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[Official] SPARTACE COUPLE KimJongkook-SongJiHyo

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Has anyone checked the episode to see if Las Vegas was actually mentioned? Also, the episode was filmed in 2014, and if I recall the two were spotted landing in NY in 2015, so unless they sneaked to the US together prior in 2014/2013 then I don't think they spent time together in Las Vegas at least based on what we can conclude from the video. 

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Actually in the game before Spartace were in different teams, SJH guessed the number of pebbles right three times in a row and everyone was surprised, in the last game she lost but it was revealed later that the guy from KJK team cheated and she actually had won that time too. Everyone was surprised how she could guess all of them right, KJK though didn't seem that surprised (he actually didn't even celebrate when his teammate won the last one) and in the background chatter you could hear him guess if she had a pebble or not and he was always right and in sync with her. At one point when Haha doubted her decision, the camera caught her glancing in his direction. When the game was over and SJH left, Haha said to KJK "Hyung, can you believe this (her luck, guessing everything right)? She's totally weird"... then KJK was talking to his team, he did say Las Vegas but no idea how the rest of the sentence was picked up, I personally only heard Las Vegas and Haha saying "from the old days, wow" In this scene Haha's microphone was activated and KJK's was almost mute so it's hard to pick up what he said for me.

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Guest athoughtcloud1

@dragonlovers Come to think of it, I won't say JK has never been active in his lovelines. Yeah, he has been mostly at the receiving end, but some of it has also been initiated by him like the Lee Arisu one. Who expected JK to start a loveline with a non-celeb on RM? LOL Even YJS was taken aback by JK there. I personally really liked that loveline. What I love about JK is that he always worries whether his female partner is comfortable with it and I haven't seen that a lot in many variety lovelines. For instance, in the case of Arisu, he was the one who initiated it, but in the board room when everyone was calling up Arisu and teasing her with JK, he stepped in to scold the other members and to make sure that Arisu didn't feel awkward with it (impressing Jang Hyuk and SJ with how cool he was - possibly JH too?). Also when it comes to initiating even the smallest skinship with a girl, he would make sure she is comfortable with. That gives space to the female partner to respond to the extent she wants and hence makes it appear more genuine. While he didn't initiate the MGY loveline though he was a fan of her, he was pretty active with that one too.Other than these two and the one with Ara, I am not that big a fan of his lovelines on RM, especially since they come mostly at the insistence of the other male members, even when he is not interested. I am more fond of his lovelines in earlier shows like X-man, FO and may be early part of RM. All said and done, I can see why the X-man loveline was so popular then - one did get the feeling as as a viewer that both of them were genuinely interested in each other (unlike MC where it seems fake and contrived half the time).. Perhaps, it was also coz it was an old generation loveline, so the reactions of both JK and YEH seem less staged. I loved the Lee Hyori-JK loveline in FO too - JK started out a bit shy, but by the end of it, they had fallen into a really amusing 'bickering' relationship (some of which you can also see in the first episode of RM where Hyori guests). The JK-Yejin one was also fun to watch.  Also loved the JK-Shin Bong Sun one in Gold Miss - I just found it heartwarming how sweetly he responded to her fangirling over him! In the case of his lovelines, since he wouldn't say things to the girl for the sake of it, it is easier for people to buy into them than in say lovelines where the guy says things he doesn't mean. But yeah, on RM, after a point, he got really tired of them. One could see his reluctance in the HJY episode, but it was the most obvious with Soo Ae.

I also find it fascinating how JK's image has changed over the years - the RM one has been so dominant over these last 7 years that we tend to forget his more romantic image pre-RM. I remember seeing JK holding a bouquet of flowers or something for the release of one of his albums (before RM) and he really looked so soft and gentle and the flowers seemed as if they belonged in his hands. But when I see that RM episode where JK (along with the other members) is an undercover agent employed in a flower shop, it seems so hard to picture him there - Sparta in a flower shop?

