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[Drama 2013/2014] King's Daughter, Soo Baek Hyang 제왕의 딸, 수백향


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MN knows SN has potentials and he surely knows how to motivate her. She was being gullible only because the minions confused her. Even as they sat down eating she tried telling him she couldn't give her heart to him since she had someone before. LOL. I laughed really hard at that scene. 

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@ Araminta Jouana Yes your right~  It was the Canadian version  the lead actress (Peta Wilson) is Australian sorry about that  - They all had the same look that solanan has excited that it was a special occasion w/ a guy they were beginning to care about only to find out their was an ulterior motive behind it- having to make their first kill.Then they were totally  changed emotionally after that and even more ironic they all ended up being trained by female spies after they did their physical training w/ the men.


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Guest blueivy

This drama is like poison. So I take it the king has decided to give the title of the next king to his nephew. Not his actual son. I'm aware he switches the boys. Instead SN and MN becomes friends won't happen. SN sister will actually fall for the true heir to the crown JM.

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Guest blueivy

@Araminta Jouana

I read Wikipedia and compared to the drama it's different. It is said that king Muryeong of baeke son became the king. Based on the drama is it the real son or fake son....

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Key: Soo Baek Hyang -SBH, Crown Prince- MN, Seolnan- SN, Seolhi- SH, Grand Marshal -GM, Jinmu -JM,  fake name for  SH  SH/ “SBH”  or “SBH”, Toldae – TLD, Manggu – MGG, BI Moon –BM (spy unit), SL – Soup Lady/Yo Uki, Khobak – KBK, Kucheon –KC, Chae Hwa – CH, Training Chief – TC, Do Rim - DR.


I’m disappointed with SN’s first date, though I understand MN’s motive which is to make her his ‘ultimate’ spy it’s a nasty way to treat a girl after all she has gone through (give her a break). MN likes her (he does not know it yet) but he’s very manipulative towards people when he wants something which is what he does with SN all the time. 

Other - I loved the movie & series "la femme nikita/Nikita" - Canadian version.  This time it appears that MN is 'Michael', SN is Nikita, DR is the senior female head and BM is Section One all done in Baekjae style .

Episode 37

Starts with the positive impression that SN & MN are actually on a date leaving the palace, the walk, touch, looks etc. They are at a restaurant sitting upstairs with food & drink served, MN lets her eat while he drinks.  SN is being a bit girlish ‘unSN’, she asks why they were there etc..  MN passed something to SN who thinks it’s a gift & confession from MN – this is from listening to MGG/TLD earlier.  SN starts to politely reject him when he tells her to open it, ‘it’ is a knife, he points out KBK, tells her that the 2 men are Koguryo spies with critical information of Baekjae. MN instructs her on what she is to do which will finally make her BM (test again) SN tears up after he takes a drink & pretends to be drunk giving SN the distraction needed to snatch the information.  The spies give chase to SN who is losing the fight with them, she takes out the knife and attacks, she is still losing when MN’s words come to her at that point.

Meanwhile news of Koguryo’s demand for “SBH”, the responses vary JM is against it because it will spoil his plans for revenge, aide is for it as he cannot stand “SBH” the others are against due to the implications it has on the country and royal family etc. wondering what Koguryo is up to.  “SBH” goes to the king she volunteers to go; he disagrees & tries to comfort her, the queen overhears the king’s discussion & realizes that he will never come to her as a woman because of his love for CH (poor queen, cruel GM for doing this to his daughter who is a sweet person) .  GM/MN goes to him vigorously protesting against the king’s plans, the king appears adamant on his choice.  MN says he will resolve this, at camp SN has not yet arrived. SN has killed the spies (lost her spy innocence) she is a bit bloody/bruised & cold but she gets the information is very pissed goes to see MN.

MN leaves & says that he needs to see DR, he goes to her talks about BM with DR etc.  MN is about to talk to DR about SN & Koguryo, SN marches in, drapes up MN and literally growls at him.  MN smiles and introduces DR to SN who turns around noticing DR for the first time. The women looked at each other, show ends.  Preview of student & teacher, another spy training arc for SN.

Until my thoughts time, take care.

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I can't wait to watch ep 37 in english.. This drama is really addicting..So far, i love all the characters in this drama. They seems real people to me.. Everyone has their own good side and flaws..

