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[Drama 2013/2014] Take My Hand 내 손을 잡아

Guest skara

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Im sorry but this show is garbage, this insane killer woman walking around and is just now getting put in prison, and u know they are going to forgive her in the end . Im sick of this same format for every daily drama. YS letting SH shove her, SH would be dead right now in real life no normal person would have let her get away so long.

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Im sorry but this show is garbage, this insane killer woman walking around and is just now getting put in prison, and u know they are going to forgive her in the end . Im sick of this same format for every daily drama. YS letting SH shove her, SH would be dead right now in real life no normal person would have let her get away so long.

All is fair in love and war Sh love for Jh and the war within herself to fight anybody that comes close to him. So I think the title should be call.S H I T COME RIDING IN ON A HORSE. 
We all know Ys did that to make herself look so helpless to Jh and she didn't want her child to see that kind of side from her, But the police coming to get her and putting the cuffs on her it's only a small part of the Karma she has to pay. I look for her to try to kill herself or she going after Es the insane witch.   

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Preview again for today's episode:

**Video Credit MBCDrama Channel on YouTube...

I am really hoping that we are not going to have SH out again but I know I am prolly not going to be surprised if she is out. They really should have stopped this at 120.
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Ldy Gmerm said: Preview again for today's episode:

**Video Credit MBCDrama Channel on YouTube...

I am really hoping that we are not going to have SH out again but I know I am prolly not going to be surprised if she is out. They really should have stopped this at 120.
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I am really hoping that we are not going to have SH out again but I know I am prolly not going to be surprised if she is out. They really should have stopped this at 120.

Oh! as for me, I think this is the longest and toughest weekend!! I waited anxiously fo Monday episode! I almost lost my mind of waiting ..  

Well another day in the looney bin with this drama I bet she tried to kill herself or let her out because of no Ksj. Or possible dad taking the rap for Sh. Ys has the anger look on her face so most likely she's out.  My personal favorite she has went after the baby and they both missing together.  

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You can skip tonight's recap. since @gene will give the translation by tomorrow morning.
We all have and Idea of what's going on with Sh and Ys. 
I'll do a small summary on it so don't worry about it.    

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Guest atomickitty

of course her useless father took the blame for her. OF COURSE. WHY? So we can have 10 more episodes of watching SH walk around telling everyone "How dare you? I won't leave you alone!" RIDICULOUS. This show is really trying my patience. First with YS being dumber than a block of bricks and not seeing SH's evil... I mean, even without what SH did to her mother, if I was YS, from the very first day at work, I would keep my eye out on the witch that ended up married to the father of my son. I would watch her like a  hawk. Then after YS got smart, it was the magical musical chairs USB drive that kept going from SH's camp to YS's camp. Now it's the arresting of SH. How many times is this now that they've called her in to the police station and she's slipped out? She's like an oiled hairless rat skipping over a trap.

And another thing I've been thinking.. is this really how things are in Korea? Correct me if I'm wrong, but basically, SH got arrested because JW has a friend who does documentaries and the documentary made a stink about the incident. So, if JW didn't have that influential friend, SH wouldn't have been arrested? So if YS didn't have JW in her corner believing her, with the evidence they have, SH would not be arrested? I don't get it.

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Guest colleenfh

I agree with everything you said.  I have had the same thoughts about the criminal justice system of Korea, in many of these dramas the police have been portrayed as highly ineffectual.  Is this a true representation of how things really work there? 

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Well skip the short summary. I will give my take on things.
As bad as Sh treated her father like crap had all that money and didn't buy them a safe haven for hard times. How dare he ask Jh to help Sh out because she's his wife and then threaten to blackmail him. Now Jh see just what type of father Sh has he would do anything for his worthless daughter. This man not even thinking about who Sh killed and who they place the blame on all so she could marry a man that never loved her. This man help his child steal someone else life to live. Only way they could lock her now if Ksj come to the front but he won't because it's his ticket out of jail. To get him to talk is to threaten him with  attempted murder of her little brother tell they will drop the charges id he confess to what really happen that night. I look for Sh dad to end up in the mental ward. They have rob Ys of her life twice.