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Guest athoughtcloud1
2 minutes ago, bogummish said:

Actually in the game before Spartace were in different teams, SJH guessed the number of pebbles right three times in a row and everyone was surprised, in the last game she lost but it was revealed later that the guy from KJK team cheated and she actually had won that time too. Everyone was surprised how she could guess all of them right, KJK though didn't seem that surprised (he actually didn't even celebrate when his teammate won the last one) and in the background chatter you could hear him guess if she had a pebble or not and he was always right and in sync with her. At one point when Haha doubted her decision, the camera caught her glancing in his direction. When the game was over and SJH left, Haha said to KJK "Hyung, can you believe this (her luck, guessing everything right)? She's totally weird"... then KJK was talking to his team, he did say Las Vegas but no idea how the rest of the sentence was picked up, I personally only heard Las Vegas and Haha saying "from the old days, wow" In this scene Haha's microphone was activated and KJK's was almost mute so it's hard to pick up what he said for me.


Couldn't it have been JK talking about something they had seen in Las Vegas which he started remembering once he saw JH's ability to correctly guess the number of pebbles - Las Vegas fits the context there that way. Perhaps it doesn't have to do with JH being there in Las Vegas?

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Just now, athoughtcloud1 said:


Couldn't it have been JK talking about something they had seen in Las Vegas which he started remembering once he saw JH's ability to correctly guess the number of pebbles - Las Vegas fits the context there that way. Perhaps it doesn't have to do with JH being there in Las Vegas?

Yeah he did say Las Vegas but he was replying to the chubby H.O.T guy from his team so you can't tell for sure what he was refering to. But the scene suggests that everyone was still shocked by her mind reading ability, hence Haha's lines, but still, maybe KJK was talking abt something else altogether, he really didn't seem as surprised as the rest abt her answers. Like i said, The game in itself is what caught my attention because he guessed everytime if she had that pebble or not. She also solved the complicated triangle in the end. All in all, a great SJH episode. Didn't she graduate in tax and accounting? She has some brains!

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In this clip, after JK pretended JH and said what would I do on Mondays without Gary, JH speaks so softly when she said to JK when have I ever said that. This remind me of the time when she asked JK whether he had finish writing the letter to his mum. It sounds like aegyo to me. Also when JH asked JK to put her hand in the box in ep 285.

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Lol again they flip flop back with what they want to do. Now the hat to me seems like it may have been planned before hand, the one n only refering to KG. I don't trust the production team and wouldn't put it past them to not do that. This isn't even about SA vs MC but the storyline/context of the show now. 

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Guest athoughtcloud1

I was also pretty disappointed to see that at first,  but I realize we have to be patient. None of us expected Gary to leave the show. But it has happened and it will make things easier for Spartace if they want to declare at some point. But things will take their  time. From the way the cast responded to Gary's departure,  looks like it took them by surprise though perhaps they knew it was inevitable. The show has depended on its MC fanbase through all these years and old habits die hard. It might want its MC fanbase to continue watching the show in the hope that Gary may guest/return. I can understand it is a critical time for the show and they might not want to do away with one of their chief fanbases. Gary clearly wants to move on, so I don't think the show will be able to cling onto him beyond a point. Besides,  from what I gather,  the last day of shoot was the MC anniversary and fans did prepare gifts for them. So this might be a way to cheer up those fans and give them the hope MC may reunite like this on the show later. JH,  JK, Gary are all mature people and industry veterans now. I don't think they can be manipulated beyond a point by the production team. It is not like JH wouldn't know the PD team would use whatever is remaining of the MC loveline to sell the show.  Besides, both JH and Gary have profited from their MC fanbases,  the Cfs and the variety shows, so they may also not want to let go of those fans that easily. Also, while JK might miss Gary on the show, JH might miss him more since she had the most memorable variety equation with him. So some of that emotion will definitely come through (I. e. it may not be all manipulation).

 If there is someone else who would be affected by continuing MC promotion,  it would be JK.  But then one of the reasons I love JK is because he has stood by MC keeping aside his interests knowing it is for the good of the show and also because he respects JH and her role on the show. That was what struck me while watching that insta video @chelseafjl8 shared. Him reporting what JH said about  Gary might be partly to lighten up her mood,  but it was also an acknowledgement( partly for the camera but from the way he said it, it seemed genuine too) that Gary was a pretty important person for JH on the show. Besides, having been part of a memorable variety loveline, he can understand both JH and Gary and will know what it takes for it to work. Some of his fans are still JongYoon shippers, so he will know a couple fandom won't end in a day. At the same time, I don't think both are such fools as to sacrifice their happiness for the sake of the show. There might be one more episode as tribute to the Monday couple. After that, it is just the 6 of them and the team dynamics will change. In recent episodes , we are seeing JK taking a lot of liberties with JH, I think that is only gonna increase on the show. 

