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[Drama 2014] Fated To Love You, 운명처럼 널 사랑해

Go Seung Ji

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@Sunset90 I know this is a drama but that kind of outdated thinking irritates me. If pregnant women were that fragile, the human race would be 1/2 the size it is now. It takes constant, and I repeat constant, stress to really work on a pregnant woman and she's have to be high risk which she isn't. Wouldn't it stress her out more wondering where he is when they're supposed to meet up rather than just telling her?

I came back to say that I don't really like either second lead, not the actors but the characters. It's good they're probably siblings bc they're equally irritating. I know Daniel is supposed to be the person she can confide in but he's annoying and invasive. Se Ra, I should feel bad for because Gun did cheat on her, although not his intention, and married someone else and he seems like he's moving on BUT my first impression of her is that she's selfish and is used to manipulating him in little ways. The way she told him "you're always the person who would do what I want" doesn't speak of an equal partnership.

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wchild453 said: @Sunset90 I know this is a drama but that kind of outdated thinking irritates me. If pregnant women were that fragile, the human race would be 1/2 the size it is now. It takes constant, and I repeat constant, stress to really work on a pregnant woman and she's have to be high risk which she isn't. Wouldn't it stress her out more wondering where he is when they're supposed to meet up rather than just telling her?

I came back to say that I don't really like either second lead, not the actors but the characters. It's good they're probably siblings bc they're equally irritating. I know Daniel is supposed to be the person she can confide in but he's annoying and invasive. Se Ra, I should feel bad for because Gun did cheat on her, although not his intention, and marry someone else and he seems like he's moving on BUT my first impression of her is that she's selfish and is used to manipulating him in little ways. The way she told him "you're always the person who would do what I want" doesn't speak of an equal partnership.

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okay.. this is suppose to be romantic scenebut that hair .. how do you feel romantic when that hair keep poking you :((why don't you tie your hair first before you kiss Gun ??i can't see clearly with that hair every where :((
YckPn4.jpg  ZKJMf4.jpg     dx7EAh.jpg 

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Guest LadyAra

class="at_ttl"Jang Hyuk On 'Fated To Love You,' “I Thought It Was A Psycho Drama”fated-to-love-you.jpg?w=600

A sign of a fun drama is when the lead actor himself makes jokes about it.

On July 20, "Fated To Love You" stars Jang Hyuk and Jang Na Ra sat down for an interview with MBC's "Section TV Entertainment Relay" to talk about their drama.

The interviewer mentioned Jang Hyuk's infamous shampoo scene in the first episode, and said, "I watched the shower scene in the drama, and I thought that everything was psychotic."

The actor good-naturedly replied, "I thought that we were doing a psycho drama too." [more]


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Guest samasta93


I apologize for re-quoting the picts -dear mods-

Dear dear @iguanasoap you should have used SNAIL gif instead of that lil pig creature~ a pretty snail with round glasses and small ribbon... lol.. :))

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VERY interesting. I am dangerously upbeat about this Drama after watching episode 10. I say that because it seems that Se Ra may not be the unspeakably horrible person that Anna was. Clingy and manipulative, yes, a pouty second, yes, but not in Anna's league when it comes to dirty deeds done dirtily. The fact that the mistress found and revealed the divorce agreement is a big change from my recollection of the original, in the original I remember Anna modifying the agreement to devastating effect. I'm now daring to hope that won't happen here. If they've decided to make the mistress and Se Ra's Mum the big villains, that's a very refreshing change to the original.
 Of course the second lead is going to fight dirty to keep her man, but if Se Ra stays as she has been up to this point, I would be quite OK with that. LIke others, I wonder how she effectively kidnapped Geon, but if that's all she does, I can live with that. If the makjang and melo of the original is replaced with a lower level of pain and separation, this would be a BIG win for me.
On to happier notes - I really loved JH's acting in this one - that look of pure lechery in bed was both frightening and funny, and the whole "I want to be that towel scene" was perfect - and perfectly understandable! That towel scene once again had me wondering how the hell she looks that good, but overall I thought the episode belonged to JH for the range of emotions and passions he got to display.  Now to wait for next week and see if all my fears can finally be laid to rest, and to wonder if we will see that casino chip come back into prominence as its equivalent did in the original.

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Done watching ep 10..points to ponder..

1.The lawyer will be the one to clear up things regarding the revised divorce contract.as we all know..mr lawyer have to meet up with MY, to discuss the said revisions.

2.Half brother Yong I think will be nicer to MY and will help her as we see in ep 10..he might contradict his mom regarding her vicious plans.

3.Gun.might have amnesia..but then he'll remember MY, firstly the mug and the diary.these 2 symbolic things will remind him of her right away.He must not sway by SR.

4.MY, even if Daniel already confessed his intentions..I believe it will not perishes away her feelings towards Gun, instead it will grow much deeper.specially now that he is in his amnesia state.Daniel, will always be her neighbor oppa and protector.MY will be always be grateful to him but it doesn't mean she'll be to love him the way she loves Gun..

5.SR, must try her hardest to regain his love despite his amnesia.I think she will grab this chance to manipulate him.But I think even how much she try her best for Gun to love her back,it won't be the same anymore..the heart had change and so is the mind.

6.both lawyer and step mom should get punished..

Still hoping though to see/watch the scenes where MY is bathing Gun...those still pics makes me giddy overload..btw, @anyone do u think those scene has been edited out? I just noticed that the dress MY wore when she gave a Gun a kiss on the cheek was the same color as the bts stills..correct me if I m wrong.thanks!

Can I be honest? As the show progresses I too is getting attach and I look forward with excitement every week.. ☺

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Yup! Lee gun can have amnesia but make sure the first thing he says to sera when he saw her 'who are you?'. Hahaha... Cruel isn't it? ... >:) .. I don't know why but I can't pity her yet... I want a twist for the plot... Make it more interesting... Lee gun can only remember mi young and he can act like a little boy searching for attention and love for a sake mi young will stay and take care of him... Daniel need to know more about sera... That's the only way for them to have conversation with each other.. Heartbroken totally cruel but if sera can find her happiness after that, I think it's not that bad for her... Assaaa!! \m/

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the amnesia is scaring me..........the logic says it shouldn't happen but the cup thingy, ring, and those last scenes are giving clues of amnesia to come into the story to make some turn into the storyi hope the pd and writer are just trolling us everything can happen in k-dramaland and they love this amnesia thing so much  @-) @-) @-)
i had rather they have the miscarriage and Geon chasing  and pinning hall over MY again

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ugh... amnesia is an overused plot when the writer doesn't have anymore idea... but this is a remake and in the ori there are no hint of amnesia what so ever... i would rather they stick close to the ori than goes to the amnesia land...

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To me Gun's new centre parting hairstyle is used to usher in the romantic period of this drama where he falls in love with MY and is acting lovey dovey. He reminds me of the classic hero MR DARCY. So his hairstyle may change again later to reflect his personality!
I am sure the hair washing will be shown. By wearing the SAME yellow dress, the writer is trying to highlight the fact that MY is a simple and thrifty woman which makes Gun appreciate her more.

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