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[Official] SPARTACE COUPLE KimJongkook-SongJiHyo

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Guest athoughtcloud1

@myrunningman1 At the end of the day, JK wouldn't have gone ahead with this if he felt this would majorly harm him. I really don't think this blind date would remain in people's minds for that long. My only worry with such an episode was that the girl shouldn't be a non-celeb who wants a variety debut and has chosen RM for it. But since this girl is already known to the public and you know how k-netz dig up stuff, they will give this the same importance they have given the MC loveline. So I really don't see this affecting him majorly in the future. I think the point was to clear up all the SA and YEH rumours, but interestingly, from what I gathered, they never mentioned anything specific about JK and JH's marriage broadcast. JK was specifically asked about YEH by the girl, obviously on the production team's cue, which gave him an opportunity to clear up that rumour.

Since I know how RM goes through the extreme route to clear up mess they themselves create and have sat through one such clearing up episode which was the MC date that ended with a brain scan test, I don't really get shocked by these things. Perhaps they will put an end to this blind date thing at a later date when they see it fit (the Soo Ae loveline also got quashed like that after some episodes) either saying JK got too busy to take it forward or that on further meetings, they felt they were not suitable for each other (you can say so many things).

The part I didn't like was that the production team first advertised it as his idea and then we got to know that he had left it to them to do what they wanted with it. Perhaps if the PDs had been more creative, they could have used another method to quash all the SA rumours until that time both are ready to declare. They could have kept the blind date, but may be made it just one segment. Also, what we finally watch RM for is to see the members with JK. But this episode didn't have group missions that involved JK and the cast. Hopefully, the members have said things about JK as a person that we can see in the subbed episode. Finally, it is how the new PDs work - they can't think up interesting missions and have to make JK pull a car full of people to even get his own car to drive his date around! (the man is going on a date, don't make him break his back before he even gets to meet the girl!)

I feel there are larger things going on that required them to take this route or there was pressure on the production team from higher ups which we don't know about. Yet I feel JK wouldn't have let his special be used for such a purpose unless it also helped him in some way or at least wouldn't do him harm he cannot recover from. If I think rationally, at this point of time, I don't think the production team can make him do their bidding so easily. There were moments here and there in this episode where I felt both did get slightly emotional, but on the whole, I felt they were pretty prepared for it. That was quite true of JH - this is someone who gets upset when JK gets shoved into a loveline, but this time, she knew she had a role to play and did it to the best of her abilities (just like JK has been the MC promoter for so many years). I feel sad that JK had to sacrifice his special for something like this. Hope the remaining episodes will be more RM-centric!

JH was happily listening to JK's song, nodding her head along. Also JK was trying to coach JH from the room where he was standing with SY when she was doing her mission. LOL

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Guest athoughtcloud1


The one thing I was really happy about - getting to hear JK sing. Poor JH was happily listening along when YJS, the usual interrupter of JK's songs, had to give his comments. 

Here JH is nodding her head listening to the song and laughing at the guys.


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2 hours ago, myrunningman1 said:



Why am I totally not surprised at this? That JK is so self serving that he'd just let SBS do their own show, which the did and stunk it up. As I'm rewatching old episodes, I'm in awe of JK and his Commander status and it is sad that SBS has totally thrown this character aside

This episode for me is an EPIC FAIL, though not yet subbed in english! Loveline for Jong Kook is more of an XMEN thing than an RM.. This is JK last RM special episode, must have done better if they focused on what KJK is known in RM for as Mr. Capable, Spartan, One Man and The Tiger! Sorry for my words and im not here to bash the girl, but she looksolder than her age and even looks older than JK.. If this is only what (concept/episode) they got for Jk, they should at least find someone more suitable for him, something more believable.. Seven faithful and loyal years in RM, He deserves so much bette.. #myopinion

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Guest athoughtcloud1
33 minutes ago, hr12_stv said:

Uri JH seems to know a lot about the kind of woman that JK likes hehe she must have first-hand experience regarding the matter lol


Just point to herself and say 'His ideal type is like this - from head to toe'. LOL Think she said he likes quieter girls than the louder ones. 

The chinese subs are already out. Chinese fans, please come and tell us what JH said to SY.

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I have exams coming up soon but I will be active once again after the 26th.

Back to this ep.

From 22:56

Direct translations based on the Chinese subs.
How was it, did you two talk a lot?
Do you have anything you're curious and wanna know about him?
What kind of girl does he like?
He is a bit, bit.. He doesn't like girl who's bold or expressive, he likes those who's quiet and exquisite but I think you two are a good match.
Oppa is very considerate I think you two suit each other.You should know he talks a lot
That's what I think.
He talk's a lot and he loves chatting.

Sorry for my poor english.


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32 minutes ago, athoughtcloud1 said:


Just point to herself and say 'His ideal type is like this - from head to toe'. LOL Think she said he likes quieter girls than the louder ones. 

The chinese subs are already out. Chinese fans, please come and tell us what JH said to SY.

and then she start singing and dancing "Hot Issues" :blush:

damn, i will miss her dances.............

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Guest athoughtcloud1
10 hours ago, myrunningman1 said:


We also have to remember that ep 82 was the one and only time JK was late for filming, which is very very unlike him. And with his 'lateness' he avoided all the sappy talk before that. And LKS was absolutely terrified to be on his team and just them. It was not his usual "I dont want to be on the same team with the Commander" look, but really a "I dont know what to say or do" expression.



Yup, it was quite uncharacteristic of JK to come late for that particular shoot when he hadn't done anything like that for the last two years. Also, the mood on the set changes once he comes where until then the members were trying to act more carefree. While JK and LKS do the whole 'tiger-giraffe' couple, I think it was also the right equation to cover up the awkwardness. For instance, their eerily quiet car ride seems like a case of LKS letting JK do his brooding alone (perhaps too worried about JK to even remember to change the gear) rather than it being a case of LKS being so scared of JK that he didn't dare to talk to him. JK who might not have been in a mood to chat that day may have had an easier time being with LKS who would act like he was too scared to talk to JK. There are also specific instances I remember the poster mentioning like that time Haha has to prod LKS to rebel against JK when JK fails at the shuttlecock game. LKS is someone who usually doesn't need any such prodding, but that time, seems like LKS was too caught up with JK's moodswings to be fully in his variety character. The really interesting point for me is when Gary and Haha's team leave after finishing their mission. JS-JH-JSJ team is alone with JK-KS team. I have never seen LKS silently practising on his own with JK since he is the kind who loves interrupting the other team when they are doing their mission. So, I think KS was also for certain sections of that episode out of his variety character and I think it had to do with JK being in really low spirits.

