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[Drama 2014] Fated To Love You, 운명처럼 널 사랑해

Go Seung Ji

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Too much plot can kill a (16 episodes) drama :P  One should watch A Hundred Year Inheritance then can complain about the lack of plot hehehe
Not enough research on HD is forgivable since this not House M.D :D
Ah I agree with some of you about dramabeans. I used to go there when they recapped 1N2D season 1.  I loved their site back then but I think girlsfriday & javabeans have different taste in terms of korean dramas with me lol.  Sometimes I thought, 'Are we watching the same drama?' when I was reading their recaps haha.  Doesn't help that it seems that they think it's cool to write like Eat Your Kimchi now... Nowadays I rarely go there, when I do, I usually skip their posts and just go to the comments section.  Or read the other posters/reviewers/recappers.  I'm interested to see what general people think about the drama I'm watching, but usually I only look for a couple first episodes only  to see the initial reaction... Well, reviewers are fangirls/boys, too ^^

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mywebfoot said: @alekaonu I feel that this is an uncomfortable truth. Even though JH is married, he's a professional actor too, and I think that he doesn't stop himself from 'falling in love' with his co-star's CHARACTER. This is an important thing to remember, and the times that JH stares lovingly at JN are not fake, but neither are they real in the everlasting sense. I think he's just totally committed to the character (admirably so), and as long as he is responding to the name 'Lee Goen' he gives himself permission to adore 'Kim Mi Young'. I am a strong proponent of marriage and I don't like it when things threaten a marriage, so, as a fan, sometimes I do worry for JH and his own marriage when these kinds of BTS' come out. I think that his wife married him already fully aware of an actor's life, and as we have all seen in the interview, JH pulls no punches in letting his wife know she is precious. So, though I have no power in these things, my hope for JH is that he is now in the process of letting go of LG and throwing himself back into his real life - his loving wife and adorable baby boys.

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@stuartjmz The issue is that people here are attacking the reviewer for being honest about the Drama. They're also ignoring the hardly unimportant fact that the person who wrote the review LIKED the Drama, as both the opening and closing sentences show. Blind, uncritical admiration is the not the only valid form of praise, and to say that "plot doesn't matter", as one commenter on the hancinema site said, is a real stretch. Of course plot matters. 
Oh, and I just wanted to respond to this.....I don't think people are attacking the reviewer 'for being honest'. People are not saying the person should say s/he liked the drama regardless of what they felt. If the review attacks on certain point of a drama, and if someone  else feels like that's not a flaw, they defend it...that's what's called discussion. And I also don't think anyone ignored the fact that person liked the drama. At least in my case, I was clearly aware of it, and was still making the point that this review is taking away too much credit from the sole point that nothin much is happening plot-wise. 
Also, "blind, uncritical admiration" is a little condescending expression...just becuz someone argues against a criticism, doesn't mean that person has blind, uncritical admiration. For example even if I think the drama is flawed in A way, if I see the drama is being criticized for B and I don't agree with it, I can always say 'hey I don't think the drama has B flaw' and that still doesn't mean I think the drama is flawless. 

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getreal48 said: @chunnogirl33‌ I agree with you about the dramabeans part. In the beginning, the recaps were magic, and it only served to add to the awesomeness of the show. But once HD came in, I felt that the writers were not satisfied that the drama didn't turn the way they want. And that bias led to a very one sided drama recap. They didn't take time to understand Gunnie and miyoung's intention. Which were a waste.

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I saw you guys mention more Snail love and I love the list.
15. She's also a fierce omma who's willing to fight for her child against the impossible.

Along the same line of appreciating Snail and JNR. Just thought I'd share my favorite JNR duet with Alex. Her voice is so sweet and she looked so cute next to Alex. :D

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Kara Keith

-Usually many people watched k-dramas only after few weeks of airing or after its got completed.But this one makes many people to watch even without subtitles got released.I waited for the airing day after 'Angel eyes' drama & 'Emergency couple';but waiting for ftly episodes is much different than those previous dramas.

