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Jung Joon Young(정준영)


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Guest belovedycjm

Jung Joon Young's Older Brother Revealed "Look So Alike!"

By Jackie Chung | January 13, 2014 04:10 AM EST

jung joon young older brother Singer Jung Joon Young revealed his older brother Jung Joon Ha. (Photo : mbc) Singer Jung Joon Young revealed his older brother Jung Joon Ha.

In MBC "We Got Married" aired today, Jung Joon Young's brother Jung Joon Ha met his virtual wife Jung Yoo Mi.

On this day, Jung Yoo Mi had promised Jung Joon Young's closest person, who turned out to be his older brother.

Jung Joon Ha revealed tall height and good looks exactly the same as that of Jung Joon Young, shocking many.

Internet users who saw this commented, "So good-looking!," "I'm jealous," etc.

Photo Credit: MBC

Source: http://www.kpopstarz.com/articles/73385/20140113/jung-joon-youngs-older-brother-revealed-look-so-alike.htm

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Guest belovedycjm

14/01/10 Jung Joon Young performing his new song- I'm Nobody (KBS drama "Pretty Man" OST)
Live @ Lee Sora's Music Square

credit: tiredfornothing
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Guest belovedycjm

‘We Got Married’ Jung Joon Young Says People Ask Him If He Really is a Psycho

CJ E&M enewsWorld

2014-01-10 13:59

Jung Joon Young talked about people’s misunderstanding due to his unique personality.

He attended the press conference for MBC’s We Got Married on January 9 and was asked if he got hit on after appearing in the show.

“No one’s ever hit on me,” answered Jung Joon Young. “But people ask me ‘Are you really a psycho?′”


“Everyone’s first question to me is ‘Are you really a psycho,’ both men and women. Do you think that’s considered hitting on me? I don’t think so,” added Jung Joon Young with a laugh. “But because of my personality, I get along with people easily.”

His partner Jung Yoo Mi also said, “I didn’t get hit on either. Someone tried to introduce someone to me, but I refused.”

Photo credit: MBC

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Guest DePhii45229.

belovedycjm said:

‘We Got Married’ Jung Joon Young Says People Ask Him If He Really is a Psycho

CJ E&M enewsWorld

2014-01-10 13:59

Jung Joon Young talked about people’s misunderstanding due to his unique personality.

He attended the press conference for MBC’s We Got Married on January 9 and was asked if he got hit on after appearing in the show.

“No one’s ever hit on me,” answered Jung Joon Young. “But people ask me ‘Are you really a psycho?′”


“Everyone’s first question to me is ‘Are you really a psycho,’ both men and women. Do you think that’s considered hitting on me? I don’t think so,” added Jung Joon Young with a laugh. “But because of my personality, I get along with people easily.”

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I just want to move to this thread to shout thank you to @gurirock and @amile since I don't want to get in trouble for being off topic. Sorry for making you guys get the off topic warning.
Thanks @gurirock for the suggestion.  I can't believe I just went to youtube to marathon as much JJY singing as time permitted. So far, the two songs that leave the best impression for me are I'm Sorry (I have goosebumps listening to it) and Remember (I like the performance and his powerful voice in here)
Oh yeah, @amile for clips of English songs. Love them all. My best pick is I'll Be There For You, wow, such a voice!
 I still can't believe such a frail young man can bell out the powerful voice like that. If I close my eyes, I think that voice comes from a 10 or 15 yrs older singer

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Guest gurirock

@bacom oh I'm sooo new in this thread! Yes, his voice is just so addictive, I can listen to him all day long. Listen to Emergency Room and Nobody also. and his performances in Immortal Songs! I'm still regretting why I did not know him since SSK, I'm dying to watch all his perfs there with BFF Roy Kim! :D 
Find time to watch WGM too, he's my ideal man there! LOL

But why is this thread so quiet? Come one, MY PROPERTIES! Let's rock and roll! :D

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Guest naraejoha

hello?! its been a while since last time i posted here (another thread ofcos)..ㅋㅋㅋ
nice to knw u everyone~^^
As intro, i want to share ths fanaccount..

Q&A Busan Talk Concert with Jung Joonyoung (140128)

JY: when i first came to Busan..i wonder what should I do,its been a while,it feels like home,kkkk..

