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[Drama 2014] Doctor Stranger 닥터이방인


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Guest daebak1

there was something missing at the end...wasn't very fulfilling >_> how did they end up separating when they both fell into the river? and why did JH go to china? 
i wish the pm got punish 

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Guest dramaaddicted

Finally, it is over... Finally, there is no war again...

and I have also predicted that Hoon will end up with JH/SH... It is common and standard... haha.. so there is no big expectation for SooH&Hoon...

That is ok though... I am still Kang sora fan... and stil like not LOVE this drama although the end is not what i actually hoped for...

And fortunately for me, the replacement is not disappointing bcz there is Temptation KWON Sang woo (although not quite sure about the ending)....

Yah... there are still alootttt of dramasssss waiting for my attention... so i'm not fully disappointed...

Nice to read all your point of view here... Thanks for the time... Bye all DS...

move to next dramaassss....

Annyeong....Jal ga...

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Guest princess89

And finally, this drama is over and I am satisfy with Hoon ended up with JaeHee. But I think most of the issues in this drama haven't solved perfectly. 
But nevermind. It's over already. Thank you for people who made live recap during the dramas. Bye2 

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Guest genmailjs

Doctor Stranger final episode rating.

AGB Nielsen source  

SBS Doctor Stranger Episode 20 #5 – 12.7% (+ 1.8%) | Seoul #3 14.6% (+ 2.3%)
MBC Triangle Episode 20 #14 – 9.5% (+ 0.5%) | Seoul #10 10.3% (+ 0.3%)
KBS2 Trot Lovers Episode 6 #19 – 7.2% (+ 0.7%) | Seoul #18 7.4% (—)

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Wow, I am watching DS last episode with Eng sub: 
The first five minutes with lesson #1 -- Never believe in politicians (anything that they said or promised). 
I can't blame the President.  He is protecting his position -- keep your friends close but your enemies closer. 
He is very cunning.  He let the PM keep Mr Kim because he knows that the trust between them has broken.  They will always suspect each other and the PM was indirectly cut off his right-hand man.
If the President ensures PH and JH's safety, the PM will retaliate (by all means to kill them).  By handing them over to the PM, he declares that if their lives are endangered, the PM will be held responsible.
Wicked man!  =D>

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Guest sunshine4ever

DS EP20 Rating:

AGB (National): 12.7 (+1.8)

AGB (Seoul): 14.6 (+2.3)

TNS (National): 12.2 (+1.0)

TNS (Seoul): 14.2 (+0.5)

All ranked 1st

Rating thanks to demoeoe
andy78 said:

Hoon replied, “My father took a bullet so I could be a doctor who saves people’s lives. Whoever’s lying in front of me is my patient. This man has exactly the same heart as other patients we had.”

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Guest silverteem

Dr. Stranger Series Review

As this basket case of drama wraps up, we finally find solace that it at least have kept one figment of its premise true in the end from its myriad of inconsistencies and schizophrenic excuses of a plot. As Hoon and Jaehee finally found one another, the slightest of narrative justice has been served. If I’m to use a metaphor, I’m tempted to say that it’s been like a rollercoaster ride except this particular attraction features none of the loops and all that crazy jolting and fun stuff. It’s in fact a one steep climb on one end and a deep dive towards the abyss only to shoot up once more in the other end. The best part of the story and what continues to be its saving grace has always been its premiere episodes and to a lesser extent the final two. It was crazy at the beginning and its overall tone was jarring, but it was entertaining and had all the landmarks of great directing, acting, and cinematography. It was unfortunately downhill from then on forward, as the plot hits a snag on its spy conspiracy and continued to plod along with questions after questions and one surgery competition after another. It never found its inner Zen among its circle of romance, mystery, and medical candor, in fact in its attempt to cater to all three, it ended up being stuck on a quagmire of uncertainty to which direction to go.

