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[Drama 2014] Doctor Stranger 닥터이방인


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I don't know about you guys. You can talk endlessly about "chemistry" and stuff, but I'm here and I'm just gonna talk about my baby darling hot villain, Agent Cha Jin Soo. :D
I don't know. Really, I don't, but didn't he just look sad at the second image? Was it just me or what?
Even though he's evil and smug and rude, he's still manly and hot - oopps, I mean, he's still sad as a character. Don't you agree?


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Guest sunshine4ever

Some pictures of the cast at the end party celebration

^Thanks to taemsprouts for posting this

The picture above is so blurry, so I did this

Here is another picture
^credit as tagged and thanks to yoonnn for posting it...

thunderman1 said: Well I read recaps.. I don't think I'll like it. It's one of those dramas that will keep you thinking and drive you crazy. Is Seung Hee Jae Hee?? someone let me know what is up with this character! I read 10 episodes and I still am very curious.

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camie said: rynn_peace said: I'm glad too that Soo Hyun could be free from being "caught in the middle" between Hoon and JH, from Hoon who loved to touch her and wanted to get along well with her and from JH who pushed Hoon to her before with saying Hoon loves her and I will go to Japan. I don't like it when they involved Soo Hyun in their pushing and pulling games.

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djappleblush said: I don't know about you guys. You can talk endlessly about "chemistry" and stuff, but I'm here and I'm just gonna talk about my baby darling hot villain, Agent Cha Jin Soo. :D
I don't know. Really, I don't, but didn't he just look sad at the second image? Was it just me or what?
Even though he's evil and smug and rude, he's still manly and hot - oopps, I mean, he's still sad as a character. Don't you agree?

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I have been waiting for LJS drama since IHYV ended in 2012… I fell in love with his acting ..  He end up in my –die-die-must-watch-actor list .. it means no matter what .. I must watch his drama while it’s airing .. (normally I will wait until a drama finish airing) … I only make ‘allowance’  for a few actor/actresses – (Kim Soo Hyun, LJS, Kim Sun Ah, JJi Hyun, LBH, BYJ, Lee Min Ho, Joong ki) 
Because watching while it’s airing can be tiring and also you take the risk of watching ‘crap’ drama and end up wasting your time,
As for DS. I wasted hours and hours … (because of the plot just didn’t make sense and also because of the trolling AND lack of chemistry of the ‘main’ OTP) ..
When I first knew that JSY gonna be the lead I was worried – I watched Gaksital, Five Finger and recently Inspiring generation – I have to say … I saw Mok Dan in all three drama… I saw her first as MokDan and .. she was mokdan in five finger and also mokdan in inspiring generation ..  It’s ok to watch Mokdan in Gaksital  … but it’s not okay to watch Mokdan again and again in all of her drama (meaning her acting style the same regardless of the character her suppose to portray - My opinion only) … I didn’t know she was only a teenager when she starred in Mokdan – or I would’ve have sparred her :D .. she look ‘matured’.
I see her as sweet.. all smiley .. and happy . ALL THE TIME ..  so I guess the ‘battered’ character like JHee is not for her..  (may be because she is from a chaebol family so she’s not expose to hardship thus it’s difficult for her to immersed in the character? - purely assuming .. :D, I am trying to understand JSY) ..
The first 2 episodes were OK since JHee is suppose to be all sweet, smiley and happy .. She was that. She was OK .. infact more than OK .. and then everything just STOP .. at the bridge scene when she was holding on to Phoon .. it was suppose to be a sad scene .. But .. aiyoh .. I have no feel and was there tear? No?? I thought I only saw her face crumpled … That moment was ruined by her.
Base on the interview, PD/Writer would not change the ending.. so I guess from the start they must have had this ending in mind thus the tag line – two heart beat as one and even fate can’t separate them… - So … with this I have to say the biggest mistake JSY did was when she had this ‘cold’ emotion, contempt and anger  in ep 3,4,5,6,7 and when she were in Phoon office going through his stuff, She did not look like someone in love (-that-even-fate-cannot-separate-her-from-her-love) there was no ‘emotion’ at all, how come she was not affected at all? … Imagine yourself in JHee situation ..  you love Phoon so much, you have been separated for 5 years and then 2 years .. what would you do if you see him? Or you get the chance to go through his stuff .. what kind emotion would you have? Wouldn’t in be joy/sad/relief? Would  you appear not affected at all like JSY? Just some flat monotonous expression? 
I don’t know if it’s intentionally by PD or JSY cannot emote such feeling ..  if it is intentionally – then this is where it all went wrong) .. 
And the kiss .. Oh yes LJS tried (in fact I saw the BTS and it seem difficult for him to get into the mood – unlike when he was with LBY – look like he can’t wait to kiss/touch her :D) .. LJS tried but – It’s just flat .. I don’t feel it .. could be PD didn’t ‘build’ the emotion for the kiss .. may be it was abrupt .. I just don’t feel it .. it’s like LJS was kissing a doll .. may be it was meant to be like that (JSY too young?) .. I keep comparing the kiss in DS with the kiss in IHYV … 
You know – we have seen a professional .. wakakaka… and he turned into an amateur wakaka.. so it’s a bit disappointed .. YES.. ALL I CARE IS THE KISS SCENE IN A DRAMA .. wahaha.. yeah I admit .. one of the important thing I anticipated in a drama is the kissing scene – howell .. I am a pervert …
Anyway – this is my opinion on why I don’t see the chemistry between JSY and LJS – Well we don’t know the real reason … it could be PD, it could be the script .. it could be JSY or it could even be LJS that cannot ‘create’ the chemistry he is suppose to create with JSY but it is totally the opposite between him and KSR … The way he look at her and the way he flirted – make me swoon – Phoon cheated us (quack) 
Yeah it could be the script .. whatever .. the most important thing is it’s there ..
Yes they didn’t end up together .. but the were ‘together’ for more 16 or is it 18 episodes? .. 
Sorry quack – I know how much you gals hate long essay  .. wakakaka .. I just have to let this all out and let it gooooooooooooooooo
*singing let gooo lett it gooooo …. I am letting go of my obsession .. I don’t feel anything anymore toward Phoon .. :D .. he is dead .. so is DS .. deleted from my hardisk.  :D
@kimsontoya – It’s not the destination, but it’s the journey that is important … wakakakaka… 

