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[Official] SPARTACE COUPLE KimJongkook-SongJiHyo

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@pinsc oooh, well.... this keeps getting embarrassing for them. like i said in an earlier post, back then they knew how to promote movies by doing parodies or really making the guests work for their promo (not just sit around, sing, eat and win while doing nothing).

It's quite telling that IC and 1N2D problems or controversies or even the good things always make it to english websites who cover k-entertainment, because they get a lot of buzz amongst knetz. Literally nothing comes out of RM except that Gary is leaving. Really shows koreans dont care enough to comment and generate a buzz.

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@bogummishyeah. It's sad, they should have heard at the time that they were receiving criticism, it's already late now. And I'm losing more and more the hope in these pds too.
It's so ridiculous this strategy of just calling idols to gain audience ... don't they plan to change? :(

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@pinsc tbh, im not sure they will do anything abt it anytime soon. i started rewatching RM from ep 130 onwards, lots of Spartace (they looked in the infatuation zone back then, soo cute) and the guests were willing to get down and dirty and the games, missions and themes were really fun. Can't believe it's been 3 years already since I spotted Spartace lool, I thought they'd be hitched by now :sweatingbullets:

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Guest athoughtcloud1

While the plagiarism controversy is sad, I am glad it came now. RM's problems are larger and more deep-rooted, but the plagiarism controversy is a manifestation of the root causes - lack of creativity and laziness. I think it is a good time for us to remind the SBS RM team that the i-fans are also fed up with whatever they are dishing out now. If they have given up on their domestic market and are catering more to their i-fans, perhaps our petition can help them wake up a teeny weeny bit.

I am free from next Monday. I don't know how to go about creating a petition, but if some of you are willing to join, may be we can start the process next week. It would be nice if we can have it in three languages - Korean, English and Chinese. Perhaps, our petition won't make much of a difference, but it is at least better than us taking out our frustration here and on other forums. If the cast have their hands tied at the moment because of other factors, may be our push can give them a window of opportunity to intervene. It may also give the production team some motivation in knowing that many still care for the show and want it to improve!

@airplanegirl If they want, they can start a counter-petition. LOL The more, the merrier! :)

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@airplanegirl I couldn't finish reading that, I lost too many brain cells by the first paragraph. How old are these people? 12? Gary is an amazing guy and is most probably one of SJH's bffs same like all the RM cast or Lee Dong Wook or Seulong etc , how is that relevant to KJK (his other bff) or RM's direction and script problems??? I fail to see the connection. I didn't know some of Gary's fans were like this lol

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9 hours ago, athoughtcloud1 said:

While the plagiarism controversy is sad, I am glad it came now. RM's problems are larger and more deep-rooted, but the plagiarism controversy is a manifestation of the root causes - lack of creativity and laziness. I think it is a good time for us to remind the SBS RM team that the i-fans are also fed up with whatever they are dishing out now. If they have given up on their domestic market and are catering more to their i-fans, perhaps our petition can help them wake up a teeny weeny bit.

I am free from next Monday. I don't know how to go about creating a petition, but if some of you are willing to join, may be we can start the process next week. It would be nice if we can have it in three languages - Korean, English and Chinese. Perhaps, our petition won't make much of a difference, but it is at least better than us taking out our frustration here and on other forums. If the cast have their hands tied at the moment because of other factors, may be our push can give them a window of opportunity to intervene. It may also give the production team some motivation in knowing that many still care for the show and want it to improve!

@airplanegirl If they want, they can start a counter-petition. LOL The more, the merrier! :)

I would like to join your petition. All the post on page 620 have so many good points. It is definitely lame that it has become a YJK/LKS/guest show with cameo appearance from "the other four". They may want to sit down and count what percentage of screen time does each member get and reflect upon it. I mean back in the days when the PDs seemed to bully the whole team (one chance episodes) it created bonds between the cast and was one of the things that made me root for them. Now they appear to divide and bully more tan half of the members which leads to disappointment.