Thank you @chelseafjl8 for the quick translation. Best of luck for your exams!

Another translation from spartace_korean_fan for JH's conversation: "Oppa doesn't like wild style woman, he likes modest and tidy style. You look like that. He is really kind, but he talks a lot".

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I like that girl a lot. She's soft, pretty, very girl friend material. It's very sweet to do this for JK. He hasnt got an episode for him. Even though it's fliming but the editting quite smooth. Im happy for him to be soften, be himself for a bit. He normally has to act tough on RM, be strong, be mean. It's not that I wish something happen to them but JK is a very nice guy, he put everyone before him, im happy if he has his own happiness. 

Very good episode for me. I laugh at the akwardness but there isnt anything cheesy at all. It's true that all member wants JK in relationship/get married. Hes been working for a really long time. 

I didnt like the first challenge with the van, its hard for him but its good that she starts in the van with others member so it wouldbe be so akward at first.

I really have no idea what they gonna do for the other 4 members.

for sub you can watch kshow123

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2015 is the year that the production team tried to pretend that spartace were strangers. There are still moments, of course, but the moments are more subtle than they used to be. However, this year has also produced some of my favorite spartace episodes, starting with ep 230…


Ep 230 – The theme of this episode is what high school girls think is worst about having a crush. To start with the obvious moments, KJK and SJH stand next to each other in the opening. She holds onto him while she fixes her shoe (again, KJK is the only guy I have seen her do this with). In the car, when discussing the topic of the day, SJH lists off things women like when men do, and KJK says that he does all those things. SJH places her hand on his arm and agrees. Then YJS says that KJK is always wagging his tail in front of women, and SJH tells KJK to “stop confusing them/us” (I’ve seen various translations). When they meet up with the other team, SJH announces that the RM team has had three year crushes (even though that was only KJK). When they are playing the water mat game, SJH looks anxious when KJK is going first; it is only after KJK pushes his opponent in the water that SJH is happy. Then, when KG is going first, KJK taps SJH on the arm when they are laughing. After the RM team wins the first game, they are rewarded with asking high schools girls questions. Again, the topic is about crushes. KJK and SJH keep glancing in one another’s direction throughout the conversation, and then at the end of the interview, KJK and SJH both look over at each other and smile. After the second interview with women in their thirties, SJH seems to be feeling tired or have a headache. KJK notices this and moves towards her, but you can see YJS stopping KJK from going to SJH in front of the cameras. Before the relay game starts, KJK’s opponent is talking to KJK about a story SJH told him (where SJH told KJK to run slow, and then KJK ended up way ahead). But hmm SJH telling stories about KJK to people. After JSJ wins the relay game for the RM team, KJK and SJH hug in celebration. 


Ep 231 – There’s a moment when KJK calls out SJH’s name, but we never see the interaction.


Ep 232 – KJK and his partner (HKM) end up in the same place as SJH and her partner (KJS) for the first game. KJK and HKM figure out the solution first, so SJH and KJS come upstairs. HKM doesn’t want to give the women any hints, but SJH asks KJK and, of course, he caves and gives her a hint. Also, does anyone find it interesting that when KJK gets a chance to move the bags, he moves it so that SJH’s team gets the winning one? 


Ep 233 – KJK and SJH are on the same team with two idols. However, before you get excited that they’re on the same team, there is almost no interaction between them. I know there’s a bts picture of them eating together, but in terms of screen time, they get almost none together.


Ep 235 – KJK’s team and SJH’s team have stations next to each other during the cooking. There's a couple times in the background that you can see KJK wandering over to SJH’s station to talk to her. It also looks like they might have swapped some ingredients for their dishes.


I think it’s around this time that KJK and SJH were discovered to have taken the same plane to NY. KJK attended the dramafever awards show and SJH had a photoshoot. A fan account says he talked to KJK at the award show, and KJK said SJH was in NY too but stayed in her hotel. After their work was done, SJH ended up unaccounted for in the USA for a few days while KJK was in LA and Vegas.


Ep 236 – In the opening, KJK teases SJH for being a serious MC. When they are deciding what cars to go in, SJH wants to ride with the RM members, but they tell her there’s no room. KJK is the one who has to shut the van door, and there’s a very weird atmosphere between them. His “bye” is cute. (Honestly, I just think the RM men wanted to make sure SJH rode with the guests. She rides with RM to the final location.) During the mud wrestling games, when KJK is lifted by his four opponents, SJH shouts “Andwae!” (biased much?) And then when KJK and the two idols are resting during their match, SJH pours water over KJK’s face (you can tell by the black fingernails that it’s her).


Ep 237 – In the opening, KJK reacts to SJH complaining about being underappreciated. I think SJH laughs loudly when KJK tells YJS that he’s dirty dancing, and then when KJK finds out his partner, SJH calls him a “Nagging father-in-law”. Then, when KJK and his partner arrive at the next location, SJH immediately starts asking if KJK was nagging (jealous, SJH?) During the dance section before the pop-up pirate game, KJK moves to stand next to SJH when watching Ye Rim dance, and he makes a face at her, sharing the moment with SJH rather than his partner. Also, during the pop-up pirate game, the winner gets to choose their next opponent. So after KJK won, his team had two choices as to who to play next. Notice KJK does not pick SJH’s team, therefore ensuring SJH either first or second, and giving SJH less of a chance of getting thrown in the water. And then when entering the last location, SJH moves HH so that they’re standing next to KJK’s team.


