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[Drama 2014] Fated To Love You, 운명처럼 널 사랑해

Go Seung Ji

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Putting into perspective... 
What I like about ep 19: - The kisses... the tiptoe kiss is mad-cute!!! And the ramyeon kiss... omg... wae so lusty... but I LOVE IT... muahahahaha... all my pervy-stripes is showing! 
- Ellie Kim transformation to Kim Mi Young.... omg she is a total Go-Stop card shark! I like how she put on her specs, pin up her hair, hike up her skirt and sit like a true-blue ahjumma... and scare everyone with her skills lol... 
- Omma and LG's interaction... bittersweet but mostly I am glad sweet won at the end... how could Omma's heart not melt with LG's effort?!
- Some may wonder the whole LG with his stepmom and his dad angle... but I believe its serves 2 purpose... 1. LG's acceptance of Yong's mama and 2. LG's reconciling his memory of his dad that he was not a heartless person whom had an affair and left him and his mom when he was young. And I believe his dad's assurance/advise on the diary and time capsule letter (sorry watch without sub) gives him courage as well. Its like come what may, live it to your best, without regret... I mean that's the feeling I get, I might be totally wrong... 
- Trust... Its beautiful... MY did not even know where they are going but with just LG holding his hand out and she just trust and follow him... in the car, the assuring hand she put on him is so sweet... and those scary gangster ahjusshis and those demolition workers by LG's & his dad's tree with precious memories (but lol, how can the time capsule be bury so shallow, I never fail to lol when they have this in dramas/movies when characters dig them up), she is a little bewildered, but she trust LG... She and LG sitting on the stone wall is just too touching!!! Them running is just what most drama with wedding scene does. Like running into the future, but just because its them, its extra cute... 
What I didn't like, or don't prefer about Ep 19... 
Sorry gonna rant a little... Dear writer-nims... Daniel and Sera suffered enough both alone before they met and after they met... I just wished they reunited sooner in Ep 19... but instead only letting them reuniting on Ep 20, I kinda feel it prolonged the misery. I would be bummed if their reunion story take precedence or importance over our snail couple... Everytime Sera almost asked her mom or confess to Daniel, I pretty much wants to scream at my screen like pali pali... tell him you are his sister!!!  Unless when Daniel serenade MY... he is already reunited with Sera, but still digesting hence did not reveal to MY, knowing this drama like to do these flashback editing... And especially all the more if he knew the disservice she did to the couple before, all the more he might feel he cannot covet MY anymore and sharing his sister's guilt... and he is truly, really ready to finally let MY go... 
Hence... 19 eps... I can say this might be the only remake I prefer over original. But with last episode tonight... drama... please don't fail me... Please give us the ending we hope for.
Snail couple FTW!!! 

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The tweet says that ftly has finished filming. Although it was tiring, but there was a lot of happiness and it was one of the most glorious and happiest times of her life. Hence she wants to express her gratitude to everyone in the production team. She cannot thank them enough.

I hope this is at least 80% correct lol.

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Sad that I can't be streaming for the last ep tonight.  I just wished MY's mum will turn up for their wedding because it was really heartbreaking while watching yesterday ep when MY searching for her mum. I believe she wants full blessing from everybody especially her mum who really like LG but can't bear to let her youngest daughter to suffer because of his illness.
I totally adore Jang Nara's acting and looks at this scene 

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Guest lowieblueme

Porcelain Baby

said: Putting into perspective... 

What I like about ep 19: - The kisses... the tiptoe kiss is mad-cute!!! And the ramyeon kiss... omg... wae so lusty... but I LOVE IT... muahahahaha... all my pervy-stripes is showing! 

- Ellie Kim transformation to Kim Mi Young.... omg she is a total Go-Stop card shark! I like how she put on her specs, pin up her hair, hike up her skirt and sit like a true-blue ahjumma... and scare everyone with her skills lol... 

- Omma and LG's interaction... bittersweet but mostly I am glad sweet won at the end... how could Omma's heart not melt with LG's effort?!

- Some may wonder the whole LG with his stepmom and his dad angle... but I believe its serves 2 purpose... 1. LG's acceptance of Yong's mama and 2. LG's reconciling his memory of his dad that he was not a heartless person whom had an affair and left him and his mom when he was young. And I believe his dad's assurance/advise on the diary and time capsule letter (sorry watch without sub) gives him courage as well. Its like come what may, live it to your best, without regret... I mean that's the feeling I get, I might be totally wrong... 

