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[Official Thread] ♔ MinShin (Lee Min Ho & Park Shin Hye) ♔ - Thread 1

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Guest saikounolady

well this is the first time i post on soompi, hello everyone loli'm yongshin shipper since hs days and had watched almost PSH dramas.i've been loyal to yongshin til the day i see BTS photo of PSH held the camera and LMH starred at her with a pair of warm-full-of-love eyes and smiling too! *u*i still can keep my heart and here comes the BTS video where lee minho and park shinhye couldn't take their eyes off of each other and seems in their own world lmao (bloodtype talking)had a shaking heart and tried to convince myself that they are only comfortable to each other but it was completely ruined by the chemistry attacks of the BTS photos + forehead kiss + blowing hands + hot kiss scenes!!asdfghjkl the first time i see PSH actually responded in kiss T___Tfrom LMH side i can't say anything but the way he looks at PSH, smiles to her without knowing i feel fluttered! its like he's looking at his only love XDi do hope and wish they're dating for real even get married hahaha but if its not gonna happen then at least i believe they will stay as good friends.minshin ship should sail to LMH and PSH heart and make them get together haha fighting!! <3 <3

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Hi! I just wanted to say that I'm shipping PSH and LMH too! :x and the way LMH looks at her..looks so real! I've seen his other dramas and I also think that he can express himself more because his co-star is not a noona or is not married. Haha. Not to mention theyve known each other since 2009, although it's only now that theyve become close. Since they both have great personalities (and we assume both are single when the drama started), I think their friendship is a good foundation if ever they'll be in a romantic relationship. :) unless they are already in one :x I don't think LMH would mind announcing this one day (as his agency did announce his relationship with park min young shortly after city hunter) but I think this wont happen any time soon on PSH's end since she did say she'd only announce if it's towards marriage already? Haha. But at least we know she wants to get married before age 30 haha. Ok im getting way ahead of myself. They really match each other :D

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This is LMH<3PSH thread. Pleaz let's just focus on our MinShin couple instead of their ex & Y. I love MinShin couple to pieces.


Agree... actually I really love the comments about their ex costars... I am too curious how they act with those previous partners... I even look for PSH and LMH kisses in previous dramas like crazy... B-) ... I feel confident about our couple... but deep down inside my heart... I still want to make sure that when I say... THEY re Real... it s not bcuz I lie to myself.

But I dont want to say that LMH is more into PSH compared to his previous costars (or not) anymore... same thing to PSH... those minmin minsun geunshin or yongshin couple has a large fan base... their fans hv high hope in their couple too... so... let s us focus only in our couple...

We too... have hope... and for me... The past is the past... Today WE ARE REAL... Tomorrow... we might become the past too... :>

I believe real hard that they re in love. I even think that in case that PSH and/or LMH was in relationship... but now... they re free to 'in love' to each other already... :D

I am such a hardcore shipper... pls... friends here... pls be patient with me...:D

Ps. I cannot stop watching the damn HOT kiss scene! =))

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@yoyoo... I envy you. For me I don't have the courage to watch LMH's past kisses. Want to keep MinHye's kiss as special..haha. But I totally can watch Shinhye's past kisses and still feel MinHye's kiss is special. See I don't trust Minho much..haha.

I don't mind reading other POVs regarding their X or Y. I think we get more insights.

Yup agree with everyone. Shinhye is glowing at the critic award despite hectic schedule and sleep deprived. Must be in love. But with who or with what? Hmm...

It's either they have something or they don't. Shinhye doesn't need a friend as a boy. She has too many already. What she needs is a boyfriend. It's the right time to fall in love she said. Wish her luck.

So if they have nothing. Then it would be just co-star to each other. Don't think Minho wants a friend as a girl. I don't know much about him. But he doesn't look like that type with friend as a girl.

Well, they work together before and didn't keep in contact after. So if they are just co-star this time. Then it's likely be the same till they meet again.

So we just enjoy their moments together now... And yeah, despite all the negative comments about the kiss. I like it a lot lots lots... And Please have another one!