Even Solhi is bad for taking her sister place, i don't find she's so evil right now. She still has her soft side like having her thought for her 'father' when Korgyo attacking the fort. And then trying to study the political issues. May be we will get to see more development of her character when she will be totally insane b*cth and the calculative princess when her 'place' will be threaten. I think her character is so refreshing and amusing for kdramaland since mostly i watched the villain character is so evil even from the start of the drama. But for this drama,  from the start she has very good term with her family eventhough she thinks her mother favored Solnan the most but she's not acting like a spoiled child or envy youngest sister. Sure these will getting more interesting now since she got the power and love from the king.

Solnan- I looooveeee her and her fighting spirit! She is really something! She's so capable and knows how to fight back. You go girl! And we got to see her weakness too that she's a soft- hearted person. She's not really into killing people yet.

Crown Prince- i love how the writer wrote about CP. He has good judgement but his judgement is not perfectly 100% true. He is arrogant yet can be silly at sometimes. And he can be calculative too. He's not a 'nice guy next door' hero type like we usually saw in drama. hehe

Jinmu-  He's just a pitiful soul who has thought that his father already dead and no one is actually by his side. His right hand man (i forgot that chancellor name) is just poising him about the revenge things. If the king keeps him right next to him and avoid the chancellor staying close to him i dont think he will be the one he is right now. And CP and JM is known for having a good relationship. It just that i need to see more bromance for these CP and JM.

And for other supporting characters, they are so good and entertaining. They spice up the drama so well.

Seriously for me, this drama is not another typical makjang. I do really hope the writer will not messed it up in the middle since we have a very long way to go.

Please keep it as it now, logical and make sense and no insane characters here!!!

Fighting!! Please rising up rating!! Roarrrrr~~~


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lala_nillaqash said: I can't wait to watch ep 37 in english.. This drama is really addicting..So far, i love all the characters in this drama. They seems real people to me.. Everyone has their own good side and flaws..

Even Solhi is bad for taking her sister place, i don't find she's so evil right now. She still has her soft side like having her thought for her 'father' when Korgyo attacking the fort. And then trying to study the political issues. May be we will get to see more development of her character when she will be totally insane b*cth and the calculative princess when her 'place' will be threaten. I think her character is so refreshing and amusing for kdramaland since mostly i watched the villain character is so evil even from the start of the drama. But for this drama,  from the start she has very good term with her family eventhough she thinks her mother favored Solnan the most but she's not acting like a spoiled child or envy youngest sister. Sure these will getting more interesting now since she got the power and love from the king.

Solnan- I looooveeee her and her fighting spirit! She is really something! She's so capable and knows how to fight back. You go girl! And we got to see her weakness too that she's a soft- hearted person. She's not really into killing people yet.

Crown Prince- i love how the writer wrote about CP. He has good judgement but his judgement is not perfectly 100% true. He is arrogant yet can be silly at sometimes. And he can be calculative too. He's not a 'nice guy next door' hero type like we usually saw in drama. hehe

Jinmu-  He's just a pitiful soul who has thought that his father already dead and no one is actually by his side. His right hand man (i forgot that chancellor name) is just poising him about the revenge things. If the king keeps him right next to him and avoid the chancellor staying close to him i dont think he will be the one he is right now. And CP and JM is known for having a good relationship. It just that i need to see more bromance for these CP and JM.

And for other supporting characters, they are so good and entertaining. They spice up the drama so well.

Seriously for me, this drama is not another typical makjang. I do really hope the writer will not messed it up in the middle since we have a very long way to go.

Please keep it as it now, logical and make sense and no insane characters here!!!

Fighting!! Please rising up rating!! Roarrrrr~~~


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For me SH is evil the moment she faked her demise and took what wasn't rightfully hers to begin with. You know both girls could have become a princess if SH hadn't been selfish. All they could have done was claim they were twins. I am sure even the dumb king would have accepted CH's child from another man. Yes the dumb king loved her enough for that.

I love the bickering between SN and MGG and the way she bosses those Ajushis around is cute. Dorim had asked SN in the preview what her relationship with the crown prince was. Her keen eye has recognised the spark between them immediately. I also have a feeling she'd be instrumental in linking the relationship between SN and the royal family. Perhaps due to the birthmark she carries.

Boy does our crown prince know how to push SN's buttons.

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Guest canhnhuoctran

libby5602 said:

For me SH is evil the moment she faked her demise and took what wasn't rightfully hers to begin with. You know both girls could have become a princess if SH hadn't been selfish. All they could have done was claim they were twins. I am sure even the dumb king would have accepted CH's child from another man. Yes the dumb king loved her enough for that.