- Trust... Its beautiful... MY did not even know where they are going but with just LG holding his hand out and she just trust and follow him... in the car, the assuring hand she put on him is so sweet... and those scary gangster ahjusshis and those demolition workers by LG's

What I didn't like, or don't prefer about Ep 19... 

Sorry gonna rant a little... Dear writer-nims... Daniel and Sera suffered enough both alone before they met and after they met... I just wished they reunited sooner in Ep 19... but instead only letting them reuniting on Ep 20, I kinda feel it prolonged the misery. I would be bummed if their reunion story take precedence or importance over our snail couple... Everytime Sera almost asked her mom or confess to Daniel, I pretty much wants to scream at my screen like pali pali... tell him you are his sister!!!  Unless when Daniel serenade MY... he is already reunited with Sera, but still digesting hence did not reveal to MY, knowing this drama like to do these flashback editing... And especially all the more if he knew the disservice she did to the couple before, all the more he might feel he cannot covet MY anymore and sharing his sister's guilt... and he is truly, really ready to finally let MY go... 

Hence... 19 eps... I can say this might be the only remake I prefer over original. But with last episode tonight... drama... please don't fail me... Please give us the ending we hope for.

Snail couple FTW!!! 

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As much as I love Gun...I adore Daniel too..it breaks my heart while watching him singing his last gift to MY..before he finally let her go..there'll be no other for her if only Gun is not around.Daniel has been a friend, confidant oppa a knight in shining armor for our MY both in good/bad times.He molded her into one strong willed determined confident woman.MY on her part aknowledged and always been thankful and grateful for what Daniel has done for her..but sometimes the heart doesn't follow what the mind says.friendship is what she can offer to him..seeing MY crying when Daniel sang for her..tears me up..if and only she could love him the way she loved Gun..they have been ifs and and what would happen if they could turn back time..

With Gun pursuing MY's mom is unbelievable! His ways are so funny and full of antics..and yet his intention are the purest and sincerity are genuine..He could have marry off some other women of his kind..but he fell for a young kind hearted lady whose beauty and simplicity Gun cannot deny!

Just thinking about what we through my fellow fated fanatics from the start up to our ending tonight..it has thought me that loving someone is to embrace everything about the person..accept the whole of of him/her .Gun and My have showed us that Fate and Destiny had brought them together by the accidental pregnancy.and it is also by Fate that they were bought them back together again even if our twosome pair have been through a lot of pain while being apart.. our otp are really meant to be! Fate and Destiny works in mysterious ways.

SeRa, may have lost Gun but she did gained Daniel..

MY omma, thank you! for accepting Gun as your son in law!

I just love the fact that there are no true villains in this FLTY K version..everyone has there own reasons why they have became this and that..each character redeemed themselves..SeRa letting go of.Gun is the way of making him truly happy alongside MY.Daniel, being a friend & oppa is the best decision to stay beside MY. Yong omma being truthful to Gun regarding her true relationship with the father made her accepted by the Lee Family..Gun, knowing the truth about his appa leaving them behind

not because he has another woman but because he don't wanna caused them pain of knowing he is ill.

MY..acceptance that Gae ddong is no longer theirs..Gae ddong may not be with them physically but in both inside their hearts she'll always and forever stay.

I Wish to see MY blissfully married and getting pregnant again...in our finale tonight .

@gumi‌ as ever thank you for sharing your thoughts about saying thank you of both MY and Gun..saying these two words means appreciation and gratitude for that one person did, in order for that someone to be happy..

@spideysteve‌ as always we appreciate it very much for that lovable bts stills that you share with us always..

To @everyone‌ ! Lets enjoy the Finale of our Snail Couple tonight!

JH, kasamhanida! for your thoughtful message..thank you for being our beloved Gun with a mischievous laughter...

JNR, komawo for being our Ellie Kim/MY who make us realized that loving is selfless!

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Reality is kicking in now that we have Jang Nara's greetings for the last episode. ㅠㅠ.. Be still, heart.


( So bittersweet. And to think, when I wake up in the morning, it will all have ended. Seriously, I thought I was getting better, but the closer it gets, the more sad I become.

On another note, that ramyun scene ties in first place for my favorite ramyun scene in history. Delish!

