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[Variety] Happy Sunday -1 Night, 2 Days (1박 2일) S3 :KBS 1N2D S3 MISS ALL MEMBER -STAFF EXCEPT JY :PAGE 447 END MARCH 2019

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Guest chocmagma

Hello members! :grin:

Kyaaaaa congrats on the ratings! I'm not Korean but I'm really impressed with Harbin Trip. I hope we can do like that in my country; learning about our histories in interesting ways. Our youngsters nowadays really dont care that much or even dont know at all about our histories. I'm too scared to even imagine whats gonna happen to our country in 10 (or 5) years time?

Thank you @jayne1874 for speaking my mind :heart: I hope not only us the fans, but everyone out there who happen to watch the Harbin Trip episode can look at 2D1N Season 3 in a new light. It's not a show aiming at entertaining people only, but they also deliver knowledge that you didnt learn in your school.

I just wanna ask, are Soeon and Seojun gonna join us next week? Or every kids from TROS? So excited for it! Cant wait! Cant wait! :blush:

@francisuta that's as per my understanding. Ehe. Joonyoung also said that he thought Joohyuk is busy but he's at home. Then Defconn took the phone and said, "Hyung, you have so much money already, so come and filming 2 Days 1 Night." Hahaha! They even doubted whether Joohyuk really has so much to do since he's always at home. LOL these dongsaengs!

As per @salz, they keep on mentioning Gutaeng hyung-nim, keep on calling him, making it so difficult for me to move on :bawling:

I LOLed at @kjmcth's pictures! Our members really love to complain. They do complain, a lot, literally xD

I already downloaded yesterday's episode! Oh the sub is out already! Cant wait to watch it! :w00t:

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just watch with sub...so even the members being keep in the dark about any candidate of new member no wonder they still hoping JooHyuk just come back since his position still empty after 5 month lol..and they are right it better to come back while the door still open :P well i think he regret leaving but it harder to ask to come back after leaving lol especially with media nonstop news about new member he might have thought there already new member soon..even if the member or staff want him to come back but i think Joohyuk the type to overthink everything thinking he is not right for the show and just a burden even when no one even told he that but he himself worried too much and too perfectionist since he think he didn't do his best and could do better.i wish the members laid back personality would rub in him so he stop worrying tbh...such pity 

lol poor Joohyuk he might just get caught on his day off not doing anything at home...he still not getting any breakfast no matter in the show or not lol 

i wonder if the gonna ask pd about YSY next shooting since they usually get the news from media instead of Yoo pd first

seriously the member chemistry keep getting stronger and stronger...they so much natural with each other XD 

btw So Eun and Sojun in next week ep?is Yoo pd gonna babysit them lol

are they gonna get another horror house courage test again from the preview?it gonna be epic since the previous courage test just hilarious

edit: btw the boys sure are excited to make the member kiss each other lol...they totally making a short BL drama there XD 

is Defconn 1st real kiss is with Junho lmao

and is Taehyun the next hair pulling partner of Junho

Edited by salz
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On 3/28/2016 at 3:35 PM, salz said:


btw So Eun and Sojun in next week ep?is Yoo pd gonna babysit them lol


only on tros epi next week  .......  not related with 1n2d epi/trip.... 


scene jongmin time losing gms alpha recorded best 1 minute with 20.8%  agb nielsen



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Osen - Naver: '1N2D', Kim Joo Hyuk instead of a new member? 
1. [+3,071, -35] Get Gutaeng hyung to return~^^

2. [+2,477, -24] ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋIf they keep doing this, they should ask him to come back

3. [+1,924, -23] I miss Gutaeng hyung ㅠㅠㅠ

4. [+1,902, -27]ㅋㅋㅋㅋ Why did Kim Joo Hyuk leave? ㅠㅠ

5. [+1,789, -17] Gutaeng hyung ㅜㅜㅜㅠ You can kinda tell through the phone that he regrets leaving...