MC: did u hv relationship (were u dating) in Busan?what kind of relationship?

JY: eum..i I went to Haeundae every summer,,

MC: n then?

JY: I went to Nampo-dong too,kkkk..i nver hung out,ths is my first time,kkkk..
I think its nice here, it looks like Bukhansan..(the venue)

MC: anyway,there are so many teenager here,JY-ssi when you were a teenage,what were you like?

fans: goodlooking!!!kkkkkkkk..and young!!!!kkkkk..

JY: euhm..i was very bright,kkkk..I used to study hard, and i was a model student,kkkkkk

MC: don't u hv any worries that time?

JY: ofcos..like how can i increase my grades..wonder how can i get more better grades for my parents..that kind of worries.. (eheum..didn't he say he was model student?lol)

MC: how to accomplish singer's dream these days?

JY: as u people can see, am alive here,,usually..i just..play game..

MC: what game?

JY: its not a game for teenage,absolutely.. however, (fans can't hear clearly) when i see it,i went 'wooow'~..

MC: it seems like u hv no worries when u were young?

JY: ofcos i do hv..when i was teenage i do hv lot of worries (fans can't hear clearly),bcos singer isnt a stable job (uncertain job),i was worried whether that dream could come true, or not..

MC: now that dream has been accomplished, what was the secret behind it (driving force)?

JY: eumh..it was books (study),kkkkkkk..
*fans boo-ing*

MC: whats your most memorable book?

fans: One Piece!!Comic!!Pokemon!!!kkkkkk

JY: book that i remember the most..emh.."The Catcher in the Rye"

*cos the MC seems doesnt knw the book,so he went ooooh okay*,kkkkk..

source: JJY DCgal


1. Q: the best n the worst moment in life?
JY: the best moment is when i was a teenage,kkk..n the worst moment is when i was a teenage too~kkkkkk..
no,ths is serious,the best moment is when i was in SSK..n the worst moment is during plane landing,kkkkk..

2. Q: JY's ideal type?
JY: my ideal type is always change everyday.. *the fans got to shake hands n signed CD* today my ideal type is u..

3. Q: if u hv some free time,what do u wanna do?
JY: i want to play game,kkkkk..when i hv some free time i usually preparing for my album/record,kkkkkk...

4. Q: why did u hope for 2015 to come fast?
JY: bcos of watching <2012> the movie, i really hate natural disaster..
if 2015 has come that means the earth is fine, n the environmental issues has improving to the better..
(ths answer came from 2 diff FA)

5. Q: whats your dark-history (moment u want to forget from past history) in your life?
JY: when i was born..they cut my umbilical cord..how could they?!isn't that so cruel?? thats definitely a dark-history,kkkkkk..

6. Q: Hows ur adolescence time?
JY: Honestly, I didn't study..i learn music instead..i was very lively n naughty..i snapped(?) my head on the edge of desk.. (idk how to describe ths)

7. Q: whats your dream bfore bcome a singer?
JY: Papilon, astronomers, etc. ...

JY's advice:
"I personally think its good if u could use hp moderately (not too often).."
Last word:
"Life is to live your own-life"

Fans want to hear him say something with busan accent, so he said 'hwaiting'
hwa↘i→ting~,kkkkk.. (not even close to any accent)

source: 쭌영만이내세상@jakeungaseum

Q&A (diff fanaccount) *added some missing trans*

1. The best n the worst moment?
JY: The best moments was during adolescence, the worst also during adolescence, that time i made lot of troubles,kkkkk..such wildness,kkkk
Actually the best is when i was in SSK,n the worst is during plane landing, its not that am afraid of height, it just when landing it felt so scary..

2. ideal type? *same answer*

3. if u had free time,what would u do?
fans: playing game!!
JY: *laugh* if i hv free time i dun play game, i prepared for my album..
fans: eeeeiy~
MC: *cos the fans boo-ing JY's answer* are u sure those people who sit here right now are actually ur fans?aren't they ur antifans?kkkkkk..
JY: kkkkk..i was a bit busy these days,if i hv free time i want to prepared for my album fast..

