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[Official] SPARTACE COUPLE KimJongkook-SongJiHyo

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9 hours ago, athoughtcloud1 said:

To me,even if JK and JH leave quietly, industry insiders will know the real story. So it is always a risk in the case of future projects since the production team may think his value is only that much.  I also feel that perhaps JK was okay with being asked to leave, but the way it was done may have angered him. Imagine being told 2 days before that you were being let off and that the farewell episode would be filmed the next Monday. He wasn't given enough time to process his leaving the show

I'm not sure people knows that but JS's program "come to play" was cancelled suddenly as well, they didn't even know they were filming the last ep.


I'm sure he was upset but I think he surely does understand how this industry works, even JS couldn't do anything about it.

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22 minutes ago, bogummish said:

Well, this is korea so imo it will be a "sorry for making you feel worried etc", regardless of who is right or wrong, if they dont express any sort of sentiment to their viewers it will be regarded as rude. And remember they all agreed together to end the show so they have to say something abt that too.

To be frank, this was something they needed do way before the whole controversy. Not the apology. But sit down and discuss. The A/S episode was a good direction, but somehow the intl fans were too spoilt and complained that it was boring without the running and said it was too IC. 

The ones complaining never took into account that the members are all getting older, and nametag ripping is now much harder on their bodies. Especially since guests and the members tend to target JK despite his injuries, since that is the fixed concept.

I feel like RM tended to sweep all their problems under the rug, and now the rug can no longer hide their problems. Instead of solving their problems, which was mostly bad editing and stale format, they chose to fire their 2 most popular members.

It's sad that the members have to clean up the mess the higher-ups made. 

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Guest athoughtcloud1
10 minutes ago, chelseafjl8 said:

I'm not sure people knows that but JS's program "come to play" was cancelled suddenly as well, they didn't even know they were filming the last ep.


I'm sure he was upset but I think he surely does understand how this industry works, even JS couldn't do anything about it.

Kind of similar, but different too. JK shot for the last episodes of 'Escape Crisis' and 'TFS' without knowing they were gonna be the last episodes. If RM had a similar fate where they shot the last episode without telling the members, there might have been shock, but not of this kind where just two members were fired without sufficient notice. Here just two people have been singled out to be fired when the other members are allowed to continue into the next season. While X-man and F.O did make JK popular, RM has been the show that has defined JK for the last 7 years, a show which most people would say they identify with him. So to be booted out from that show would mean he is no longer relevant on his most popular show. YJS wasn't dependent on 'Come to Play' alone when it got cancelled and it wasn't his most popular show.

I really hate those meaningless apologies for 'worrying the viewers' as if we are little kids who cannot take anything unpleasant. But I would go along with it as long as the person responsible for this mess has apologized to the two members at least in person. If that hasn't happened and the members whom everybody should feel most sorry for are being made to apologize for causing people distress, then that is utter BS! There is no sincerity there.

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1 hour ago, bogummish said:

I dont think international fans were spoilt. Tbh the episodes were not that good to really bad in some cases. And not because of editing alone but because of lazy writing and guests taking all the space. So i feel all the complaints the international fans expressed before are legit and shouldnt be blamed now just because the show got axed. Also fans never blamed members, the consistently blamed writers and PDs.

Furthermore, you think this is why SBS axed the show? No freaking way. Their chinese cash cow left them dry, they had no money for renting locations etc and the KOREANS didnt tune in to watch (and none of us know why they all abondoned the show, probably they got bored too and had better alternatives in the same timeslot). SBS planned an exclusive chinese grand tour between november and december and they invested in it but lost all their money cause of the chinese ban. Seeing now how international fans still care a little bit (unlike koreans, 5% rating in last episode, they moved on, the show is dead to them) they changed the asia tour to other countries that arent china.

They wanted to cancel the show to conquer koreans back, they did it in a terrible way and faced domestic and international backlash. They saw KJK and SJH were extremely popular overseas (now more than ever), they decided to milk it and change the places of the original fanmeetings. It's a win win for both cause that will solidify KJK and SJH celebrity status as well and other members get to meet new fans and RM ends in a good note. As for the domestic audience, as far as RM is concerned, they've lost them.

And tbh the apology doesnt bother me, it's the korean way. A sign of respect from the members to their viewers of 6yrs. Dont read too much into it.

Of course, this is all just my humble opinion ^^

I feel like I phrased some of my words wrongly. I really didn't mean the whole intl fanbase, but if you had read through some of the comments by a certain fanbase, you would also know that they were extremely spoilt by SBS, and expected SBS to do all their biddings. I mean obviously they were the most active fanbase when RM was popular in China, but it's also obvious SBS listened to them.