I love the bickering between SN and MGG and the way she bosses those Ajushis around is cute. Dorim had asked SN in the preview what her relationship with the crown prince was. Her keen eye has recognised the spark between them immediately. I also have a feeling she'd be instrumental in linking the relationship between SN and the royal family. Perhaps due to the birthmark she carries.

Boy does our crown prince know how to push SN's buttons.

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lala_nillaqash said: I can't wait to watch ep 37 in english.. This drama is really addicting..So far, i love all the characters in this drama. They seems real people to me.. Everyone has their own good side and flaws..


Seriously for me, this drama is not another typical makjang. I do really hope the writer will not messed it up in the middle since we have a very long way to go.

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My Thoughts

This week’s episode looked at slightly the poor queen; the ‘relationship’ between SH/JM; the acrimonious relationship between Baekje/Koguryo; the importance of a spy in such a vicious fight i.e. MN/SN/BM/DR & introduction of DR.

Lets’ start with the queen – I stated in my first ‘my thoughts’ that the GM mistake was letting his daughter marry the king and somewhat repeated it in my last recap adding that he is cruel to his daughter.  It was there but in a way was not shown clearer as in the week’s episode with the councilors wives, her discussion with SH about Baekje’s affairs, her overhearing the king’s conversation with SH and being aware of the king’s deep love for CH as such she is excluded from any deep emotional relation with him.  The queen is an overall sweet ‘child’ at times immature with a loving personality, I think that was the reason why the GM felt that his daughter would somewhat ‘suit’ the king.  The GM loves the king & believes that his daughter could remove ‘CH’ from his heart, plus there is the power component to it.  What he had underestimated was the king’s deep love for CH and that there is no other woman who can replace/remove her.  The fact that the king has a daughter by CH will also shift his focus/love to her due to guilt etc and not the queen.  If the GM had raised his daughter to be Baekje’s queen I believe he should have made a much better effort to ensure that she is equipped to be so as she clearly is not. As a matter of fact she should not be queen in the first place, give her a nice noble young man who will love/ see her and not this cruel fate.

The queen’s sweet & somewhat ‘immature’ personality has also created a situation in the Baekje’s palace where she is not taken seriously, is humored by most people because of the title ‘queen’, the royal family is ‘disrespected’ and the fact that they are all aware that the king does not see her as a ‘woman’ but a child and treat her as such (its’ just wrong for them being together) makes for pity/mockery of her.  Therefore she will never be a true queen of Baekje which will be proven in time and is a sad life for someone like her – hence the cruelty.  In addition with the incident of the councilors’ wives with SH handling it, has shown that SH is likely to be one to take over in the future and not her.  Cannot blame the queen’s personal maid concern over this and the treatment of the queen, she thinks she can somewhat trust SH to look out for the queen/Baekje’s palace but the cost that could it affect the queen would be very expensive.  I’m already predicting a sad fate for the queen in future episodes.

The ‘relationship’ between SH/JM – theirs is definitely a game where each has an idea to the opposition’s ‘true’ personality.  Thus they are playing with & somewhat using each other for the ultimate prize that is the king.  JM for the king’s destruction & SH to be the king’s only/power (though she does not realizes that as yet).  SH’s present feelings towards the king are sincere but it is for a reason i.e. she’s not SBH and she truly believes that she is “SBH”.  With the dream of KC’s return time is a bit ticking for SH right now – she may have inherited her mother’s psychic ability with dreams. JM has put himself in a position whereby he is the only one that SH can rely on that she is aware of but it comes at a huge price.  He says that SH was not easy and if things were different they may have become lovers. When you think about it, it would have been possible if SH did not do what she did with her utter selfishness.  SN could have become the princess and knowing how unselfish she is of her sister.  SN would have taken SH with her therefore the circumstances would have been different and friendlier for all parties concerned, I think which will allow it to happen.  However, that did not happen and the conclusion from the first episode appears that victor in this game is SH.

The acrimonious relationship between Baekje/Koguryo at that time – According to wikipedia the relation between the 2 countries was a complex one between alliance/enmity.  The alliance was through the founder of Baekje being the son of the father of Koguryo/Jumong and based on the situation what warrants an alliance was used however later on the relationship became acrimonious with huge losses on both sides.  In the end Baekje lost big time to Koguryo.  One of the biggest losses at that time was the Han River using DR (spy component) and the reclaim of Han River by MN.  I find it interesting that the PDs chose such a time to tell the story of SBH, though much is not known about her it makes an entertaining way to introduce the role of spies in that era.

