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[Official] SPARTACE COUPLE KimJongkook-SongJiHyo

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Guest athoughtcloud1

@bogummish  This is a question that has made me think a lot and I have many things to say, but I too am busy at the moment. I think JH's break up and SA dating did not happen simultaneously. I think after JH's break up, they had a "some" phase and started dating only months later. But I do have reasons to feel JH broke up with the CEO in 2012, though I don't have the time to list them out now. So I will just repost my old post about when I feel SA started dating when linzer had brought up this question on the thread a few months back.


I am not that sure about the 'when did they start dating' part since I have to re-watch the episodes before 150 carefully. I think I have mentioned this before, but I find their interaction in the Jackie Chan episode really suspicious. That is episode 135 shot on february 19, 2013. In the Macau episode before that, episode 133, when JK, despite his injury, joins them in the middle of filming, you can see how concerned JH is for him. There was even an article on how concerned JH was about his injury (for an RM article to focus like that on JH and JK means it was something quite noticeable for everybody). Similarly, when the teams leave in their cars for the next mission which is in another country, JH is quite worried in the car about JK oversleeping and not being able to make it to the airport on time. I don't think they were dating at that point, just pointing out that we get to see JH in a phase where she is getting increasingly concerned about JK (that could be because of his injury as well). Anyway, I can't say for sure, but the whole 'keep a diamond ring for me under Kang Gary's name' thing seems to me an indication that JH and her CEO BF have broken up. Of course, JH can do it for variety despite dating the ceo,but it  seems a bit weird for JH to go to that extent for MC fanservice when she has a real life BF and knows that such fanservice which will only fuel the already existing rumours about them having broken up   Anyway, in episode 135, there are a couple of things. When JH comes in and greets everybody, YJS asks her to sit near her BF and then further clarifies Monday BF. Now that could have been said coz in public, JH already had a BF, but the Monday Couple push is obvious from the start.  Gary when he attempts his cheesy Monday lines finds a visibly uncomfortable JH (not like the JH of episode 133 who goes along with the joke). When Gary asks JH to think of him when she is trying to shoot the bottle cap, JH gets annoyed and it is JK who tries to create the moment by saying 'it is because Gary thinks of you all the time' . But before that, when Jackie Chan says he prefers to give his phone number to a woman than a man and jokingly approaches JH, from JK's face, you can see that it makes him uncomfortable. That episode, JH and JK stand together most of the time. When clicking a pic with Jackie Chan, JH has her arm around JK. The end of the episode also has them side by side (just like episode 133). The most suspicious segment is of course the time bomb quiz. JK  gets asked by JSJ whether his dating life is going well and JK answers 'it is okay'. ( I don't know whether one can read more into it since JK is always presented as the guy on the lookout for a date, not someone who may be dating already. But then from everybody's reactions to the question, I think it is a harmless one. JK doesn't look that perturbed and JH laughs in a 'how can you ask that here' way. She is not shy or anything). It is the Gary and JH exchange that is the most interesting. When JSJ asks JH whether she would date Gary, she says she would think about it which produces reactions from all the cast (JK also does his exaggerated 'oh'), then Gary asks her if she would date him and asks her to answer with an X or an O right then. JH looks really really uncomfortable with the question and jokes that he has to first buy her the diamond ring they windowshopped in Macau. As Gary keeps on asking JH questions about her interest in him and whether she would date him, JK is shouting at Gary to hurry which makes sense since he is on JK's team and would run out of time. However, once JH is ousted, JK never shouts at Gary to hurry with any of the other answers he gives or at Choi Si Won, who is his other team mate. So, why this hurrying tactic only in the case of the dating question? In fact, you can see JK getting slightly uncomfortable from the moment JH asks the question to Gary about what clothes he wants to see her in since you can see him fingering his clothes and sleeve, his typical nervous actions. The whole focus in the game on JH and Gary possibly dating each other is another indication that JH, at this time, doesn't mind her viewers thinking of her as single (I am not saying the break up happened just then, but JH may have reached that point where she was okay with the RM viewers seeing her as single).

When JH gets out and stands beside JK, you have this moment.

It does look like private communication to me and this seems more suspicious coming right after a segment where JH has been asked about her chances of dating Gary. I don't know what he is implying by his look - is it asking her to move closer or indicating to her that it was something uncomfortable for him. Haha catches the moment and looks away. It is JK who insisted in the beginning of the episode when JH sounded a bit annoyed over Gary's cheesy line that Gary is always thinking of her (where he acts like the perfect MC supporter). But his reaction to the dating question doesn't make it seem like he is really okay with the idea of JH dating Gary.

In episode 137, the way JK hugs JH trying to lure her into their team is also slightly more intimate than usual. I have to re-watch that episode again, but definitely Gary-JH doing a pepero game can't happen when she is dating the CEO. There, like we have already discussed before, when JH gets quite uncomfortable with Gary holding her head as they move closer, it is JK who tells her that it is the right technique. JH depending on JK in such situations which show her getting increasingly uncomfortable with Gary is an indication to me that something has started happening between spartace. Why should he be the one to tell her how to react to Gary? I have also read that when Gary drops JH in the nametag ripping game they play in the ring,Haha turns to look at JK who looks slightly upset. But around this time, from JK's reactions, it seems like thoughts of dating her are definitely on his mind and she knows it too. They are slowly moving from 'some' to the dating phase. I think JH must have took some time after her break up to start dating JK and must have gone through that phase where she knew he was interested in her, but hadn't made up her mind.

