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[Official] _DONGHAE LEE DONG WOOK + LEE DA HAE | ChaMo lives on! :)


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@samzz I'm sure the fans of his instant gf were upset bc of not showing a happy face and not answering questions about her.


Although he did not have a lot of smiles in his press conference today, he showed a kind attitude toward fans and frequently interacted and waved. 


At least his fans still important to him

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13 hours ago, summer2017 said:


This is similar to one situation I saw last year involving another male star who also refused to talk about his gf and then..... 


anyway he really looks tired and lack of sleep.


i really wonder if anyone will start a Suzy Lee DW thread lol

Haha I’m sure Suzy’s fans can start one, but I hope they wouldn’t. Remember Suzy still too young and if everytime she’s in a relationship they put it in thread, not good for her future.

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5 hours ago, dolley said:


@samzz I'm sure the fans of his instant gf were upset bc of not showing a happy face and not answering questions about her.




But it’s too instant to answer questions about her. Silence means a lot of things. Like not sure of his feelings? There wasn’t even anything?

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6 hours ago, dolley said:

@samzz I'm sure the fans of his instant gf were upset bc of not showing a happy face and not answering questions about her.


Although he did not have a lot of smiles in his press conference today, he showed a kind attitude toward fans and frequently interacted and waved. 


At least his fans still important to him

Yes some celebrities mocking their own fans when got caught dating at hotel, e.g telling the public, we were laughing when the paid media released the news, and grumbling why so late catching them. These type of celebrities have to take hard journey to win her/his fans back, or from public who understand the situation.

Some due to their uncontrolled desire,if he/she respects the fans, fans would understand it, bc we are human after all. They only have problem with their need, healthy or unhealthy, it only affects their mind and body.

Re, Wookie yesterday event, to me still normal about not answering the exposed "willing or in unwilling" private life, but the face expression when asked that count. It inviting speculation, which very simple and common around us. Just ask your newlyweds friends, how is your wifey/hubby, if that person gives you a stare of anger, or hate or sad, meaning Red Flags already parked in their heart. 

I still firm with my theory, JYP just want to protect Wookie's #some# gf from unwanted or accident preggo, -you want to take her out, be responsible with it. Love or no love, he doesn't care, bc stock market of his company must be protected to highest level. One mistake...YG already shown the best example.

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18 hours ago, samzz said:

I still firm with my theory, JYP just want to protect Wookie's #some# gf from unwanted or accident preggo, -you want to take her out, be responsible with it. Love or no love, he doesn't care, bc stock market of his company must be protected to highest level.


I guess u are right. The statements of them dating were just released by their agencies. Pardon me if I’m wrong but I couldn’t really find any pics of them dating. Haha I agree that he doesn’t really care about love first. Money more important. 

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19 minutes ago, summer2017 said:


I guess u are right. The statements of them dating were just released by their agencies. Pardon me if I’m wrong but I couldn’t really find any pics of them dating. Haha I agree that he doesn’t really care about love first. Money more important. 

Yes, JYP is very strict, imagine something happens to his power girl, and all this while just secret, it creates more havoc to his agency stock market and trust. Wookie dated few girls before and he never wants to reveal them. Come to JYP girl, no way he can do what he used to do before. Even just few months together he must admit it to public. I think Wookie miscalculated the feedback, if you read the report written by MEN, most of them supporting him 100%, bc Korean men basically love this old men, younger girl coupling. If coming from women, not much support.

I checked his #some# instant gf second IG account, most of her Korean fans not happy with the dating news, and they said it's a havoc in DC forum. I didn't check DC, and I'm not sure why they don't like Wookie, but what I can gather from the comments in second IG, too fast moving from the ex, and they afraid she will get married early and destroy her career. 



I think you are talking abt LJK right, who also refused to talk about his gf and now broke up already.

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Looking how fragile and soooo skinny Wookie physically, I'm sure he is having it mentally too. He is so easy getting depressed. Wookieshii, where is the face of Love like I used to see before.


And DH too, I'm afraid looking at her drama plotwise, mental block. Well at least she looks happy, literally. 

Both of DH/Wookie are good in their acting, their ego always giving trouble to their actions in real life.



Btw, instant dating was already done in his life before, who teach him? None other is Lee Da Hae, who is actually practice it in her real life now too.