It was aperient to know that the production have openly admitted that they have re-written the script twice in this drama―once before its initial casting and second halfway through to address the problems. Except that they’ve probably only made it worse by deviating from the intended narrative furthermore. The first instance was understandable since producing a drama is a livelihood after all and they live and die by the ratings, and to put it bluntly, pure medical drama has not been a good investment lately, and romance and melodrama continues to be the tried and tested way to pad those numbers. The second instance was just as forgivable since the audience was in dire need of enlightenment as they continued to muddle the spy end of the plot and the frustration only grew and the ratings suffered. But in an attempt to plug holes to a sinking raft, the writing became oblivious to the other more pressing problem―it has lost focus on what its thesis is all about. Be it from the incessant fan pressuring, bickering, and highly toxic mud-slinging on the sidelines, the show thought that going back to its medical roots was the answer. The show shed scenes for the respective shipping end and even offed a once prominent character (cough*Comrade Cha*cough*), but its medical aspect have not improved at all, in fact it was back on the same recycled surgery competition formula which accomplished nothing but raise eyebrows and generate ridicule from the fans.

Personally, I wouldn’t mind if this drama had ever decided to be straight-up medical and stuck to that particular genre, though truth be told, I won’t even bother watching it if it were to be the case. But, when they decided to refurnish it as a spy-romance-melo-medical-throw-all-your-kitchen-utensils-in-one and sent out its respective casting offers to Lee Jong Suk, Park Min Young, Park Hae Jin, and Kang So Ra, then by all the Drama Gods, they should have remained true to it from beginning to end. The promising premiere together with its moving (if not cheesy) thesis should have been given its proper due of integrity and not to be flip-flopped later on in the succeeding narrative. It has devolved into a revolving door of a series of surgery competition for the day, to revenge subplot behind another family drama sub-subplot, at the backdrop of a greater spy plot and political conspiracy, all the while the thesis hid in the furthest cobwebbed corner waiting for the moment to be found again.

If I’m to plot a graph for this show, I would find that episodes 1 and 2 would be the highest point of the curve, while on a steady decrease onwards, and by episode 10 has plummeted to its lowest point, for it only to be resuscitated back on episode 19 and be tied up by episode 20. To which comes to no surprise, were the episodes most relevant and have actually tackled the given thesis. It began with all the great promises of simpatico, love, and intrigues, but in hindsight perhaps the show never had a sustainable plot to begin with? As much as Jae Joon and Soo Hyun were played by charismatic actors, they however never truly held any weight to the show, aside from being glorified plot devices to throw in as random conflicts for the OTP. That which isn’t really uncommon in your typical k-drama story telling sense, as they are in fact key for the main characters to grow and the story to unfold. But I’ve always felt that they consumed too much screen time for their respective conflicts which were off-base and had little to do with the story―which ultimately orbits around Hoon, the Stranger, and his quest to finding meaning in becoming a doctor in a strange land, and the lover of the woman that inspires him and he cannot live without. As they were, the two respective couples were primed to be told into two different stories and genres, but somehow got lost along their journey and banded up together to create a haphazard drama that left everybody reeling and scratching and pulling their hairs. That which was a shame, as cramming them into one story only served to the detriment of each character’s development and ultimately a waste for the actors’ talents.

The jury is still out however on the efficacy of the decision to release this one hot pile of mashed delicacy that only the staunchest of stomach and sanity can ever digest, into a featured 120 minute of unadulterated theatrical madness. Curiously, by every episode since that announcement, my interest for it grows as my interest in what is presented on-screen plunges, and I’m beginning to doubt my own better judgment, that perhaps, just maybe, film has been the better format for this drama all along. Imagine cutting all that crap in the middle of Dr. Stranger and connecting all the important parts from the outlying episodes and supplanting it with more information (answers) that should have been found within this show’s cour, we might just have ourselves a superior drama. For whatever its worth, I just wasted approximately 16 hours of my life into it, another hour and a half probably won’t hurt, would it?
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Guest anonymous20

Actually, what is the meaning of Doctor Stranger in this drama? Till now, I don't understand why it is entitled as Doctor Stranger.

