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[Drama 2013] ★ Secret | Secret Love 비밀 ★

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@Lmangla,   Great to see you here...!:)) :)) :))

I also felt the first episode a bit disappointing, but my interest got picked again with ep.2.

@cynkdf - thank you for re-posting the Arirang TV press conf. It was interesting to hear it after having seen the 2 subbed episodes...

@Lmangla..... It is too early for me to tell about the stepmom..  I agree that she seems concerned for him,  but she could also act this way because of her husband... After all, regardless of his behavior, MH is the sole male heir.. hence, I tend to agree with @oyeleyeolusina and @cynkdf, that she is most likely a gold digger..I liked @cynkdf reasoning, how MH has had a chance to observe her for some time, so most likely he treats her  the way he does, because of what  he sees her as... Had he thought her decent woman who loves his father, he most likely would have treated her differently.

@bruha78 - interesting idea about the stepmom being in love with MH... Now you got my imagination going.. Did she try to come on to him before...and therefor he knows she does not love his father?  haha...we shall see...!

howa said:

Do Hoon never told Yoo Jung that he hit  someone with the car she believes that he he did not see the girl after he went out to check because if he did he will be doing the right thing she took the blame so he wont lose his future i dont think she will do that if he told her that he did see the girl dying and he did noting to help

 for us to know how it really happend what was she doing in the middle of the street or did i see wrong there was noting in the other side

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I really not care if DH hit the girl or not I think that not the point that make him guilty or not because even if he hit her he was just trying to save his life and also it's ja hae fault to hide in the barrel but what make him guilty in my look that he leave hopeless and injured woman lying in the street without helping her that something good people never do it   

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I have watched both episodes with subs' date='  and maybe I fell asleep, but I do not remember a segment with her saying she will take the blame for DH because she loves him....[/quote']In episode 2, roughly around, about 24 minutes and 30 seconds into the video, during the scene where Do Hoon came to Yoo Jung's work place and showed her the suspect paper of herself, discussing the case and so forth with her! He dragged her hand out heading to the police station or such to tell them the truth that he was the driver in the hit and run accident but she refused to, went down on her knees and mentioned to him about the first time they met!

After the flash back of their first encounter, she held up the four leaf clover saying he told her to come with the clover when there's something unfair! She told him she believe the accident was unfair in the process of accusing him as the criminal and she already told them, the detectives that she's the driver! In that case, he let her be him, the driver and he's the prosecutor helping, saving her, the boyfriend!

Then he insisted something could go wrong when she's indicted putting on trial and there's a minimum of five years in prison for a hit and run!

She said she trust him! Taking the time accomplishing and achieving his dream with hard work shouldn't be wasted! He questioned about her dream and she replied she could only achieve it with him, it wouldn't disappear just by waiting!

She continued saying she love him, love him more than herself! She trust him and is it correct that he trust her as well! She believe it's a mistake, not true and for him to protect her!

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I finished episode 2 and it was sooo good! Okay, I think the second lead actress might turn evil or not. It seems like she have a good aura around her. This drama is off to a great start. the suspense is killing me. What will MH do once he finds out that YJ is pregnant. Ohhhh it breaks my heart when he almost suicide because of his girlfriend's death :(....poor baby. He must stay strong, and now it appears that he have a goal in life----to find out the truth about his girlfriend's death. Because for all we know, she could just collapse and died from pneumonia.

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I really not care if DH hit the girl or not I think that not the point that make him guilty or not because even if he hit her he was just trying to save his life and also it's ja hae fault to hide in the barrel but what make him guilty in my look that he leave hopeless and injured woman lying in the street without helping her that something good people never do it   
I totally, definitely agree with you on that aspect!

Whether Do Hoon, the driver and Yoo Jung, the passenger hit Ji Hee or not with the car/their car/her car, when Do Hoon went out of the car to check what they may, could of hit, he found a bleeding woman laying there, the first thing he should of done is inform Yoo Jung and call for help!

Sad to say, he didn't do that! He was in shock, scared, afraid, panicked and turned away hiding what he saw from Yoo Jung telling her they may of hit a barrel!

Yes, maybe they hit the barrel, not her, Ji Hee but so what! He saw a helpless human being laying there! It's fine he don't want, have to touch her but he should of ask, call for help no matter what!

Yes, it's dark, night and raining! Still!

Do Hoon made a mistake of not helping her, Ji Hee!

Bae Soo Bin played that scene so well!

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ymiss said: In episode 2, roughly around, about 24 minutes and 30 seconds into the video, during the scene where Do Hoon came to Yoo Jung's work place and showed her the suspect paper of herself, discussing the case and so forth with her! He dragged her hand out heading to the police station or such to tell them the truth that he was the driver in the hit and run accident but she refused to, went down on her knees and mentioned to him about the first time they met!

After the flash back of their first encounter, she held up the four leaf clover saying he told her to come with the clover when there's something unfair! She told him she believe the accident was unfair in the process of accusing him as the criminal and she already told them, the detectives that she's the driver! In that case, he let her be him, the driver and he's the prosecutor helping, saving her, the boyfriend!

Then he insisted something could go wrong when she's indicted putting on trial and there's a minimum of five years in prison for a hit and run!

She said she trust him! Taking the time accomplishing and achieving his dream with hard work shouldn't be wasted! He questioned about her dream and she replied she could only achieve it with him, it wouldn't disappear just by waiting!

She continued saying she love him, love him more than herself! She trust him and is it correct that he trust her as well! She believe it's a mistake, not true and for him to protect her!