Both are broken actually.

The script says, ' both of you look good together, both of you must be dating' ,so both of them agreed.

Imagine DH helping Wookie buying a ring for Miss Bae, as perscript.



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I actually asked my male friend that is close to Wookie’s age and he had no issue with younger girls. I guess it’s the same mentality with Korean men. But yes he miscalculated the feedback from young fans and if I were his some gf fans I wouldn’t feel good coz of negative image. The breakup was still recent and I tot she was likely to have rumors with Lee Jong Suk instead so Wookie is too out of the blue when there are no projects together. Wookie should now know he don’t play with JYP girls and the consequences. 

Yes I am referring to LJK. My apologies for mentioning him in this thread but just felt a strong similarity when both didn’t talk about their gfs. 

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19 minutes ago, summer2017 said:

I actually asked my male friend that is close to Wookie’s age and he had no issue with younger girls. I guess it’s the same mentality with Korean men. But yes he miscalculated the feedback from young fans and if I were his some gf fans I wouldn’t feel good coz of negative image. The breakup was still recent and I tot she was likely to have rumors with Lee Jong Suk instead so Wookie is too out of the blue when there are no projects together. Wookie should now know he don’t play with JYP girls and the consequences. 

Yes I am referring to LJK. My apologies for mentioning him in this thread but just felt a strong similarity when both didn’t talk about their gfs. 

I know that, and he was/is having big big mess with kpop teenagers fans until affecting his real love life.

Hmmmm, sometimes I wonder why these near 40s actors love so much putting their life and career in the hands of teenage kpop fans. Their maturity?

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Because the teenage fans base is huge. It is like the way to increase their popularity. Wookie came to Singapore last year and gosh it was all teens and young girls at his events. And to think he was nearly 40. But girls are all like claiming his to be their own. 

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@summer2017  Going to be dangerous for his future single 30s actresses who will be paired with him later, in case Wookie giving extra attention during BTS.

Actually I followed LJK, his ex, IU's fans and PMY's fans fiasco, and then....


On Wookie future, if his agency and JYP not playing big help after this instant noodle love affair, he really need to depend on his loyal fans support. His Goblin's fans, I'm sure some slowly slowly running away, many left are old loyalists. In one of his interview he even said he was depressed bcuz slowly people forgetting him after Goblin buzz. Well he will have extra 8 millions IG fans lol. Similar to DH who so hoping the 10000 fans will support her.


My friends actually don't care much bc according to them with millions recognized his #some# instant lover, how come no paparazzi pic, no smoke, no earthquake, not even one pic or  leaks at all before 9th March. The only hint I read in Twitter is one actor with idol from one of big three agencies. That was December last year, if that rumour is really referring to them my prediction  he already close but not lover status is starting in Nov last year.hmmmm. Looks like history repeated again.


In DH case, one year before announcement, it's already hot topic among bloggers, Twitter, paid fans who always making appearance in DH's IG, even fake Dispatch blended well in trying to expose it. The most obvious was Vietnam s-escape.


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@samzz that’s the thing, before 9 March there was totally nothing, no pics no leaks nothing. So how can I easily believe that he has a #some #gf suddenly. Unless he meant for it like to be a publicity stunt in case he got forgotten after Goblin but of course JYP has to agree to release the news. Oh yes LJK was another big news last year... but I’m glad it’s calmed down now. Celebrities should not take public dating for granted. At least in DH case it’s more obvious. Wookie case is like ??? 

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13 minutes ago, summer2017 said:

@samzz that’s the thing, before 9 March there was totally nothing, no pics no leaks nothing. So how can I easily believe that he has a #some #gf suddenly. Unless he meant for it like to be a publicity stunt in case he got forgotten after Goblin but of course JYP has to agree to release the news. Oh yes LJK was another big news last year... but I’m glad it’s calmed down now. Celebrities should not take public dating for granted. At least in DH case it’s more obvious. Wookie case is like ??? 

The only fans who know this is DH boyfriend's fans, bc since 2015 they always stalking him. So funny even #some# fans didn't notice it, or they are not busy body.

Anyway in year 2016, in private and after DH announcement, we here already knew Wookie dated one idol. One of our shipper here has direct contact with Wookie's ex army friend. The friend only said an idol but refused to give the name. So the current instant one is the 2nd or 3rd idols Wookie has dated within this 3 years. We openly talked about it in here in year 2016. Impossible if the same current instant, but who knows.