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said: I'm glad too that Soo Hyun could be free from being "caught in the middle" between Hoon and JH, from Hoon who loved to touch her and wanted to get along well with her and from JH who pushed Hoon to her before with saying Hoon loves her and I will go to Japan. I don't like it when they involved Soo Hyun in their pushing and pulling games.

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camie said:






said: I'm glad too that Soo Hyun could be free from being "caught in the middle" between Hoon and JH, from Hoon who loved to touch her and wanted to get along well with her and from JH who pushed Hoon to her before with saying Hoon loves her and I will go to Japan. I don't like it when they involved Soo Hyun in their pushing and pulling games.

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Every one of this drama's character has been selfish and dumb one way or another.
Every one of 'em.
It's just life. It's just reality.
I learned to just deal with it. :))
This is just a drama after all. My life is already dramatic as it is, so why bother? :D

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:D yes LBY is a veteran – it’s unfair to compare JSY and LBY – I am just explaining about chemistry. What is chemistry to me –
and I see almost the same chemistry between LJS and KSR .. :D ..
BTW – I think age is not the main factor in determining whether one is a good actor/actress or not..

There this very young child-actress – in Thank You.. – The kid with aids - She has so many facial expression for someone as young as her .. KSH (child actress in I miss you/princess man/moon embraces the sun/rooftop prince) .. She can be both mean and sweet … she is one talented actress and versatile. So many examples out there.

We think highly of LJS so I guess we only want the best to be pair with LJS :D, We have high expectation because we don’t know when we would be able to watch him again .. it will be another 1 year perhaps??
Why JSY is blamed?
Just too many stigma attached to JSY .. since the Gaksital days .. she was criticized for her acting and also she was still with Inspiring generation when she decided to do DS, that make many of us uncomfortable (unless of course if she is a good actress that can just jump in and out of a character). It look like she didn’t care what some viewer think of her and also rumors about her connection make it even worse. People will believe the rumors if she continue to get good role in mega project and didn’t show any improvement at all.
There are just too many good actress in Korea .. we seen a lot of good actress. We expect the lead actress to be a least the same par as the other co-actor/actress ..
Anyway JSY is still young she has a long way to go.. I should take a break – do some acting class and comeback.. I am sure roles are just waiting for her..

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@rynn_peace lol uh hmm imagination /:)? Did I just made that whole thing up? hehe jk I know what you mean. It is selfish if you look at it that way. But you know... what can you do, right? You either die in a cell or you get to meet your lover, but you have to do what they say. Ehh I'd pick the later. It's interesting because Hoon went through all of this back in the NK for her, and now we see her going through something of the sort for him. Sure, SH got up caught in the middle of it, but it was only a small harmless risk compares to what they're going through. She even admits something along the line of how she has no idea that they went through all of that, and it makes her feel ashamed, because all along she was too absorbed in her own problems, didn't she? Anyway, in the end, what matters to me is that they were able to guide each other out of that whole mess (or it's more on Hoon's part that really saves her). He was able to convince himself and her to make the right decision, and she was able to put her trust in him. That's lerveee...  Hehe :) so proud of my OTP! :x

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said: LJS is a natural he can form 'chemistry' with ALMOST anyone ..


except with JSY (IMO) - on screen or behind the scene..

