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[Drama 2014] Fated To Love You, 운명처럼 널 사랑해

Go Seung Ji

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Guest genmailjs

gumi said: realistic2280 said: Am i mistaken to think that Jang Nara seemed to be more famous than Jang Hyuk? From the gifts/food sent by fans during filming?

But I'm very sure after this, Jang Hyuk's popularity will hit the roof internationally...

Several things I appreciated in this drama;

a) MY, despite Gun being awful with her by asking her to leave him without any reason, still asked Gun (after they lost the baby) if they could start their relationship, from a clean slate... but Gun refused... seldom happened in K-drama when its always the guy who have to ask for a second chance..

B) MY took the initiative to kiss Gun at the press conference

c) the almost 'natural' and less stressful kiss that both leads give to each other - and many of them (so good that in the last 2 episodes, maybe because they can rest more, no crying scenes)

d) introducing me to Jang Hyuk!... gonna look fwd to his future drama (but PLEASE with a decent aka Handsome hairstyle please!)

I havent watch ep20, so might add to this list later...

Another page before 900th... common

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I just wanted to point out one thing that impressed me that might or might not have been lot in translation.
Lying down and watching stars together, LG and MY says I love you sweetly to each other, and drop in the drama's title 운명처럼 널 사랑해 in it. But there was something that struck me, something that made me think, oh wow that was really smart.
운명처럼 널 사랑해, if translated very literally, is not 'fated to love you' but is 'I love you like destiny'. I think Tw version title is translated more as 'fated to love you', but the Kr version is 'I love you like destiny.' 
And when Gunnie tells MY that he thinks they were destiny, they were just meant to be, MY answers "Even if we were not destiny, I would have loved you 'like' destiny."
And they tell each other, I love you like destiny. 
I found that very smart and touching....The title and those lines just showed the drama's theme. They are not just fated to love each other, it's not like everything worked out so that they will be together, it's LG and MY who tried so hard to love each other and be together, they just loved 'like' destiny and that effort just turned them into a meant to be couple.  

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With the Eng sub is even better...I love, love, love every single scenes of the finale!!Other Kdrama would end with ambiguous end, so it would left the viewers assumed that the couple in the drama will live happily ever after...In this drama, the couple actually said it, that they ARE happy... And... the happiness of having the twin kids... All captured well...
I would say that this is a sweet drama... A sweet story about love and fate... About loyalty (how LG was loyal to his first love SeRa, and when he fell in love with KMY, he was totally focus on KMY only - also how KMY stayed loyal to LG, although next to her was the hawtie DP)... About kindness and sacrifice (of DP, who was always there for KMY, without getting bitter after KMY's rejection...) Also the love and loyalty of Sec Tac towards LG...The bromance between SecTac and LG, LG and Dragon boy...Ahh....I cannot believe it is over... But again, it will never be over, as what the drama had taught each of the viewers will live on in our hearts... maybe forever... :) :) :) 

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Oh wow I wasn't expecting to start the 900th page.  Congrats everyone on the 900th page!!  I hope everyone can still stick around and we get to 1000.  Thanks gumi for the translations!  That's sweet that the JJangs are siblings now.  But geez that's a lot of kissing to be giving to your sibling.
Glad to know JNR made it to the after party.  I would love to see their reactions when they were watching the finale especially during the honeymoon part.  

