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[Drama 2014] Repentance / A New Leaf 改过迁善 개과천선

Guest yeohweping

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Wow, at least some stills are out and Kim Myung Min is looking great! Charisma and class indeed! I was almost despairing of getting anything this week. Even k-fans on DC Gall were wondering what was happening to this drama! Thanks @ChoBap for the stills and the article and the news about the teaser. 
Thanks @2ndcoming and @stuartjmz for responding to me. Means a lot.@AndOne @2ndcoming So excited! \:D/ <:-P
@missnona  That means it is already out. Hope some kind soul will post it here asap!

Thanks for your reply. First of all, please don't think of me as a blind fangirl who can't brook any criticism of the actress I support and will chew up any opposition. This is the first time I am defending PMY on this thread since I do believe that some or a lot of the criticism is valid (which I am sure you will also agree with) and will help her improve as an actress. It was just that I felt she, as an actress, should also be seen in her context and that is what I tried to do in my earlier post to comments which were not yours. Some of these things are controversial which I have not mentioned. I am sure fans know what happened BTS for Nana to change from "I will protect you, Yoon Sung" to "I will wait for you, Yoon Sung" in the span of a couple of episodes.
You misread me completely if you thought I was taking you or anybody else here for an anti.  Believe me. that is not my tone when I talk to an ANTI. The very reason I made a post like that was coz I know people on this thread are not anti-fans and would be open to another POV.  I have read your comments on this thread, on DB and elsewhere and I know you do like PMY. I had seen your defence of Min Young for deciding to act with Kim Myung Min the first thing in the morning and I was happy you brought in another point of view as well in a logical fashion (which I think I have mentioned in my address to you as well). When I came back later, I felt may be things had reached a point where I needed to give the POV of a fan as well who has seen most of her works and seen her in varied roles and of course my post was mainly a reply to that. Then I saw your comment and it seemed to me that after this defence, when it came to your friend (and they are the people whose opinions matter to us the most), you were being apologetic for liking Min Young as if your love for her was non-rational and should be excused. I did read your previous post where you defended her for choosing this project considering she will receive acting criticism for it, but I did not see any there that made me gauge what you really thought of her acting. I have read your previous posts on this thread as well and what I have mainly seen in your posts is a commendation of her guts to take up this project. I suppose, for you, a fan = fan of the actress + fan of the person. But that is not what I usually find around me. I have seen many fans who love her for the person she is or find her cute and adorable, but do not think much of her as an actress, either because "some knowledgeable people" say so in very patronising tones or they have seen just one or two of her projects which may not have been her best.  What happens in the process is that whatever claims Min Young has made to the label of an actress through her work gets sidelined. That was the context in which I made my comments. There was also the fear in me that if even her fans thought of her that way, then may be she needed to do something different to get out of that image trap. Nothing wrong in loving someone because they are cute or adorable, but may be I expect it to be a part and parcel of something more?
Yes, in a private exchange with a friend you know well and who knows you well, all your comments may be seen in their right context. But in a public forum like this, none of us are privy to what you really  mean and how your friends understand you. I am sorry if I misread the context of what to you was just a humorous exchange, but I hope this helped you see the context in which my comments came. I hope this lets you see that I was not cherrypicking (I am not much fond of them anyway), but responding to you as someone intimate with a history of similar-sounding fan responses. If as a fan, I misread your comments, then what about those who are not Min Young's fans and are entirely dismissive of her work? So I am happy this exchange took place since I got to read your thoughts about Min Young as an actress as well. I hope that as the drama progresses, along with non-fans whose insights I welcome, you, a fan of Min Young, will also talk about where you feel she is doing well and where she has improved along with insights about where she is underperforming. I am someone who always asks all my friends, i-fans and Chinese fans, what they think about MY as an actress and this is the kind of exchange I treasure. 

If you have something to share with me regarding this, please either 'spoiler' it or better PM me. I don't want to burden the drama fans here any further talking about things off topic to the drama discussion when the stills are out and things are finally starting to get exciting.  Good day! 

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Guest missnona

The delayed the teaser for the end of Cunning Single lady ep tonight
don't worry i'am sure that the teaser is almost here!

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Guest ChoBap

Okay. So it was a really brief teaser. Really brief.

The only thing he says is

"Becuase changing isn't something people do well"

But damn. His voice.

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Guest missnona

I noticed these words in the teaser: "Law", "Certificate" , "Justice" , "Legal Mind".
i think the writer means that this drama will be fair for those who love KMM charisma by looking that all the teaser was about him!
omo omo can't wait!!!!!

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