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[Official] SPARTACE COUPLE KimJongkook-SongJiHyo

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Just watched EP306. It's great that Myuk PD is back. The editing and the flow of the episode is back like the old days. Thought the rating will be better but it still dropped :tears: Maybe it takes time to bring back the ratings...(Nowadays it seems like only fans are watching rm...hope they can retain and attract more audience soon) Most of the SA moments are mentioned by you guys so I will not repeat them again.

As for the Talents for Sale show, remember I said I will post the video for you? Here are the English-subbed video from the KBS Official Youtube account.

Here JK shares his dream wedding and he also mentioned that he agree with others that he prefers to have a partner with bright personality in the end of this video.


I will share the fake wedding again (this time with English subbed). Again, in case some of you doesn't want to watch it, I will put it in spoiler.




All videos are credited to KBS World.

Btw, as far as we know that JK is preparing his Chinese album, there are news today that mentioned Turbo will come back around August/September. (it is from Korean news and they mentioned that they have confirmed with turbo representative) Though it is highly possible that it is a mini or single album, he still have a lot to do in the coming half year....including two albums (Chinese one and the Turbo one), K-Con LA in July, Guest in Song JongKi Shanghai Concert, Concert Tour in US (with Turbo and HAHA), RM and Talents for Sale recording, Fantastic Duo (though this is for short term I think...he is doing the recording today), his Chinese basketball show with Kobe....etc. There is still no news regarding rm fan meeting so I will not put it in the list. He also mentioned in one of the interview he did with Chinese media that he is considering whether to join Chinese variety show that is about food (I think he is talking about the one about him and JH hosting for a food variety show)...He said he will focus more on the singer identity this year, so I have low expectation that he will join the food variety show...You can see that most events remaining this year are more on the music side...so I think it is reasonable and will accept it if he decided not to join the show...but it will be great if the show start next year and he can join the show once his schedule is not so packed. Hope he can take care of himself and not overloaded.

For upcoming rm (EP307), I will not expect many SA moment as it is a couple race. But wish there will be some. (There will always be some unconcious interaction between real couple, right? Hope not all are edited out.)

Last but not least, have a look at the cutie with his beloved chicken breast shake :D


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So I was rewatching ep 198 which is the couple race where the winning team has the strongest rock. Even though KJK and SJH do the pepero game with other people in this ep, I actually love it for its spartace moments so I just wanted to bring it up in detail on this forum and see what other people thought.

If we go by the whole “spartace started dating something in earlier-mid-2013” theory (which I believe is true), then at the point of ep 198, they’re a couple that have been together for a year. You can see in previous episodes that they’ve become more comfortable with the idea of each other having love lines in the show. Compare KJK being super uncomfortable with MC winning the “choose each other over gold” couple race (he turns away when they celebrate their win) compared to him joking about thinking that Lee Jong Suk had a crush on SJH in the Secret Couple ep (you can see him smiling in amusement at the staff when LJS chooses SJH as his partner earlier in the episode showing that he doesn't think it's a big deal that LJS is crushing on her). The only big exception I’d say is the Partners of Fate episode, which is a discussion onto itself, maybe I'll post about it later, but I think anyone, even if they didn’t believe in fortunate telling, would be annoyed at being told that your boyfriend/girlfriend is not your partner of destiny. So, anyway, my point is that at the time of ep 198, I’d say KJK and SJH are fairly okay with one another being partnered up with someone else in a couple race. I’m sure it would still be uncomfortable to some extent to joke about your boyfriend/girlfriend in a love line but I’d say by this point, they have been together long enough and have trust enough in each other to where they can joke about it.

So in the beginning of this ep, KJK isn’t put in a love line with his partner Ha Yeon Soo, but rather YJS compares them to a father and daughter in a movie. She’s about fifteen years younger than KJK so it’s not that strange of a comparison, but still the King of Love Lines is not put in a love line right away. Interesting. (Also, side note, if KJK and SJH really are a couple, just think about how many love lines they have between the two of them. They would probably hold some unbeatable record for the most love lines in a couple with people other than each other.)