From the preview the chairman put Sh out is only going to be her going after Es because Jh has no reason to see her regardless if her dad do take the rap for her. So he will stick to divorcing her and she can't see him anymore she will go to Es school and pick him up like normal and this is where her other crimes come into play so her and dad will be lock up together. Why would shr think the Chairman will let her lying azz back in the house just because she got out. I bet the chairman has found out who her dad is and finally realizing that everything that came out her mouth is a lie she even lied about her own father and that don't sit to well with the chairman to disown your on parent.    

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preview to Episode 122

Mrs Min is shock to see SH in the house

Mrs Min: What kind of a pride that you have that you dare to come to this house

SH: Can't you see I had been vindicated, don't you comprehend the meaning, Father had taken the blame on my behalf 

YS sees SH father

YS: Why did have you to do this

Police: Let's go

YS: No...this is all wrong...Ajusshi....Ajusshi....Ajusshi

SH & YS at the prison gate

YS: I asked you sincerely to confess your crimes

SH: That is not what I want

YS: Then it leaves me without any choice, then it will be up to me to do so

Chairman Min: What....Murder charge

Chairman orders securities to drag SH out of the house

Chairman Min: Drag her out

SH: Abeonim!

Chairman Min: Drag her out at once

SH: Abeonim...really why do you have to this....I didn't do it..Abeonim

SH throw out onto the street by securities together with her handbag

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Ep 121

  1. Detective Pak showed SH the arrest warrant. SH said it is impossible. Detective Pak told SH to come along with them. SH refused to go and said there must be some mistake as it is not possible. Detective Pak told SH that the video footage and the voice recording had been acknowledged as evidence and it is useless for her to deny it. SH keep claiming that she isn’t the one and why they are doing this to her. SH was taken away by the detectives.
  2. JW was informed about SH being arrested. YS told JW that his friend had a great effect. JW told YS that he was still worried that the video footage will not be recorded. JW said the best effect was the petition by people on the internet even though pressured had been applied to the Prosecutors’ Office. YS still give JW the greatest credit for his help. JW told YS it is not possible based on his ability alone without everyone’s help. HE told YS that SH will be detained by the Prosecutors’ Office for investigation until trial. YS was glad that she had come to see the end of the matter.
  3. JH’s mother informed her son of SH’s arrest under warrant. She told JH that this time it is true and she is scared to death now.
  4. The dementia of SH’s father is getting worse. (Scene showing a dweller wanted him to call one of the neighbors who is making too much noise but he cannot remember how to call.)
  5. SH’s father went to hospital and learnt that he had symptoms of dementia/Alzheimer (I am confused between this two) and if the illness worsen, he will forget everything even himself. If it is combined with other illnesses, his life will be in danger. The doctor told him to quickly accept treatment. SH’s father saw news of SH’s arrest on the newspaper and rushed to the police station to see her.
  6. SH was being led out from the police station. There were people throwing eggs at SH as well as reporters. SH’s father arrived and went to protect his daughter from being pelted by eggs. SH was being led away by the police car into detention. SH’s father cried. (What happened to this guy’s acting?) KCJ was hiding in the bush wondering if it is finally over for SH.
  7. SH was led into her cell with other cell mates.
  8. The aunt was so happy that SH had finally been locked up and will not be able to get out, as well as her sister can finally rest in peace. JW’s assistant came and was told to sit down by the aunt. The aunt asked JW’s assistant when he is going to marry her daughter since they are in love. The aunt wanted him to quickly set a date for marriage. YS’s cousin asked her mother why she suddenly brought this up. The aunt told her daughter that it is time to marry her off since they sent off that fox (SH). The aunt started asking what happened if they delayed time and the matter had been sabotage. The aunt asked what the parents of JW’s does for a living. JW’s assistant told the aunt that they had a chicken farm in the country. The aunt said that his family financial situation will still do and asked how many chicken they are raising. JW’s assistant told the aunt that they only raised about fifty chickens as a hobby. The aunt asked how many his siblings he had. JW’s assistant told the aunt that he had five siblings under him and the youngest sibling is only 7 years old. The aunt asked if JW’s assistant had any savings. JW’s assistant said he had a little but he used it to help his two sisters get married and an implant for his mother. He told the aunt he doesn’t have much left. The aunt lament about her horoscope that is not fated to enjoy life. The aunt told her daughter that there are a lot of single women lately. YS’s cousin asked why her mother suddenly changes her mind. The aunt told her daughter to come home early today to prepare dinner for JW.