6. [+482, -4] Gutaeng hyung picked up the call in just 1 secondㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ Hearing his voice makes me miss him. Come back ㅠㅠㅠ

7. [+482, -9] I think the reason why he left is not because of his packed schedule, he must've thought his personality does not fit the show. If you're at home all day, please go on a trip with your dongsaengs





Osen - Naver: '1N2D', Spring retreat.. From parody of 'Produce 101' to AlphaGo

1. [+3,822, -76] Funny episode from start to finish ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋIt's nice to hear Gutaeng hyung's voice again. Please come back ㅠㅠ The AlphaO in the end ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ Kim Jong Min's skip rope was too funny ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ

2. [+2,491, -48] The AlphaO is no joke ㅋㅋㅋIt detects all the moves ~ㅋ

3. [+2,106, -57] Kim Joo Hyuk-ssi, stop what you're doing and just come back ^^

4. [+2,031, -48] The AlphaO made me feel like a fool instantly

5. [+1,724, -51] Gutaeng hyung come back~~~!!!!! ㅎㄷㄷ

6. [+548, -9] How does 1N keep outdoing itself with each episode? Time goes by too fast ㅠㅠ

7. [+557, -16] 1N2D is really on a rollㄷㄷTheir content is so good, fresh and fun. I'll have to watch next week's episode after seeing the preview!!



MBN - Naver: Seoeon and Seojun in variety? Appearance on '1N2D'...Anticipation for the preview heightens up 
1. [+163, -14] Looking forward to the twins~~ Seojun is adorable lately, he speaks well. I'm still enjoying 'Superman' so much, fighting~~^^ Twins, fighting~~^^

2. [+111, -13] Seoeon and Seojun are very cute~ Who took after their dad more? ㅎㅎ

3. [+90, -10] Seoeon and Seojun, grow up healthy~~~~~~Cute

4. [+73, -8] So cute ㅠㅠ Watching them is my source of enjoyment lately ㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠ

5. [+65, -6] Looking forward to it ㅎㅎ The twins would do well



[270316] 1N2D + New Member?


  • [+3970, -54] Gutaengie Hyung, if you’re just going to be at home, come back ㅋㅋㅋ
  • [+2468, -57] If only Gutaengie Hyung would come back..
  • [+2351, -55] I wish Gutaengie Hyung would come back..
  • [+2148, -71] Ah, just tell Kim Joohyuk to come back. He’s not even doing anything~
  • [+588, -9] Someone said this before, but if Gutaengie Hyung come back, everyone will pretend [him leaving] didn’t happen..
  • [+504, -10] Joohyukie Hyung, we all know that you’re reading the comments. Don’t just play in your house, go out and play while earning an appearance fee.
  • [+452, -12] Gutaengie Hyung would get a big welcome even if he just draws a mole on his face and comes back~~~!!!
  • [+437, -8] PD-nim, how about the actor named Kim Joonhyuk? It seems like he’ll do well
  • [+380, -11] Please recast Kim Joohyuk-sshi ㅋㅋㅋ Since it’s a show that the viewers watch, please consider the opinions of the viewers ㅋㅋㅋ
  • [+362, -8] Gutaengie Hyung, if it’s too hard, then do it part-time
  • [+316, -5] Gutaengie Hyung, come back with the concept that you just went for a break ㅋㅋㅋㅋ
  • [+309, -7] Gutaengie Hyung, if you come back, it’d be totally daebak… Please just come back… For 5 months, there was no new member… Weren’t they purposefully waiting for Gutaengie Hyung?….ㅋㅋㅋ
  • [+301, -7] We don’t criticize, so come back, Gutaengie Hyung
  • [+295, -14] Kim Joohyuk is the best. He should come back
  • [+276, -8] In the case that Gutaengie Hyung doesn’t come back, let’s just go with the 5 members. The 5 of them are more than enough fun
  • [+228, -6] Can’t Gutaengie Hyung come back?
  • [+186, -2] If they do a hidden camera where they barge into Gutaengie Hyung’s house and take him with them then I probably laugh and cry at the same time… There’s something warm about Gutanegie Hyung
  • [+162, -2] Kim Joohyuk doesn’t seem like he’ll match well - how about Gutaengie Hyung?
  • [+141, -1] Gutaengie Hyung~~ What are doing at home?? Let’s go on a 1N2D vacation or something~~~^^
  • [+139, -2] It’d be funny if Kim Joohyuk came in as the new member ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ
  • [+141, -3] I recommend Kim Joohyuk, Gutaengie Hyung, Joohyuk Kim
  • [+123, -7] There’s no need for anything else, just come back Gutaengie Hyung~~~~~
  • [+99, -2] 99% of the comments are recommending Kim Joohyuk - it’s amazing ㅋㅋㅋ

ohhh Gutaengiiiiie hyung please read the audience comment...im sure they will keep their promises that they will pretend you leaving never happen :P 

and to the fan who have move on and dislike comment of some other fan who would like gutaeng to be back don't get angry lol not everyone is so fast to move on and maybe you can preach and scold the members themselves because they the one who still non stop mentioning&keep bringing him up so it also end up making audience can't forget yet if not there won't be an article of gutaeng come out it because the member themselves who have not move on yet.