......... ???

Anyone, kindly explain to me.

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Thoughts on DS's characters: (written during watching ep 20 with only 75% Eng Subbed, so my understanding is based on body's language and character's facial expression) partly  :)

Mr. Kim Tae-Sool -- a loyal person:
Little PH gave him a lollipop: he saved PH's life in Budapest, took care of PH's mom, and kept an eye on PH's safety.
It was the hardest decision when he went against the PM (whom he would give his life to protect).  Therefore, when the PM is in danger, the only thing PH could repay his kindness is saving the PM's life otherwise Mr. Kim would live the rest of his life in regret.  PH and JH have gained a guardian angel for life!

Lee Chang-Yi -- a loyal friend:
She loves Park Hoon as a brother and as a man; however, she remains a loyal friend.  She is someone he can trust and lean on.  By loving him she also embraces Jae Hee and supported them.  Anyone must be very lucky to have a friend like her!

Cha Jin-Soo -- the most pathetic man:
He spends half of his life chasing PH and JH around (since he died kinda young so yeah almost half of his life)...  Did he really want to kill them?  I doubted it!  He enjoys the cat and mouse psychotic game.  I think he shot himself when he thinks there's no one left to play with him anymore -- no purpose in life! (Or instant death is better than a torturing death by the masters)

Song Jae-Hee -- a tragic figure:
She, who's spent more than half of her life being tortured.  She indirectly killed her father, was half-death living from prison to labor camp.  Her body went through both physical and psychological torture.  Within two years of hell training to become a spy and anesthesiologist (and undergone multiple surgeries?).  Girl got mentally and emotionally strong!

Many viewers said that there's no sparks between PH and JH -- They are like old couple.  After what they have been through, what left is their soul (and one heartbeat too).  What else should I expect? :)

Other characters are already discussed and analyzed by others so I don't want to repeat.   But I do like the President character.  In order to keep a clean presidency, he needs someone like the PM (with good connection) to take care of all the dirty laundry. Yes, he needs a politician not a friend.

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[spoiler!] "Doctor Stranger" Lee Jong-suk and Jin Se-yeon, 'happy ending'

Lee Jong-suk and Jin Se-yeon tied the knot.
The final episode of SBS drama "Doctor Stranger" showed Park Hoon (Lee Jong-suk) and Han Seung-hee (Jin Se-yeon) jumping into a river, facing death.
Han Jae-joon (Park Hae-jin) told Oh Joon-gyu (Jeong Gook-hwan) who he really was and resolved things with Oh Soo-hyeon (Kang So-ra) before he left.
Han Jae-joon and Oh Soo-hyeon went to visit Park Hoon at a health center and Oh Soo-hyeon yelled, "I saw you fall. I thought you were dead. It would've helped if you just let me knew you were alive, you son of a richard simmons!"
Han Jae-joon asked what happened after they jumped in the water and Park Hoon said, "Someone helped". The scene went over to Kim Tae-sool (Jeong In-gi) who was taking care of Park Hoon's mother (Lee Il-hwa) and hinted that he was the one who helped Park Hoon.
Meanwhile, Han Seung-hee had to apply for Chinese refugee because of her dual nationality. She returned to Korea in four months and reunited with Park Hoon.

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Guest silverteem


 noun \ˈstrān-jər\
:  one who is strange: as(1) :  foreigner (2) :  a resident alien:  one in the house of another as a guest, visitor, or intruder:  a person or thing that is unknown or with whom one is unacquainted :  one who does not belong to or is kept from the activities of a group :  one not privy or party to an act, contract, or title :  one that interferes without right
"Hoon, since from his formative years has been sent on a strange land and have endured and toiled under their rules, only to find himself as becoming an enigma of a doctor that is able to perform medical miracles--the Surgery Jesus, as per Koala's vernacular. He then once again find himself back to his 'home' only to find himself still being the stranger, whose skills (SAVER) and values run afoul to what was presumed to be an ideologically superior place.
In the end, Hoon finds an apt settlement, somewhere else far away yet nearest to home (Jaehee and mom), an abode fitting to that of a stranger."
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Guest aya52893