  9. SH’s father went to see SH at the detention center. SH’s father asked after SH’s health. SH told her father how scared she was and asked her father to save her. She told her father that JH had abandoned her and wanted a divorce through litigation. SH told her father that he is the only one that she believed now and the only one that stayed by her. She asked her father to help her. SH’s father asked what he can do to help. She told him to get her out of the place using whatever means or she will die or go mad. She said it is very horrible and frightening. SH promised her father to do whatever he instructed her to do as long as he can get her out. SH’s father told SH to atone for her crime and start over again, abandoning everything. SH angrily yelled at her father that she is dying and will die in here. SH told her father that she had concealed the fact of her attempt to commit suicide through overdose due to the suffering after JH knew about the matter. SH told her father that she is a doer and she might as well die than to stay in here. She threatened her father that she will really die and begged him to save her.
  10. SH’s father called JH to meet. He asked JH if he knows that SH is being taken into custody. He told JH that SH is suffering and looked terrible. JH asked why SH’s father wanted to meet him. SH’s father wanted to asked if JH had a way of helping SH. He said he had no way to go to seek help and since he is SH’s husband…. JH asked if he didn’t hear that he is in the process of divorce litigation. SH’s father said he heard about it and he can understand how JH feels. He is grateful towards JH for not abandoning SH until now. He said even though they are separated, he asked JH if he can help SH. JH told SH’s father that he had no reason to continue to hear what he had to say if that is what he is after. SH’s father begged JH for the sake of the time that they lived together. JH told SH’s father that he wanted to delete those times if he can. He told SH’s father that although he cannot help SH, he will not help SH even if he had a way since crime had to be atoned. SH’s father asked if JH had the right to say that kind of thing. JH asked what SH’s father is saying. SH’s father told JH that he too had committed an inerasable crime towards his father, the Chairman. JH asked SH’s father if he is blackmailing him now. SH’s father told JH that he doesn’t have that intention but he just wanted JH to help SH just once. JH told SH’s father that he had nothing to do with SH anymore. SH’s father asked how JH can be so ruthless and told JH that SH only has him in her heart. Even though they are a pair of quarrelsome lovers, SH’s father asked how JH can be like this. JH told SH’s father that the reason to help SH had disappeared. JH left.
  11. The Chairman read the newspaper report on SH. He wondered how SH can do such a thing.
  12. SH’s father went to look for the Chairman. The Chairman was happy to see him and asked why he is here. SH’s father lied that he came by after sending off his customer. The Chairman told the chauffeur to wait for him a while in the car. SH’s father asked after the Chairman’s health. The Chairman told SH’s father that he is a lot better and thanked him for coming to see him in the hospital. He asked SH’s father to join him somewhere for dinner. SH’s father turned down the offer as he had something to do and he went away. JW drove home and saw SH’s father.
  13. At the café, JW asked why SH’s father came here. He asked if SH’s father came here concerning his daughter’s matter. JW told SH’s father to give up if he came here to see the Chairman over that matter as the Chairman still doesn’t know that he is SH’s father and he doesn’t want to tell him now. JW told SH’s father that his uncle had given a great blow over SH’s matters and he doesn’t want to create more trouble. SH’s father told JW that what he is about to say is going to be hard for JW to listen to but he asked if JW could help his daughter just once. He told JW that he didn't wish that SH not to be punished for her crime. But, he wanted JW to try to reduce her sentence when she is on trial. JW told SH’s father that he is hopeless and asked if he thinks that he will accept his request. JW said that he knows SH’s father is worried about his daughter but SH’s father should know too now that his fatherly love will destroy his daughter in the end. JW told SH’s father to consider carefully what is best for his daughter. JW left.
  14. JW received a call from the Chairman that he is on his way to the hospital for his checkup. JW told the Chairman that he was on his way to see him but will see him tomorrow instead. JW received a call from YS to come to her house for dinner.
  15. The aunt prepared a sumptuous dinner for JW. YS’s cousin said she had broken her back helping her mother to prepare all these. The aunt said to her daughter that she had done nothing besides peeling a few onions and fried a few cakes. It is YS who worked hard. YS denied doing anything much too since the aunt did everything. YS told JW that her aunt had decided to give him a farewell today. JW thanked YS’s aunt. The aunt told JW that he need not thanked her but eat more. She told JW that she wanted to cook for him forever but had no choice since he is leaving. She said she cooked a lot of rice and told JW to eat to his heart’s content before leaving. JW agreed and so does JW’s assistant. The aunt said she doesn’t care whether JW’s assistant eats or not. YS’s cousin wasn’t happy that her mother is starting to differentiate between son-in-laws so quickly. The aunt asked her daughter if she had been found out. The aunt told JW’s assistant to eat up and be a good assistant to JW.