Just curious how heavy smoker is Minho. Wonder if he smell good or smell smoke? You know you can feel suffocating next to a heavy smoker. I'm sure Shinhye smells good. She likes surrounded with scented candles...:)

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@TRAN LMH s kiss scenes with his previous costars wont hurt you. Believe me... B-) But ... to be fair ... dont take a look of any BTS because we dont see any KISS BTS from Heirs yet... (anyway... Heirs onscreen is the way hotter than those BTS!!!) bcuz eventho his kisses from his previous dramas re passionate kisses... but... it s kinda sweet kind of kisses... But in Heirs... it s I just WANT you hot kiss... This is hot and some ppl called it erotic... and that hug after the kissing is really something...

When I re-watched the scene, it s couldnt help but wild and dirty thought would immediately pops up... =))

Srry... I m the one who agree Not to make comparison.. :^o

I read comments in Heirs forum ... and saw that there are quite a lot of ppl there now curious about MinShin relationship after seeing the hot kiss scene... bcuz it looks like BOTH of them want it... Not only MH wants it .. SH too... she responses to every movements of MH lips... that s why MH kiss her like crazy... yes... and I too suspected that he used tongue...

LOOK AT SH s HAND here...  Look at how her body responses when LMH presses his lips to hers again... She really FEELs the kiss... what feeling... I let you imagine by urself...  But I bet... they re nt YET enough with that kiss!!!  :-*   (Me too... I want to see more... =))  )


Dirty mind comes again  #:-S

Ps. I heard that LMH is a slight smoker... 

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Hey everyone, it's me again :)
I love reading your comments, it makes me feel more normal! I also cannot stop replaying the kiss scene and every time I  feel the exact same passion, am I a pervert ???  :\"> PSH and LMH are really into that kiss, it seems like he's eating her mouth with his lips and she responds to his every movement, when he presses his lips harder she does also, when he slows down she slows down too, they follow each other perfectly (as if they've been practicing it before ;) 
I just cannot get enough of them, they feel real. And I know that our desire to see them together may make us see much more than there actually is but still I can't let go the fact that they look so real, they transmit a real feeling, you can feel it. I've seen other korean dramas and also a lot of american series and movies, the story is good, the acting also is good but the chemistry, the real feeling that you feel in your bones is not there, you just don't feel that vibe!
I understand PSH if she feels intimidated and won't dare to start a relationship with LMH cause he has millions of fans and it would have so much pressure on her, she is young and I heard he's going in the army soon,  I don't know exactly but as I've heard in Korea the military service is nearly 2 years, it would be hard but you never know, if the feeling is real it's worth a try. In the end no matter what happens, as @yoyoo says NOW they feel real, the feeling they give is real and I will always cherish this.
Sorry for rambling on, I just feel more comfortable sharing my feelings here with you who think in the same way as I do :)

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I hate the fact that  we hv only few BTS...   We can ship hard eventho we use the same materials...  let me re-use our old materials once more. :-S

Warning:  REALLY LONG POST...  (LOTs  of PICs)  :))

STORY TITLE:  "It (actually) sparks starts with a kiss when we meet ?!? "

LET ME TRY AGAIN:  "WE hv never changed???"

OK... I dont know what is the best story title...  I need you guys ideas...  :))... OK.. Let s start;

Hello  Here is PSH  :-h   I am now filming the Heirs as ES

Here is my friend and me.  He is KWB. His role is YD.

ES with YD

Here is another costar. His name is LMH. His role is KT.




OH... FORGET TO MENTION THAT  HE IS MY GOOD FRIEND... IN 2011, I mentioned that I would not date him   but  dont believe me yet  bcuz I used to mention that YSY is my type...  but you know???  I think about it again... but He is NOT REALLY my type :))


and HERE IS KT and ES:


Ppl reaction:

Wahhhhh......  ES?? KT?? PSH?? LMH??  I M CONFUSED!!!  ~X(

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Oh and I forgot to add that last peek on the lips before he lets her go make me shiver every time I see it, he wants more, I've also deluded myself into thinking that it's out of the script and just a gut reaction of LMH wanting to kiss PSH more.  After that he even moves his jaw and bites his teeth in order to control his feelings, now that if it's not real I don't know what is... :x
Of course they're invested in their roles and want to make it as real as possible but if you don't feel anything then it's impossible to act like you do!