I do agree that PDs/writers need to get back to knowing their audience and their target audience. IMO, getting to know who are the running man fans are, what makes them tune in on one hand, and who do you want to attract as a viewer and what is relevant to that particular population  on another and should be the starting point for the writers. I personally enjoyed the educational component some episodes had (especially when cast is acquiring new skills), the interaction with real people (university students, live karaoke), discovering the beautiful landscapes in Korea but mostly candid cast interaction who can make routine actions (like reading a book in a library) funny.

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Guest athoughtcloud1

Spartace GIFs (Hope we get sweet moments like these in the next FM! JK is so distracted seeing JH holding that garland  :wub:)







JH imitating JK's gesture


cre: love丹粉, SA baidu  

Edited by athoughtcloud1
To add one more gif
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My acount wasnt letting me sign in for awhile, otherwise I would have contributed to this conversation more. I'm on board with a petition and I agree we should make this a Running Man issue, not a spartace issue. Make sure people understand that we are approaching this as Running Man fans. And we should perhaps leave out the issue of love lines or at least not mention them specifically (say, for instance, that we want genuine relations between the cast) because love lines can be controversial among RM fans. I think there are things that almost all RM fans can agree on such as equal screen time, more engaging games, etc. and we should focus on those rather than dividing issues like love lines, changing members, etc. And I think giving very specific examples is important as well an emotional appeal. 

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3 hours ago, linzer03 said:

My acount wasnt letting me sign in for awhile, otherwise I would have contributed to this conversation more. I'm on board with a petition and I agree we should make this a Running Man issue, not a spartace issue. Make sure people understand that we are approaching this as Running Man fans. And we should perhaps leave out the issue of love lines or at least not mention them specifically (say, for instance, that we want genuine relations between the cast) because love lines can be controversial among RM fans. I think there are things that almost all RM fans can agree on such as equal screen time, more engaging games, etc. and we should focus on those rather than dividing issues like love lines, changing members, etc. And I think giving very specific examples is important as well an emotional appeal. 


I think there may be a double-edged sword effect by leaving out the part about lovelines since some people against the cause would trace it back to the origins of the discussion here, and would accuse us of wanting a loveline with SA. They may consider "genuine relations" code for what we interpret as whatever is between SA, when that is obviously not the case. Plus, it is a valid issue with Korean fans based on how they view a lot of lovelines these days. On the one hand, some of their reactions are hypocritical, but lovelines (between real people) aren't necessarily seen in a positive light based what I've observed from knetz. I do agree that some fans may be put off by it, but I feel like that could be addressed via a disclosure of some sorts. So I think there should be more discussion as to how we approach and describe that point.

I absolutely agree though that we should give very specific examples. I was thinking of this the other day that maybe, via a group effort (maybe by even asking some fans on other forums, if they're willing), we could come up with examples from episodes exhibiting the issues and episodes that handled those issues in a more efficient way.  

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@pink007 Yeah. I feel like to say "no love lines or no pushing for love lines" would be traced back here and assumed that we're attacking MC fans, but if we leave use the term "genuine interactions" it would be traced back here and assumed we're talking spartace. I think it's best to leave it out entirely. Just say that we want equal screen time and treat the guests like members of the cast. I don't think we should hide that it was started by spartace fans if we invite other groups of fans but be very careful in order wording so no one is like "they're doing this solely for spartace" - which is obviously not what we want. We want equal screen time and we want RM to find its footing again.

Is there a different forum in which we create solely for the purpose of this? And then we can separate this from the spartace fandom early on, and those that just want to talk spartace can remain here and those of us who want to do the petition can talk on that forum and construct it there. I don't know a lot about starting forums on here, so if someone else wants to do that, that'd be great. 

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Guest athoughtcloud1

I also think we should not mention lovelines. Lovelines can be so many - it could be SA, KwangMong or even the lovelines the single members on the team have with the guests. We can't say "don't have lovelines" or have only "this" and not "that". That  would be so hypocritical of us. Let the team develop whatever equations it wants to develop among the cast members or with the guests. It is up to JK and JH to decide whether they want to take part in a loveline with a guest or not. One thing I want though is for the team to accept that the equations between the members have changed over the years - I want them to take that into account while creating their characters. The members shouldn't be forced to stick with whatever the team decided as their characters when the show started. So, in that way, I would want more genuine interactions instead of the members having to play their redundant variety selves on the show. 