Baekje/Koguryo relationship was not pretty at all. So why not tell a story about a princess who so happens to be a spy, was a writer’s thought.  How can they do this; by changing her fate making her as commoner as can be but royalty in thought and deed.  As a princess of the royal family living in the palace does not allow her to do so but as another person ‘SN’ it does.  Make her the one to be critical in helping Baekje adding the crown prince who was responsible in a way, fall in love and create a tragic love story.  Because as most of us know that they will be “together but not together”. Also why not make DR a woman and not a man to be the mentor of such princess who was originally the cause of the loss of Han River.  The end result the story of SBH – for that we watchers are grateful as we enjoy this daily a lot.  The other end result, ‘Baekje’s best spy & one of its saviors ’  but a sad ending where we can always hope for a happy one.

The importance of a spy in such a vicious fight i.e. MN/SN/BM/DR; introduction of DR – One of the most common phrases used throughout all time is “Knowledge is power” which is 100% true.  However good information when used smartly can also become power . There are not much quotes on information, however I do like these 2 -  (i) Information is the seed for an idea, and only grows when it's watered.”; (ii) “Information is a source of learning. But unless it is organized, processed, and available to the right people in a format for decision making, it is a burden, not a benefit. What these two quotes does is sum up the role of a spy. The first quote has me thinking about SN & the other has all parties involved.   Power is about knowledge /information when used strategically & correctly they are powerful weapons especially for countries trying to gain/regain their supremacy.  Supremacy & control of a country is an all round vicious fight so spies were used to do this.  The spy has to collect useful information about the enemy, use that information/knowledge either as/through self/king/powers that be to gain the advantage and stay alive in the whole process.  However the process in doing so is not a simple one nor is it friendly. Being a spy is unending fight for the person’s individuality – deception, principles and personality (who is the real you) and its life threatening.  In other words being a spy is not a pleasant occupation to have.  That is why the king and TC says that “1 good spy is worth more than 100,000 soldiers” as a spy has the ability to give the country an advantage over the enemy hence power. That’s what a spy does. By keeping DR with him, it gives the king an advantage over Koguryo as she knows the inner workings of the country and is able to give better insight.  It is also a lesson.

We see that the BM trainees, SN team go through very harsh training someone compare situation to “la femme nikita” which in a way is true but done in Baekje style excluding latest technology.  All is not being done without reason, which gave to the introduction of DR and the first mission for the trainees.  Although I understand MN am still upset with him for playing/manipulating SN into the spy business.  He sees her potential from early on and has the main objective of creating ‘the best spy for Baekje using her feelings for her sister to move her forward to his way’.  I find it ironic in a way as this was the king’s previous occupation which is the General/chief protector for Baekje for his predecessor which is what SN is going to end up doing in the form of a spy for MN.  This I do not like, SN could have done something else but is unable to do so due to her blind love for her sister which he knows and manipulates.  But SN has feelings too which should be considered in the whole process that is not being done that is why I mentioned the individuality etc of the person is affected by being a spy. After seeing episode 37 and reflecting on a previous episode when SN got hurt I now wonder if MN was concerned because there is a possibility of him losing ‘his spy’ due to illness or is it ‘he sincerely cares for SN’.

From this we know the romance component is going to be delayed for a longer time (bummer) as we now have SN going through phase 3 of spy training with DR. This arc I am somewhat looking forward to as SN skills as a spy will become more refined and in a way mess up MN (future payback – he knows her too much, she is too open - not good for a spy) mentally.  As for SN, what her first mission has done is truly wake her up to what being a spy means even if it has to do with finding ‘SH’ in the end.  The phrase “I will do anything” can backfire on a person especially if they want something “anything for something is very costly” in life. That’s why I think it’s’ best to say “almost anything” when you want something as an out.

SN in a way now has to give more respect to MN’s authority as he is her boss – but I think that MN likes how SN treats him at times not as crown prince MN but as MN, and is just SN so he smiles a lot when she does that (ergo liking her).  Right now to me DR is an enigma it will take a few more episodes to figure her out, as we just got the introduction that she is considered the best spy and will use that knowledge/experience/skill to pass on to SN.

Until next episode, take care.

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chasen8888 said:

My Thoughts

This week’s episode looked at slightly the poor queen; the ‘relationship’ between SH/JM; the acrimonious relationship between Baekje/Koguryo; the importance of a spy in such a vicious fight i.e. MN/SN/BM/DR & introduction of DR.