Ep 238 – This is another episode where SJH seems to be jealous and makes comments about how KJK should date/marry his love line partner. Also, SJH and KJK end up both hiding on the roof during the last game without knowing the other is there.


Ep 239 – Now it’s KJK’s turn to get jealous. During the balloon popping game, SJH hesitates who she should go towards when the choice is between KJK and KG, and when she has to pick KG, KJK turns away. And then when SJH picks her key, YJS first says that he hopes SJH gets KJK’s number and then he starts teasing KJK that KJK saw the key even though there’s no possible way he could. During the game, KJK gets annoyed when SJH protects the male guest.


Ep 240 – Just a cute editing thing, but when KJK has to remember the name of a traditional Vietnamese outfit, the production team chose a picture of SJH wearing said outfit. During the karaoke, SJH is very entertained by the KJK and HH duo, and then she passes KJK her water after he finishes singing. After the members rip off one of the opponent’s nametags, SJH has her hand links around KJK’s arm.


Ep 241 – During the opening, when KJK’s partner is revealed, JSJ jokes that KJK should find his lifetime partner through RM and SJH laughs. Thankfully, his partner rejects a love line. The female guests might have known KJK and SJH are dating (since they had time to talk before filming began), since SJH seems much more teasing about the love line in this ep than she had previously. During the kiss cam game, KJK keeps blocking SJH and HH (KJK actually only got a kiss from his partner once throughout the whole game and then spent the rest of the time blocking SJH and HH). YJS even teases KJK about it, saying that someone went to a person who wasn’t their partner and then turns to point first at KJK and then at SJH. The guest (who might know spartace are a thing) even asks if it was SJH though she denies it.


Ep 242 – During the wolf game, it is SJH's teasing that gets KJK to agree to be the wolf. Then, when SJH talks about making noises to deceive the wolf, KJK laughs since he can hear her and she's cute. When KJK runs onto the land and lies down, SJH checks on him by touching his knee before she checks on her own teammate. During the water gun game, KJK is annoyed at his teammate for surrendering to SJH. Other than this, there isn’t much interaction shown between them. However, there is a video from KJK’s fashion show where SJH was used to spy on KJK. In that video, she casually goes up and links her arm with his and no one finds it suspicious.


Ep 243 – During the choosing of the teams in the beginning, SJH clearly does not want KJK to get kicked out of the car she’s in. Later on, when KJK is being held in the car by LKS and YJS, SJH does not want to abandon KJK despite time running out and HH trying to pull her over the line.


Ep 244 – In the opening, KJK acts hesitant about his partner and SJH tells him that it’s okay to look forward to meeting his partner. During the guessing game, KJK smiles at SJH while watching her about to start playing. And then when LKS says “I want to have you” as a guess, he feels that he has to apologize and explain himself to KJK as well as SJH.


Ep 245 – During the dodgeball game, KJK tells SJH to move so he can oust LKS instead of her.


Ep 246 – After he finishes the hurdle game, KJK watches SJH do the hurdles with the smile. Throughout the entire game, KJK suspects SJH of being one of the quick-witted detectives (he says so in the car after the second game), but the moment the time to oust the quick-witted detectives comes, KJK doesn’t even go near her. Also, YJS calls SJH an "arctic fox" (so perhaps reference to tiger/fox wedding day).


Ep 247 – In elevator, KJK holds onto SJH’s arm briefly to make sure she’s steady. In LKS’s apartment, KJK and SJH are the only two to eat jjamppong, and then in the car, SJH holds KJK’s jacket across her lap. They walk around together for most of the Find the Guest Mission.


Ep 248 – KJK is sitting on top of SJH in the car. A strange position and one that shows that there are times when only he’s allowed to be close to her in that way. The rest of the RM members comment on the position, asking why SJH is on the bottom (possibly so she's not squished with the other men). SJH is also very touchy of him, placing her hand on his chest. After SJH crosses the Han River, KJK comes and heads straight to her; however, the scene where he actually reaches her gets edited out, and we only see them standing next to each other in the next scene.


Ep 249 – SJH picks the noodles that will pair her up with KJK, whether that choice was so she could hang out with KJK or eat delicious noodles, I don’t know. They are, however, one of the happiest duos. When the yarrive at the location, they take a selfie together, SJH practically skips up the steps, and she acts cute throughout their scenes together. And then, when they meet up with the rest of the cast, they speak the name of the place together and sit next to each other. During the belly fight, KJK finds SJH and LKS’s fight so funny that he cries. When SJH falls over, KJK quickly checks to make sure she’s okay and then he helps take off her elbow pads like a good boyfriend. When SJH is doing the pickled radish game, KJK is standing beside her, smiling. During the last game of KJK vs JSJ, SJH notices immediately when KJK figures out the correct answer.


Ep 250 – SJH bites KJK when he’s blocking the clock during the first game. And then, during the water game, SJH has no problem hugging and wrapping herself around KJK even though he’s not wearing any pants. When she does separate from him, her hand lingers on him.


Ep 251 – This is another one of my favorite episodes. After KJK and YJS are partnered, YJS sort of nudges KJK to the side so KJK doesn’t stand next to SJH. When SJK visits in the opening, he hugs KJK and SJH together. During the car ride there, YJS talks about how KJK is the jealous type (hmm…how would YJS know that?). And then, we have the infamous “you’re secretly bragging” scene which has been discussed enough that I don’t have to go in detail. All I’ll say is that SJH secretly brags about how capable KJK is, and the rest of the cast finds it funny. During the airplane game, KJK is clearly rooting for HH and finds any insult to MC hilarious, but KJK keeps glancing over his shoulder to check on SJH. After KJK loses his rosary, when they are standing in front of the PDs again, SJH checks KJK’s wrist. And we have the infamous bingo game, where a lot of KJK and SJH’s answers match (home, river, car, mountain, restaurant) and KJK has answers like Thailand and USA (places he’s been with SJH). When KJK is about to read one of his answers, LKS asks if it’s his house (it is long speculated among spartace fans that KJK and SJH will sometimes date at LKS’s house). And when KJK comments about dating in Turbo’s practice room (this is the year that Turbo was revived), KJK looks down at SJH with a smile. Also, when SJH is giving her answers about gifts she doesn’t like, KJK has something to say about each one. KJK looks very uncomfortable when he has to join in YJS singing to SJH, and YJS elbows KJK at the word “pretty” (The name of a KJK song which many spartace fans think was written about SJH and was recorded at her agency). And then when SJH says women don’t like getting flowers, KJK says that they like getting them in front of their friends. After they both win the bingo game, KJK and SJH stand next to each other, SJH separate from KG, until the end of the game when SJH suddenly remembers who her partner is.