The pic might also be just a ruse to get fans to tune in. Perhaps, there might not be that much of MC. If there is too much MC and JH is in discomfort, we will come to know when we watch the episode. So let's wait.  As for JH wearing one n only,  it is clearly to support JK. MC fans may put their twist on that,  but why should we buy it? 

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In my opinion, Jihyo would be the one missing Gary the most because she doesnt meet him outside the show, so maybe she probably thought she would never see him again and that is why i think she cried on Gary's last ep. If it were JK who's leaving, i doubt we're going to see Jihyo cry cause she always meets him outside the show for their dates hehehehe (cant help being delulu over uri Spartace :P).......regarding the pic posted by Pd hwanjine, i'll let it slide hahhaaaa but cant wait to see MC fans eat their words B) and last but not least, i hope we can hear wedding bells for uri Spartace sometime next year:wub: ohhhh and dont forget to support Jihyo's new drama

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@hr12_stv I think SJH would cry much more if KJK or LKS left the show. Yes, she sees them outside often, but they've been with her on the show for the past seven years and have been a source of support for her. LKS was the one who talked to her and dissuaded her from leaving the show, and KJK is, well, KJK. We've seen him hold her hand when she's upset, look after her when she's scared, etc. He's her support even if they try to hide it. And while she has a close variety relationship with KG, I don't think he can rival what LKS and KJK mean to her. Anyone leaving the show would be upsetting for her. She's all heart. And as she said in her farewell letter to KG, she expected all seven members to stay together until the end, so it was a shock to her when KG announced he was leaving. It's like her bubble burst and she realized that they wouldn't always be seven. I think she'll miss KG a lot, but I think some of it was crying for the end of the seven on RM.

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Guest athoughtcloud1

Yay for new SA pictures and such cute ones at that! I am sure many SA shippers imagined things other than the puppy in JK's arms. LOL

Comparing JK's position with respect to Ji Suk Jin's in the first two pics, seems like it is JH who leaned back on JK.

I am feeling really excited about the next episode. Hope they don't edit out the puppy scene (perhaps they will focus more on the YJS-LKS tomfoolery happening right beside SA!). JH - Gary hug just seems to be her taking him by surprise.

@hr12_stv @linzer03 Their equation can be gauged from the Train to Prison episode. JH feels unhappy when Gary says he wants to leave and she tries to make him stay. But when JK says the same thing, she holds his hand and doesn't want to let him go until YJS asks her to. His presence means so much to her that even when he doesn't have to, he has to promise her that he would be there at the site of the recording to cheer her on. Even when she wins the game, her anger is not at Gary for being the first one to leave, but at JK. 

I think you are the one who linked this on SA baidu @chelseafjl8 Reposting them here since I found them really cute. Hope you don't mind!

JK and JH before and during a face-off - all the nervous tension and excitement!




They are just playing a game, right, like Suk Jin is trying to remind them? Looks like they are detonating a bomb though! ;) have seen JK nervous, but I have never seen JH this nervous!  JK is supposed to be the shy guy, but what happened to the experienced actress Song Ji Hyo? :)


cre: 用户5659855712 , weibo

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Guest athoughtcloud1

Please do that @chelseafjl8. Compilations like these are always fun to watch!

Something from episode 323 - Saw it on SA baidu and read it discussed on SA naver.

When the PD announces that the theme of the episode is 'Avatar House' meaning the guests will have full control over their partners, Jung Do Yeon jokes that she really likes it. She turns towards JK and smiles, then turns towards her right all smiles, but suddenly catches herself and then almost bites down her tongue (who is there on the right? ;) ) This is what you call super awkward!


cre: 梦の飘, SA baidu

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