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[Drama 2014] Golden Cross 골든 크로스


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Why oh why does the good guys always have to be dumb, did they not realize that they were dealing with people who are capable of doing anything. Like the thought that they would retaliate never crossed their mind. When the good guys are thinking they are cleaver and smart is usually when they are faced with a rude awakening. MY in his quest to catch the murderer of his sister never asked the most basic question, and that is why was she killed. His father framed for her murder and then killed himself but they never asked why. They could have left his sister's murder be unsolved, the bad guys didn't know about his note. 
The only good thing is MJ will most likely let DY keep is job because he loves irritating DH, if they killed the reporter as well it will be to ridicules because that would not explain leaving DY alive, after all he was the one doing all the work and getting all the evidence. I think I will say this every episode I just love MJ.
The actor playing DH should get an award he has mastered the art of whinnying and sniveling  then once he gets his way that smug self serving grin is priceless. I just hope that DY have backup material hid away somewhere if not him and the dirty cop will have their work cut out for them. 
The big question is who stole the files from the prosecutor's office. Was it the governor, DH or MJ, Or did dirty ex cop take it?   

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 Now this is what I call two intense ep, we got from hoping YR doesn't get too emotional while trying to decide what to do about "daddy" to hoping that DY does finally snap and starts whacking bad guys right and left (Just kidding :D). Things really did take an interesting turn with the whole Golden Cross mechanism starting to work against our hero going to extreme lenghts to protect one of their own. The only way I can see this going well for the good guys is for pres. Hong to go in her crazy revenge mode because I think she's the only one who has what it takes to deal with rich guys who think money solves everything. It would have been even more interesting if they gave YR a little more spunk because even if she did the right thing they did drag it out long enough (I mean really, she just witnessed him giving the order to kill someone and he's still walking around free?).
 One thing has me a little puzzled, MJ does talk a big game but I somehow feel he's not the murdering type. Maybe it's just me but I feel that despite the typical villain image the guy does have a line he doesn't cross and that will become obvious at a crucial moment.
 All in all, to solid ep that did a good job of keeping us interested and all we can hope for is that this approach doesn't change because I for one like where this might be going. :)

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stuartjmz said: This was the biggest problem I had with both these episodes. Even though I don't share the view that Michael's not a killer (didn't he have both the journalist and the congressman killed, and wasn't that elevator malfunction the second time he's done that?)  the way Seo is running around scot-free still was tediously hard to swallow. Similarly with his being interrogated by his daughter. I really liked her performance there, and everything she said in it, but I would have preferred that to be in the context of a conversation between father and daughter, ESPECIALLY since the Drama itself had been at such pains to repeat over and over and over again that she would hav to recuse herself from the investigation. Then she doesn't?
I found most of these episodes rather dull and boring for that reason, just more evidence in the Three Days genre that , much like Mars in the song, Korea ain't the kind of place to raise your kids. It could well be OTT overload, getting fatigued from too much insane excess presented as vaguely plausible. I know the antidote, of course, the same one my esteemed dongsaeng availed himself of recently, but in the meantime I find my capacity to be entertained by it sorely diminished.
What I did  enjoy were some of the smaller-scale, more personal interactions. As mentioned above, I really enjoyed YR's words to her father. I was also very pleasantly surprised by one scene in particular from her vile sire. The whole begging for forgiveness in the park scene made me think that there's a good chance Seo is s(e)o far gone that he really doesn't think he killed DY's sister. It was the first time I was really impressed with the actor's performance, perhaps because he finally got a chance to do more than sputter, twitch and clench his fists.  It suggested that he's the real lady Macbeth of this Drama, now completely over the edge into loon territory. 
I also agree that Chairman Hong is the only hope for saving the show, but even there I fear disappointment. Not in what she does, but why.  I fear that she will save our hero because she lurrrvves him not because it suits her purpose or serves her interests to do so, and that this action on her part may be sacrificial in nature. If things do turn out that way, then the one redeeming feature, the silver lining in that clichéd cloud, will be that a dear cyber-friend, @Orion will be 100% entitled to do the I.T.Y.S/I.Y.F victory dance.  
All in all, I think that the extent to which I was underwhelmed by these episodes probably says a lot more about me and where I'm at right now in my Drama mood than it does about this Drama. A rookie a mere one year old should never have taken on five Dramas at once, I see that now, and once again bow before the awesome stamina of my dongsaeng who's managing nearly double that. 

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Alright. One thing I am liking is that they have not dragged the whole trying-to-date-her thing too much. That is usually recipe for making the woman pathetic an one-track-minded. I am glad to see Yi Re respected as a female character. Both as someone who wishes to see more such layered female characters in dramas, but also as a Lee Si Yeong fan who hopes to see her in more juicy roles. Yes, she told her dad all about her cases before, although since many others make such critical errors here, I cannot say it's because she is among "the wimmin".

As for her current refusal to quit before taking care of business, she was going against the rules because of moral obligation to fix what her family ruined herself. In that sense, she is being respected as a character. She is not the male lead's prop or "oppa girl", she is her own character with her own story, which involves concepts more than "I love some guy" and "must do it all for him alone".

Dong Ha needs a Blue Dragon Award for his performances, because that little worm sure will do anything to convince people. I like that he is consistent, also. Until now, I was worried over how they would handle having someone who apparently loved his daughter be such a horrible monster. But as the current developments showed, his "love" was simply the joy of being adore and obeyed and having power and mattering. Just like I had said back when people were wondering if he really loved Ha Yoon. He does not "love". He simply likes the ownership and feeling needed and admired. The minute you stop that, you're nothing to him.