4. Why u wish 2015 to come fast? *same answer,skip*

5. What is the darkest history in your life (time u want to erase)?
fans: Uljjang Shidae (me: AGREED!!!the most boring varshow i've ever watched,heol =,=')
JY: when i was born,,why?cos they cut my umbilical cord,so cruel..isn't that the darkest history?!kkkkkk

6. Hows your adolescence days?
JY: I didn't study, i learn music instead..(fans boo-ing again,kkkk) when i was a teenage i was very bright n lively..
I pulled out girls hair..fighting..i snapped(?) head on the edge of desk,kkkkk..

- previous dream bfore bcme a singer?
JY: Papilon, astronomer..later when i have lot of money i want to travel to space..kkkk..

7. dun u hv not much friend when u live abroad,when was u felt lonely?
JY: I hv Korean friends in abroad tho (so i didnt really feel lonely)..

source: JJY DCgal 

I'll try to visit ths thread more often in the future, hope to see more JY's fans then~^^

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Guest naraejoha

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sR2150yggdQLyric trans

Overgrown hair and a worn pair of jeans
Starve a couple days and even if I wear
A black leather jacket, a Heidegger work
Is always in my hands, everyone with the same
Hairstyle, following the current trend in fashion
And being concerned with how other people think about them
Is so bland, wherever you go in the world
Everyone has that, I don't hope for anyone's understanding
And I don't want to obsess over the past
I say words that no one will understand
And I turn and laugh I'm an an outsider
No glory or gold, only pride
The eyes clearly shining black
Are looking at Lautrec paintings, wherever you go in the world
Everyone has that
I don't hope for anyone's understanding
And I don't want to obsess over the past
I say words that no one will understand
And I turn and laugh I'm an an outsider
I don't hope for anyone's understanding
And I don't want to obsess over the past
I say words that no one will understand
And I turn and laugh I'm an an outsider
I don't hope for anyone's understanding
And I don't want to obsess over the past, I say words that no one will understand
And I turn and laugh I'm an an outsider
credit: languagebymusic

Congrats JY for winning first music award, he won "Newcomer Award" n "Karaoke Popularity Award (song 'Becoming Dust' w/ Roy Kim)'" at Gaon Chart Kpop Award today (140212)~ ^^


@official_JYrock: 흔한 락커의 인증샷. 2관왕 만들어 주신 팬분들께 영광을♥
"A delightful rocker's proof pict. Got 2 crowns, attribute the glory to all my fans♥"

JY's rookie award acceptance speech @GaonChartKpopAward :

(cr: QTDPRO KMusic Live@YT)
Karaoke Popularity Award

(cr: 팡매 사원@YT)
JY - Senses of Ending @GaonChartKpopAward :

(cr: 루블@YT)
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I wish he would appear more on Immortal song,he is wonderful when I see him in the show. I also wish he didn't have such a blank look on his face when he sings but I suppose that is his style and as he gets more mature that will change. I adore him in 2days and 1 night.

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Jung Joon Young and Ahn Jae Hyun appointed as 'M! Countdown's new MCs
Say hello to 'M! Countdown's new MCs, Jung Joon Young and Ahn Jae Hyun!
Mnet said, "From the 27th, Jung Joon Young and Ahn Jae Hyun will be working as MCs."
We already know how great Jung Joon Young is through '1 Night 2 Days' and 'We Got Married'. Ahn Jae Hyun is also one of the models in high-demand right now, and also currently plays Jun Ji Hyun's younger brother on 'You Who Came From the Stars'.

On the choice, the staff said, "Jung Joon Young has been a radio DJ before, so we thought he would be able to introduce the musical parts well with a stable hosting ability." On Ahn Jae Hyun, they said, "He has a stable, low voice, and he was an MC in a fashion program before, so he has a clean hosting style. We're looking forward to the new charm the two MCs will show us when they meet."
Are you happy with their choices?
source: allkpop

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Guest justlikehoney

'Always Red'


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Guest justlikehoney

정준영의 첫번째 팬미팅 현장 깨알 스케치! 다시 한 번 그날의 기억을 새록새록 떠올려 보아요~ 더 많은 비하인드컷은 공식팬카페를 통해 만나보실 수 있습니다! http://t.co/HyjPVTQ9G0 pic.twitter.com/grp0CnDZvj

— 정준영 공식 트위터 (@official_JYrock) March 12, 2014


more at official fan cafe

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