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[Official Thread] ♔ MinShin (Lee Min Ho & Park Shin Hye) ♔ - Thread 1

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Dear LMH, for the first time you make me want to write you in twitter and ask you this:

SERIOUSLY Lee Min Ho SERIOUSLYYY????”Little SISTER???For you or for your manager???

 Please PSH be sexy tomorrow haha

 PS.I wonder how she reacted when she read his interview. X_X

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Guest tropicalgirl

I'm an old stalker to this thread and always wonder what kind of news that will break my silence, well here it is! Thank  you LMH ssi, your interview just too much for me. So sorry for the long post and my poor english
Will it strange if i say that it feels like i know you all? like finally i've met a long gone (shipping) sisters hahaha, i dont know which one that i like more, news about uri OTP or your reaction about it. You girls just so funny and smart (a killer combo for a shipper)
This is my first time being a shipper so please help me GOD :)). In love with LMH and PSH, their chemistry is in another level. I even pray for them on my daily pray (no middle ground for me). 
Okay about the interview, LMH in chinese interview said that PSH is a friend right? then why now said that she is like a sister? and other inconsistency that had been analyzed by our detectives, it just like that he or the agency don't know how to find the right answers whenever PSH questions related comes up. 
Really LMH ssi??? You gazed, hug, joking around, laugh, smile and kiss your little sister like that??? I have a brother, i know how a brother act, so i'm not buying it at all  =))
Can't wait for the sbs award. Not hoping much but it's always a happy moment seeing them together. Let's analyzed every second of their movement!!! 

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Hello MinShin...my first time to post. I noticed a lot of PSH fans here. >:D< I am on the other side . I am a hardcore LMH fan. :x I cannot live without wifi and IPad-all because of him. :(( :x I have been following him since 2009 and I must admit that this is not the first time I saw him getting so cutesy over his leading ladies but i can sense there is really something special going on between LMH and PSH... Let me recall what I know and observed for the past four years : there was a mutual admiration between LMH and Go Hye Sun in BFF - which at point he was the first person GHS called when she had an accident and LMH came rushing in a jiffy to rescue her ; but it went to pfft primarily because they were so young and also for career ambitions. In Personal Preference it was only a Dongsaeng-Noona relationship with Son Ye Jin.The kiss in Personal Preference was really good too. And Son Ye Jin lauded LMH for being a good kisser. City Hunter's case was different: the main couple was in love even before they admitted it. It was so obvious in the BTS. In Faith, another Dongsaeng-Noona tandem but I can feel the infatuation of LMH to Kim Hee Sun. He was starstruck at her and KHS was really blushing because LMH kept on taking videos of her. KHS also admired LMH and she talked about the kiss which was beautifully played out by her and LMH. Well what can I say about Heirs? Isn't it obvious that there is a mutual admiration which is evident in the initial BTS in California? :x @-) Eventhough SBS is so cruel in giving us BTS scenes, a lot of actions and laughters between the OTP are really swoon worthy. I mean, even if they are with other people, LMH has his eyes fixed on PSH all the time, and PSH is really really happy whenever she has time to talk with LMH. :x   Our boy is in love.He who loves to sleep  is having an insomnia after the Heirs ended - not normal.   And seeing him so lonely in Shanghai inspite of the success he has is really disappointing. I just want him to be happy. Although knowing LMH, he will never admit it. His private life is so sacred to  him.  But indirectly, he already thinks of PSH because of the kiss. Isn't it true that whenever you think of the person you dearly treasure you flash your beautiful smile? Aaawww .... I hope both their management can allow them to date.  :x

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Guest lightforyou

minholady said: Hello MinShin...my first time to post. I noticed a lot of PSH fans here. >:D< I am on the other side . I am a hardcore LMH fan. :x I cannot live without wifi and IPad-all because of him. :(( :x I have been following him since 2009 and I must admit that this is not the first time I saw him getting so cutesy over his leading ladies but i can sense there is really something special going on between LMH and PSH... Let me recall what I know and observed for the past four years : there was a mutual admiration between LMH and Go Hye Sun in BFF - which at point he was the first person GHS called when she had an accident and LMH came rushing in a jiffy to rescue her ; but it went to pfft primarily because they were so young and also for career ambitions. In Personal Preference it was only a Dongsaeng-Noona relationship with Son Ye Jin.The kiss in Personal Preference was really good too. And Son Ye Jin lauded LMH for being a good kisser. City Hunter's case was different: the main couple was in love even before they admitted it. It was so obvious in the BTS. In Faith, another Dongsaeng-Noona tandem but I can feel the infatuation of LMH to Kim Hee Sun. He was starstruck at her and KHS was really blushing because LMH kept on taking videos of her. KHS also admired LMH and she talked about the kiss which was beautifully played out by her and LMH. Well what can I say about Heirs? Isn't it obvious that there is a mutual admiration which is evident in the initial BTS in California? :x @-) Eventhough SBS is so cruel in giving us BTS scenes, a lot of actions and laughters between the OTP are really swoon worthy. I mean, e en if they are with other people, LMH has his eyes fixed on PSH all the time, and PSH is really really happy whenever she has time to talk with LMH. :x

