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[Official] Soo-Ha & Hye Sung Couple (Lee Jong Suk & Lee Bo Young)


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Don't look at me like I'm a monster. In this world, there are people whose IQs are 200 and people who run 100 meters in 9 seconds. Being special doesn't make you a monster. I'm not an alien! I was born on Earth!” – Park Soo-hahttp://annunnie.blogspot.ro

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class="title"Forever further down the whirlpool LJS…

Source: Lee Jong Suk’s DC Gallery
Translator: hitoritabi
Translation note: THE LONGEST FAN ACCOUNT EVER, but it’s way worth reading. That kid really answers everything!!! He’s called ‘Ducky’ at DC, but for easier reading, I replaced it with Jongsuk. :D


Ulsan Biatti Fansigning - Crazy and Sad and Touching - A Really Long Report (Loud Noises Beware)

Beware of the loud noises in the video.
Also, there’s photos in the end~

This report is really very long and quite crazy, you have been warned.

[video proof]

This is when he is coming into the venue.
Wonder if the video will display correctly?

So if I change my clothes and do other things, I won’t feel like writing a report anymore, so let me do it right now… Hmmm, don’t really know where to begin. Mind goes blank when I really have to write a report… All the stuff about how I got there at 7:30am and what I did afterwards, let’s just skip that…

Because of Jongsuk’s drama shooting, he was going to be late; we were disappointed to hear that news of course. The 100 of us with numbers then walked into the building according to our numbers and went to the 2nd floor. While we were playing games by ourselves, Jongsuk arrived.

Ha… When he came in, you can’t help but smile and your breathe is just taken away, wow… Lee Jong Suk is so tall and so pale, richard simmons, just richard simmons handsome and richard simmons pretty, and his glasses were so charming, this little rascal is just ASDFGHJKL;’

By the way, he seems to be rather tired, as he kept pressing and massaging the spot between his brows… you do that when you’re tired, right? When you see him doing that, even though he’s still richard simmons pretty and handsome, etc… it is clear from one glance that he is tired and quite burdened with work.

Anyway, once he took his seat, the fansign started immediately.
We could take photos while we weren’t in line, once we were going up to get the signature, then we could not take pictures anymore.
I wanted to voice record, but somehow went insane and switched it off even before we began, why…?

So I will begin my real report now.
The way I record the dialogue is by feeling, and since now my memory is the freshest, I think it should more or less be accurate.

First, I went before Jongsuk and gave him the present I prepared, without saying anything. Last time, Jongsuk looked at the present, but this time he didn’t. (He really looked so tired T__T)
And beside him, there was a woman who I think was the coordi (?) was there, and he gave the gift to her to put in a special collection box. Then Jongsuk looked up at me — I was crouching in front of the desk at that point — and we started talking.

“Konnichiwa.” That’s what I prepared to say kekekekekeke (x100).

”??????????” Jongsuk was really startled kekekekekeke (x100).

“Oh… are you from Japan???”


“Oh… ah…”

“Kekekekekeke I was joking.”

“Ah, so you are Korean?”


“What the…!!! (laughs) Hey!!!”

Then, in a really cute and embarrassed way, he just kept laughing and sat back down behind the desk kekekekekeke… Like he was trying to hide himself!!! Kekekekekekekeke (x100)

“Why were you joking around? Kekeke”

It was funny, right? Kekeke”

Jongsuk just said “hmph!” and asked me for my details.

“OOO (my name)”

Naturally, he wrote my first name, like ‘To: OO’, that way.

“… I’m a noona…”


Kekekeke… well, thanks for thinking that I look young, kid.

So he began signing…

I was looking at the kid, and his face is really so small.
His lashes were long, his complexion was so fair that it didn’t seem like reality.
So before I knew it, the exclamation came to my lips.

“… by the way… really… this is not a joke, but you’re really beautiful.”

“Huhuhu… Me?”



Kekekekekekeke (x100) It’s like he already knows this himself kekekekekeke

“I went to the fanmeeting… the last one…”

“… where? In Mapo?”


“Where do you live? (spoken in informal way like this)”


“But you came all the way for the fanmeeting?” (T/N: Mapo is in Seoul)

“Yes, really… Ah, it was very nice”

“Huhu thank you!”

So he was signing like that, and I had some things I was curious about, so I decided to ask him one by one. Jongsuk looked so tired that I felt sorry to ask him anything, but I still did it… Sorry for doing so… T__T

“Ah, by the way… um… There are some things I am curious about, would you mind very much if I asked?”

“Nope. What is it?”

“What lipbalm do you use? (I saw in the Gallery that some one asked what lipbalm he used, which is why I asked)”

“Ah.. Uriage.”

“Really?? I use that one too… hul”

“Keke you’re happy?”

The he started chuckling by himself kekekekekeke… Like who asks this kind of trivial stuff kekeke

“Ah, then what kind of body wash do you use?”

“Body wash? Why are you asking this kind of stuff?”

Then he glanced at me sideways with a strong gaze kekekeke…

“It’s just that I was curious… Sorry.”

“Jo Malone.”

“Really? Wow~~”

Truthfully, I didn’t know if Jo Malone had things beyond perfume, but I just nodded my head…

“Huhuhuhuhu… But why are you asking these things? Are you a pervert?”


Suddenly, Ssun arrived!! Kekekekekeke… Ah, suddenly really gave me the feeling of Ssun with the way he talked. Kekekekekeke (x100). So straight-forward and cool! Kekeke.

“Keke, yes I am a pervert, a serious one… kekekeke”

“Hul~~” A chuckle.

He kept laughing while he was signing, so he couldn’t do it very fast, keep getting distracted by our conversation…

“Ah, sorry about asking you that all of a sudden…T__T”

“It’s alright, keke. You’ve already asked what body wash I use~ (he kept having that smiling expression on his face keke)”

“Then what is the colour of your bedsheet and pillowcase?”