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One more thing and I will stop :)
I've been discussing this with my friend who is a die hard LMH fan! We know that PSH and LMH have known each other since 2009 but they didn't become close friends as PSH is used to be with everyone she works with, I don't think they stayed in touch since then, whatever the reason, so I mentioned this to my friend and here's her insight, she said: I think that if LMH and PSH stay in touch it will be either when they are in a true relationship or either just as friends they won't stay, so I think the reason they haven't been so close is that they feel something for each other but are afraid to admit it yet, so just as friends it won't work out, they also know it, they don't look at each other as just friends. So it's that kind of relationship with them, it's either lovers or nothing!
So this made me think and question some things, I know from experience that you can't just stay friends with someone who have feelings for, it's hard so maybe that is the base of their relationship too, it will be either together or not, we'll see :) 

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Guys,  in my opinion we're not alone that think MinShin couple perfect to be together.
1.  PSH is  offered to be LMH costar as GJD before in BOF,  but PSH reject that role.   (  That is a long time ago but at last somebody already think

2.  That cosmetic braind  pairing LMH & PSH   too.

3.  The team of THE HEIRS prefer to pairing LMH with PSH . (  In that time, a lot of who think LMH will pairing with another artist).




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Noooooooooooooooooo.... @vala87  NEVER STOP.... If you keep posting like 1000 comments per day... I still would love to READ them all!!!

I love ur comment.... I should say  WE here love ur comment!!!

For me... at that time... in 2009 at CF film, I think that LMH keeps separately himself... I mean  when they re waiting for filming, he might not interact with her much... so, they cannot be closed...  (Normally, guys friend of PSH is super friendly... and they re kinda love to stay around her... that's how they become close).

But  ur and ur friend s point is just great... It can be applied to me too... If I like someone, I cannot be friend with him...  I just feel sparks and like him...  I never like a guy who s friend with me for long time.   But some of my friends love a relationship when it start with friendship first, I just cannot...  so, It depends...

They like each other for sure!  PSH wont kiss back like that if she dont feel anything... Her face looks red...  She feels it  but cannot stop or dont want to stop?  I guess she doesnt ve experience in kissing much  that's why her face looks like what happens with me???  PSH in CF with JGS, she only open her mouth, and never move her lips...  no feeling... just like working...  with YSY, she move her lips a bit, but she doesnt feel anything or just liitle about that kiss becuz at 1st if you see that kiss, she doesnt even know where should she put her hand? on his waist or what??? :D

For LMH, this is a real HUNGRY kiss of him...  never see him dares to kiss his costar SO CRAZY like this!  He sucks her lips like he wants her for a long time... (and her reacts, the way she kisses him back  like she wants him too  make he goes like this.) See in the beginning, he holds her face and lead her face to the right point that they can kiss her easily... I think he knows she is quite inexperience ... he kisses her quite sweet in the beginning to clam her down (take a slowly look GuYS)... and more harsh when she is doing alright... and even kiss harder after she kisses him back in every moment and even attack him too! 

OMG!!! I re-watch the kissing scene several times...  and they re into it...  I read some comments outside soompi... they still said that PSH didnt open her mouth, she didnt kiss back...  OMG!!! did we see the same kiss scene!!!  She feels it til her face turns red... guys....  and I still quite believed that LMH used tongue...  how can she resists that HOT kiss!   :))

I dont know if it is about the plot of dramas or what?  that makes him kiss her like "I WANT YOU MAX"  this way...   I dont even know that when he bites his lips after he s done kissing her is his acting OR he has to do that to hold back his feeling...  it s hard to control if u r into the kiss... u know??  :))  and I never see he is in this state after the kissing before... If someone used to see it, pls correct me here... 

The way he hugs her after done with kissing is different with PMY from city hunter too... at city hunter... he seems into the kiss but can control himself... this time in Heirs with PSH... he seems like a real beast with "I WANT YOU... NO CARE WHO SEE... THIS IS MY CHANCE mode!!! :\">

BUT it might be bcuz the plot and story line is different tho :)   PS.  I like PMY too... her fans pls dont attack me... they once re cute couple!