Ep 252 – After SJH wins the open book game, KJK massages her neck. During the last game, KJK and SJH consult each other frequently without regard to the others.


Ep 253 – After failing to do the splits, SJH gets angry at “Kim Jong Kook-sshi” even though HH has had far more to say about her elimination. To calm her down, KJK ends up holding her hand as they walk off, and in the next shot, you can see that they’re still next to each other (possibly still holding hands) as they walk to the next location.


Around this time is when the 2015 Hong Kong fanmeet occurred. It was during this fanmeet that KJK gave SJH a hug and she hugged him back while waving to fans.


Ep 255 – KJK compliments SJH when it’s time to reveal JSJ’s partner. It’s part teasing, but we all know KJK just likes complimenting SJH. When YJS doesn’t want to go in a car with KJK, the team he goes to talk to is SJH’s. During the bowl game, SJH seems kind of out of it, but whenever KJK dances near her, she becomes more lively. She also watches when KJK is being hugged by Lee Guk Joo. During the last game, KJK and SJH go on the water slide with YJS. It may just be my shipper eyes, but SJH seems much more lively with KJK, smiling and laughing, than she was with KG.


Ep 256 – In the beginning, KJK has to announce SJH’s arrival (I'm used to SJH giving frequent KJK updates but now KJK is doing it too). KJK helps support the seesaw when SJH is sitting on it so she doesn’t fall. SJH bites KJK’s calf during the game.


Ep 257 – We get a brief glimpse of spartace running into each other, and then the scene changes.


Ep 258 – One of the guests (HJM) has worked with SJH before and is one of her favorite actors. He’s also guested on RM, so I suspect he’s friends with SJH (and KJK based on this episode). When he joins the cast in front of the cameras, HJM goes to stand with KJK and SJH. When given the choice as to what car to ride in, KJK and SJH pick the same car. During the first game, the car chase, SJH and KJK win together (but it’s cut), they then spend most of the time standing on the sidelines next to each other. During the police tape game, KJK jokes that one of the guests will have a hard time fitting through, and SJH pats KJK’s back when reminding him that he has the same problem. KJK then asks if they’ll go in pairs, and then follows SJH around to the back of the police tape. There are a few times after the race, you can see KJK and SJH talking to one another. One of the times, KJK and SJH go through on the same side. During the third game, KJK and SJH are chosen to compete in who can make it through the convenience store. Except SJH and KJK have no idea how to compete anymore. They consult with each other and run together when leaving the car. They hide together in such a strange way that HJM asks “What is KJK doing?” and the staff has to give the photo a “we’re just friends” caption. KJK and SJH giggle throughout the entire scene, holding onto to each other and laughing. There’ some debate as to whether KJK calls her “jagiya” ("honey") in this scene. Personally, I don’t think so, but that’s what you have to decide for yourself. When SJH is leaving the store, she tells KJK to hurry up, even though they’re supposed to be competing. They then sit together to watch the other members and guest compete, and eventually, HJM comes to sit between them. During the last game, KJK is cornered but no one approaches him until SJH comes, and the two of them are smiling throughout the exchange.


Ep 259 – KJK’s adorable reaction to SJH’s dress.


Ep 260 – When KJK is singing on stage in the opening, there’s one point where he’s singing to SJH who is dancing in the audience.


Ep 261 – During the celebration halfway through the episode, KJK calls SJH over to feed her fried squid. After giving KG the heart for a scripted MC scene, SJH immediately turns back to KJK to talk about food. They go on the carousel together. When the haunted school is explained to them, KJK and SJH have fun scaring the other members. After the first pair leaves, KJK and SJH sit separate from the others for awhile.


Ep 263 – In the car, KJK is surprised to hear how SJH got cast for the first time, and the other RM members are surprised that he didn’t know this – because for some reason, KJK should know this type of thing (hmm…)


Around this time was the 2015 Shanghai fanmeet. SJH picked up a spartace banner during this fanmeet.


Ep 266 – KJK is not into having a love line with HJY, and HH seems to notice SJH isn’t thrilled in the opening. SJH decides to eat alone with KG only after KJK is going with HJY. On the beach, SJH tries to put a feather in KJK’s hat but it flies away, and then KJK is later seen holding said feather. At the end, KJK is looking out for SJH while she is picking up the boxes.


Around this time was the 2015 Chongqing fanmeet.


Ep 267 – At the end, which is an emotional moment for all of them, SJH moves around all the other members to hug and be with KJK. And then when SJH is tearing up at the end, JSJ needs to point this out to KJK of all people.


Ep 268 – KJK and his partner hang out with SJH and LKS in the elevator during the final game.


Ep 270 – SJH taps KJK on the shoulder before KJK pushes LKS into one of the rooms. This is also the episode where HH took the promotional picture for his wife’s new song with KJK and SJH together and a randomly placed shoe.


Around this time is when spartace is talked about on Escape Crisis.


Ep 272 – SJH looks very concerned (she even gulps) when KJK has his one-on-one battle with a wrestler.


Around this time is the 2015 Beijing fanmeet.


Ep 273 – SJH tells KJK that there’s a lot of people outside.


Around this time is the 2015 Shenzhen fanmeet.


Ep 275 – In the beginning, KJK coaches SJH on how to throw a straw, and she laughs rather than get angry about his nagging. But when KJK celebrates that the female guest will be on his team instead of SJH, she hits him.