So following the opening segment, we see KJK and SJH’s teams standing together. KJK knows SJH’s partner at least somewhat, he and Park Seo Joon were on the same team for the Olympics game in ep 184 (a fairly recent ep). These two teams spend a good chunk of the episode beside each other, which I find interesting. Not necessarily, KJK and SJH beside each other but the two teams. This may have to do with PSJ being more familiar with KJK than other RM members, or it may have to do with KJK and SJH talking to each other off screen and the teams just get used to being together. Who knows.

 But it's interesting how it ends up.

In the first game, the hurdle race, SJH and PSJ get first and KJK and HYS get second, so we see KJK sitting on the ground (possibly hurting a little after the second game) with PSJ and SJH hovering over him. They’re there for awhile as we can see them (and the cameras) in the background while LKS and Narsha are trying to get rid of the flour in Narsha's hair. It’s kind of funny how glued to each other the red team and orange team are throughout the episode, especially when you think about how they end up playing a pepero game against each other.

The two teams are separated in the line-up during the second game, but all the teams move around depending on whose doing the trampoline, so the two teams end up sitting next to each other at some point. But the interesting spartace moment is when SJH’s phone rings and YJS asks who it is. It’s KJK who brings KG into the conversation for the MC moment. We’ve talked about it on this site before, but KJK initiates a lot of the MC interactions, I think, as a way of showing he's okay with it. So then KG asks SJH, “Did you get a new boyfriend?” And we get a shot of SJH laughing and then looking to her left. (Who’s sitting on her far left? KJK.) KG continues joking about how she should let him know if she gets a new boyfriend so he can be more careful about what he says to her. I wouldn’t take this at face value. Even though she hasn’t publicly announced her break up with the CEO yet (though this line kind of gives it away), she’s officially single. The whole RM cast has to act like she’s single even if they know she’s not. And if spartace has been dating for a year I’m sure the cast has gotten reasonably used to acting like KJK and SJH are single. KJK makes another comment that SJH has to tell KG if she gets a new boyfriend even if she doesn’t tell the rest of the cast. (KJK can be very talkative when it comes to MC, as I'm sure we all know.) Narsha then talks about how fun MC's drama is, and we see SJH looking to the left again. It’s hard to tell, because determining where someone is looking exactly can be difficult and I wouldn’t consider this a solid observation, but you can sort of see KJK and SJH glancing at each other after this exchange about SJH’s new boyfriend. YJS is talking so it’s possible that they were both looking at him, but you can see KJK’s gaze shift to the left a bit, as if he’s looking down the line of people (at guess who’s leaning forward and looking to her left in KJK's direction). That being said, it’s interesting that KJK is the one who brings in KG to the conversation about SJH's phone call, and I think SJH’s first glance in KJK’s direction is hard to argue that she's looking at anyone else. He’s the farthest away from her and her head isn’t turned enough to be looking at anyone closer. And it makes sense for her to be looking at him, it may not be a conscious movement, but when people are talking about her “new boyfriend” after the CEO, it’s hard not to glance at said “new boyfriend” and see his reaction.

In the third mission, where the teams be ddeokbokki pieces, the red and orange teams end up sitting next to each other again. They’re not in the same spots as earlier in the episodes so I doubt it’s some pre-arranged standing order like the RM members have (YJS in the middle, then JSJ and KJK, etc.). These two teams for whatever reason, keep ending up next to each other.

So now we get to the pepero competition. SJH and PSJ’s names are selected at random and they have to pick a team to compete with. Firstly, LKS’s reaction to SJH getting selected. During the shot where SJH is burying her face in her hands, LKS is looking over her head with a, I don’t want to say "upset", but a “how can this be?” expression. LKS is not shocked or entertained by her selection for the pepero game and he’s looking over SJH’s head. I don’t think he’s looking at PSJ, since he's leaning back a bit, and the person on the other side of PSJ is KJK. Which, if spartace is dating, makes sense. It’s like a “Your girlfriend just got randomly selected to play a pepero game with someone that’s not you. That sucks.” expression.