If anyone wants to 'see' what we (JS fans) are talking about .. why not check BTS of his other work.. esp with LBY .. OMO ... wahahaha... I can't tell between reel and real ..

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I actually started watching this drama because of Jong Suk. I like him from IHYV but I would not call myself his fan either since I don't follow all his works. However, after watching the first episode of Dr Stranger, Jin Se Yeon is actually the one that got me hooked to this drama. TBH, I have watched JSY in Gaksital and I am not actually fond of her acting in Gaksital but did not dislike her that much either since I think she made Mok Dan very sweet. And in Dr Stranger, she actually excelled in making Jae Hee a girl that is worth to be loved the way PH did. As Seung Hee, I think she is quite good, not excellent but good enough for me, I cry when she cry, I am mad when she is mad, I am scared when she is scared. Still, it's true there are some scenes, I found her expression to be stone-cold when she should emit the feeling of longing towards PH especially in eps 3 & 4, maybe she is being mysterious? Since everyone is trying to find fault in the leads' acting, I think Jong Suk is not perfect either. His acting in Dr Stranger is definitely better than IHYV (I love his chemistry with LBY but man, I cringed a lot at his acting in the first few episodes, he got better though, in the second half of the drama) but there are still times that I think he could improve for example when he is doubting Jae Hee, I don't feel the doubt but I feel hatred instead. He was not supposed to portray hatred but doubt and frustration. Yes some people may disagree but that's my opinion. And there is one poster that mention that Jong Suk screamed too many times to express his devastation, I, too, agree on that. For Park Hae Jin, his acting is definitely good. I could justify his cold expressions and I don't know why many people did not get his affection towards OSH, I got that since eps 3!!! For Kang Sora, in the first half of Dr Stranger, I found her acting to be quite good, better than JSY especially eps 3. But in 2nd half, I was like, who is this wailing girl? A sweet strong girl that is heartbroken don't go around trying to get sympathy. Maybe the writing, but I cringed a lot when she was acting as a confused girl who was in love. It's unnatural and made me raise my eyebrows. LOL. This is my opinion after all. Those are her weaker scenes, other than that, I think Kang Sora is very good in making OSH very likeable. Chemistry-wise, Jong Suk and JSY, I ship them so I would not need to say more do I ?(In fact, I found that their chemistry is better than LJS-LBY, this is coming from IHYV's faithful viewer, I watched it more than 5 times already) Apart from the first kiss scene (this scene leave me this weird feeling, I appreciate the kiss but I don't feel the attraction, perhaps the tension that they are getting?) I could feel the strong bond between them. Jong Suk and Kang Sora, tbh, in eps 3, if I was informed that this drama gonna be a romcom, I will definitely ship them, I do feel that spark. But knowing, this drama is not romcom, I know that this pair is not gonna work, it's like how you won't ship a couple acting all serious in a romcom drama when there is another pair being all sweet and hillarious. Thus, I quickly realise that this pair is gonna be one-sided, and there goes the 'spark' that I felt. Kang Sora and Park Hae Jin, If people say that they can't ship them because of Jae Joon, I can't ship them because of OSH, I thought OSH was supposed to love Jae Joon in the early episodes but I only feel that in a few scenes only. Like after they kiss, she smiled shyly like that but then it's gone after she befriends PH, because she did not fall in love with PH yet at that time, I can't justify that. But I do feel the strong love from Jae Joon. That's for the leads' acting and chemistry, for the drama, all of you had described it as messy, inconsistent and so on. I agree and I would not recommend this drama to anyone either but I would definitely rewatch it. In my eyes, I would put Dr Stranger equal to I Miss You, it's messy but addictive, you cant stop watching. All in all, it's just my opinion. I found that for normal people who are not professionalized in acting or scriptwriting or directing, everything about a drama can only be subjective, I did try to be objective though. Plus, I don't hate any actors or actresses at all, I will watch their future works if they suit my taste, because like Dr Stranger, I started because LJS but continued because of Jae Hee and all the suspense stuff. :)

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Omgggggggg true love prevailed. Im soooooo glad Hoonhee are finally together .