  16. JW told YS that this is his last night here in this house and he is reluctant to leave. JW told YS that this place is really warm and finally felt how a family should be like. JW thanked YS for those times. During his most difficult times, such a warm place had given him a lot of strength. YS told JW too that she had tolerated the toughest time in her life because of him. She told JW that he is like a light tower in the dark sea. JW asked why YS still addresses him as Chairman when it is just both of them and wasn’t YS supposed to address him by his name. JW told her a bout a poem; that the moment he called her name, she will come over to him and take root. JW asked if YS is not torturing his name by not addressing him by his name. JW told YS to address him by his name then. YS did so. JW said he had received strength from that and wondered how by YS just doing that. JW asked if YS remembered what he said before how when they finished what they had to do, they will wear the ring on each other. He asked if there isn’t much longer to that sort of days. YS didn’t answer but told JW to go to sleep. JW grabbed YS by the wrist and thanked her for being by his side. JW hugged YS.
  17. SH’s father went to visit SH in the detention center again, asking how she is. SH told her father to leave if he doesn’t have a way to save her. She told her father that she will definitely not go to jail as she will be dead first before it happens. SH went back into her cell.
  18. SH’s father thinking about SH’s problem and his health problem.
  19. JW thanked the aunt the next morning as he was moving out for the time he spent here. The aunt tried to persuade JW to stay another day. JW told the aunt that he cannot trouble her anymore. The aunt told JW that she liked that kind of trouble. YS’s family are reluctant to see JW leave and will welcome him to come back to visit them any time. SH’s father watched at a corner, feeling apologetic towards YS and JY for what he is about to do. The crime he committed towards them, he will atone when he is in hell. He apologized to YS’s mother.
  20. JH is bothered by SH’s arrest. JH’s mother asked JH what to do about this matter since SH had even been detained. JH’s mother wondered why SH still lie when the end result is this. JH’s mother asked what is going to happen to JH’s dignity and is really upset by the matter. JH told his mother not to be too bothered by it since SH had nothing to do with him now. JH’s mother asked if they can still lift up their heads and told JH to quickly divorce SH.
  21. SH was woken up by a nightmare she had that she had been sentenced to death.
  22. Scene showing SH’s father packing up his belongings.
  23. YS went to visit SH in detention center. YS asked how SH feels being in there. YS said that SH will not feel wronged since she is paying a price for the crime she had committed. She told SH to stay there and total reflect what she had done. SH told YS to shut up and asked why YS is here. SH asked if YS had come to watch her show. YS asked if SH still doesn’t want to obtain forgiveness. SH asked YS if she thinks she is crazy. SH told YS that she had done nothing wrong and she had been wronged. SH told YS that she is a victim and why she should stay here when she did nothing wrong. YS couldn’t believe what she heard. SH said if it is not YS or her, there will not be any problem. If it wasn’t for YS’s mother, she will not become like this. SH asked what grudge exactly had YS and her mother had with her to make her turn out this way. YS said that a thief would yell out saying this when catching a thief. YS told SH that she is really incurable. YS said she was hoping to discover SH’s final remorse but it is still in vain. YS told SH that she will never ever give her another chance to be forgiven again. SH angrily told YS that it is not over yet as she will definitely get out to trample her again. YS left with a sigh.
  24. SH’s father surrendered himself to Detective Pak.
  25. YS received a call from Detective Pak. YS rushed to see him, asking what he is saying about the real perpetrator. YS asked who it is. The other detective brought SH’s father out. Detective told YS that that is the real perpetrator of her mother’s murder. SH turned around and saw SH’s father. Detective Pak told YS that SH’s father surrendered himself.  
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Brief summary....Episode 122
YS is at the Police station being told that they have another suspect and when she turns around it is SH's father.  She grabs hold of him asking how can he do this.  (We all know he is doing this because he is either dying or loosing his mind after what the doctor told him.) She gets dragged off of him and leaves stunned.  The Detective questions SH's father and I guess he tells him he did it and possibly where the murder weapon is. SH has to wait a whole day and then she is released.