I feel the same way too.. I thought I will be cool when this day comes... For the past 2months that FTLY is running in my mind,how can I get back again knowing that it will end... I will miss Wednesday,Thursday, Friday to Tuesday camping here in this wonderful forum, talking about snail couple, the scenes that flutters our hearts and experiencing butterflies in our stomach,we cry, we feel sad,we get mad but all of us here are suppprting each other, uplifting one another,cheering one another... I will miss FTLY family,it has a special place here in my heart... I also feel more sad, coz the cast and crew also feels the same with us right now... FTLY is Simply Amazing! Daebak! Masterpiece! Its really a bittersweet.. 6hours to go.... :((

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songielove said: Reality is kicking in now that we have Jang Nara's greetings for the last episode. ㅠㅠ.. Be still, heart. :(( So bittersweet. And to think, when I wake up in the morning, it will all have ended. Seriously, I thought I was getting better, but the closer it gets, the more sad I become. On another note, that ramyun scene ties in first place for my favorite ramyun scene in history. Delish!

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Guest lowieblueme

Kara Keith said:

Reality is kicking in now that we have Jang Nara's greetings for the last episode. ㅠㅠ.. Be still, heart.


( So bittersweet. And to think, when I wake up in the morning, it will all have ended. Seriously, I thought I was getting better, but the closer it gets, the more sad I become. On another note, that ramyun scene ties in first place for my favorite ramyun scene in history. Delish!

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Guest beabloom88

My wednesdays/thursdays routine for the past 2 months has been like this: reading recaps and waiting for the raw episode around midnight.. download subs the following day then pass them on to my officemates. Around lunchtime, everyone is glued to their PCs and phones watching FTLY. I wont complain even if this means i wont be able to go out for lunch or hit it off to the gym.. all for the love of this wonderful drama FTLY.

So again, super thank you for the brilliant writers and PDs, crew and supporting actors of FTLY.. and most specially to Jang Hyuk and Jang Nara .. my best OTP in Korean dramaland. I won't say goodbye yet coz i intend to stay long in this ship..happy sailing my fellow FTLY lovers!!!

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Streamed ep 19 last night and eventhough I loved all the cute and love dovey scenes, I found the ep rather disjointed. But after watching it subbed today, I realised it was a really good ep, the ending had me in tears. This might be the second last ep but indeed, it felt like we have our happy ending already for our OTP. Wonder what the writer has in store for us for the finale ep, more lovey dovey scenes, ramyun eating with the love nest making scenes, MY's mum finally turned up for the wedding . I have to say that I was really impressed with JH's athletic skills, I knew from his Inspector Gadget scenes that he is extremely agile, but he could do gymnastic stunts on the parallel bar too....wow, is it possible to love Jh even more? FTLY has been my love for past 2 months and after tonight's ep, I can finally say "Goodbye My Love", you will forever have a special place in my heart.

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I'm honestly going to miss going on this thread everyday and seeing 60+ new page notifications or just miss everyone on here bc ur all so funny. By the time i wake up, the live recappers will be done and no more FTLY! Of course I'll be on tomorrow to discuss the last episode craziness, but i just wanted to say thanks to all the live recap people and everyone who's brought us news of the actors or next episdoes throughout the entire show. 

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Guest tsokolate

Awww JH and JN already gave their thanks. They will miss the camaraderie that was formed during the 3 month filming of this series. They've really worked hard to give us a good story with memorable characters that we will cherish for a long time.
Can't wait to watch the last episode. sigh..sigh..mixed emotions.

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@spideysteve Thank you so much for the preview.... Aww, watching it makes me so sad, huhuhu.... Im happy there will be rice cake pak pak pak Making...hahaha.... Aigoo, ST destiny is one of the triplets? hehehe..... Cool Miyoungshhi driving the red car! Daebak!

@beabloom88‌ @cloe‌ @lowieblueme‌ *Hugs to all you Chingus*

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Guest lowieblueme

...Ommmooo!! Ommmooo!!!

..They are on room number 2006 again.....and then they get drunk again!!! hahaha
...We have new HAMO HAMO team..... Bro Yong and Sec Tak!! so funny!
...Screaming the next morning
...Snail back hugging her Gunnie... :)
...Sec Tak dancing !!
... Guys the Triplet Sibling are ON -- or is it the fourth sister???

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