I don't think the show ended because of the intl fans, but I do think it did play a part. Like I said, the show had problems, and instead of solving them, they swept it under the rug. 

And obviously the main reason for all this is the hallyu ban. It all comes back to the whole Korea-China ban. The higher-ups obviously wanted to make a change, just that it was handled really poorly. 

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Guest athoughtcloud1

I don't know about the fanmeets. It could be that they had planned for  an Asian tour later in 2017 in November 2016, but the Taiwan FM was to start it all, That would explain why the countries and cities had not been decided in advance. But with the show's cancellation, they might have been in jeopardy. But I also feel both JK and JH want the Asian tour to happen. It was JK's agency which initially mentioned he would be participating in the Asian tour and gave details about the cities under discussion. On the next day, JH's agency confirmed that JH and JK would be participating in the Asian tour and later SBS confirmed from their side without giving any proper details. Regardless of what profits it may bring them or to SBS, I guess the members would want to go on a final tour together. It would also be a way for them to solidify their fanbases.

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Guest athoughtcloud1

I agree with @merada. While I believe JH being fired like that may have fuelled JK's anger, I really don't think that is the only reason. Like she said, RM is a different show. All the members except YJS depend on their i-fanbase to a large extent. While JK's chinese fans are not all RM fans, a sizable chunk of his fanbase loves him for his Sparta image. TFS had simultaneous broadcasts in China coz of JK. So one reason k-shows cast JK is coz they want to use his international appeal. He could hold a RM bros concert in LA coz of his chinese and i-fans who love him for RM. So RM plays a huge role in his international popularity. At the moment, he also doesn't have any other korean shows. So losing RM is a huge deal especially at a time when he doesn't have any other projects lined up. 

He is now in his 40s - it will be hard to find another show that appeals to the i-fans like RM. JK himself confessed in the A/S episode that the reason he stayed on even when he wanted to quit was coz he feared he wouldn't be invited to other shows. Yes, there is slight exaggeration there, but there is also an element of truth. RM was for him the base of his popularity.

JK not responding immediately after getting fired need not be seen as him being initially more accepting of the production team's decision. The cautious man he is, he may have taken one day to figure out if the decision was final as well as see all his options. He may also have wanted to know who would support him if he tells the truth. We know that Myuk PD and Hwanjin PD liked Tiny's posts, shows he must have communicated with them. He may have been mulling his options as to what to do when JH's case fuelled his anger further or made him feel they could use their common cause to fight together. All said and done, JK wouldn't have decided to pick a fight with SBS unless he knew many in the industry would support him - if  a man of his standing getting fired within 2 days' notice from a show that he played a prominent part in was the industry norm, I don't think he would have gone along with it. He knew there was something there that was unfair which the others would also understand. 

But if we can read Tiny as JK's mouthpiece, then I find JK's anger at the production team slightly more than what is his usual style (which he adopted after the controversy surrounding the Asia Super concert). There, I suspect that JH being fired so unceremoniously has led him to go slightly over the edge. We believe she is his ultimate weakness (the reason perhaps LKS wants to body swap with JH or why YJS and JSJ appeal to JH to persuade JK not to go for the eel dish in episode 329) and so seeing her this hurt must have enraged him in a way he has not been for long.  There I agree with the others that JK wouldn't have been so upfront about his rebellion unless he knew it was for someone besides himself, someone he holds quite dear. 

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6 hours ago, pink007 said:

The following article confirms there will be no guest on Sunday, but if I understood correctly, the cast and crew will have to apologize in some way again, which I'm probably going to be frustrated by because they're not the ones at fault.




I understand if the crew wants to apologize, but it's shameless of them to let the cast apologize too when they have done nothing wrong

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Long time no post. I've been away for a week and I was quite shocked to see that the forum is already on its 670+ page. I needed to read back all the posts I missed and men, I didn't expect that the mess is messier and is still not fixed. I just hope it turns out good for our SA. KJK is not an emotional person so I do think that he thought it through before making the decision (if he is involved behind tinys tweets) of standing up against SBS but I guess even the most emotionally stable person breaks down when someone close to him is hurt. As they say even the most powerful person has a weakness.
Hope at the end of the day this uprising (if I may call it) results in something good all throughout.
Anyways, Merry Christmas to everyone. Lets spread the holiday cheer. :) Smiley