When she walks out alone YS is waiting for her and says something to her and SH responds (this woman still has no remorse.) She goes to the police station to see her father and he talks to her asking if she is ok and live a good life prolly and she thanks him in her head and the Detective tells him it is time to go.  During that time the Chairman (and everyone else are told that there is another suspect) the Chairman gets dressed and goes to see SH 's father and he of course can not make a comment and finally gets up bows and has the guard walk him out.
SH comes in and says something to MIL who is like you have some nerve and goes upstairs.. JH is getting he jacket on to leave and she walks in calling him yeobo and he makes a comment to her and she fires back and he makes another comment about using her father and leaves.

YS is at work and SH comes in running her mouth to the other females and YS who just looks at her. Later SH has come in and the MIL is again asking her how shameless is she and SH replies and the MIL tells her you are wrong to have her father taking the rap for her crime. Neither of them know that the Chairman has come in and hears them and realizes that his friend is her father and that he is taking the rap and that she has lied about having a rich father.  He starts yelling at her and then ask his wife some questions who tells it all as JH comes in and he is asked and JH confirms it that the man is her father and that she lied about having the rich daddy. The Chairman cuts loose then and the wife is letting him know it all about her and SH calls out mother and the woman rolls her eyes and continues to tell it. JW comes in and SH is trying to deny and JW says something to her and the Chairman is telling her to get out with her calling father.

All are in the living room and SH is on her knees saying something about YS or more lies about something when the bell rings and it is security. The Chairman tells them to throw her out.  She tries to fight but they each grab and arm and drag her out and throws her to the street with her bag. Shutting the gate on her with her looking back crying.  (not one bit of remorse!)

Preview shows her tearing up something saying something to YS, standing at JH's desk saying something and he gets up and leaves leaving her standing there. YS saying something to someone then we see SH having a press conference giving YS, JH and JW all snide looks..

**Video Credit MBCDrama Channel on YouTube.
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@LdyGmerm ......Thanks...@gene71632 ..Thanks for the recap.@gerrytan8063...Thanks for the translation. 
Sh is ridiculous having her father take the rap for her is one thing but to get up on national tv and cry for help and get caught up in that lie she thinks she had eggs thrown at her next it will be rocks.
If I was Ys I would have cut right into her crying routine and outer her and her running dog about with they did to her brother and let her know right then that her brother she will be taken to the police station to file charges since he got his memory back that would have fixed he red wagon at the press conference.

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