Why I come back to the kiss scene???  :-* I need help!!!! I want to stop! =))

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@yoyoo Thank you so much for your kind comment :) I also love reading yours, you're so funny and insightful :)
Well, you're not alone, I also keep coming back to the kiss, that's the only thing that's keeping me sane after the last scene when KT kneels and cries :(( I watched the kiss scene way more many times that I can admit, it's just so hot that I can't believe we actually got to see it, I actually had given up, I accepted the fact that we would never see a scene like this, since it's a high school drama and it would be inappropriate which I understand but if you can't kiss passionately when you're a teenager with your hormones exploding I don't know when you will  ;)
I absolutely agree that it depends, I also know a lot of people who after being friends for so long they began dating or even ended up being married but for me it's never the case, I never experienced such a thing, a friend is a friend and someone you like is someone you like. I don't know of course, I was just discussing it with my friend about our couple and she said that they either will be together or nothing, just friends it won't work out, it all depends though, you never know what will happen.
PSH has always been a shy, cute, kind and sweet girl! That commercial kiss with JGS is nothing compared to this, I've watched that too and also the kiss with YSY in "Flowe Boy Next Door", she just opens her mouth more to let the guys work their way around her lips, she just doesn't close her lips like always in order to make it easier for them to kiss her but she barely kisses them back. In the opposite here with LMH she kisses him back and she does it passionately. I don't know where do the people who say she doesn't kiss him back have their eyes on??? 8-|  If they think she didn't kiss back here they're either blind or jealous, oh well, I don't ever bother reading negative comments, that's why I hang out here, with the people who think like I do, it's more fun this way >:D<   
 I also think PSH is a little inexperienced with kissing,  I don't know for sure but it looks like it, cause yes her face turns red here and her expression is also somehow different, it's a first for her to kiss someone like that on screen so it's normal,  so LMH did a great job leading her, he is a pro in kissing so I think he knew PSH is shy and inexperienced so he led her, as you said he holds her face at the beginning and attacks her lips, then slowly kisses her to calm her down, after she responds he again starts becoming more daring and she responds to his every movement perfectly, they are in a perfect sync. LMH definitely kisses her as if he's hungry for her lips, and I know the script said kiss passionately, he was afraid of her leaving so he tries to grab and hold unto her even more, she knows she has no choice but leaving but loves him to death so the kiss perfectly transmits that angst, fear, passion and desire but still as I said in my previous posts I can't just think of it as just acting with these two, it feels like something more!

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The kiss scene is driving me crazy. LMH and PSH are so hot. I am surprised that PSH kissed LMH back so well. They both portrayed very well the sense of longing, desperation and helplessness in their kiss scene. Some commented that PSH frowned too much during the kiss, but I think that's the correct portrayal of Cha-eunsang. This kiss was much better than the one on the rooftop when her lips didnt even open.

Throughout the drama, we can see their chemistry. But it is after this passionate kiss scene that I have begun to ship them! The last 'extra/bonus kiss' of LMH, I am sure it's not in the script! Do scripts write out the details?? Maybe LMH just didnt want to stop.. I hope that's true!

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@yoyoo I just read that you wrote about something LMH using tongue. Well I don't know, I cannot say something for sure but I don't think so, I think out of his respect for her he didn't use tongue, that would be too much for PSH  :\">
I cannot wait for 17th episode, I am so sad it's almost the end, can't believe how fast it's ending! I know K-dramas keep it short and don't film too many episodes, while I like this fact because it never becomes boring and too long that it may become uninteresting anymore  I would love for this drama to be at least 50 episodes so we can get as much as we can from this beautiful pairing :)
Do you guys think SBS will release the BTS videos of the kiss? Maybe they will just release some photos as they did mostly during the drama, we actually got very little BTS videos of them, it's probably because of their busy schedules of filming! I don't know about you but I wouldn't want to watch the BTS video of this kiss, it would take away the magic of it, to see how they did it, seeing the cameras and all the crew makes it less magical in my eyes, I would like to remember it just like this! 
I will probably still watch it though ;)), ah what will I do with this uncontrollable desire to see every little thing about them! 

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Now I'm glad they didn't get to act together in BOF. If not, we wouldn't be able to see what we are seeing now.  Seeing PSH as Geum Jandi who spin and kick LMH? Nah.. I prefer the sweet and faithful Eun Sang. Acting together in Heirs could be their perfect time. They are at their right age, and in the right drama. 

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I do think your post is insightful. I also wonder why she didn't get close to LMH after series of their Etude House CF in 2009? What I know she's basically friend-zoning everyone. She's close to Geun Suk, Yonghwa, Hongki and even to all CNBlue, FTIsland members. Why is she not close to LMH? Didn't they contact each other? Something smell fishy here..
I am also digging all their Etude CF and the BTSs. They looks quite shy during the interview and when taking photos together, and I think the staffs are teasing them? (I hope someone who knows Hangul can sub it). 

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