Lets’ start with the queen – I stated in my first ‘my thoughts’ that the GM mistake was letting his daughter marry the king and somewhat repeated it in my last recap adding that he is cruel to his daughter.  It was there but in a way was not shown clearer as in the week’s episode with the councilors wives, her discussion with SH about Baekje’s affairs, her overhearing the king’s conversation with SH and being aware of the king’s deep love for CH as such she is excluded from any deep emotional relation with him.  The queen is an overall sweet ‘child’ at times immature with a loving personality, I think that was the reason why the GM felt that his daughter would somewhat ‘suit’ the king.  The GM loves the king & believes that his daughter could remove ‘CH’ from his heart, plus there is the power component to it.  What he had underestimated was the king’s deep love for CH and that there is no other woman who can replace/remove her.  The fact that the king has a daughter by CH will also shift his focus/love to her due to guilt etc and not the queen.  If the GM had raised his daughter to be Baekje’s queen I believe he should have made a much better effort to ensure that she is equipped to be so as she clearly is not. As a matter of fact she should not be queen in the first place, give her a nice noble young man who will love/ see her and not this cruel fate.

The queen’s sweet & somewhat ‘immature’ personality has also created a situation in the Baekje’s palace where she is not taken seriously, is humored by most people because of the title ‘queen’, the royal family is ‘disrespected’ and the fact that they are all aware that the king does not see her as a ‘woman’ but a child and treat her as such (its’ just wrong for them being together) makes for pity/mockery of her.  Therefore she will never be a true queen of Baekje which will be proven in time and is a sad life for someone like her – hence the cruelty.  In addition with the incident of the councilors’ wives with SH handling it, has shown that SH is likely to be one to take over in the future and not her.  Cannot blame the queen’s personal maid concern over this and the treatment of the queen, she thinks she can somewhat trust SH to look out for the queen/Baekje’s palace but the cost that could it affect the queen would be very expensive.  I’m already predicting a sad fate for the queen in future episodes.

The ‘relationship’ between SH/JM – theirs is definitely a game where each has an idea to the opposition’s ‘true’ personality.  Thus they are playing with & somewhat using each other for the ultimate prize that is the king.  JM for the king’s destruction & SH to be the king’s only/power (though she does not realizes that as yet).  SH’s present feelings towards the king are sincere but it is for a reason i.e. she’s not SBH and she truly believes that she is “SBH”.  With the dream of KC’s return time is a bit ticking for SH right now – she may have inherited her mother’s psychic ability with dreams. JM has put himself in a position whereby he is the only one that SH can rely on that she is aware of but it comes at a huge price.  He says that SH was not easy and if things were different they may have become lovers. When you think about it, it would have been possible if SH did not do what she did with her utter selfishness.  SN could have become the princess and knowing how unselfish she is of her sister.  SN would have taken SH with her therefore the circumstances would have been different and friendlier for all parties concerned, I think which will allow it to happen.  However, that did not happen and the conclusion from the first episode appears that victor in this game is SH.

The acrimonious relationship between Baekje/Koguryo at that time – According to wikipedia the relation between the 2 countries was a complex one between alliance/enmity.  The alliance was through the founder of Baekje being the son of the father of Koguryo/Jumong and based on the situation what warrants an alliance was used however later on the relationship became acrimonious with huge losses on both sides.  In the end Baekje lost big time to Koguryo.  One of the biggest losses at that time was the Han River using DR (spy component) and the reclaim of Han River by MN.  I find it interesting that the PDs chose such a time to tell the story of SBH, though much is not known about her it makes an entertaining way to introduce the role of spies in that era.

Baekje/Koguryo relationship was not pretty at all. So why not tell a story about a princess who so happens to be a spy, was a writer’s thought.  How can they do this; by changing her fate making her as commoner as can be but royalty in thought and deed.  As a princess of the royal family living in the palace does not allow her to do so but as another person ‘SN’ it does.  Make her the one to be critical in helping Baekje adding the crown prince who was responsible in a way, fall in love and create a tragic love story.  Because as most of us know that they will be “together but not together”. Also why not make DR a woman and not a man to be the mentor of such princess who was originally the cause of the loss of Han River.  The end result the story of SBH – for that we watchers are grateful as we enjoy this daily a lot.  The other end result, ‘Baekje’s best spy & one of its saviors ’  but a sad ending where we can always hope for a happy one.

