowul Island.  KMY has just returned from run-away-wife mode and she's still miffed at LG.  Gun, Lee Gun can't figure out what is wrong with his snail because he's already redeemed the island and doesn't have a clue that KMY knows he sold it. So, during this time of distance emotionally, we see them suddenly on a couch in the presence of others with his hand placed and lingering on her shoulder like real newlyweds. Totally unexpected!

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Guest spideysteve

mywebfoot said:But, but, my problem is that JNR and KMY are not getting enough credit!!!! There's been a lot of fangirling over JH/LG - his moles, his butt, his wavy mane, and his huehuehahaha, right? I wanted more fangirling/boying (shoutout @stuartjmz) over the Snail, that's all. 
Ok, I'll be explicit. :D
8. She actually has a more awkward laugh than LG - it goes hur hur hur. It's like the sound you'd get if you took Jabba the Hutt, shrunk him down to tiny, and sent his voice through a kid filter.

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I do believe that this drama is deeper and richer than others give it credit for. The writers and the PD had something to tell us. Unfortunately some people did get lost on "plot". Plot is important but it is not the "only" thing that is important when telling a story. Many stories, such as this one are told from the character's development

Sorry for cutting your post. I share the sentiment that many may have missed the sincerity of the drama. If you're looking at plot alone, FTLY is simple. Very, very simple. So of course it would appear to be a mess once things got more real and serious for the characters. In that case, if anyone is watching for plot alone, they're watching for the wrong reason alone. :( Because it's a rom-com at face value, unfortunately people go into it expecting just that. The majority of the most telling parts happened in ep11-17 (some of which I will watch more than the ending), where that deeper and richer aspect of the drama you mention is exemplified. I stopped reading recaps and comments altogether because of this.

@onlykhj‌ I don't watch reality shows. The closest are documentaries and CSI. XD But I do mind what I watch. You see, I'm kind of selfish when it comes to dramas, lol. I need something in it for me too, since it takes up a good chunk of personal time. For me to want to invest the time, it has to be more than entertainment. It has to involve and engage, and in turn I learn a valuable lesson or take away something positive to reflect on in life and share with others. LOL, so serious. I promise I'm not selfish in other matters, but I do believe FTLY is much more than meets the eye and I got a lot more than I deserve. :P

@nonski How about the time when Gun discovered her in the kitchen with the midnight snack and she said she would try her best to away as if she wasn't there. And lastly, the time her text came in when he forced her to sleep on the bed and him on the couch. Gunnie was many times disappointed not at Miyoung, but himself in fact.. (This is all from memory as I've yet to go back, but definitely got that feeling during those moments.)

//Edit. LOL, my mind is speaking scribbles. Sorry for those who had to read that, just edited my bad grammar.

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fiovial said: Have to agree with @stuartjmz‌ . This drama IS fun to watch but in all honesty the storyline is meh. The writing is good but the actual story isn't much. There's nothing new or groundbreaking. But that doesn't make it a bad drama at all. It is a well written, well acted and well made drama. And sometimes we don't want complicated storyline. There are times when we just want to FEEL and be immersed in a drama. This drama is that drama. What FTLY lacks in storyline it more than made up in HEART. For me personally FTLY is special because I ended up caring about Geon and Mi Young almost on a personal level. The 2 characters are fleshed out so well that I feel like they are real people that I know. And lest I forget.....the Jjangs' chemistry is simply out of this world...totally EPIC chemistry. Of the many many many kdramas I've seen they have the best chemistry among the leads...just ridiculous.

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Why I fall in love with lee gun character from the first place? Hmmm... Did liking someone need specific reason? Kekeke... I tried to think so hard but can't find any answer... Why I like lee gun? Hahaha... Can I say I like lee gun as lee gun for overall... Hahaha... Damn it! My heart... Grrrr... =)) :D 8-> :bz .. Oh mian mi young sshi... Your husband totally awesome and adorable actually... Lol...

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Well, it's unfair to say those who genuinely love the show despite its flaws (yes, because nothing is perfect) are blindly raving about it. No offense to those who can "professionally" dissect n cross-examine a show, giving criticism where criticism is due. But, don't forget, opinions, after all, are just opinions, it does not represent something as a fact. Because different people watching the same thing will have different take-a ways from the show, those who understand, will understand. Those who don't, never will.

For me, I'm glad to meet a drama that can touch me in ways I Nv could have imagined. Those who dismiss the drama, well it's their loss. :P

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Guest mywebfoot

I burst out laughing at point 8. Yes, yes, I was watching some episodes, which I don't remember right now, and I found her laugh so endearingly awkward.

It just hits me hard that I miss JNR. I missed Geon and Mi Young too yet not as much cuz I felt satisfied with their ending.

But now I feel really empty without being able to see JNR on my screen every week.

Yeah. I almost wished she had added a delicate snort at the end. It would have been perfect. :)

EDIT: @heartoppaya‌ like this?

She. Kissed. Him. He. Kissed. Her..................................................re.peat.

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Aigoo...will someone fix this page, please?? My eyes are starting to go  @-) 
@everyone I have been going "Yes!" when I read some of your postings. You guys do say stuffs that cross my mind but never reach my fingertips. So Thank You for posting your thoughts, opinions and be willing to accept other's point of views. We can always agree to disagree. To each its own. 

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stuartjmz said: lovelyjen said: I'm going to have to agree with @gumi here. Some people view this drama too critically and dislike things that don't really matter. I understand if you didn't like the fact that they didn't do their research on HD properly because that was something that should have been planned out from the beginning. Some people though thought it dragged too much or they didn't understand certain motivations of a character. Does it really matter? I usually watch dramas to enjoy myself, enjoy  what's going on, not judge everything that happens. Really, it's not a bad drama at all, some people need to just sit back, relax, and enjoy the ride.

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fiovial said: Have to agree with @stuartjmz‌ . This drama IS fun to watch but in all honesty the storyline is meh. The writing is good but the actual story isn't much. There's nothing new or groundbreaking. But that doesn't make it a bad drama at all. It is a well written, well acted and well made drama. And sometimes we don't want complicated storyline. There are times when we just want to FEEL and be immersed in a drama. This drama is that drama. What FTLY lacks in storyline it more than made up in HEART. For me personally FTLY is special because I ended up caring about Geon and Mi Young almost on a personal level. The 2 characters are fleshed out so well that I feel like they are real people that I know. And lest I forget.....the Jjangs' chemistry is simply out of this world...totally EPIC chemistry. Of the many many many kdramas I've seen they have the best chemistry among the leads...just ridiculous.

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