Long time no post. I've been away for a week and I was quite shocked to see that the forum is already on its 670+ page. I needed to read back all the posts I missed and men, I didn't expect that the mess is messier and is still not fixed. I just hope it turns out good for our SA. KJK is not an emotional person so I do think that he thought it through before making the decision (if he is involved behind tinys tweets) of standing up against SBS but I guess even the most emotionally stable person breaks down when someone close to him is hurt. As they say even the most powerful person has a weakness.
Hope at the end of the day this uprising (if I may call it) results in something good all throughout.
Anyways, Merry Christmas to everyone. Lets spread the holiday cheer. :) Smiley

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Guest athoughtcloud1
24 minutes ago, hr12_stv said:


The reasons why i think he's the man that deserves our Ace the most....apart from the fact that he constantly takes great care of her and showed her that he will always be there for her till the end of the line....


Aww.. thanks for that article. Loved what Hong Kyung Min said:

“Jong Kook in reality is worse when he’s in love than the figure in his song ‘One Man’, he doesn’t fall in love easily but once he does he gives that woman his all. He’s almost stupid the way he gives it his everything. As afriend he’s such reassuring company no matter where you go.”

I can totally believe it after seeing him with Ji Hyo.

And this:  Seems like "If you are JK's friend, you are his friend for life."

Steven Yoo

*Steven Yoo is despised in Korea for avoiding his military service and has been banned from entering the country*

“After Kim Jong Kook was career was almost ruined by his former CEO from the Turbo days, he had won 1st place for the first time with “One Man”. It was an amazing moment for him but he ignored everything to get on a plane to Steven Yoo’s wedding. The media began and the public began turning against him and everyone around him pleaded with him not to go. All the other celebrities chose not to go in order to avoid the public’s anger, Steven Yoo’s friends who were celebrities gave Kim Jong Kook Steven Yoo’s wedding gift in the form of cash. Kim Jong Kook carried all of that and took on all the criticism alone and flew to Steven Yoo’s wedding. Yoo Jae Suk alone complimented him saying “This is Kim Jong Kook”, after coming back he said one thing to netizens and media attacking him. “Is there something wrong with me going to my friend’s wedding?”.” 

I am glad such articles are coming out about him now. He has done so much, but rarely makes a big deal out of them. 

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14 hours ago, athoughtcloud1 said:

The discussion I followed was this on SA baidu http://tieba.baidu.com/p/4861006821?pn=7


6 hours ago, chelseafjl8 said:


Here's the link: http://tieba.baidu.com/p/4861006821?pn=7

You will have to read the comment sections as well.


Thanks a lot! I do understand the original text so you guys summarised right!

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22 minutes ago, athoughtcloud1 said:


Aww.. thanks for that article. Loved what Hong Kyung Min said:

“Jong Kook in reality is worse when he’s in love than the figure in his song ‘One Man’, he doesn’t fall in love easily but once he does he gives that woman his all. He’s almost stupid the way he gives it his everything. As afriend he’s such reassuring company no matter where you go.”

I can totally believe it after seeing him with Ji Hyo.

And this:  Seems like "If you are JK's friend, you are his friend for life."

Steven Yoo

*Steven Yoo is despised in Korea for avoiding his military service and has been banned from entering the country*

“After Kim Jong Kook was career was almost ruined by his former CEO from the Turbo days, he had won 1st place for the first time with “One Man”. It was an amazing moment for him but he ignored everything to get on a plane to Steven Yoo’s wedding. The media began and the public began turning against him and everyone around him pleaded with him not to go. All the other celebrities chose not to go in order to avoid the public’s anger, Steven Yoo’s friends who were celebrities gave Kim Jong Kook Steven Yoo’s wedding gift in the form of cash. Kim Jong Kook carried all of that and took on all the criticism alone and flew to Steven Yoo’s wedding. Yoo Jae Suk alone complimented him saying “This is Kim Jong Kook”, after coming back he said one thing to netizens and media attacking him. “Is there something wrong with me going to my friend’s wedding?”.” 

I am glad such articles are coming out about him now. He has done so much, but rarely makes a big deal out of them. 

No problem hehe, when I read that Steven Yoo part, my level of respect for him just increased tenfold.

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15 hours ago, bogummish said:

Dong Hwan PD : "It was very popular"

I think he left RM some time ago if im not mistaken

Yes. He was the adorb FD that dresses into different side characters.. seems even he is sad at how RM will end..

Edited by angelangie
Mod Edit: Do not quote images
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