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Guest athoughtcloud1
3 hours ago, chelseafjl8 said:
They might be trying to satisfy spartace fans now but oh well, let's just enjoy seeing their interaction =)

p.s. This photo gives us a clearer view of their bracelets. They are similar.


But I feel hopeful. I had only seen the elevator fancam before where they were not talking. That was what made me feel they were keeping a distance. In the two episodes shot back to back 325 and 326, they were definitely keeping a distance. But I think more than it having to do with JH's drama, it may have been because 325 was an MC episode and 326 was shot the day after. Since then,I saw a few fancams of this episode where SA are walking together on the street though not on the same team. In the 328th episode, they are on the same team. Yeah, the PDs may edit out some of their moments, but I think we will get to see less editing as the days go.

Finally, for RM, everything boils down to the market. MC stayed on for so long coz it was making money and had a huge market. Now that Gary is no longer there, that market is gone. So they will have to tap other fanbases and SA is a good option. Perhaps they will also promote KwangMong more. Can't say at this point. I don't think SA will ever become a loveline, but the PDs may also try to keep their relationship ambiguous on the show so that people are interested in their equation.I don't think SA would want to be in a loveline, but may be they would want to interact more naturally with each other in front of the camera. I think it would be better for the show too if SA are allowed to be natural with their interactions. From the beginning, the show has never tried to define their relationship. They are not siblings like KwangMong or a couple like MC. Heck, they are not even friends on the show. They are just Sparta and Ace who have this really "deep connection" which involves amazing understanding and teamwork.Ever since MC ended, we have had a few ambiguous captions for JK. For instance in the Jin Goo episode, when JH said she liked someone whose name started with "J", we had them editing in JK's face with the caption "Does she really mean that? Or is it a mistake?". Another one was the caption during the smother hug ("you know my heart, Ji Hyo ya") and in the Avatar House episode ( "I am sorry, but I love you"). Not that these have been consistent or even mean much, but perhaps such ambiguous captions and ambiguous moments may increase! Let's see how they develop the ambiguous SA relationship on the show.

I can see that some MC shippers are going berserk on SBS RM. They are convinced that SA fans are just waiting to have an SA loveline in place of MC. Who wants lovelines when you can have love? ;) All we ask for are things not to be edited out coz we believe unedited RM has enough to please our easily pleased hearts. 

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I once saw a post somewhere in here abt Spartace texting at the same time during RM episodes but I completely forgot to bookmark which episodes they were talking abt lol. Anyone w good memory? lol

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Guest athoughtcloud1
13 hours ago, bogummish said:

I once saw a post somewhere in here abt Spartace texting at the same time during RM episodes but I completely forgot to bookmark which episodes they were talking abt lol. Anyone w good memory? lol


This is the most recent one  @dragonlovers had posted gifs of the moment  @Triky mentioned. This is from the singers vs non-singers episode where BADA guests.

The other ones I remember are 1) episode 207 where JK and JH are in the bus - JK is at the back and JH is in the front - you can see both of them busy with their phones and one person bending down over his/her phone when the other person sits up after sending his/her text  2) episode 147 - one cannot be exactly sure about this one. JK and JH are in different teams and both are seen texting someone while sitting in the car around the same time 3) episode 262 - JK and JH both have their phones out while sitting in the bus 4) episode 295 - both JK and JH have their phones out while sitting in front of the fire place at the end of the episode. 

These are the ones I can immediately remember. There might be other ones too.

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Hi everyone,

Sorry did not have the time to catch up will all the posts (I did not read the 617 page). Just wanted to say that I love Ji hyo's drama I am glad ratings are good.  For last's week's episode for me it was a laugh out one (I have to admit I was nostalgic of the "drawing broken telephone" game and I was hoping for Jung Ki to come guest and play this particular game because he makes it so hilarious. The other game I am nostalgic about was the "telepathy game" where while music is played in 2 members ears they randomly ask and answer questions, the foreign language karaoke (and instructions given in foreign languages are fun too), the puzzle games), Now back to the last week I think Ji Hyo figured out who the "food thief" was and was kind of helping him out to get his mission done. Her smile when that guy crossed arms is just so telling. In terms of Spartace, what I found interesting is that even though the guy our Ace did the limbo with was not very subtly trying to flirt with her, she did not get touchy or embark on any potential loveline.  She refused to feed him (although she did feed the crew). Maybe if the food thief asked her to do that before the other guys she would have fed the idols too thinking it was the spy's mission, but because it was the other guy who brought it up first she just refused. Kim Jong Kook is very brave and capable although his back hurts, I was impressed with JSJ standing on ice and was surprised that his skills were not highlighted.