“Ah, why do you keep suddenly asking these things! Kekekeke… you’re really no good… (It’s because of you that I am like this, thank you very much ^__^) Blue.”

“Kekekekeke, ah, blue? Keke, thanks.”

I brought “School“‘s photobook and asked him if he could sign on that too. He said, ‘Of course!’ and started on that.

“Hmm… sorry about this, but can you write as I say?”

“What is it? What are you going to have me do?”

(I think my image for him has already been completely ruined kekeke)

“I am…”

“I am…?” (since he is signing it at the same time, I give it to him bit by bit)

“Ah, you don’t have to sign it in the end…”

“What is this, saying this to me now kekeke”

“No, no… kekeke… Yoji…”

“Oh? What’s ‘yoji’?”

“Just like that… Yoji wang” (T/N:’yoji’ means signing and ‘wang’ is king; so ‘Signing King’?)



“Business King… Lee…”

“Business King is…” (T/N: ‘is’ is pronounced the same way is ‘Lee’.)

“No no, the last part is ‘Self Business King Lee Jong Suk’.” (T/N: He is best at promoting himself? I dunno either…)

“Ah, what is this all of a sudden!! Kekekekeke… Ah, really, really, you are so weird! Kekeke (I forgot if he called me ‘you’ or ‘noona’.)

He said that too me while he wrote it all…

“You kee~eeep asking me to do only strange stuff~~” (The way he extended his syllables was so adorable kekeke)

“Sorry… T__T you must be tired today”

“Oh, a little…”

As he said that, he rubbed his eyes tiredly. Manager hyung next to him said that maybe it is time for the next person, we have to stop here, so I wrapped it up.

“Thank you so very much! I will always support you, fighting!! Ah, by the way…”

He looked up, like saying “Hm?”

“(whispering secretively) When does Woosang (T/N: character in ‘No Breathing’?) begin filming?”

“(also whispering back secretively in a playful way) Oh, it has started already”

“Really?? Already???”

“Yup, a little while ago. Filming for both at the same time now.”

When I heard himm say that so off-handedly, my “mom-like heart” started worrying about his health and body management… ah…

While he was answering me, he stood up and I thought about shaking hands with him… I wasn’t going to do anything like that in the first place, just wanted to look at his beautiful face and chat happily with him…

But it is coming to the end, and suddenly I felt that I would regret if I didn’t do it, so I held Jongsuk’s right hand that was placed on the table.

He immediately wrapped his fingers around my hands.

His hands were so very cold.

“Why are your hands so cold…?”

“Hm, just a little… Goodbye, noona…!”

“Yes, fighting!!! Have strength!”

And as I looked back, he was beginning to sign for the next person…

Coffee & Biatti gave us some coffee beans and I brought them home, and the screams of students outside was really loud. I took photos, but only took one or two, since I was scared they would ask me to leave.

The students outside all asked me in one voice if Lee Jong Suk was really handsome, so I told them, “So handsome it’s crazy!!” and I think they wanted to die……

As for anything else, I was spacing out so may not remember everything. I have waited for today for so long, but I didn’t feel that I wasted my time at all.

It is like a dream… who did I just meet? Whose hand did I hold? Who did I speak with? Even if Jongsuk was tired today, he kept having that long conversation with me without any hint of displeasure, and did all the things I asked him to do.

I actually reflect a lot on what I asked him to do… even now when I am writing this, I am reflecting… sorry…

Ah, what is this feeling… T____T Is it always like this at fansignings? This is my first time….. T____T

After I left the meeting, I came home quietly to write this report, haven’t even had time to take photos of the signatures… I had wanted to wait until the fansign ended, and see the kid off as he left, but I think I would have been even more sad afterwards.. so I just came home straight away.

The reason why I remember how the conversation went is because I wrote all the questions in the palm of my hand kekekeke… After I left, I took out my little notebook and made notes all the way, afraid that I would forget even one word he said…

The fact that Jongsuk wrote so much for me…

So, when is the next fansigning?

Ah, yes, lastly… I got a poster of Jongsuk from the games we played in the beginning.

Under here are the photos from the fansigning:

If I have taken a photo of some other members here, and you don’t want it, please contact me and I’ll delete it…!!!!




First of all, confirmation shots keke


Sign King, Business King signature keke



Kekekekekeke his handwriting is so small, how much he must have been weirded out by me kekekeke So effing cute!!!!!!!!!1

Coffee beans from Coffee & Biatti


Finally,.. lastly ^______^

Jongsuk’s poster? My prize… The poster’s really long so I can only take a picture of the face portion…


Ah… I don’t know how well I did at this report writing thing. I spoke way too much to him, and I am in self-reflection for that, since I took up so much of other people’s time… I see that everyone else just got signatures and passed by quickly.

This is not an excuse, but I actually talk really fast naturally, and when I got so excitedly today, my speed of talking really became something like a rap… which is why I could ask all the questions I wanted to… T___T

Ah, it is so great that he could hold a fanmeeting, and they could get him for this period of time among his busy schedules… but when you see him so tired and burdened, your “mom-like heart” really startes coming out, let me just say here privately that it was exhausting for him…

So that was the fansigningat Ulsan… it’s probably ended now…hope Jongsuk would be able to have a good sleep…

Haaa… this is typed right after I returned home, meanwhile I also had to upload the video and look through the pictures to pick (?) some of them… I really wrote according to my feelings, and it just feels like I am talking to my friends right now… Kekeke…

Such a long, long report, good work for all who read until the end… Please give feedback!http://hitoritabi.tumblr.com/post/51493515930/forever-further-down-the-whirlpool-ljs

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