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[Official] _DONGHAE LEE DONG WOOK + LEE DA HAE | ChaMo lives on! :)


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samzz said;

anyway Mr Cupid mentioned abt OASIS 21 today-so who is going to Japan (I googled, it's located in Japan).Or, is there any similar place/name as google translation OASIS 21 in Seoul.

Seoul has told us that the rain falls on the city's packed fall heh after this rain is going to fall even further under a roof of OASIS 21 is the foliage looks like heh begin to change and today's the day we wish to cheer with a smile on his visage was the Cougars!!!*^^*


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Wookie's  FM held in Miyakojima, Okinawa, Japan. I'm wondering DH can go to Japan a few days ago, when Mr cupid mention OASIS 21, is located in Nagoya, Aichi, Japan. Nagoya, Aichi is not too far from Okinawa. And maybe she went there a few days ago. I saw Miyakojima is very beautiful and romantic, which is where the film It's ok That's love. I hope that the information has come from Mr Cupid, DH could went to Aichi, Japan first and then go to Miyakojima wait for him today.

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Hi chingus...

So Wookie's in Japan and Mr Kim hinted about it a few days ago mmm... And I was on twitter and here's his tweet

Sueng cheol, Kim (@ksc72)

04/10/14 01:21

@cherry4eva84 ^^ 날씨는 완연한 가을 날씨라 참 맑은 하늘이랍니다 ㅎ 맑은 날씨에 비해 기온도 낮고 바람마저 차갑게 느껴지네요 ㅎ 날씨에 영향을 받지 않도록 항상 건강 잘 챙기길 바란다죠 ㅎ 즐거운 하루 였길 바라며!!!WINDH*^^*

El país translator

The weather is sunny autumn weather, very distinct, clear weather, even lower temperatures are mild compared to the wind was cold and felt it's not affected by the weather always healthy and well I hope is an enjoyable day packing...

But according to Google he mentions LA and Saguaro, so maybe Cherry's going back to LA??

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Guest ManolitaA

10702082_1488419371439765_8874819261860810511279_1488419341439768_40970858097159Wookie on his Fan Meeting in Japan...just got this on Donghae Couple Vietnam Fanpageon my FB.....so Da hae is not around....

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