Me too. I never watched a drama until it's complete. I did it 1st during king 2 hearts but it was exhausting. That's why I never want to read the any news related to ftly. But... darn it (LG style) I went to dramabeans and I was hooked!! I went to soompi and the temptation to watch just getting bigger and I gave up.. . And here I am with you guys. The best decision ever >:D<

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Guest lowieblueme

..@mywebfoot   thanks so much for he SNAIL 
....@akinahana89  i adore you Snail Emoticon ... 
...and Oh! I dont care much about the review... Writers cannot please everybody, but hey!! I enjoyed this drama to the nth times, and the fact that we are having withdrawal syndromes should make those (who are against) believe that MANY enjoyed it... PLOT PLOT SUb PLOT,, even the Series/Drama which they though has some good Plot, has it flaws too... It's like LIFE, our Life is not Perfect,,, the "What Could've, and SHOULD'Ve" will always be there,,, its the CHoices we make everyday that makes our life worth living.. Decision to write this or that will always has 2 different views on the public. But this Rom-Com definitely gives a fair share of Happy/Fun/Wonderful feeling of completenesss... 
...hello @everyone   some few hours left ... #FTLY until the end! 

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I obviously have been living in a very small bubble for the past week. Many people didn't like the last two episodes? Um, but I really liked ep19 (for points thoroughly discussed already regarding Gun's father/HD panic). Like, a lot. I stay out of the thread on broadcast days until after seeing the episode, so I was even surprised when I learned many felt like ep19 was not much. In honesty, I'd watch it more than ep20. Actually, I'd probably watch any episode more than the ending. I'm crazy, right? It's just.. separation issues. :-S No matter how elated I am at our Snail Couple getting their happiest ending. XD

Since episode (twenty)one is coming tonight, our thread should reach 1000 by the time I wake up! And since I'll be missing the live viewing party, I hope you won't mind that I'll be getting a head start. No worries, I won't give spoilers.^^

@ladyjjang‌ @lowieblueme‌ I think it was more of mother's instinct, since you can't really tell the fetus' sex at her stage. I don’t think the script outwardly wrote "he/she" either, right? It's just that in English, there is no equivalent for "that person" without using the pronouns he/she (when subbing).. In my language, we have no "he/she" just like in the Korean language, please correct me if I'm wrong.

//Edit. Oh, well @gumi answered while I wrote this. lol

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Adding on to snail love:

16. She draws. (In FTLY universe those amazing paintings are by our lovely ellie Kim)

17. her smiles! Especially like a schoolgirl in love!

18. Her kindness, graciousness, and the how she never fails to express her gratitude and her feelings directly.

Well, I guess it all boils down to her being the one n only KMY.. no need to list down anything, we like her because it's her. (Ok maybe I'm just being lazy :P)

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Guest spideysteve

heppy said: Adding on to snail love:
16. She draws. (In FTLY universe those amazing paintings are by our lovely ellie Kim)
17. her smiles! Especially like a schoolgirl in love!
18. Her kindness, graciousness, and the how she never fails to express her gratitude and her feelings directly.
Well, I guess it all boils down to her being the one n only KMY.. no need to list down anything, we like her because it's her. (Ok maybe I'm just being lazy :P)

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Why are people talking about plot and rom-com in the same sentence. All due respect, we are not talking about a thriller or a legal/medical/detective drama here. 
Give me an example of a rom-com plot that does not go like this:
Boy meets girl -> they fall in love - > misunderstanding(s) or some event happen - > the break-up - > they find that they still love each other - > misunderstanding(s) clear up or some event happen -> they made up - > they live happily ever after most of the time at least or else I refuse to call it a rom-com.  
At most is boy (in Kdrama most of the time) antagonise the girl until the girl falls for the boy.... which is a bit buffling to me most of the time but I learn to accept it now. 
I love FTLY for what it is: an actors show; be it the leads or the 2nd leads or the rest of the cast their chemistry was palpable. The dialogs were fun, the costumes were outstanding, love the dog the art-work; the hair-styling (Ok not all the time). 
As most of you agreed and I was pleasantly surprise that how much due care and considerations were invested to make the show deeper than most people  realised, I am not sure it is the credit of the writer(s), the director or the actors themselves who adlib but there were so many little nuances, a looks or a glance from the actors or the camera panning or lingering slightly longer on certain shots to give the viewers a deeper sense of what everyone in the show is about. I think it is a great show if you like this kind of genre .... if you are not into this kind of genre then you'd think it is over the top (which one of my very serious colleague just pointed out to me she cannot stand Gun's at all, which I totally get her, because it is just not her cup of tea just like I cannot sit through any Taiwanese 300 episodes melodrama or the T version of FTLY for that matter )
Ok, I am talking too much again.... oh it is Wednesday .... so I am good :P 

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