KG’s reactions are shown throughout the pepero game, but a lot of it is him playing the MB and added effects by the editors. And since we know there’s been nothing between MC (thank you, brain scan episode) for awhile if there ever was anything, I think we’re safe to say he’ just playing the role.

SJH and PSJ then have to select the team they’re competing against. PSJ whispers something and then SJH whispers something back. This is all we’re shown about the selection process, but since SJH then announces their decision, I’d say she’s was the driving force behind picking KJK and HYS’s team to compete against. The first time I watched this scene as a spartace fan, I didn’t think they were dating at the time, so I was disappointed because I thought picking KJK meant that SJH wasn’t romantically interested in him. Usually, if you’re interested in someone but not dating them, you don’t want them playing a game like the pepero stick game with someone else. However, I think it makes absolute sense that SJH would pick KJK if they were dating. Firstly, KJK is known for being shy around females when it comes to things like this, so the competitive side of SJH would think she could win against him in that aspect. But JSJ (whose always awkward with pepero games) or LKS (who failed numerous times with Uee) could also be possibilities. However, SJH may also believe that KJK would never be able to do a pepero game in front of her (and there’s some truth to that since we see KJK change his position so that he’s not looking at SJH later). Plus, there’s ppossibly some aspect of “I have to do this, so you’re going to do it with me” to SJH picking KJK. Like, I said earlier,  if they’ve been dating for a year, as many of us believe, and if they are now fairly chill about each other being in love lines at this point (KJK with LJS’s supposed crush on SJH and SJH with KJK’s partner in the cooking competition), then SJH won't be worried about both doing a pepero game durting their relationship; however, it can still be awkward to watch your boyfriend/girlfriend do a pepero game with another person. So SJH makes it so that KJK has to compete. He can hardly get jealous if he has to play the game as well.

Plus, after SJH makes her selection, we get to see the reactions of the RM members. YJS and JSJ at least are both shown as entertained/excited with her choice. Probably because they all believe KJK can’t do it too, but, think about it, if spartace is dating at this point, to them this is a couple they know well playing a pepero game against each other.

Side note: KJK and SJH actually are usually somehow involved when they have to play pepero games. When KJK and YJS were playing a pepero game together in the CJW episode (126), YJS first mentioned that KJK should do it with SJH (to which KJK freaks out at the suggestion, hmm). And according to the editing, SJH walks in when KJK is doing the pepero game with NSY and has a WTF reaction (ep 137) and in that same episode, when SJH pulls away from KG when he holds her head, KJK tells her that KG had to do that for the sake of the game (as if he needs to comment on what he's doing). They compete with each other in this pepero game, and in ep 228 they have a pepero game together (thanks JSJ) and in the wedding episode, KJK gets moved around with some weird editing when SJH is doing her pepero game with the male guest (I’m too lazy to look up who it is). The only exception, I think, is when MC did it while on the railway cart, and that’s because KJK wasn’t around. Correct me if you think I’m wrong or missed any pepero games.

So anyway, back to ep 198. KJK is clearly frustrated with having to do the pepero game. He covers his face with his hand when SJH calls out his name, and he’s pacing back and forth while YJS decides who to bet on. It’s pretty hilarious how into it and competitive HYS is compared to KJK. But I think if SJH assumed KJK wouldn’t be able to do it, he’s so far proving her right. However, since YJS picks SJH to win, the rest of the cast bet on KJK.