Anyway i'm getting to a point where I want closure on this couple at least if we are all delusion please  prove us wrong, if not why not announcing that each of them may be dating someone else.

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I'm not really sure when our couple started dating but one thing that I'm sure is  that they are dating and i said this because i'm convince that they are together solely becuase of ep 311...from the ep we could see how annoyed JH looked when the others started to pair up JK and SA together.... and at the end when JK won the Rubik's race and he got the gold and the hungarian meal ticket, we could see that JH was being shy and streching out her arms feeling giddy and hiding behind Gary's back, like why would she do that unless she assumed that she was the one who would get the gold that JK won and spending time with him on a hungarian dinner date hehehe plus we saw when the PD announced that JK won, JK glance over JH and gave her a knowing look and when he received the meal ticket and were standing at his spot among the members, his eyes search for JH as well.


Lets just pray that they are really together and would soon be announcing that they are going to spend the rest of their lives together for better or for worse until death do them apart.

PS: cant wait to see JH become a mother :P

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Just finished watching live, the good news is they didn't cut that scene but the bad news is, that's almost all we have got. Except in the opening, just the two of them were missing, and the caption wrote something like where were they? Few Hahyo moments as well, I love having them in the same group. For me, without subs, the first half was alright, the second half not so good. The cameras were focusing on the guests too much although I like D.O and Ju Jung Suk, I am a fan of the members, I would like to see them more.

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Guest athoughtcloud1

I wonder what happened during the cut. Did JK hug JH's head like he did in episode 301? When JK comes near JH to touch the side of her head, the snapback is sitting properly on her head. After the cut, you can see Haha helping her put her snapback on! Also, JH looks quite red in the face after the cut - it reminded me of how she was all red in the face after the smother hug in episode 301. Jae Suk also looks away  once JK reaches JH. 

In this video, you can see Haha helping JH with her snapback.

@ktiminie Thank you for the gifs. Can you make a gif of the moment JK reaches JH and touches her head? 

@chelseafjl8 The editing wasn't fair at all in this episode. HaHyo were not shown doing 3/4th of the missions. HaHyo is a fun team - you could see sparks of that in the aegyo segment, but it is like the PD thinks the viewers don't care to watch HaHyo or for that matter, Suk Jin- JK. 

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Not even going to bother with this episode since I saw a lot of complaints abt the bad editing. Just watched the mini Spartace moment and that's it. Let's see what these two plan to do with their lives in 2017 :sweatingbullets: 

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Guest athoughtcloud1

@airplanegirl Thank you. Can you also make a gif of JK celebrating with SJ and turning back (this happens after the cut)?

I don't know, sometimes I feel it must be upsetting in some ways for them to hurt each other even as part of games. Also, I feel the atmosphere among the cast goes a bit weird - because they are dating, it may become more of a personal injury when your partner has to hurt you as part of the game. One can contrast this with the time JH goes mad after KS flips her forehead - that is treated in a more funny way with everybody bursting into laughter while trying hard to keep both of them off each other's throats. But here, it is slightly different. JH gets upset, but her being upset is slightly more real - it is not all for the camera. 

I remember the arm wrestling match between JK-Suzy and JH-KS. When JH starts complaining, you can see that JK doesn't quite know what to do. It is JS who intervenes and tries to make JH understand. The same with the yoga pose - JH gets really mad at JK (when it is Haha who does most of the taunting) and JK is caught in an awkward situation, not knowing what he should say (because he knows he hurt her in some way and he can't do certain things in front of the camera too, like the making up which should follow after that).

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I have never written anything in the RunningMan Instagram page but I decided to start from now on and voice my frustrations to them and the PD as well. I am fed up with how low the quality of this program has stooped. This is now a kids show (in terms of how stupid the games have gotten) that promotes movies and bands I personally dont care about. I love RM for the cast and I see less and less of them this year. Truly frustrating but I wont keep it to myself anymore.

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5 minutes ago, bogummish said:

I have never written anything in the RunningMan Instagram page but I decided to start from now on and voice my frustrations to them and the PD as well. I am fed up with how low the quality of this program has stooped. This is now a kids show (in terms of how stupid the games have gotten) that promotes movies and bands I personally dont care about. I love RM for the cast and I see less and less of them this year. Truly frustrating but I wont keep it to myself anymore.

i decided to do it as well. when gary said he wants to leave his fans started to spam on rm ig and they got to see what they wanted . an special ep for gary and then an ep that every thing was about gary. i also won't hold it back anymore and will comment there to say what i didn't like in eps and show my frustration. who knows? maybe it will wake them up from this dream that i fans will support the show no matter what even if their favorite members don't have a good screen time and receive richard simmons treatment if lot of fans show their frustration in their ig. 

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@sana82 I loved RM all these years because of the members, yes they were quality guests here and there but ultimately Im not here to watch some freaking movie or band get promoted at the expense of what the show is about. And this cutting of SJH & KJK scenes is getting  on my freaking nerves. It's normal to have favorite members and defend them and that's what Im going to do. If I want lame kid games I can watch Spacetoon or Nickelodeon. How do these incompetent PDs still have a job.... Seriously.

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