@ rynn_peace you talked about how SooHyun feeling for Hoon are acceptable because she didn't know JH was alive.

Lets talk about how CY also had feeling for her "hyung" . It would have made more sense if CY was the one who acted like SH rather then SH herself . Do you remember what CY said in the last episode ? Or do you have selective memory ? . She knew JH was the person who was in her "hyung" heart so even through she clearly liked him she never once forced her feeling on him. CY also couldn't help but like Park Hoon even though she may still be alive . As far as im aware Park Hoon never said to SH that JH is dead cause he always believed she was alive .

As a viewer you have to look at a story on a whole so I loved the first 2 episodes because of the story not become I liked one actress more then the other .

JSY may not be on the same level as other actresses however she's getting there. KSR acting is also not at the same level as other actresses . So people who are always talking about JSY not acting properly need to realise while they are typing away she is the one thats on the screen not them .

In regards to SH and Hoon i did not see anything other them friendship from Hoon to SooHyun . Their so called romantic scenes were one side , the only name coming out of Hoons was Jae Hee .

HoonHee love for each other was too deep and beautiful. SooHyun admitted it herself that she didn't think about what they went through .

Hoonhee are cannon that's all that matters , even if they decide to change it in the movie it wouldn't make a difference. The story is about true love and Hoonhee represent that .

Haters can hate all they like however it wont change anything .

I wanted to thank all the HoonHee shippers ,your insight on our ship is the reason why I come to this thread.

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camie said: @rynn_peace lol uh hmm imagination /:)? Did I just made that whole thing up? hehe jk I know what you mean. It is selfish if you look at it that way. But you know... what can you do, right? You either die in a cell or you get to meet your lover, but you have to do what they say. Ehh I'd pick the later. It's interesting because Hoon went through all of this back in the NK for her, and now we see her going through something of the sort for him. Sure, SH got up caught in the middle of it, but it was only a small harmless risk compares to what they're going through. She even admits something along the line of how she has no idea that they went through all of that, and it makes her feel ashamed, because all along she was too absorbed in her own problems, didn't she? Anyway, in the end, what matters to me is that they were able to guide each other out of that whole mess (or it's more on Hoon's part that really saves her). He was able to convince himself and her to make the right decision, and she was able to put her trust in him. That's lerveee...  Hehe :) so proud of my OTP! :x

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Guest kagiheya

Sorry I have to say this and let it go~ like @Bambiina did :D

I'm sorry if I turned to be impolite and offended anyone. Did I say that it's JSY's fault if I think that she lacks chemistry with LJS? No. I blame Jongsuk for having more chemistry with Woobin than supposedly his first love in DS =))

I agree that we can feel/judge chemistry based on our own eyes and opinions. I'm allowed to say that LJS has good chemistry with Bora. And his mom. And Master too. It just proves that he has chemistry with everyone. :D

Yes, I also read that KSR thinks of LJS as a little brother. Here is the original translation, if anyone interested. But in my opinion, great chemistry not only about two people fell in love. Did LBY said that she thinks of Jongsuk as a lover? No. She said that Jongsuk is her best partner before her marriage. We can feel chemistry between two people whether as a couple, friends, family, brother and sister, etc. If  we only see chemistry about love between a man and a woman, so why does people still like talking about Jongsuk and Woobin until now, more than a year after their drama ended? :))

LJS acted shy in front of JSY? Sure, he can acted all shy. He acted shy with Song Jihyo too. Does that mean he likes Jihyo more than an acquintance? No. :)

Some people said that he has good chemistry with KSR, some other people said that their chemistry is just a good friends vibe, that there's no love whatsoever. Well, like I said, chemistry is not only seen from "a man and a woman in love" point of view. So what if LJS and KSR's chemistry is just in good friends form? It's still a good thing.  :)>-

This is the main thread where innocent people with peaceful mind come and read comments. Honestly I was just trying to make people understand from LJS fans' point of view and prevent those innocent people from being misunderstood. Some people talked about how there's "something special, more than just friends" vibe from LJS and JSY (or didn't you? am I just hallucinating?). And some of LJS fans don't get the vibe. Why? It's simple. Because basically he acts totally adorable like that with almost everyone. It's not a bad thing. It's good that he finds himself comfortable around JSY. That's normal. :)

If you read Jongsuk's fan accounts and staff accounts, you can tell that he acts adorable all the time, he cares about people, lots of skinship with everyone. He has good chemistry and acts those so-called "more than just a friend" things with staffs too (and I have butterflies reading those staff accounts), does it mean he also fell in love with those staffs? No. :))