now the new member still not coming yet so why is it so wrong if some people is still hopeful if he can come back..until the new member come you would see lot of comment like this..

of course i and majority nice people here would give new member a chance and not gonna send hate comment lol..just give us time and after few month of course we can already accept and warm up to him but since that still didn't happen yet and the new member not even confirmed yet so i can't really get all excited with the new member that have not even come yet...but i can't say the same to the knetz who controlled the comment there since they also have their own preference..of course i don't want for the new member to get hate but somehow we can only pray but there will always be group of people who make noise..but like i said before Yoo pd the type who fast to defend his members so we don't need to worry much he will make sure the new member to be accepted even it won't be as fast as lighting...tbh it kinda expected at beginning the new member could get negative reaction since people still don't know what to expect....of course we don't wanna see anything like Jongmin&Kwanghee(even i don't watch IC but i feel sorry for him) to happen again but knowing this is such popular show in Korea with big long time watcher fanbase we can expect there will be both positive and negative comment :P 

if the new member truly fit im sure he can get accepted much faster..even the current members have awkward and hard beginning and took some time to warm up to this show creating their own roles and chemistry...it took Jongmin 3 season to feel truly happy and belong in the show...so we can't expected new member to get great reaction and gain fan from older viewer in just 1 ep

so until the day the new member 100% coming and confirmed i would still be one part of the annoying fan who still wishing for gutaeng to be back even there 0%..once the new member start filming i would try to be respectful for the new member fan&stop talking about gutaeng or just stop posting so the new member fans can happily spazz here so don't worry :P 

if you people can't stand me i would bow out from this thread permanently so you could rejoice with only talking about the current and new member if you dislike the word gutaeng :P 

well disclaimer above only for future members fans who might be unhappy later if i keep on mentioning gutaeng :P 

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I like it when 1N2D PD brings in a totally unexpected person to the program. I hope people will give YSY a chance to be a part of the team. As much as we love Joo Hyuk, he has already left the program. Why would he return when he has already decided to leave? Let's respect and accept his decision, and not be too judgemental on any new member. I remember how audience criticized Jongmin a lot when he has just returned from the army. It's very painful to see him at that time, feeling guilty and a burden to the others. But look at him now, his achievement. I almost thought he would leave 1N2D. In Yoo PD I trust! YSY seems like the quiet type like Kim C, not loud or mischievous like the others but still he fits in very well. So, once again, in Yoo PD I trust!

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On 3/25/2016 at 5:56 AM, Arhazivory said:

I like YYS but I worry about an actor joining. What happens when he gets busy? Unlike CTH that's well established and can pick projects more easily, this guy is young and has been in an actor's slump since returning from the army. I don't want him to get popular off 1N2D then get busy and ride off into the sunset.


What do you mean by actor's slump? He has just returned from the army this year. His comeback drama hasn't even aired yet.

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On 3/22/2016 at 10:54 PM, kookiemonsta said:

History lessons were boring for many because they couldn't relate to people and events in the distant past. Having the well-loved 2D1N boys take the viewers through a patriot's journey, and reliving his last days makes a deeper impression than any textbook can in this time and age. 2D1N that has gotten its viewers thinking about history in a way that relates closely to them. So many of us here are really inspired and touched by this episode. I'm thankful that I was able to understand this episode with subs. I cried some very deeply heartfelt tears watching this. 

A TV variety show done right is a valuable cultural asset and educational tool. This Ahn Jung Geun feature was a masterpiece in edutainment. Those people who diss variety shows for having no value other than slapstick entertainment, they gotta eat their words.


What makes this even sadder is, after all the sacrifices by Ahn Jung Geun and others for their country, it still can't stop Korea from being divided into North and South Korea. They are technically still at war. It is such a shame after all that has been done...

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10 hours ago, salz said:

[+162, -2] Kim Joohyuk doesn’t seem like he’ll match well - how about Gutaengie Hyung?


This is hilarious! lol...all the comments are funny. 

This last episode was nothing short of golden, I laughed from start to finish. The Executive election was really hilarious...from Chief to Chairman to King to Boss to Teacher. Hahahaha. Ratings were well deserved and the editing was especially good too. Like they stepped up the game man. :D 

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I'm happy that the ratings still going strong. The latest episode feels so light and bright with the spring scenery they showed, and so fun to watch as usual. After heavy episode last week, it's such a nice change. Production crew never running out of ideas. They made the theme to match the current event in Korea now, election. I cackled every time Yoo PD revealed there's another position to choose, from Chief to Teacher. Their campaign that full with lies and bluffing sounds like legit politician, especially KJH. When JJY promised them blind dates six days a week and Yoo PD also excited hearing it. :joy: And what is it with romantic scene between Defconn and KJH? They always come up with random ideas but the result always funny. The members vs AlphaO was funny even though they were serious playing it. :lol: Yoo PD basically wanted them to not eat because he knew how hard it is to beat that game. KJH and KJM tried absurd moves but still lost. I've never played that game before, but now I wanna try it.