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Guest lightforyou

hi again; the weather today was windy and rainy but later it calmed down and it became sunny for tomorrow it will be worst then today a storm is coming our way so prepare your weak hearts for the best or the worst ; in my side i'll prepare TEA   ~O)   LOL  ;)  " i love drinking tea while watching tv "  thank you for reading my post the weather forcast was presented to you by LIGHTFORYOU  B-) EDIT: nothing better to do and i'm bored  :))

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minholady said: Hello MinShin...my first time to post. I noticed a lot of PSH fans here. >:D< I am on the other side . I am a hardcore LMH fan. :x I cannot live without wifi and IPad-all because of him. :(( :x I have been following him since 2009 and I must admit that this is not the first time I saw him getting so cutesy over his leading ladies but i can sense there is really something special going on between LMH and PSH... Let me recall what I know and observed for the past four years : there was a mutual admiration between LMH and Go Hye Sun in BFF - which at point he was the first person GHS called when she had an accident and LMH came rushing in a jiffy to rescue her ; but it went to pfft primarily because they were so young and also for career ambitions. In Personal Preference it was only a Dongsaeng-Noona relationship with Son Ye Jin.The kiss in Personal Preference was really good too. And Son Ye Jin lauded LMH for being a good kisser. City Hunter's case was different: the main couple was in love even before they admitted it. It was so obvious in the BTS. In Faith, another Dongsaeng-Noona tandem but I can feel the infatuation of LMH to Kim Hee Sun. He was starstruck at her and KHS was really blushing because LMH kept on taking videos of her. KHS also admired LMH and she talked about the kiss which was beautifully played out by her and LMH. Well what can I say about Heirs? Isn't it obvious that there is a mutual admiration which is evident in the initial BTS in California? :x @-) Eventhough SBS is so cruel in giving us BTS scenes, a lot of actions and laughters between the OTP are really swoon worthy. I mean, even if they are with other people, LMH has his eyes fixed on PSH all the time, and PSH is really really happy whenever she has time to talk with LMH. :x   Our boy is in love.He who loves to sleep  is having an insomnia after the Heirs ended - not normal.   And seeing him so lonely in Shanghai inspite of the success he has is really disappointing. I just want him to be happy. Although knowing LMH, he will never admit it. His private life is so sacred to  him.  But indirectly, he already thinks of PSH because of the kiss. Isn't it true that whenever you think of the person you dearly treasure you flash your beautiful smile? Aaawww .... I hope both their management can allow them to date.  :x

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one of us should be a writer and making a drama which plays by LMH and PSH. And if possible, please make it 50 episodes hahaha *delulu mode :on*

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Guest kaleidoscopegirl

Welcome to @tropicalgirl (I like your name, I can totally imagine you chilling by the beach, sipping cocktails(I'm hoping it's a non-alcoholic one if you're a minor :D ) while reading this thread...and laughing out loud) and @seanr glad you liked it, I did play the song while reading the posts here, it made everything seem funnier, but that's probably just me :)) To @minholady, glad to have you here :) I love your post! Am I inviting trouble if I asked if you can elaborate how obvious it was that they we're in love in CH?  :-? Probably. Ok I will just keep quiet then :P Past is...well past. The important is the present ;) and we know there is something in the present :D
Edit- @lightforyou I love tea~~ earl grey, peppermint and ginger peach are my favorites, lemme share it with you ~O)

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Guest lightforyou

kaleidoscopegirl said: Welcome to @tropicalgirl (I like your name, I can totally imagine you chilling by the beach, sipping cocktails(I'm hoping it's a non-alcoholic one if you're a minor :D ) while reading this thread...and laughing out loud) and @seanr glad you liked it, I did play the song while reading the posts here, it made everything seem funnier, but that's probably just me :)) To @minholady, glad to have you here :) I love your post! Am I inviting trouble if I asked if you can elaborate how obvious it was that they we're in love in CH?  :-? Probably. Ok I will just keep quiet then :P Past is...well past. The important is the present ;) and we know there is something in the present :D
Edit- @lightforyou I love tea~~ earl grey, peppermint and ginger peach are my favorites, lemme share it with you ~O)

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Hi chingus!I must tell that few hours earlier, I was in a pessimistic mood, but after read your comments my mood changed in a better feeling. I recopiled "every single word" that my lovely LMH mentioned about PSH (or something related to her) in his last interview. Omo omo, LMH, right now, I know why your agency didn't want you to answer the questions about PSH. ahaha Because when you open your mouth, you can't stop!! It's so  clear that you have feelings for her. 
My contribution for my dear chingus! Thanks for sharing this amazing feeling about my favourite couple. :)>-

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IsabelinaD said: Hi chingus!I must tell that few hours earlier, I was in a pessimistic mood, but after read your comments my mood changed in a better feeling. I recopiled "every single word" that my lovely LMH mentioned about PSH (or something related to her) in his last interview. Omo omo, LMH, right now, I know why your agency didn't want you to answer the questions about PSH. ahaha Because when you open your mouth, you can't stop!! It's so  clear that you have feelings for her. 
My contribution for my dear chingus! Thanks for sharing this amazing feeling about my favourite couple. :)>-

