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[Drama 2013] ★ Secret | Secret Love 비밀 ★

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Guest liyirna

Ok, a little of my random thoughts on subject.
First of all, MH liked YJ from the start, no line between hatred and love here, he openly flirted with her, gave her huge diamond ring as an excuse to come back, and smiled happily like a little boy. Of course, he loved JH at that moment, but if not an accident we would be watching sexy childish chaebol's son trying to win poor sincere girl from her bland prosecutor bf with pregnant exgf popping out later (but she'll lose child anyway). Five years is a long time, so obviously MH forgot about JH, how he flinched when he saw her photo among papers - seems he didn't visited her columbarium for a long time. How many of HJ's pictures are on his tablet? And JY's ones there are sure tons. After pain subsided he spent all his time thinking about woman he was attracted to. So result was obvious.
DH's car surely hit JH - police found blood on it, Had she been running from smb? MH's dad heard her phonecall and sent GS's hyung to threaten her more?
Btw, I think MH's dad really loves him otherwise he would kick him out a long time ago. Noone in his family likes him, but let's face it, it's hard to like and empathize with a useless pathetic immature coward he was at the start - the moment he let go of JH's hand I lost all sympathy to him.
MH's dad never threatened him to leave JH - he always said "Do something for family or live your own life without my money". And this is fair, MH always thought that he has to get everything in his life for free without fighting for it.
Let's limit our speculation to the facts: MH now knows for fact that YJ&DH were together that evening so YJ at least must have shielded DH from prosecution as an assesory to the crime - doesn't matter who drove, they decided to leave JH together. I think he was shocked how could she survive all ordeals alone without pulling DH with her - real love he has been searching for. Plus anger from protecting JH's murderer and even being used by him.
Based on my k-drama expierence there will be following development: SY, being fed up with MH's behaviour (she watched the fighting scene with clear look - I just don't care anymore) kicks him out of the company, MH's dad dies or goes in coma, MH is thrown on the streets and JY, being her saintly self, takes him in. Then he knows the truth and even confronts DH, but Richard Simmons just laughes in his face - "What can you do now?". A short depression during which JY looks at his suffering and mellows a little, then MH mans up, at last straighten his head and start scheming to bring DH down,
Oh, and I was amazed how well JHE acted - she showed brilliantly how burnt out JY is. I don't think she was impressed by his gentleman's act - she saw it as another way to torture her, Her fear and repulsion were evident in the lasr scene.

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@irilight I dont think MH knows much about San. I think his involvement is very peripheral at least on San's case. I dont think he kept tabs on San the way he did yj. He must have accepted the news of the child's death at face value. So I hope he tries to find out more. And I hope my theory is right and San is alive.

And yeah , I'm the same. I'm so addicted to this thread. I want to discuss every comment in detail but the thread is moving too fast. Before I can finish reading, someone's said exactly what I had in mind. It's nice to know so many of us think alike.

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@kfzahraa I like that theory. So in effect the father is the one who started it all. But who was driving the car ? Kwang Soo? Is that why he looks guilty and sad along with MH? I hope it's not him. MH will crumble, otherwise.

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Guest kfzahraa

i think the driver was the man with round glasses not remember his name now
he keeps telling MH that it was his fault and if he had let her go she would have been a live now

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@ymiss... thank you for the warm welcome....^:)^ ^:)^
I never left the drama.. but life took over, and I did not have time to come here much..

@cynkdf, thank you for pointing us to the article on page 104.. I did go back and read it..good article.. I love to read how older actors help the younger ones..... In Ji Sung's case it was Ko Du-shim, (and I happen to really like her...)

@serenity003.. I agree with you... Right now she thinks DH is the one who brought her to the hospital and paid for her medical bills.... It was so funny when she told MH that... I thought he'd almost fall to the floor hearing it... haha...

@achaari - thank you for your insights....:)

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@liyirna - 
I think MH flinched looking at the picture of JH because it was an photo from the scene of the accident. He saw her battered, bloodied body. 
And they (DH and YJ) didn't decide to "leave JH together" - the only person who saw JH's body was DH. Even to this day, YJ has no idea that DH actually SAW her body, he never admitted that to her. YJ had no idea and still doesn't. 
MH is very aware of San. He knew she was pregnant and he knew about him being put in an orphanage. (KS tell him both of these things) He also has pictures in that file of San with YJ in the prison yard. He saw San when he visited the prison and hid in the doorway - watching YJ bounce San on her back. And in EP 8 - YJ tells him about her child dying. I just don't think he's focused attention to it yet - she told him her child was taken from her in prison but I didn't see much reaction on his face. 
Where is our preview? :-w