You can see SJH glancing at KJK repeated before the game, and after that, we see KJK stealing glances at SJH. I think to her and KJK, this is very much a game about SJH versus KJK rather than SJH and PSJ versus KJK and HYS. That's not to say that they ignore their partner's existences (that's kind of hard to do when you're playing a pepero game with them), but SJH and KJK's focus, I think, is often times more on each other than their partners. When SJH makes her selection, she calls out only KJK’s name (which makes sense, since she’s rely on him to be the weak link), but she continually looks at him before the game and I don’t think she really registers HYS’s competitiveness in the beginning. SJH’s reasoning to the RM cast is that she and PSJ are both actors therefore they’ll be able to do the game properly. HYS is also an actor, so SJH is relying on KJK not being one to win them the game. Again, to SJH it’s all about KJK. Even to the other RM members, it’s about KJK and SJH. YJS does say that he’s betting on both SJH and PSJ, but the rest of the RM members chant KJK’s name (in the beginning, it's baout how KJK plays the game, not HYS). Again, I’m not saying that they’re completely ignoring PSJ and HYS (we see HH explaining to HYS that their teeth are going to have to touch), but there’s definitely an element of KJK versus SJH to some of their comments.

Also, when they’re deciding what method should decide who should go first, KJK recommends arm wrestling. This makes me laugh, because so far, KJK just been pacing back and forth and really looking uncomfortable with the whole idea. He hasn’t shown any signs of competitiveness, and then all of a sudden he wants to beat PSJ in an arm wrestling match. Hmm...someone is finally feeling competitive and needs to show off a bit?

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BKTesEceo50 (Youtube video of the SJH-PSJ pepero game)

So then the actual game takes place, with SJH and PSJ going first and KJK stands behind them looking super uncomfortable. YJS then feels the need to remind SJH and PSJ not to think about what relationship they have with each other. There is a lot of emphasis during this game not to think about relationships. SJH emphasizes that they’re both actors and YJS emphasizes not thinking about their relationship. I don’t think I’ve seen any other pepero game on RM where the participants' relationship was mentioned so much to help the people play the game. I mean, it's always mentioned to some extent, but this game was over the top. I also love how KJK inches towards the middle (probably pushing his partner to the side a little) until he’s centered between SJH and PSJ during the game. And then, when SJH and PSJ pull apart, we see KJK grimacing. Also, we see SJH pull back slightly as PSJ gets close to her lips, so I think she was more uncomfortable than she lets on when preparing to start the game.

Also, another side note, I love how when we get the obligatory KG reaction shot, it’s him raising his eyebrows slightly. Compare it to KJK grimacing in the background, and I can’t help but laugh. Imagine what the editors would have done with this scene if KJK had been the love line partner.

And then, right after SJH finishes the game, she has to once again mention they they’re both actors (relationships are very important in this pepero game that they have to be repeated over and over again). And we see KJK in the background still looking very uncomfortable. He opens his mouth once, like he’s about to say something (after all, KJK usually has something to say about everything), but he’s silent for a few moments, still looking uncomfortable in the background before he speaks. And then we see him talking to HYS about what they’re going to have to do. I’ve always wondered how this game would have gone if KJK and HYS had been chosen to go first. I know KJK is competitive but would he have been able to do the game nearly as well if he hadn’t just watched SJH get 4mm with PSJ?

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Gzl7mR7eCj0 (Youtube video of the KJK-HYS pepero game)

So then we get more of KJK’s pacing and blinking, before it become his and HYS’s turn. When HH, LKS, and JSJ are talking about how KJK and HYS’s teeth need to touch, SJH is still laughing. But then KJK reminds HYS that their lips are going to have to touch and HYS is seriously picking out a radish to play the game with, and we see SJH’s joking mood kind of fade. In my opinion, right about then is when she realizes that KJK is seriously going to try to win the game and HYS is competitive. As KJK over analyzes the game and the other RM members give him advice, we see SJH standing behind HYS looking uncomfortable. She smiles at some of the jokes, but her awkward expression returns shortly after. And, of course, KJk randomly decides he and HYS should switch places so that—surprise, surprise—he’s not facing SJH, because he think that way will make them feel more comfortable when playing the game. Lol. We can see SJH sort of smile when KJK’s back is first to her, like she knows what he’s doing, but then her uncomfortable/serious face returns. Though she does laugh at KJK’s over analyzing. And then of course, SJH somehow ends up (we don’t know how because of editing) between KJK and HYS. Part of the reason, I say it’s KJK versus SJH is because when they’re play the pepero games, you can see KJK standing between SJH and PSJ (but you can’t really see HYS) an you can see SJH standing between KJK and HYS (PSJ is off to the side). I don’t know if the cameramen did this on purpose (I imagine there’s a lot of inside jokes among RM staff if spartace is dating), but it’s interesting how both KJK and SJH end up in the center).