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So finally I came home, rested a bit and came here to write what I think about this whole issue of LMH's interview! First of all I am glad I didn't write anything in the first moment I read the interview, I was very busy at work and just read it quickly without having time to analyze it much but I am being very honest with you, when I first read the word "little sister" I could almost hear my poor shipper heart breaking   =(( I felt like something inside of me just  crushed, I was so scared of him using this word to describe her and it happened. 
BUT, after having some time to calm myself down and organize my thoughts I was able to think differently. I am still not very optimist, as I always say here I am trying to keep my foots on the ground and not get my hopes high but reading your insightful and thoughtful comments I was able to understand and once again come into terms that they DO actually feel something for each other and ARE indeed attracted to each other. This does not come from me or either of us being on denial and being so much engaged into wishful thinking that we refuse to see what's real, this comes from us choosing to believe in what we see and witnessed more than in the diplomatic, inconsistent and screened, edited answers they give us. Of course they won't admit what they really feel, I mean I never expected PSH or LMH to actually say "yes I like LMH, he's my ideal type, I am attracted to him", or "yes, I see PSH as a girl, I choose her over KJW, I am attracted to her, I loved kissing her", these answers we will never see them give. Just like PSH, LMH also was very diplomatic here and I agree that somehow he was a bit inconsistent with what he says here and what he said in his previous interviews, I am not saying he changes his mind a lot but probably he wants to please different kinds of people as much as he can with his answers. Also me as @stucked said, that's why I prefer direct, live TV interviews where we can see the body language, the gestures and  the reaction of the person who's being interviewed, it's easier that way cause you can say whatever you want but your body language gives away the real clue of what you really feel. Don't you think it's a bit weird that just now, one day before SBS drama awards they release this interview of him answering questions relating PSH, and they choose to do it in a written magazine interview? Maybe it's just a coincidence and maybe it's not I don't know!
LMH, I respect you and I really do think you're drop dead gorgeous, there are some handsome men out there but I don't know why you have something special to you, you're handsome and cute, childish, cheeky, sweet at the same time, no woman would be able to resist you, BUT I don't buy it when you say you consider PSH as only a sister, I mean really? I know how guys treat a girl who they see as a sister, I have some guy friends who always treated me as one and I can definitely say that your behavior toward PSH is NOT that of treating her as a sister, those stares, that playfulness, those behind the scene interactions, that HOT KISS, I mean come on, we are not children here, we all have been there and know how it feels. You can never have that sizzling, hot chemistry with someone you see as only a sister and don't feel nothing towards, you can invest yourself as much as you want into the character you're playing but in the end of the day you're a human too, red blood runs through your veins too, it's not an easy thing to kiss, hug and do so much skin ship with some one and just be cool about it, these are real human emotions, intimate human contacts that you do, you can't help but feel something. And how can you describe that kissing scene like you do LMH-shi, into details and make us understand your every emotion, the ambiance, how it was pleasant and how you felt about that,  if you kissed someone you see as only a sister? Isn't that a bit confusing and weird? Why do you always jump into explaining this kiss and want to talk about it, even in the Hanbam interview, you were the one who "jokingly" initiated that topic :-?   Are you that proud to be the first boy to kiss PSH passionately on screen or is it because you just can't get it out of your head? I don't know much about LMH but I don't think he has ever talked so much about a kiss scene with an actress before. Oh, LMH-shi, stop being on denial, we know you LOVED every second of that kiss, every second of smelling her hair and touching her, gritting your teeth at the end of the kiss?? What was that? Was that scripted to? I highly doubt it! 
And about him saying he wants someone he can protect, more cheerful and outgoing, emmm, dear LMH-shiii do you mean that type of girl who smiles and laughs so much about a simple thing as a "blood type" conversation, or someone who imitates your "love motion" dancing routine, or could it be someone who is so cheerful and playful that runs to be able to catch you just to hit you on your leg??? If your definition of cheerful and outgoing is somewhat similar to that I think you know know who you have to call  ;)  Oh well, if you insist on living on denial it's your loss, PSH is a treasure and very precious, I think the guy that will win her heart should be someone who is courageous and is able to fight for her no matter what, I truly, really hope it's you LMH, I want it to be you, but if not then that's okay too, I'll accept it. I love my princess so much that I want her happy!
As I said beautiful shippers, it's not that I am denying anything I read on that interview, probably now they're not dating, it can very well be that he sees her as a "sister" but I choose to believe in what I see more, both of them have a different kind of chemistry, a chemistry that's in another level, it's not possible to fake it, it's not possible to act it, you either have it or you don't  and if you do have it it's because of the real feeling that's between the two actors. I can't explain it in any other way. 
I am still going to sail with you guys, until they announce being with someone else, there's still hope, anything can happen, we knew it wouldn't be easy to be a shipper, things like this can happen, our ship got wrecked a bit today but let's be positive. I for one am never leaving you guys, if our ship sinks I will friend-ship you here, hahaha :) 
So keep calm and keep on sailing :D

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