The importance of a spy in such a vicious fight i.e. MN/SN/BM/DR; introduction of DR – One of the most common phrases used throughout all time is “Knowledge is power” which is 100% true.  However good information when used smartly can also become power . There are not much quotes on information, however I do like these 2 -  (i) Information is the seed for an idea, and only grows when it's watered.”; (ii) “Information is a source of learning. But unless it is organized, processed, and available to the right people in a format for decision making, it is a burden, not a benefit. What these two quotes does is sum up the role of a spy. The first quote has me thinking about SN & the other has all parties involved.   Power is about knowledge /information when used strategically & correctly they are powerful weapons especially for countries trying to gain/regain their supremacy.  Supremacy & control of a country is an all round vicious fight so spies were used to do this.  The spy has to collect useful information about the enemy, use that information/knowledge either as/through self/king/powers that be to gain the advantage and stay alive in the whole process.  However the process in doing so is not a simple one nor is it friendly. Being a spy is unending fight for the person’s individuality – deception, principles and personality (who is the real you) and its life threatening.  In other words being a spy is not a pleasant occupation to have.  That is why the king and TC says that “1 good spy is worth more than 100,000 soldiers” as a spy has the ability to give the country an advantage over the enemy hence power. That’s what a spy does. By keeping DR with him, it gives the king an advantage over Koguryo as she knows the inner workings of the country and is able to give better insight.  It is also a lesson.

We see that the BM trainees, SN team go through very harsh training someone compare situation to “la femme nikita” which in a way is true but done in Baekje style excluding latest technology.  All is not being done without reason, which gave to the introduction of DR and the first mission for the trainees.  Although I understand MN am still upset with him for playing/manipulating SN into the spy business.  He sees her potential from early on and has the main objective of creating ‘the best spy for Baekje using her feelings for her sister to move her forward to his way’.  I find it ironic in a way as this was the king’s previous occupation which is the General/chief protector for Baekje for his predecessor which is what SN is going to end up doing in the form of a spy for MN.  This I do not like, SN could have done something else but is unable to do so due to her blind love for her sister which he knows and manipulates.  But SN has feelings too which should be considered in the whole process that is not being done that is why I mentioned the individuality etc of the person is affected by being a spy. After seeing episode 37 and reflecting on a previous episode when SN got hurt I now wonder if MN was concerned because there is a possibility of him losing ‘his spy’ due to illness or is it ‘he sincerely cares for SN’.

From this we know the romance component is going to be delayed for a longer time (bummer) as we now have SN going through phase 3 of spy training with DR. This arc I am somewhat looking forward to as SN skills as a spy will become more refined and in a way mess up MN (future payback – he knows her too much, she is too open - not good for a spy) mentally.  As for SN, what her first mission has done is truly wake her up to what being a spy means even if it has to do with finding ‘SH’ in the end.  The phrase “I will do anything” can backfire on a person especially if they want something “anything for something is very costly” in life. That’s why I think it’s’ best to say “almost anything” when you want something as an out.

SN in a way now has to give more respect to MN’s authority as he is her boss – but I think that MN likes how SN treats him at times not as crown prince MN but as MN, and is just SN so he smiles a lot when she does that (ergo liking her).  Right now to me DR is an enigma it will take a few more episodes to figure her out, as we just got the introduction that she is considered the best spy and will use that knowledge/experience/skill to pass on to SN.

Until next episode, take care.

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Guest Betty59

@carmolita you have good taste, and I too saw the similarity.  @Araminta Jou... If you'd like to watch La Femme Nikita, watch the French movie, called 'Nikita'  Anything else, in my opinion, isn't a patch on it.  I first saw 'Nikita' the early 1990s and watched recently  I watched a couple of the US episodes, but got bored. Didn't know there was an Australian version.  If you want to see the movie in French with English subs, I use Primewire to stream/download. Not sure about other regions because I am in Region 2.  If you then get a taste for French movies, try 'Leon, the Professional', reputed to be an expansion of 'Nikita' and made by the same director Luc Besson. 

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Oh my god....oh my goodness I am seriously hyperventilating right now.... the biggest twist EVER. MN is sending SN to Goguryeo as SBY. She's being trained by Dorim to become princess SBY....talk about awesome twist.

The preview for tomorrow is amazing somebody help me !!!

Did I mention SN is even flirting with MN now? He looks awestruck secretly watching her dance.

Dang she's being taught the art of seduction.....NICE

One thing I gathered from this episode is that Dorim loved the late king...I suspected she did hence she never returned to Goguryeo out of guilt.


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