Around this time is the 2015 Nanjing fanmmet.


Ep 276 – When the two teams are driving to a spot on the Han River, KJK tells his team he knows where it is because “we rode bikes there”, and SJH tells her team she knows where it is because she went on a date there (it's also said on another show that SJH likes riding bikes along the Han River). Hmm…


Ep 278 – SJH does not look happy at the mention of YEH during the “Of Course” game. KJK looks uncomfortable when BI is singing to SJH, and SJH seems hesitant to react to BI initially and keeps glancing in what I think is KJK’s direction. This is also when RM IG posted a couple BTS pictures of spartace holding each other.


Ep 279 – KJK refuses to answer if he likes any of the women present during the couple section. SJH claps along happily to KJK’s song. During the fortune-telling segment, SJH says that she’s the best for KJK; however, we don’t actually get to see their score during the tarot card readings. KJK chooses to be partnered with KG anyway.


Around this time is the 2015 Wuhan fanmeet. This is first time KJK and SJH took a selfie together during a fanmeet, but we never got to see the picture.


Ep 280 – KJK, SJH, and KG are all on a team for awhile. No big spartace moments, and KJK seems very reluctant to be on a team with SJH and KG together. Make of that what you will. KJK and SJH sit next to each other during the charades portion. And then during the nametag game, KJK finds out he has to rip off SJH’s nametag. He is very reluctant, “SJH is the hardest target”, and according to the captions, women are his weakness (even though SJH has never been included in that category for him on RM). Also, SJH and KJK both seem happy that each other doesn’t have to face the final punishment.


Ep 281 – When KJK is eating raw ramen, SJH seems to lean over to him wanting to be fed, but we never see what happens because the scene is cut. When KJK figures out where JSJ's deed is hidden, SJH seems impressed and YJS subtly teases her about it. KJK seems hurt later in the episode, and SJH helps him carry a piece of land.


Like I said, 2015 is the year that the production team kept editing out spartace. This was the year where other RM fans started saying that KJK and SJH weren't close at all because there was so little interaction between them on screen and during the fanmeets. But this is also the year where we got spartace mentioned on Escape Crisis and HH and SBS IG's posting bts pictures of spartace acting very close. 

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Guest ktiminie

Hi chingus, long time no post... I've been in lurking mode since the news of RM ending. I was too affected, sorry.

I agree today's episode isn't bad in terms of pacing, editing and I swear I enjoy every members interactions but gosh, as a SpartAcer, the whole JK dating concept hurts :(. There were plenty other ways to give Kookie a proper farewell episode.

I've not finished watching it with sub yet but had to make pause to share those screencaps:




When back to the table, how sweet JK asked right away what JH said to the girl :wub:

Spartace_Hearts.gif.59725fbbddd3812e1ad7 By the way I wish everyone here an happy new year, full of joy and happiness  Spartace_Hearts.gif.59725fbbddd3812e1ad7

Edit: why the pictures are not showing??? :wacko: It has been a few days I have trouble to post photos on soompi, sorry guys!!

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Guest athoughtcloud1

For me, this episode was like the Q&A episode, something which was really awkward and had the members having to act quite a lot which at times came through as exaggerated. But by the end of the episode, I started getting the feeling that this is a bitter pill kind of an episode - it has to be done for certain things to move along. I am not saying there weren't segments I enjoyed and it certainly had narrative flow, but overall this had the quality of similar RM episodes in the past where there is a specific agenda and the members have to at times go out of their comfort zones to fulfil that. The only difference with the Q&A episode is that while it ended with the end of MC, this one, for now, is open-ended. Think JK would have been more than happy if it ended with the girl rejecting him, but then that can't happen coz the mission is about JK having a successful blind date and she can't reject him like that on a televised show. What it has accomplished meanwhile is telling the viewers that JK is single, not dating JH and is not into Yoon Eun Hye. He is also seriously looking for someone to date so that he can settle down. It also showcased what kind of a man he is and what kind of a partner he would settle for.

Episodes like these actually prove to me that one of the central issues RM has grappled with is spartace relationship while MC was the official loveline. Otherwise why devote really weird episodes to members' personal lives, especially their dating lives? Why are JH's and JK's dates such televised affairs? That this has to be part of broadcast shows this is an issue that needs some kind of resolution through the RM narrative itself. It is a hole the production team has been digging for years and so the filling in can sometimes come through as really awkward. For an episode which was all about trying to get JK married off, it ended quite interestingly where the members asked JK and SY to keep in touch and see where it went. Where it goes is now up to JK!

Coming to the episode, if the captions weren't this cringe-worthy half the time, the impact may have been greater. I don't need to be told what JK and the girl are feeling each step of the way. Also, while the members tried their best to keep things believable with all the banter, some of them acted pretty exaggerated at times which sometimes made me cringe. There was this really silly side to the members deciding everything for JK which came off as childish (he is a grown man, you don't really have to act like he can't move without you), but some of that was also really funny. I laughed when JSJ went 'I will open the bottle if I like the girl' and JK was like 'who cares what you think?' and JS promised JK that he would throw the water at SJ if he acted silly. And then that bit about the members worrying if KS would fall for the girl had me in splits. So the cast banter at times was really funny. Also, JK's conversations with SY came off intentionally or unintentionally funny like his advice on the right food to have and the stories about his family. JK does tend to talk a lot when he is nervous and even JH got impatient with him for not letting the girl put in a word. Other than some hidden plans, it was also meant to showcase JK's softer side. It didn't deviate much from what we have heard of him and seen of him on other shows. By this time, I think everybody knows almost all the things he wants us to know - like his affection for his mom, his thrifty dad etc. To some RM fans who haven't watched JK on other shows, this may be news, but I think most people already know much of this. Still I enjoyed that part where he talked about his mom -  he always sounds sincere when he talks about her. The other part where he sounded really sincere was when he said that if he loves someone, he will consider her the most beautiful woman he knows (ahem... easy for you to say coz you have a really gorgeous woman beside you). But I got the point that once he is into somebody, he won't stray even if a more attractive woman comes along. The other thing I liked was when he told his date that while it was good to be romantic, one should also be comfortable. That was to showcase I guess his chivalrous side since he covered the girl with his blanket and hers, but it is also true to his style where he is quite practical about these things than put on a romantic act. Also when JK does it, it comes through as natural maybe coz he is a considerate guy in real life when it comes to the women around him.