So please be considerate about those innocent people, don't let them misunderstand and make them thinking weird things about Jongsuk (ex. he sees JSY as a woman, more than just a friend). We both have the shippers thread right? We can say anything we want there and be delulu all we want =))

My point: I'm not blaming any actresses for the chemistry, it's just that LJS does it with everyone else so please don't make innocent people misunderstand :D

Now can we stop talking about chemistry =)) =)) =))

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said: Omgggggggg true love prevailed. Im soooooo glad Hoonhee are finally together . @ rynn_peace you talked about how SooHyun feeling for Hoon are acceptable because she didn't know JH was alive. Lets talk about how CY also had feeling for her "hyung" . It would have made more sense if CY was the one who acted like SH rather then SH herself . Do you remember what CY said in the last episode ? Or do you have selective memory ? . She knew JH was the person who was in her "hyung" heart so even through she clearly liked him she never once forced her feeling on him. CY also couldn't help but like Park Hoon even though she may still be alive . As far as im aware Park Hoon never said to SH that JH is dead cause he always believed she was alive . As a viewer you have to look at a story on a whole so I loved the first 2 episodes because of the story not become I liked one actress more then the other . JSY may not be on the same level as other actresses however she's getting there. KSR acting is also not at the same level as other actresses . So people who are always talking about JSY not acting properly need to realise while they are typing away she is the one thats on the screen not them . In regards to SH and Hoon i did not see anything other them friendship from Hoon to SooHyun . Their so called romantic scenes were one side , the only name coming out of Hoons was Jae Hee . HoonHee love for each other was too deep and beautiful. SooHyun admitted it herself that she didn't think about what they went through . Hoonhee are cannon that's all that matters , even if they decide to change it in the movie it wouldn't make a difference. The story is about true love and Hoonhee represent that . Haters can hate all they like however it wont change anything . I wanted to thank all the HoonHee shippers ,your insight on our ship is the reason why I come to this thread.

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said: Sorry I have to say this and let it go~ like @Bambiina did


I'm sorry if I turned to be impolite and offended anyone. Did I say that it's JSY's fault if I think that she lacks chemistry with LJS? No. I blame Jongsuk for having more chemistry with Woobin than supposedly his first love in DS =))

I agree that we can feel/judge chemistry based on our own eyes and opinions. I'm allowed to say that LJS has good chemistry with Bora. And his mom. And Master too. It just proves that he has chemistry with everyone.


Yes, I also read that KSR thinks of LJS as a little brother.


is the original translation, if anyone interested. But in my opinion, great chemistry not only about two people fell in love. Did LBY said that she thinks of Jongsuk as a lover? No. She said that Jongsuk is her

best partner

before her marriage. We can feel chemistry between two people whether as a couple, friends, family, brother and sister, etc. If  we only see chemistry about love between a man and a woman, so why does people still like talking about Jongsuk and Woobin until now, more than a year after their drama ended?



LJS acted shy in front of JSY? Sure, he can acted all shy. He acted shy with Song Jihyo too. Does that mean he likes Jihyo more than an acquintance? No.


Some people said that he has good chemistry with KSR, some other people said that their chemistry is just a good friends vibe, that there's no love whatsoever. Well, like I said, chemistry is not only seen from "a man and a woman in love" point of view. So what if LJS and KSR's chemistry is just in good friends form? It's still a good thing. 



This is the main thread where innocent people with peaceful mind come and read comments. Honestly I was just trying to make people understand from LJS fans' point of view and prevent those innocent people from being misunderstood. Some people talked about how there's "something special, more than just friends" vibe from LJS and JSY (or didn't you? am I just hallucinating?). And some of LJS fans don't get the vibe. Why? It's simple. Because basically he acts totally adorable like that with almost everyone. It's not a bad thing. It's good that he finds himself comfortable around JSY. That's normal.


If you read Jongsuk's fan accounts and staff accounts, you can tell that he acts adorable all the time, he cares about people, lots of skinship with everyone. He has good chemistry and acts those so-called "more than just a friend" things with staffs too (and I have butterflies reading those staff accounts), does it mean he also fell in love with those staffs? No.



So please be considerate about those innocent people, don't let them misunderstand and make them thinking weird things about Jongsuk (ex. he sees JSY as a woman, more than just a friend). We both have the shippers thread right? We can say anything we want there and be delulu all we want =))

My point: I'm not blaming any actresses for the chemistry, it's just that LJS does it with everyone else so please don't make innocent people misunderstand


Now can we stop talking about chemistry =)) =)) =))

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