My feeling when they called KJHyuk and told him to just come back. :bawling: He really is sound like he's jealous that his dongsaeng travelling together while he stayed at home. He picked up KJH's call immediately like he's been waiting for it. He must be felt lonely. The caption from production team also asked him to came back. This is why it's hard for me to move on if the members and crew themselves still bring him up everywhere and basically showed they will accept him with open arms if he wanna come back.

@salz Which fan get angry if we keep bring up gutaeng hyung? You have right to post here and share your thoughts just like everyone else. It's public forum. We feel attached to him since he's the original member and shared so many moments in the show for 2 years, plus the members still haven't move on from him too. Even IC fans still attached to NHC and Gil who left the show because of scandal.

@PeachyPeach Yoon is not confirmed yet. It's the media who spread that news. This is just like when they wanted to start S3. So many rumors about candidates of new members.


Yoo PD: “He is one of the many candidates. Nothing has been decided.”

  • [+4384, -60] If the journalists are just going to write whatever they want without even confirming, then how about introducing a Three Strikes system… It’s not even once or twice… 
  • [+3661, -114] The 1N2D PD is good. Last week, I was really touched, and it was a really good broadcast. I hope you select as good new member and make a good variety show
  • [+2605, -37] They’re talking with other people right now, so it’s possible that those discussions may fall apart because of this article. Can’t you sue these trash reporters? They’re spreading false facts
  • [+1860, -51] What is this!!!! It’s not even confirmed, why was that aritlce released? I was surprised
  • [+1375, -77] Some other article said that it was. Did the trash reporters jump the gum again?
  • [+225, -13] Reporters, I beg of you~ Don’t spoil it for us until the day of the broadcast. Please~~~
  • [+255, -33] It’s a relief. I like Yoon Shiyoon, but he doesn’t match 1N2D. Might as well stick with the 5 of them…
  • [+190, -20] Just go with the five of them. It’s so much fun nowadays..

Credit : http://goonggeumhani.tumblr.com/

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They don't want us forget Gutaeng hyung, i'm telling you he will be back.. (wishes strongly inside :blush:) nearly every trip they talked about him,, now we have confirmed by him that he is not doing anything and he feels regretful :D just come back pls?

(btw this doesn't mean if a new member comes, i won't be welcoming him. Instead i am going to watch him without prejudice for 2 trips (people tend to open up later))

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Guest chocmagma

Hello! ^^

It'd be hilarious if Hojin PD introduces Gutaeng hyung-nim as the new member LOL!

Oh no dear @salz pls dont go! We need you here so we can spazz Gutaeng hyung-nim together-gether hehehehe :w00t:

Ahhh @montanari I love your post! :heart:

@PeachyPeach I see nothing is wrong if Kim Joohyuk decided to come back. All of the members and the staffs are willing to accept him if he decided to do so. Have you watched the latest ep yet? If yes, you can feel from his voice that he regretted leaving the show and he's really wanna come back but the damage is done. Wishing Kim Joohyuk to come back, for me, it's not some sort of being judgmental to the new member. Plus we dont know (yet) who's the new member. Why? Does it look like I'm gonna blow up KBS if they chose a new member ie: YSY and not Kim Joohyuk? Naaaaah I think you're the one being judgmental here. This is a sharing place. Everyone can share their thoughts here. It's either you accept it or not.

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Is it just me or the lateat episode really feels so short?

Oh the sock jumping rope :lol:

I watched the episode on my way to work, such a big mistake. I tried so hard to keep my laughter inside and ended up with lots of tears instead. Jongmin's jumps...ohmygod....:lol:

And whoever thinks to put those pacifiers into their mouths to shut them up has a healthy sense of humor :lol:

There is a regret in Joohyuk's voice. He regretted it but at the same time he knows he can't come back. The show is too hard for him, mentally and physically. But if he does, somehow, we'll just rejoice, won't we? 



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Official pic 1n2d s3 Harbin ,China (e112-e115)


read on kjmfansite blog  pic sort by date  team 1n2d filming there not by epi (


17 february 2015 










18 february 2016 


















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