I also love how into it HH, KG, and LKS get. They need front row seats. It reminds me of the ep 228 pepero game where KG gets super excited while still trying to act out his MB role. But just think about it, imagine watching somewhat-shy-with-women KJK have to play a pepero game in front of his girlfriend. He’s play the pepero game before with NSY and no one was this into it; and though there’s a difference between NSY and HYS, considering KJK and HYS were originally compared to a father and daughter rather than a couple, I doubt KJK has any feelings for her that would make a pepero game difficult (going by the “if there’s no feelings, it’s easy” philosophy).

And then the game starts. I love the shot of SJH standing in the middle looking a bit sad when KJK and HYS start, and then as they get closer, she starts laughing. When I first watched this scene as a spartace fan, I thought that SJH laughing indicated that there was nothing between them, but again, on rewatch, I disagree with myself. Firstly, SJH will sometimes laugh when she’s uncomfortable. (The best example of this is MC interactions, where she’ll respond with certain moments where KG's being forward with laughter. Especially the airport scene where she has to shout “I want you, KG” five times. She laughs throughout the scene, but we know she disliked it and just wanted to escape as she has said so in interviews.) SJH also is the one who picked KJK to compete with her in the pepero game, assuming he wouldn’t be able to do it, so I figure her laughter is partly her shocked and amused response to seeing that he actually can. And of course, while laughing, SJH walks away, not able to watch any further. After KJK and HYS finish, SJH disappears from the shot for awhile, and then when she returns, she’s near KJK. We can’t see what they’re doing because of all the people in front of them, but they’re definitely next to each other.

When the results are announced, we see SJH’s frustrated reaction, probably in large part about losing (because of YJS’s curse), but possibly because her boyfriend just beat her in a pepero game. And when they’re sitting down again to hear the next game, KJK does look pretty uncomfortable as well (though because of editing we don't know what happened before that). And of course, now we get the KJK and HYS love line jokes. They can hardly be compared to father-and-daughter now after succeeding in the pepero game. SJH laughs when YJS says goodbye to YEH, which is actually a change from earlier episodes around when they supposedly started dating where she looked a bit uncomfortable at the mentioned of YEH. Again, I think at this point they’re at a place where, while watching each other play a pepero game is uncomfortable, they both feel secure in their relationship.

And then, throughout the rest of the episode, we see the red and orange teams stick to each other again. Though I doubt it’s on purpose, they both bet on LKS to get the egg so they end up next to each other again. (Side note: while eating ddeokbokki, we see KJK in the background by himself with his phone. I’ve seen several theories about what he’s doing one of which being that he's texting his girlfriend, but I think the most commonly believed on is that his phone got wet and he was trying to fix it. Who knows for sure.) In the last location, the red and orange teams start off separated, but during the last rock exchange, we see them come closer and start talking together (KJK and SJH standing side by side). JSJ’s team ends up standing between then for the rest of the ending (maybe it was a prearranged standing order or maybe JSJ or his partner just decided they liked that spot), but it’s still interesting how the red and orange team moved together for a while and spent so much of the episode side by side before and after competing in a pepero game together.

So the reason I really love this as a spartace episode is that, under the belief that spartace was dating at this time and had been for a year, it shows how they’ve progressed as a couple. That they’re both comfortable enough in their relationship to compete in a pepero game and not feel too awkward afterwards (since both teams were having a conversation at the end). I know some spartace fans miss the days where SJH and KJK were never apart and to some extent I miss them too because it was easier to spot their moments. For example, I’m fairly certain the video of the 2013 Singapore fanmeet convinced a lot of people spartace were together or at least had something going on, whereas I don’t think the 2015 fanmeets, while they had their moments, could compare to that 2013 Singapore one. However, I think it's a good thing that spartace’s relationship has changed from 2013 to 2014 to present. They're no longer a couple who just started dating and are in the honeymoon phase. So we probably won't get to see anything like the 2013 Singapore fanmeet again, but we also get to see how close they've gotten and how much trust they have in  each other now. 