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Guest nanaxren93

Back to the subject of whether YJ will fall in love with MH, I think it's very unlikely at this point in the drama. The reason being is that YJ is extremely hurt by the way MH is treating her, forcing her to do what he says, treating her as if she is a slave, taking away important aspects of her life, following her, etc. At the same time though, I think YJ accepts all of this because she understands how hurt MH is over the woman whom she allegedly 'killed'. MH has so much hate towards her while YJ is carrying a ridiculous amount of guilt towards this whole situation, that love happening at this current time would almost be unrealistic. Their love blossoming shouldn't just happen because MH finds out she isn't the killer or because MS is a nice guy deep down. 
There has to be something that would draw them together. Maybe MH actively participating in YJ's life, like helping her with all the turmoil in her life, looking deeper into San's death, and just being there for her not to bring her down, but as a support shield. I think that would be the only way YJ will turn to love him. I am actually interested in their relationship developing rather than seeing them get together right away. It just doesn't make sense for them to be together so early in the show. 
Can you imagine how hard it will be for YJ to love a man after what happened to her? If I was in her shoes, it would be extremely difficult to like a man who has been going after me for revenge and making every aspect of my life miserable. There needs to be an event that would lead YJ to finally look into MH's direction without holding guilt and anger in her mind.  
Don't get me wrong, I am extremely excited about them falling in love and seeing less angst-filled scenes, but I believe that it needs to be gradual rather than fast moving. Or else, the concept of melodrama just loses itself. If anything, I am not keeping any hopes up for love in this drama. So far all the melodramas I've watched didn't have any good endings between the leads. The only reason I chose to overlook the aspect of it being a melodrama was the interesting plot. 
Also, I've mentioned this before but I think MH will be extremely angry at YJ for lying about the hit and run accident. I think he would think that she's extremely pathetic for protecting a criminal. At least I would be, if I was in his shoes. 
Gosh, there are so many things going on in the drama that it's hard to say what will happen next and who will say what and what secret will be revealed next. Judging from the text translation of episode 9 preview, it seems like my hope of the secret getting revealed is very much destroyed. But oh well, maybe something will be still be revealed on Wednesday! 
Lastly, I just wanted to say how all of your comments, opinions and thoughts have made my day ever since I've finished watching the last episode. Everyone has so many different predictions of what will happen that I can't even keep up with you guys! But still, it's so much fun to see what you're all thinking. I am loving this thread already! :x

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Guest liyirna

tessieroo said: @liyirna - 
I think MH flinched looking at the picture of JH because it was an photo from the scene of the accident. He saw her battered, bloodied body. 
And they (DH and YJ) didn't decide to "leave JH together" - the only person who saw JH's body was DH. Even to this day, YJ has no idea that DH actually SAW her body, he never admitted that to her. YJ had no idea and still doesn't. 

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Guest dramalibrarian

Ooh ... I wonder if Madam Hong is MY's real mum (I'll turn a blind eye to the ages for now to believe in this theory), for a stepmom she cares way too much about who he marries, and she looked really hurt when MY said she came in to their house waiting for his mom to die.

The secret here, I think, is -

MY's dad had an affair with Madam Hong and she had a son with him, to make this son legitimate he brought the child in to their home and made the first wife act as MY's real mom.  Madam Hong being very young back then couldn't argue against it and thought it was better for the child so let him go.

Perhaps MY's 'mom', the chairman's first wife died in childbirth (who knows maybe she wasn't supposed to have a child because of ill health but was desperate to claim a place in the chairman's heart so decided to go ahead and get pregnanat anyway and conceived) and that's where little sister comes in.  Min Joo is really the first wife's baby and MY's 'step-mom' had to claim the baby as hers so she could raise her without the child feeling out of place.  Not sure how this could have happened if true, but if MY's mom was sick then perhaps he didn't notice she was having a baby, and Min Joo could have been a premature baby.

I think MY had real love in front of him since birth but didn't know it.  He was too busy trying to richard simmons his dad off all the time.  Madam Hong sacrificed herself so her son could be legitimate and then swallow the bitter pill and raised MY's beloved mum's biological child as her own so the baby girl wouldn't grow up without maternal love.

If this theory is right Madam Hong needs to let MY choose his own woman unless she wants history to repeat itself, with him ending up marrying someone he doesn't love and seeing someone he does on the side, although I'm not sure if the Chairman loves Madam Hong.  He may have just wanted an heir if his first wife was a sickly woman.

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@liyirna - 
Ahahaha, we were talking about totally different scenes.  =))  Sorry about that! 
That's one reason I'm not sure MH knows DH was driving yet? My thinking is...if he did know for sure - would he have just walked right by DH? Wouldn't he have hit him or something? (I know he bumped his shoulder but I mean really hit him) Unless he didn't want DH to know that he knew. So I still think MH just suspects DH was driving, I don't think he knows for sure yet. 
I am really just making myself insane with this drama. I keep going back & forth, I keep re-watching scenes, and I'm stalking this thread. 