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6 minutes ago, samzz said:

The only fans who know this is DH boyfriend's fans, bc since 2015 they always stalking him. So funny even #some# fans didn't notice it, or they are not busy body.

Anyway in year 2016, in private and after DH announcement, we here already knew Wookie dated one idol. One of our shipper here has direct contact with Wookie's ex army friend. The friend only said an idol but refused to give the name. So the current instant one is the 2nd or 3rd idols Wookie has dated within this 3 years. We openly talked about it in here in year 2016. Impossible if the same current instant, but who knows.


Bc the bf loves to tease his fans with his own s-escapade, but since unpopular knets ignore them, but this new one even forced to have an instant relationship bc of media buzz. I don’t know what experiment they are trying to prove but since dating news, I didn’t see wookie happy face opposite to what I saw earlier with his other half, seems she’s happy and not affected by the news. I don’t know if it’s bc on her part the feelings is real or this thing is just natural for her, though in their situation right now she’s the one who have more haters. Well at least her international fans all praises to her

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Love hearing third party opinions,bc sometimes we love hiding for our bias. This is first time I saw him soooo skinny, and now someone already validated what I saw on screen.

He shouldn't show it to much physically and mentally, it creates speculation.



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1 hour ago, lovebeats said:

Dahae's new drama not showing any upward trend. Not a good sign. Already in 12th episode. Seems like high rating in early episode not promising a consistent double digits rating.


I know that, but one improvement I noticed is the real live comments, it was more than the second week. Honestly, I was panic seeing SunHee acting, totally idol level, but last night episode, DH gaining momentum. That's what many critics talked about her years ago, they glad Korean has very rare raw talent but she sold her talent to men like That Face, plus her clans, resulting in her downfall. In other words mismanaged. She need to brush up her technical talent while she still has a chance. Still she is one very versatile actress nowadays, and people starting to notice her talent again. Hopefully not too late bc she took stupid and cruel characters at the same times which not highly favourable among ahjuma.


Re, to Wookie, I noticed 2 of his official fan clubs still shut their mouths regarding the instant noodle relationship. Not even the media coverage. The Hong Kong media link I put few days ago, has the instant noodle relationship coverage, but DWH, cuts that section and his Hong Kong fan club totally ignored it. The most active doing the shipping are the SEA fans in SNS.

Seems like some are right, there is no real relationship at all, just got caught while just having fun. One of my friend who is LMH fan, said, she never surprised at all,bc she also never believe in the past relationship, so fishy she said , except the London pic, within 3 yrs, no official confirmation news, no pic whereby both have millions watching/stalking them. She even said your LDW is next....when agencies playing their games, their celebrities always the victim.



He looked calm while with fans, but so tense in front of public since last week. Red Flags alert.

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@samzzOh I didn’t know that such dating set up exists, no pics anywhere, no hotel pics and overseas dating except the first one? So they literally stuck in their apartments to date? I think that kind of set up is good on the early phase but not for long term, or maybe these men are just a trophy boyfriends, her fans praising her bc she got the best. But she’s too young and in conservative country counting boyfriends at young age is a big NO. 




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46 minutes ago, dolley said:

@samzzOh I didn’t know that such dating set up exists, no pics anywhere, no hotel pics and overseas dating except the first one? So they literally stuck in their apartments to date? I think that kind of set up is good on the early phase but not for long term, or maybe these men are just a trophy boyfriends, her fans praising her bc she got the best. But she’s too young and in conservative country counting boyfriends at young age is a big NO. 





Don't know much about that, bc she never in my radar, but what I know similar case with LMH, just one month dating, they make it public, so same with Wookie. So papa JYP did the right thing, you take my girl out at night, don't treat her like your your past secret girlfriends. So Wookie ready or not ready, doesn't matter, but why he keep silence, just like LJK.


I also recently knew her name is Bae Su Jin, bc DH non stop telling us by posting Bae Su Bin pic, so I google la, and as what you observed someone always posted Sus/zhi pic since 2 months ago. You know they are very good in giving awareness program, lol.


Oh yes, we have another entertainment, making us busy hehehe, you know we love investigating it last year. Wink wink

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