So let me know what y'all think of ep 198 and my observations. What do you agree on an what do you disagree on? Anything to add? Do you miss the 2013 era spartace? 

Also, it looks like we might be getting a pepero game in the upcoming ep. I just saw some comments about it so I don't know for sure, but if we do, hopefully we get to see spartace's reactions. 




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On 20/06/2016 at 10:04 AM, androkia91 said:


Hi, welcome to the forum! All SA couple updates are available here as well on Instagram!

As for the polls, unfortunately, this year's contest is over- and we won! However, any further contests for which our ship is eligible will be looked into and posted here as well.

oowwhhh thank you so much.. :) #SAcoupleforever

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@linzer03 I haven't watched spartace moments in rm fans meeting 2013 & 2015. I should find some and watch it!

For the new episode, saw a pic that JH is doing pepero game with her partner but cannot find one for JK's team. However, someone translate the preview pic about JK and his partner. The wordings are talking about both of them have feeling for each other...After reading your post, we may actually find how their relationship has progressed in this episode instead of just looking for spartace moments (as it is a couple race, spartace moments will be less I guess...)

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@linzer03 You brought up a lot of interesting observations about ep 198.

Before I begin, I just have to say I think JK looks particularly fine in the opening of this episode. Wowzas...^_^

Now that that's out of the way, I had a hard time catching JH's glances during the trampoline game. That's not to say they're not there. There were a lot of little moments where her eyes would shift (like you outlined above), and I found myself trying to figure out how much I could see peripherally if I was in that seating arrangement. Or, there were lots of fleeting glances between the two, especially right after JS changed the topic from JH's lack of communication about her relationship status to KS' heavy breathing down his neck.


credit: siti nur aisyah 02's YouTube video

It's just the moments weren't as blatantly obvious as I was expecting (or the angles/editing impacted it), as it had been awhile since I last watched this episode before this morning.

Off topic: I think one of JH's habits must be her hair touching...her reaction at this part just reminded me of her reacting during the Wuhan press conference from last year, when JK steals the mic from her to comment about her Chinese skills. It may be nothing, but I find it interesting.


Ep 198
credit: siti nur aisyah 02

Wuhan press conference
credit: gif created from d_n0112's IG post, 20 Dec 2015


Right. So where were we? As far as the pepero game, I agree with your excellent observations. Honestly, it was a bit amusing watching both at quarter speed. It made it quite obvious how much JK spent looking not thrilled (for lack of a better term) and wearing a hole in the floor with all of his pacing. Or, even the little things, like how his eyes shift while watching JH and HYS play kai bai bo to determine who goes first. JH's facial expressions are also amusing, because you can pretty much see the "oh, crap" look when she begins to realize HYS is competitive, as well as the overall awkward look, as you mentioned. I wish I had more profound thoughts to say about this, but I think you covered it! You also brought up a lot of things I hadn't thought of. So, thank you for sharing those.

One thing which continues to intrigue me is JK's reaction when JH is complaining about JS' vote. I can't figure out what's going through his mind. Is he upset with JH for dragging him into this? Is he annoyed with her complaining? It baffles me.


credit: SBSNOW YouTube


A final comment on other things that intrigue me, namely the other cast members' reactions. I think Gary sometimes, especially during this episode, tries too hard to portray the MB image. Like, he just over-(re)acts. It's almost painful to watch. Also, LKS. While he appears to be a skilled actor (I haven't watched any of his other work yet...), I'm convinced there are times when his true thoughts shine through, especially his reaction during the whole discussion about JH's new boyfriend and how she needs to be sure to inform Gary, as well as the rest of the cast. It reminds me of his facial expression in another episode, but I'm drawing a blank on it at the moment.


credit: siti nur aisyah 02


And, I loved this:

22 hours ago, linzer03 said:

However, I think it's a good thing that spartace’s relationship has changed from 2013 to 2014 to present. They're no longer a couple who just started dating and are in the honeymoon phase. So we probably won't get to see anything like the 2013 Singapore fanmeet again, but we also get to see how close they've gotten and how much trust they have in  each other now.