The problem with this drama is that like I mentioned before... The writer seemed to want to write two different dramas with two different heroines and Hoon being the hero. One being a traditional medical drama with SooHyun as the heroine, and a another being a political spy thriller with Jae Hee as the heroine. Jae Hee's story was more compelling and the writer should of stick to that. Yet the writer failed to fresh it out, and this is the results we get. In the end, this was supposedly a story about Hoon and Jae Hee and how despite the odds... Their love will conquer all.

Park Sora/SooHyun was differently main female lead BUT she was written like a traditional second male lead. You know, the same ones from You Are Beautiful and Brilliant Legacy. The nice guy that we all want to end up with the heroine. This is why fans feel like they been trolled with all the cute scenes between her and Hoon. 


I've watch you're beautiful and brilliant legacy girl. It is different! the 2nd lead and main lead has different story whereas we see in the first place the main lead cannot love the 2nd lead in the very beginning while in DS they show us that Hoon show so much care and bickers with soohyun so much even soohyun tried to avoid him, he keeps on pestering and teasing and tried to be in good terms again with her while she still was moving on that confused hoonhyun shippers if he actually loves her. And Jaehee also said that hoon has feelings for her. Okay.

Okay. Writernim we're totally trolled.Haha.

But i want to thank you for bringing uri lovely princess Soohyun to us! :)

Hoonhee shippers please stop trying to understand us. You really don't. So just had fun celebrating that jae hee and hoon is happy together now.

Okay. Lets move on now. Its over. :) let's just support our biases now, they did a very great job in this drama. :)

So so proud of my Kang Sora-unnieeee ♥ :))

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Guest silverteem

So much has been said with the mixed signals being sent out by Hoon, but fails to consider Hoon's feelings. He is the stranger. Soo Hyun is one of the closest of the handful of genuine friends that Hoon have in either sides of Korea. He's playful by nature, and being petty and touchy is his default manner of interacting with her or any of his female friends. Him talking with her that soon is his natural coping mechanism, he cannot simply stand awkward. 
I say, stop being such a dramaqueen, it actually served Hyun well that their friendship got restored so quickly because Hoon refused to play that melodrama schtick.

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A little thank you note:
To the cast & crew of DS Thank you for the hard work put in to deliver this drama. The stress and pressure received from the audience may have made your journey a difficult one, but while constructive criticism may help to develop your future projects, don’t worry too much about the not so constructive remarks. Give yourselves a pat on the back for sticking together to deliver a drama that has received much attention from millions of viewers across the world. 
To LJS, PHJ, JSY, KSRAs actors and actresses, you would have chosen the project in hope to further develop your acting skills and in hope that your fans will enjoy a different portrayal of your talents. Along the way it may have pained you that some of your fans put down other actors or actresses thinking it would make you look better, but they were just being over enthusiastic without considering that the other actors and actresses had fans who equally love them too. Thank you for the great acting and looking forward to your future projects soon. 
To Fellow StrangersThank you for some of the awesome insights, constant updates and fun posts shared here. When the different views and opinions came together, the constructive ones made the forum a good one :>
While there were also many not so awesome and crude remarks made towards some of the cast and crew... may I suggest that even though everyone owns the rights to their own thoughts, the cast and crew did not deserve such derogatory remarks... it’s a drama and not snippets made up of selective screenshots :D
Anyways, see ya all around some where some time again... till then chingus... annyeong :-h

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@aya52893 Thanks, girl! For wishing us a happy celebration :) . So nice of you, hehe. Sure, we might not understand you guys, but I don't think we really want to. I'm happy as well that Hoon finds a friend in dulpari. They were able to help each other out and learn from each other as doctors. And it's also nice to have someone to fool around and have fun with at one point in your messed up life. But at the end of the day, I'm sure that all Hoon ever wants to do is to come back home to his mother and his girlfriend :D

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