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Guest liyirna

Another conspiracy theory.
At first. I dismissed all these ideas about SY being behind JH's death, but then I saw that awesome trailer that shows all story through symbols and began to think: in the middle of trailer MH uncovers camera's lens that symbolizes him discovering the secret, but at the beginning SY covered the screen with both hands meaning she has a secret and big one, the one lying down in foundation of the story. And she wears red dress, the colour of blood.

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Guest kfzahraa

liyirna said: Another conspiracy theory.
At first. I dismissed all these ideas about SY being behind JH's death, but then I saw that awesome trailer that shows all story through symbols and began to think: in the middle of trailer MH uncovers camera's lens that symbolizes him discovering the secret, but at the beginning SY covered the screen with both hands meaning she has a secret and big one, the one lying down in foundation of the story. And she wears red dress, the colour of blood.

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Guest nanaxren93

liyirna said: Another conspiracy theory.
At first. I dismissed all these ideas about SY being behind JH's death, but then I saw that awesome trailer that shows all story through symbols and began to think: in the middle of trailer MH uncovers camera's lens that symbolizes him discovering the secret, but at the beginning SY covered the screen with both hands meaning she has a secret and big one, the one lying down in foundation of the story. And she wears red dress, the colour of blood.

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Guest liyirna


Oh, and SY has a rose in her hand, rose's thorn can prickle very painfully and a lot of petals flying down, the common metaphore for droplets of blood.
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dramalibrarian said: Ooh ... I wonder if Madam Hong is MY's real mum (I'll turn a blind eye to the ages for now to believe in this theory), for a stepmom she cares way too much about who he marries, and she looked really hurt when MY said she came in to their house waiting for his mom to die.

The secret here, I think, is -

MY's dad had an affair with Madam Hong and she had a son with him, to make this son legitimate he brought the child in to their home and made the first wife act as MY's real mom.  Madam Hong being very young back then couldn't argue against it and thought it was better for the child so let him go.

Perhaps MY's 'mom', the chairman's first wife died in childbirth (who knows maybe she wasn't supposed to have a child because of ill health but was desperate to claim a place in the chairman's heart so decided to go ahead and get pregnanat anyway and conceived) and that's where little sister comes in.  Min Joo is really the first wife's baby and MY's 'step-mom' had to claim the baby as hers so she could raise her without the child feeling out of place.  Not sure how this could have happened if true, but if MY's mom was sick then perhaps he didn't notice she was having a baby, and Min Joo could have been a premature baby.

I think MY had real love in front of him since birth but didn't know it.  He was too busy trying to richard simmons his dad off all the time.  Madam Hong sacrificed herself so her son could be legitimate and then swallow the bitter pill and raised MY's beloved mum's biological child as her own so the baby girl wouldn't grow up without maternal love.

If this theory is right Madam Hong needs to let MY choose his own woman unless she wants history to repeat itself, with him ending up marrying someone he doesn't love and seeing someone he does on the side, although I'm not sure if the Chairman loves Madam Hong.  He may have just wanted an heir if his first wife was a sickly woman.

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I go offline for a few days and come back to find more than 40 pages of reading to do on this thread.. daebak!
so I guess no one else thought like me when they saw SY put the blanket on DH; my thought was, "wait, singapore airlines? thai airways? no was it emirates? which airline ad was it...."

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I don't think Min Hyuk know who's the driver just yet at the end of episode 8 but since Kwang Soo informed him that Do Hoon was with Yoo Jung the night of the accident as well according to, regarding the search, speculation of Do Hoon and Yoo Jung's photo being asked at the restaurant, Min Hyuk walked straight to Yoo Jung asking her that question/s, statement/s in a way such as, why did you take full responsibility?! What about him, Do Hoon?! What have you done to yourself?! And to me?! Something like that!

Before Min Hyuk may, could hit Do Hoon, Min Hyuk have to be, fall in love with Yoo Jung first! Min Hyuk's at fault for not knowing, being mistakenly suggesting, giving offers, decisions for, to Do Hoon to choose! Plus, I still think Min Hyuk may had something to do with San Hee up to the point where he's being taken away in prison from Yoo Jung with Hye Jin's involvement! If that's not the case, I really want, need to know what condition Min Hyuk negotiated with the police officer, guard in prison during the giving away food charity, event sponsored by Se Yeon!

Do Hoon's not worthy of any kind, sort of hit at the moment! He's already suffering slowly inside and he know it!

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