I think starting another thread would be good since otherwise we wouldn't be comfortable spazzing about spartace here and if any non-spartacer wants to join in, they would also feel awkward posting their comments. May be once we start a new thread (perhaps on soompi), we can promote it on other forums. But it all depends on how much interest people have for a petition like this - do others want to join in? Anyway, we can start a thread and see. 

Think they have already shot for most of December - perhaps only the shoot for the last week of December is left. I wonder whether they have some new plans for the coming year! 

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Guest ktiminie
23 minutes ago, linzer03 said:

@pink007 Yeah. I feel like to say "no love lines or no pushing for love lines" would be traced back here and assumed that we're attacking MC fans, but if we leave use the term "genuine interactions" it would be traced back here and assumed we're talking spartace. I think it's best to leave it out entirely. Just say that we want equal screen time and treat the guests like members of the cast. I don't think we should hide that it was started by spartace fans if we invite other groups of fans but be very careful in order wording so no one is like "they're doing this solely for spartace" - which is obviously not what we want. We want equal screen time and we want RM to find its footing again.

Is there a different forum in which we create solely for the purpose of this? And then we can separate this from the spartace fandom early on, and those that just want to talk spartace can remain here and those of us who want to do the petition can talk on that forum and construct it there. I don't know a lot about starting forums on here, so if someone else wants to do that, that'd be great. 


6 minutes ago, athoughtcloud1 said:

I also think we should not mention lovelines. Lovelines can be so many - it could be SA, KwangMong or even the lovelines the single members on the team have with the guests. We can't say "don't have lovelines" or have only "this" and not "that". That  would be so hypocritical of us. Let the team develop whatever equations it wants to develop among the cast members or with the guests. It is up to JK and JH to decide whether they want to take part in a loveline with a guest or not. One thing I want though is for the team to accept that the equations between the members have changed over the years - I want them to take that into account while creating their characters. The members shouldn't be forced to stick with whatever the team decided as their characters when the show started. So, in that way, I would want more genuine interactions instead of the members having to play their redundant variety selves on the show. 

I think starting another thread would be good since otherwise we wouldn't be comfortable spazzing about spartace here and if any non-spartacer wants to join in, they would also feel awkward posting their comments. May be once we start a new thread (perhaps on soompi), we can promote it on other forums. But it all depends on how much interest people have for a petition like this - do others want to join in? Anyway, we can start a thread and see. 

Think they have already shot for most of December - perhaps only the shoot for the last week of December is left. I wonder whether they have some new plans for the coming year! 


There is the Soompi Running Man thread here:

Or do you think we should start a new thread, eventually on another forum? Anyway I will be on vacation next week so if I can be any help, let me know :)

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Finally got time to put it up here. I first wrote it in Chinese and posted it on Baidu. Just some random thoughts I had.

If spartace is not real, but JK/JH has got a bf/gf, then they must have got immense trust on them, they can tolerate seeing quite intimate behavior between those two in our eyes, even some other cp fans think it's too much but not purely our delulu. For example in Ep.213" IT'S OKAY THAT CHAEBOL ",

JK was hugging JH tightly on the platform for no reasons since they were not in the same team. He wasn't trying to win the race or help his partner.


Or the hug that he gave her in Ep.301 which we all enjoyed so much and can't stop replaying


Side hugging while walking into the hotel



Holding her hands walking up the escalators before the SBS awards


Holding hands for no reasons once again on the helicopter


JK who had always been careful with girls back hugging JH


Even went tanning together


Took her to meet his brothers(Mikey said it before that JK would never brought girls)


If their partners aren't jealous or angry about it at all, they have my full respect. We all know how nice and handsome/pretty they both are.


However, if they are meant to be together, all their fans including me won't be worried about whether he/she will be well taken care of in the future.

We can all see how much they care about each other.


When JK got hurt in the football match held in Shanghai, he seemed so used to JH taking care of him.