In the car with SY, JK was talking about some men in his acquaintance who are the type to change the way their women dress. Got the feeling he meant he wasn't one of that type, but hmm... the jury is still out on that. Seriously though while JK is pretty careful handing JH blankets to cover her legs when she is wearing short dresses, she continues to wear whatever she likes especially at events. So perhaps JK is 70% not that type of guy?

The kind of girl JK wants is somebody who is into sports so that they have common interests and hence can understand his vision of life and somebody who would understand his bond with his mom since he tends to travel with her a lot (this he felt was something most potential partners won't understand). JH said he likes modest and petite girls and that he tends to talk a lot. He was asking that girl quite a number of times what JH had told her to ask him. The YEH question was met with 'while people ask me about the celeb who is my ideal type, I tell she is the closest to my ideal  type, but she doesn't have anything to do with my romantic life'. JK being the kind of guy he is - picky with his food habits, obsession with gym and a strong bond with his mom, it would be quite natural if the blind date doesn't go anywhere. There is also a significant age gap between them, so I think there are many reasons why people would think they didn't pursue it further beyond the obvious - that it is a televised blind date where both know what to say and where to take it before parting ways offcam. For me, the date also had specific pointers to where it may not work between them. The most scripted part which took even JK by surprise at how cliched it sounded was when the girl said her favourite songs are the two songs everybody associates with JK - Han Namja and Last Love. May be they could have made that seem less scripted! LOL

JH commenting 'you are blushing' when JK came dressed up for his date reminded me of JK commenting 'she is getting ready to flirt' when he saw her putting on makeup for the MC date. It was so cute to hear JH agreeing with others that JK was looking really handsome. You don't get to hear that often! LOL

I would say - take this episode for what it is. It is obviously not a tribute to JK's role on the show as the Commander and has really silly missions, but it is meant to move along the one thing that seems pretty important for JK - his marriage plans.

All in all, be ready to cringe a bit, but it is not that bad - you will get to see a softer side of JK and there are fun cast interactions in between. I suppose the production team wanted the special to show JK the man, beyond his commander image, so I can understand why JK went along with it despite things being slightly awkward. While JH wasn't as active as some of the other members, she also pitched in with her comments and was taking it cool. Spartacers, have faith. I believe that though things look contrary on the surface, this is going somewhere.

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10 hours ago, athoughtcloud1 said:


The one thing I was really happy about - getting to hear JK sing. Poor JH was happily listening along when YJS, the usual interrupter of JK's songs, had to give his comments. 

Here JH is nodding her head listening to the song and laughing at the guys.



The only thing that came to my mind when I saw the clips was - how cold was it? I see JK and SY's noses absolutely red - must have been tough for them to be out on the deck in this weather

7 hours ago, athoughtcloud1 said:


Another translation from spartace_korean_fan for JH's conversation: "Oppa doesn't like wild style woman, he likes modest and tidy style. You look like that. He is really kind, but he talks a lot".


I took a quick look at the Chinese subs, and this translation is essentially what it was. I've been seeing people say how tough it must have been for JH to have to to say this or endure the episode, but I say JK has endured worse in 7 years of MC. At least this was pretty much a one-off

2 hours ago, athoughtcloud1 said:

For me, this episode was like the Q&A episode, something which was really awkward and had the members having to act quite a lot which at times came through as exaggerated. But by the end of the episode, I started getting the feeling that this is a bitter pill kind of an episode - it has to be done for certain things to move along. I am not saying there weren't segments I enjoyed and it certainly had narrative flow, but overall this had the quality of similar RM episodes in the past where there is a specific agenda and the members have to at times go out of their comfort zones to fulfil that. The only difference with the Q&A episode is that while it ended with the end of MC, this one, for now, is open-ended. Think JK would have been more than happy if it ended with the girl rejecting him, but then that can't happen coz the mission is about JK having a successful blind date and she can't reject him like that on a televised show. What it has accomplished meanwhile is telling the viewers that JK is single, not dating JH and is not into Yoon Eun Hye. He is also seriously looking for someone to date so that he can settle down. It also showcased what kind of a man he is and what kind of a partner he would settle for.

Episodes like these actually prove to me that one of the central issues RM has grappled with is spartace relationship while MC was the official loveline. Otherwise why devote really weird episodes to members' personal lives, especially their dating lives? Why are JH's and JK's dates such televised affairs? That this has to be part of broadcast shows this is an issue that needs some kind of resolution through the RM narrative itself. It is a hole the production team has been digging for years and so the filling in can sometimes come through as really awkward. For an episode which was all about trying to get JK married off, it ended quite interestingly where the members asked JK and SY to keep in touch and see where it went. Where it goes is now up to JK!

Coming to the episode, if the captions weren't this cringe-worthy half the time, the impact may have been greater. I don't need to be told what JK and the girl are feeling each step of the way. Also, while the members tried their best to keep things believable with all the banter, some of them acted pretty exaggerated at times which sometimes made me cringe. There was this really silly side to the members deciding everything for JK which came off as childish (he is a grown man, you don't really have to act like he can't move without you), but some of that was also really funny. I laughed when JSJ went 'I will open the bottle if I like the girl' and JK was like 'who cares what you think?' and JS promised JK that he would throw the water at SJ if he acted silly. And then that bit about the members worrying if KS would fall for the girl had me in splits. So the cast banter at times was really funny. Also, JK's conversations with SY came off intentionally or unintentionally funny like his advice on the right food to have and the stories about his family. JK does tend to talk a lot when he is nervous and even JH got impatient with him for not letting the girl put in a word. Other than some hidden plans, it was also meant to showcase JK's softer side. It didn't deviate much from what we have heard of him and seen of him on other shows. By this time, I think everybody knows almost all the things he wants us to know - like his affection for his mom, his thrifty dad etc. To some RM fans who haven't watched JK on other shows, this may be news, but I think most people already know much of this. Still I enjoyed that part where he talked about his mom -  he always sounds sincere when he talks about her. The other part where he sounded really sincere was when he said that if he loves someone, he will consider her the most beautiful woman he knows (ahem... easy for you to say coz you have a really gorgeous woman beside you). But I got the point that once he is into somebody, he won't stray even if a more attractive woman comes along. The other thing I liked was when he told his date that while it was good to be romantic, one should also be comfortable. That was to showcase I guess his chivalrous side since he covered the girl with his blanket and hers, but it is also true to his style where he is quite practical about these things than put on a romantic act. Also when JK does it, it comes through as natural maybe coz he is a considerate guy in real life when it comes to the women around him.