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Guest aaa1188

honeywell said: Finally watched the finale with subs.  Such a nice send off.  I admit I almost shed a tear when Daniel and Se Ra reunited.  FTLY wasn't perfect but it's definitely become one of my favorite romance/comedy dramas.  The Greatest Love would still be my #1 but I'm glad I got introduce to JH and JNR's chemistry.  I remember being visually intrigued when I first read about their reunion and was more excited when I saw the previews.
Just a few things though that I love about the finale...
1) The Honeymoon...so much to love about it.  Gun being petty that his 1 month honeymoon plan got cut into 2 days/3nights.  I think it's sweet that Gun didn't want kids yet because he wanted to enjoy being a newlywed and having alone time with MY but too bad Grandma Wang wasn't having it.  I love their conversation when they were negotiating about having kids.   
2) Gun's reaction about their first night together night is like how a lot of us most felt about their honeymoon.  So much expectations and waiting...But wait -Gun says he waited a long time for this so does this mean nothing happened after their "chip" kiss?
3) Twins...we asked and we received!  Thank you to whoever lurked in here and made it come true.  Gun's reaction was hilarious!  Happy yet sad because he wanted his newlywed life back.  Lmao!

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Three months of an incredible journey to last a lifetime, and full of heart too. I have never laughed out loud in tears and sobbed breathlessly in one episode, let alone in one drama altogether.

To the writers and PD: Pure gratitude and a standing ovation for their bravery in rehashing a much loved tale and giving it its own identity, for handling with thought and care the amount of material they had to work with along with the hot commodity of an experienced cast (and making full use of their actors' pasts with wit and humor), and for giving us not only a cohesive and visually beautiful narrative, but also one with a lot of sentiment that reaches to the deepest corners of our hearts. A lot of heart in this one production. In writing, direction, acting, and creativity~ I declare the best remake in the history of remakes. And that was just the production side, I can't begin to thank Jang & Jang (loving this nickname for the duo) for their performances because we all feel the same. They are acting soulmates and shine so bright, on- and off-screen. Snail Couple and JJang Team will be cherished forever in my heart. From the very beginning to no end, it had always been fate. So proud of this team!

A few more pages to catch up! But before I go back to doing that, @mphan‌ challenged us to name a memorable LOL moment! There are soooooo many. But one where I completely‌ lost myself in tears: Gun and Miyoung's first prenatal class-- Gun's first air massage. =)) =)) If we had another episode, the real version of this scene would've played out for sure. :))


Omg, didn't realize it. Happy 900th!!! That was simple. >:D<

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Happy 900 My lovely chingus... 
I really didn't want to sleep till I see the episode with subs... but I slept and got up pretty late... 
I think my family is glad that "my fav drama" is over. Because I was crazy for a few days...

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Hello everyone

This is my first post in this thread though im a silent lurker way back ep13 up til present(i still have to backread from the start).Ive been following this drama since it aired till this final episode(no missed).
Honestly i almost drop this drama during episode 4 like what I did in IOTL(mianhe JIS,maybe someday i'll continue to watch ur drama) but after i got hook from our uri Jangs oozing chemistry in SSBG.(I watched it for 2days straight while waiting for the upcoming episodes.Its better late than never,hehehe.)
I decided to continue and gladly i am able to make it.Its my first time since i do prefer completed series cause i have this habit of lossing interest in drama
while waiting for another episode to be aired like what happen in EC and YWCFTS. fortunately i finished the drama after all.

anyway i decided to come out after this beautiful ending (ive already watch it w/ sub) because i want to contribute atleast one message to this thread.
i love reading all of your thoughts/opinions/reactions and i cant help myself grinning especially the naughty one's...hahaha..

Thank you thank you so much to the recappers, translators,makers of gifs and to all who contributed to this thread.

to the staff and crew,directors,writers,actors, MBC--Kamsahamnida.

and to Jang Hyuk and Jang Nara--you didn't fail me smile and giggle.

i do hope the two of you work together in a romcom again for the 3rd time but i know, i mean i can sense that JH might not try to do romcoms again.
He might only accepted this project bec of JNR promise to do kissing scene if they will work together since he said from an interview he will wait.
(hahaha only my speculation)

well i know he love his wife dearly

P.S: base from the BTS Ive seen.
JNR is a bit touchy to him maybe bec. as what she said to an interview(if im not mistaken) she see him as OMMA.and i think JH see her as his little sister like what he felt for Jun Ji Hyun.No harm done hahaha.

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