Stayed close to him when he was under the weather


Gave him his favourite chicken breast


Only gave him food and neglected SJ


Gave him towels+ warm his hands




Gave him message





Taking care of her


Afriad that she would fall


Gave her a massage


Insisted on giving her something to cover with when she said it was unnecessarymaxresdefault_zpsw87ymf0j.jpg

Fed her with food


Told the others not to wake her up as he knew she was exhausted from drama filming


 Looking forward to hearing some good news in 2017 since JK has already mentioned many times this year that he wants to settle down. Also, I think his mom can't wait to have a grandchild!

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I apologize for my stance @linzer03 @athoughtcloud1, and don't mean any offense, but I unfortunately can't totally agree with the complete omission of mentioning doing something with lovelines. I understand the final draft will involve points agreed upon by a majority, but I would like to express more of my thoughts on why the handling of lovelines should be addressed in some manner.

There have been lovelines I have been fine with and enjoyed, ones where both participants are active and comfortable, but there have been far too many times the crew has used poor judgment in promoting lovelines where one or both parties express reluctance over being in the loveline, so that is an issue I feel strongly about and think holds back the show. The pressure from the fans has also contributed to it, and it's been a cycle in how those fans are fed those ideas and given a sense of entitlement in that manner. There's been one obvious example of that, but it's also sometimes manifested through both SA and KM fans, though not to as great of an extent.

@athoughtcloud1 mentioned that it's up to JK or JH to decide whether they want to take up a loveline with a guest or not (though I've seen less issues with guests JH has been paired up because the show prefers the MC loveline, while they associate JK as the one in lovelines with guests), but I think the issue there is that they're willing to just go along with it a lot of the time because that's how they are and it helps promote the guest (or the loveline, like MC - since we can recall plenty of times JH has been reluctant herself but still participated in the act). Likely, for that same reason of passiveness, we're having the same issue with the screentime. So I feel there may an imbalance of power between certain members of the crew and the cast that has to do with this issue, and if it does existing, then addressing the forcing of lovelines as a concern can maybe help alleviate it. I'm not saying lovelines should totally be avoided, but the crew should be more aware and respectful of the cast members' and guests' (though I think that is considered more often than the members') feelings and thoughts. Sometimes the reluctance may be intentional to make the scenario funnier, but there have been plenty of uncomfortable times when it felt genuine. 

There's another issue of misleading captions which, again, promote the crew/show's interests more than the cast members', and that again is off-putting. But in general, I would like to propose that we still address lovelines in the sense that the crew more conscious of the participants' feelings when doing so.

I additionally don't think that a lot of the people obsessed with having lovelines, or rather the show's current execution of them, will agree with the rest of our suggestions since they seem to fall under the same umbrella of, for lack of a better word, susceptibility to the show's influence of topics displayed in an overt manner. We obviously need to clarify that we're sincerely coming from a neutral ground as Running Man fans and not as SA fans, so any attempts to undermine our stance because of people's issues with the petition or that we are still SA fans don't conflict with how the petition is perceived by fans who do agree with the suggestions. Considering those circumstances, I'm personally less concerned about the fans who may think we're attacking MC or something because, rather than suggesting that the show completely abolish lovelines, I think it would be enough to just suggest regulating them to an extent where the members' thoughts are considered more (resulting in lovelines involving total consent, and not unintentional reluctance), since the show has an issue with that as a whole - something which is in the middle of spectrum when it comes to not talking about lovelines and the opposite end of getting rid of them. Obviously I have a very subjective view on this, but I can't trust the crew's judgment right now when it comes to leaving lovelines the way they have been all this time by not mentioning them. 

Apologies again for an opposing viewpoint on this, but I had to let that out since I personally strongly feel a lot of potential has been wasted through the show's current execution of lovelines. 

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@pink007 You should definitely state your opinions about love lines. The only way we can learn is by listening to and considering other opinions. I also have a deep dislike for love lines, but I would rather a petition about things most RM fans will agree on rather than have us arguing about love lines we like and becoming unfocused over that. However, we could start with a "no more love lines" section and see how other people respond to that. 

Also, I think we should do this on another thread, created solely for this purpose, and then post about it on other RM threads. I would start by having a rough draft as the first post that we can modify as people add suggestions. We should 1) come up with a deadline as to when we want this done by and 2) how are we going to get the message to the production team 3) how are we going to contact other RM fans.

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