In the car with SY, JK was talking about some men in his acquaintance who are the type to change the way their women dress. Got the feeling he meant he wasn't one of that type, but hmm... the jury is still out on that. Seriously though while JK is pretty careful handing JH blankets to cover her legs when she is wearing short dresses, she continues to wear whatever she likes especially at events. So perhaps JK is 70% not that type of guy?

The kind of girl JK wants is somebody who is into sports so that they have common interests and hence can understand his vision of life and somebody who would understand his bond with his mom since he tends to travel with her a lot (this he felt was something most potential partners won't understand). JH said he likes modest and petite girls and that he tends to talk a lot. He was asking that girl quite a number of times what JH had told her to ask him. The YEH question was met with 'while people ask me about the celeb who is my ideal type, I tell she is the closest to my ideal  type, but she doesn't have anything to do with my romantic life'. JK being the kind of guy he is - picky with his food habits, obsession with gym and a strong bond with his mom, it would be quite natural if the blind date doesn't go anywhere. There is also a significant age gap between them, so I think there are many reasons why people would think they didn't pursue it further beyond the obvious - that it is a televised blind date where both know what to say and where to take it before parting ways offcam. For me, the date also had specific pointers to where it may not work between them. The most scripted part which took even JK by surprise at how cliched it sounded was when the girl said her favourite songs are the two songs everybody associates with JK - Han Namja and Last Love. May be they could have made that seem less scripted! LOL

JH commenting 'you are blushing' when JK came dressed up for his date reminded me of JK commenting 'she is getting ready to flirt' when he saw her putting on makeup for the MC date. It was so cute to hear JH agreeing with others that JK was looking really handsome. You don't get to hear that often! LOL

I would say - take this episode for what it is. It is obviously not a tribute to JK's role on the show as the Commander and has really silly missions, but it is meant to move along the one thing that seems pretty important for JK - his marriage plans.

All in all, be ready to cringe a bit, but it is not that bad - you will get to see a softer side of JK and there are fun cast interactions in between. I suppose the production team wanted the special to show JK the man, beyond his commander image, so I can understand why JK went along with it despite things being slightly awkward. While JH wasn't as active as some of the other members, she also pitched in with her comments and was taking it cool. Spartacers, have faith. I believe that though things look contrary on the surface, this is going somewhere.


Thank you for the summary of the ep - good enough for me to know enough but not to watch it as I dont intend to. 

Two things - I like the way he cleared up YEH. All along, when people keep telling me that JK keeps saying YEH is his ideal type, I always reply that it is much better for him to just stick to one name that's going to follow him for life rather than throw in another new celeb's name and get himself into all sorts of trouble again, and what he said in this ep pretty much proves it and more. 

When I heard yesterday that SY is 29, ie 11 yeaars younger, I knew this 'date' was going nowhere. When Moon Geun Young came onto the show yeons ago, the cast kept making fun of them since I think JK is a fan, but JK said during the ep that MGY is 11 years younger than him, and is too young for her. What more this lady whom he has only met once? Wasnt going to happen. 

Another thing that came to my mind was the traveling with mom thing. It brings to my mind the time in 2015 when JK and JH were on the same flight to NYC and JK went on route to LA and vegas while JH completed disappeared and was unaccounted for for a few days after her photo shoot. There's a lot of speculation on where exactly JH went. But if we are thinking what we are thinking, then well, JH would have travelled with his mum before 

I wonder though why JK was so interested in what JH had told her?

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12 minutes ago, myrunningman1 said:


The only thing that came to my mind when I saw the clips was - how cold was it? I see JK and SY's noses absolutely red - must have been tough for them to be out on the deck in this weather


I took a quick look at the Chinese subs, and this translation is essentially what it was. I've been seeing people say how tough it must have been for JH to have to to say this or endure the episode, but I say JK has endured worse in 7 years of MC. At least this was pretty much a one-off


Thank you for the summary of the ep - good enough for me to know enough but not to watch it as I dont intend to. 

Two things - I like the way he cleared up YEH. All along, when people keep telling me that JK keeps saying YEH is his ideal type, I always reply that it is much better for him to just stick to one name that's going to follow him for life rather than throw in another new celeb's name and get himself into all sorts of trouble again, and what he said in this ep pretty much proves it and more. 

When I heard yesterday that SY is 29, ie 11 yeaars younger, I knew this 'date' was going nowhere. When Moon Geun Young came onto the show yeons ago, the cast kept making fun of them since I think JK is a fan, but JK said during the ep that MGY is 11 years younger than him, and is too young for her. What more this lady whom he has only met once? Wasnt going to happen. 

I wonder though why JK was so interested in what JH had told her?


He was asking her what Jh told her in a frantic and very eager voice, and i think that kind of took her by surprise because it was his first question when he came back to her

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6 hours ago, linzer03 said:

There you go. This took longer than I intended, but here it is. I'll do 2016 too if y'all are interested.