As for Hong, she simply lied about Do Yoon to cover for her own motives and working behind Michael's back. I do not worry about such a development at all. She spent her life wanting revenge and even though them feels can still be dangerous in making her suddenly turn into a martyr, it will not be for "love", but perhaps her own demons finally catching up. Which, actually, is a pretty decent way to write her ending, since, much like with Yi Re, it will be based on her own sense of justice and atonement than sacrifice over a man.

And then there's Michael. Michael never ordered someone killed because he did not need to. He is a classy villain and they have to separate him from the more emotional psychos in some way. He does not break an egg unless he plans to make an omelet. But if he needs to? I never had a doubt he could do it. Perhaps he is trying to save whoever he can if possible, but his plans come first. Which is why he did not save the congressman when he did not accept his offer. But since they did add his little Yi Re weakness and this masked effort to minimize death, it means he, rather than Hong, might turn out to be our villain turned bleeding heart by the end. I don't see it, he will probably just give them one tiny hand at some point, but it's possible.

@victorb, said other drama has its own level, for which I turn my brain down to "Look at how hot the guys are". My criteria go according to my expectations and where each drama skyrockets or sinks them. :P For 'Golden Cross', silly convenient plot aside, I am digging the characters and how their interactions are written. So I can forgive the logic problems. Just like 'Three Days', even if this is more conspiracy melo than conspirary action.

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stuartjmz said: The one thing I'm left wondering about is what I've misread about Michael. So far, both Chairman Hong AND the two GC stooges have explicitly said he personally has had people killed in the past, the stooges even mentioning his use of an elevator accident. How is it that I missed all the signs that they were lying/mistaken?

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Hi! I Just wanna share the Golden Cross OST :) So, Here it is :Mose (모세) Island [Golden Cross Ost.] : http://k2ost.wordpress.com/2014/05/13/mose-island/Happy Listening :) Hope You like it :)

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I'm loving all the actors in this drama. Not sure why the ratings are insanely low compared to other drama. I guess people like actors who are idols. 

I love the maturity of actors in this drama and the story is really good. Wish it got more recognition and Kang Kang-Woo would get more exposure. Great actor! 

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Hi! I Just want to share Golden Cross Ost. :) Here it is :

  • Mose (모세) Island Part.1 [Golden Cross Ost.] : http://k2ost.wordpress.com/2014/05/13/mose-island/
  • Tritops (트리탑) Part.2 [Golden Cross Ost.] : http://k2ost.wordpress.com/2014/06/02/tritops-golden-cross/

Happy Listening :D-K2Ost-
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Golden Cross Episode 15 Review: Kim Gyu Chul Kidnaps Lee Si Young class="post-title"Golden Cross Episode 15 Review: Kim Gyu Chul Kidnaps Lee Si Young

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Golden Cross, episode 15, Park Hee Seo(played by Kim Gyu Chul) kidnapped Seo Yi Re(played by Lee Si Young).

Previously, Seo Dong Ha(played by Jung Bo Suk) made orders to get rid of Lim Kyung Jae(played by Park Won Sang), who was going to have a press interview to reveal the corruption of Golden Cross.

Hee Seo also kidnapped Yi Re to keep her out of Dong Ha’s plan. Yi Re raged, “How dare you kidnap an incumbent prosecutor! I won’t forget this!” Just then, she got a phone call from Hee Seo saying, “You’re making me upset. You’re trying to come at me so I had no choice but to do this to you.” He continued, “All you have to do is to calm yourself down and have a rest. Keep things moderate, remember? Keep things moderate.”

Golden Cross Episode 15 Review: Jung Ae Ri Supports Kim Kang Woo Even When in Danger

class="post-title"Golden Cross Episode 15 Review: Jung Ae Ri Supports Kim Kang Woo Even When in Danger

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Golden Cross, episode 15, Oh Geum Shil(played by Jung Ae Ri) supported Kang Do Yoon(played by Kim Kang Woo) even when she was in danger.

Previously, as Do Yoon tried to reveal the corruption of Golden Cross to the media, Seo Dong Ha(played by Jung Bo Suk) made orders to kill Lim Kyung Jae(played by Park Won Sang) and kidnap Geum Shil.

Do Yoon managed to hold Dong Ha hostage, but Geum Shil was rather calm and said, “Now I know these people killed your father and Ha Yoon(played by Seo Min Ji). Seems like you’re doing a great job fighting against these guys since they kidnapped me. Don’t worry about me. Just do what you have to do.” She continued, “Now I can die without regrets. I’ll be able to meet your father and your sister anyway.”

After a phone call with his mother, Do Yoon changed his destination to the press interview.

Golden Cross Episode 15 Review: Kim Kang Woo Calls Park Byung Eun a Traitor and Degenerate

class="post-title"Golden Cross Episode 15 Review: Kim Kang Woo Calls Park Byung Eun a Traitor and Degenerate

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Golden Cross, episode 15, Kang Do Yoon(played by Kim Kang Woo) called Gal Sang Joon(played by Park Byung Eun) a traitor.

Do Yoon desperately asked Sang Joon for help but Sang Joon said, “I’ve been fighting for ethics and morality but it was no use in the end. I will no longer tell you to enter a tiger’s cave to catch a tiger. It’s too much for me to lie to myself acting like I’m righteous. I want to live a peaceful life.”

Do Yoon raged and said, “Do you know what blocks my way? It’s not those dirty people in high positions ruling the world, it’s traitors and degenerates like you.” Sang Joon felt guilty and could not lift his head up.

Cr. Kdrama

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