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When a character does something so drastic as to go to prison for someone out of love, there's always a lot of pressure to make it believable and at least somewhat relateable. In this case, I think they handled it pretty well. What I find most interesting and significant about Yoo-jung's decision to take the fall for Do-hoon is that she believes he is innocent. As far as YJ knows, what happened that night is: they were in an accident and hit something, and they both got out of the car to check, but didn't see anything except a barrel. Meaning that either 1) they didn't hit Ji-hee, or 2) they did hit her but didn't know they had hit her. So basically she thinks the whole thing is a mistake, and if she just explains then she'll be able to clear everything up. Which is perhaps somewhat naïve, but her main problem is one of misplaced trust. It never occurs to her that DH might have seen the injured girl and just driven away, because she knows DH as a good person who became a prosecutor in order to help victims of crime. I'm pretty curious as to when she'll find out the truth, because it'll be a big shock to discover that her oppa isn't the person she thought he was. I think that might turn out to be a greater blow to her affections for him than his ditching her while she's in prison, even.

As for DH, I think he is just weak. He wants to be a good person, but when the moment of reckoning comes, he does the cowardly thing and chooses to protect himself at someone else's expense. His weakness is also why he allows YJ to take the blame, even though he genuinely cares for her – she has far more strength of character than he does, so of course she is able to overpower his weak objections.

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@ymiss i think you asked why MH is that way, did he suffered something back then? The father said when he almost killed himself taking drugs, the scene where he was unconscious and SY could not wake him up, his father said doing something like his mother did. so I take it the mom took her own life. maybe this cause MH to be what he is today.

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OK.. I am re-watching ep. 2 over again....

So much for our guesses of foul play by someone else... I think it is pretty clear in the beginning of the episode that JH got hit by a car at the time DH was there, and it is unlikely that her body was placed there.

It all happened withing minutes, or seconds...We see her trying to get a cab (about 35-40 sec. into the episode), but he does not stop.

At the same time DH and YJ are driving towards that area... They hear the first warning honk from the truck. (52 seconds into the episode)

Then we see JH  going in the rain with her red umbrella towards what looks like an underpass... (this is already after DH heard the first honk and saw the truck... at about 53 seconds into the episode)


While JH is presumably in the underpass, we see the car and truck approaching each other (about 1 min.into the episode)


At 1:07 into the episode she is still walking in the underpass, about to come out.



At this point DH had already lost control of the car, and at 1:18 min.slammed into a concrete..


He continues to try to maneuver the car, and bangs into other structures.., I cannot be sure, but is it possible that this is JH's umbrella just in front of the car's bumper?


By 1:29 DH stopped the car finally and YJ asks him, what did they just bump into....


By 2:21 DH sees JH's bloody body...  (after he had seen her purse a few seconds earlier)


So it all happened in less than a minute...

Is it possible that JH dies from something else other than DH hitting her?  I think possibly, but unlikely... 

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it was the front of the car that was damaged, right? they would be able to see someone ahead i think even if he was trying to take control of the wheel and know they hit her. and the car skidded and crashed on the next barrier, while JH found on the corner of the first barrier. this is really a mystery, so far and I think if we are correct in our assumptions, then it won't be revealed this early but maybe on the latter part of the story. if we are wrong, then it was really their car that did it. but why does the story did not make that scene clear? maybe that's the biggest secret in this story. :-?  :D

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@Mslee,  here is a photo of the front of the car, the morning after


JH was lying there in the rain, badly injured because the dear prosecutor DH, did not disclose she was there...Had he called  for help, maybe she could have been saved....

The Doctor tells MH that because she was left like this for such a long time a paralysis of her liver and spleen began. Furthermore, her dead baby is pressuring the womb... it was important to remove the dead baby earlier...

I totally get MH outrage....

This prosecutor had sworn to uphold the law, and at the first challenge, he cowardly abuses the law.  Frankly, I think he deserves to be disrobed.. in the very least....as he is making a mockery out of the law...

Furthermore, once there is a crack in his moral behavior, it is easier for the crack to get larger...

First he left an injured girl at the scene of an accident.... 2nd he will let someone else (his fiance) take the blame... how much further would he/could he descend?

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@iris - hello!  :-h
just like scandal, another drama where the name is kind of confusing. the name says "secret" in singular but already, there seems to be multiple secrets where people are hiding stuff and we are only in episode 2.. so how many secrets will fall out!

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i was just wondering why the scene of the accident did not let us viewers see that moment of impact between the car and Ji Hee. that's all. that's kind of mysterious that way. usually in an accident the camera focused on the exact moment of collision... ;) but of course i may have to resign myself that it was both DH and YJ's car that hit JH. 
that moment when DH decided to leave her, i guess that was to show his character. that he is a coward and a weakling. will wait if his character will show a different side of him besides what already described. it will be how he will deal with YJ after she was convicted and after she left prison.

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mslee said: i was just wondering why the scene of the accident did not let us viewers see that moment of impact between the car and Ji Hee. that's all. that's kind of mysterious that way. usually in an accident the camera focused on the exact moment of collision... ;) but of course i may have to resign myself that it was both DH and YJ's car that hit JH. 
that moment when DH decided to leave her, i guess that was to show his character. that he is a coward and a weakling. will wait if his character will show a different side of him besides what already described. it will be how he will deal with YJ after she was convicted and after she left prison.

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Hello soompiers. I needed a place to vent about this drama. Gosh how low can a man sink. He is a prosecutor for crying out loud. He is supposed to up hold he freaking law. Not only does he freaking pass blame to his innocent girl friend. he is actually the one that prosecutes her. couldn't he have passed it to someone else. I mean come on and she herself is getting on my nerves. what kind of love is that. 
Thanks for being accomodating see you monday night. Need to get back to the books. Test tomorrow

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in ep 1 when MH give YH the ring it was the destiny he give his true love the ring without even know and YH take the ring and wear it before DH propose to her it's like MH own's her before DH it's really funny and cruel fate at the same time 

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