I will absolutely need the 2016 list, i want to save your list, cause when in the future (when RM is ending :( ) if i want to relive SA moment, i want to make sure i don't miss anything :D

thank you so much for your hardwork @linzer03!


i don't watch the new episode yet, but from all of your discussion, i think i don't have anything to worry about as both JH and JK fan, also as SA fan, but maybe i should rather worry about the execution of this episode as a whole.

ps : so good to see this forum come to life again lol, im having fun reading the arguments. :D

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friends, I would love to share some pieces of my thought

1. How kjk and sjh have acted and faced all of things since their dismissal issue from rm, they choose to stay till rm end despite being hurt, and this eps being so frenzy for us, spartacer. also for anti, but since these all r their work, they kept being professional. This really teach me a lot about how the real world working. Nobody such as my self have no right for being pampered, being spoiled around running from problem, or just crying out loud protesting the world isn't fair enough. Somebody like kjk and sjh who have succeed enough in their work and life still have to surrender to the greater power. This teach me what will I do in the future is not always what I love, may be I would work in some field that I've never imagined, but I've to face it and keep moving on. Lol feeling old

2. I agree with your of posts that many good point from this eps that can help our spartace. Especially clearing about kjk and yeh. Actually if yeh name was popping up in last eps its not something weird. Almost every time kjk in a show her name will be mention, if I am not mistaking even in the latest show of kjk in kbs that got cancelled (talent for sale, 2016) yeh name still mentioned, but later on kjk got a lot of screen with co host kim se jeong (IOI/gugudan) than yeh name did not come surface any more. I also think that kjk decision to use yeh name as his top choice of ideal woman is wise choose, as said in many previous posts, rather getting new problem by using new name as ideal woman, its much safer to stuck with same one old issue. Question of who is kjk ideal woman would never been cease except kjk publically state he is with some now or getting married. 

3. About the girl (sy) rather than commenting about her look what her purpose, I think PDs made a wise decision, she has experience of blind dating with artist before. What I really like is she is not some hysterical fans. She got nice background, nice education and established job (nice income I believe lol). But of course since we shipping spartace here I got some points to make me assured that this blind date going no where.

  • Age difference. 12 years is a wide gape. once in healing camp eps 169 kjk said age is matter for hi. mc asked how about 10 years? kjk said thats to much for him. Because if the girl too young its hard to sympathized and share about the same thing.
  • SY said she doesnt like her prev partner that told her how to dress. Well I remember that kjk last gf or the girl who wanted to be closed with him r giving up because kjk love of working out, and from what I see SY a type of girl who choose to lead, she know what she like and what not. When kjk try to fishing a doll from the machine yjs keep telling take tiger, but sy do not believe it. I imagined they will fight over little thing since kjk and sy have this kind stubbornness.
  • kjk said he will not love some body if that girl do not say love to him first. in this case this woman have to know alot about kjk before she could fall for him. Since she is not celeb its will be hard to imagine the will meet again.except kjk make move to call her for a meeting. Even the last word from pds is, the blind date is succes but kjk not gonna married, its like they implied that this day event was success but not gonna any further follow up. Well if kjk really like her and make a move as a fans we can just wish them happiness.


4. I am my self before this eps aired, kind of feeling pestered for kjk blind date. But we can say this the bright side that the current PDs r not so great (just opinion) there is no such romantic vibe that I got. I imagined if wgm PDs taking charge of this episode the lovey dovey air somehow would thicker and Im getting picced off more lol. Well we've seen much romantic from kjk when moon geun young come, kjk got kissed on his check in some photo game and "lip" kissed when papero game. Kjk act much more shy in the eps of Soo ae, and if u watch talent for sale kjk had weeding with kim se jeong, even have a romantic photoshot. So after this eps I reassured my self that spartace ship have been overcome much bigger wave than this lol

5. An unusual moment of spartace for me is: 

13 hours ago, hr12_stv said:

Uri JH seems to know a lot about the kind of woman that JK likes hehe she must have first-hand experience regarding the matter lol

yep when I saw jh sit across sy, and then background music come along, I laughed, isnt this my sassy girl scene. Yup and I believe by Shin Seung Hun make believe that spartace in the end of all of this will get one, like what happen in the movie, after this scene their relationship face some trouble, they even break up for a while, but in the end destiny make them meet each other again (lol gotta rewatch this movie again). This moment is not the usual skinship but as stated by others in prev posts its kind of show how good sjh know about kjk, and this moment is so nice.

6. I hate that they have to input some talk between member when kjk sang last love, the could comment about after he was done. what I really hope pds would maximize the remaining eps. I dunno but its sad that rm will end and the ending is just so so.

 huft so long, I should have more homework like i write this

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Guest athoughtcloud1


Naver - news 1: 'Running Man', Kim Jong Kook succeeds at blind date, will the tiger get married this year?
1. [+2,634, -78] Even if it's not with her, I hope he marries a good person this year ~!!^^ Fighting!!
2. [+1,528, -81] Congrats Jong Kook hyung ㅋㅋ
3. [+1,391, -80] I hope he takes this opportunity to get married!!! Kim Jong Kook fighting~ 
4. [+1,223, -93] I hope things will work out for him and he can get married~ 
5. [+280, -16] I love Kim Jong Kook's rendition of Last Love 
6. [+255, -15] I really like the way Jong Kook hyung sings. And Kwangsoo's nickname 'Swipsappa' is too funny (tn: person who falls in love easily) ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ
7. [+281, -27] Blind dates done for the purpose of broadcast have never been great but today was so much funㅋㅋㅋㅋIt seemed like they find each other likeable and the members weren't too silly. I smiled the whole time 
8. [+193, -10] Jong Kook's voice is honey ㅜㅜ❤❤
9. [+182, -3] Jong Kook's such a good singer 
cre: kkul-jaem.blogspot.in
Amen to the first comment. From the netizen response, seems like there are many who don't expect this to end in marriage. They are aware it is a televised blind date, but found the date entertaining to watch. I was worried about the netizen response to this, so quite relieved about it. Also, the ratings increased by 1.3% to 8% which I read is the highest RM rating since last May.  One fan had once analysed here on soompi that JK's lovelines do usually do well ratingswise. Seems like there is some truth to it. It is also great that a JK special could get RM its highest rating in a long while since he was one of the two members SBS RM ex-CP considered dispensable.
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