It is such a good point. It does get frustrating with the lack of moments we've had lately, and sometimes I feel like I'm being needlessly delusional by trying to hold onto some of these old moments. However, just like you said, I try to keep in mind that their relationship has changed, as it will in any relationship over time. (I just hope it's a change for the better, and not for worse!) And, the point about trust is huge, especially given last week's episode.

I think this upcoming one will be interesting, especially with the return of pepero. From the preview, I don't think JH was feeling as comfortable with the game as we've seen her in the past, but I guess we'll see in a few hours!

Edited by aschae
took out richard simmons; added additional gifs; cited media sources
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Speaking of spartace moments in the past - I'm surprised there are spartace fans who haven't watched videos of the 2013 Singapore fanmeet. That fanmeet is kind of a must-see. It's ridiculous the amount of spartace moments there are from start to finish, and I really can't believe that anyone has watched those videos and still thought there wasn't anything romantic between spartace. So, anyway, I figured I'd just make a long post with links to youtube videos, so we'd have it all in one place and any spartace fan who hasn't seen the fanmeet, or wants to watch it again, can watch it. All the video links are under spoilers tabs. I'll give my opinions and observations on each video, but you can ignore them and just watch the videos.


Context for the fan meet: This is the last stop on the first Running Man Race Start tour. KG, HH, JSJ, and KJK have all been part of the first three concerts, and SJH joined them for the final one on Singapore. The concert takes place on 19 October, 2013, so its right in between the filming of the Wizard of OZ episode and the Ryun Hyun Jin and Suzy episodes of RM. And, if we go by the "spartace started dating 2013 theory, they've been dating for at least a few months. I'd say that they actually got together in the first half of 2013, since by the time of the fanmeet, they're pretty comfortable about how to express themselves in public, whereas if they had recently started dating, I think they'd be more unsure about how to interact in front of fans. However, at this time, they're also new enough in the relationship that they're not trying very hard to hide it (like we see in more recent fanmeets) and are, at times, even making subtle jokes about it. But that's just my opinion, feel free to disagree. 


Let's just start off with the airport footage when they arrive on the 18th. SJH and KJK are walking together and stand on the escalator together. You'll notice that the other RM members are walking separately. It's only KJK and SJH who are side by side. KJK (who's good about talking to fans, probably partly because he's good at English) is distracted and almost goes the wrong way getting off the elevator. SJH grabs first his bag and then his arm to keep him going in the right direction. She lets go of him fairly quickly, but there was no real reason for her to grab his arm like she did - just the bag would have worked. 





So the first stage of the fan meet is their interview with ONETV (which took place on the 18th). Thankfully, it is English subbed so those of us who are limited to the English language know what they're saying. This interview has several parts beside the main interview, and in these parts, they ask the cast questions like "what job would the person sitting on your left have if they weren't a celebrity?" and about ideal types. I'll attach the ones related to spartace here, and you can look up the rest on your own (Google "RM Interview ONE TV").


Main Interview: Note the seating arrangement with KJK and SJH next to each other and KG on the other side of SJH. KG and SJH sit next to each other for MC, but KJK and SJH is not necessary but somehow seems to always happen. There are bunch of subtle things between spartace (you can never really tell where KJK is looking when his head's turned to the right because of his sunglasses), but some notable moments are KJK asking SJH what was the most interesting episode, and when she's slow to answer, he reminds her about the kiss to create an MC moment (this happens while spartace are holding the mic together and looking at each other, I might add). KJK also laughs really loudly at the comment that KG kissed SJH for the first time in three years and then elbows JSJ when JSJ says that it'll take another three years for SJH to get a kiss on the lips from KG. (Side note: KJK talks about how the RM members get energy from the fans to continue filming, which causes SJH to smile. He says something similar during the red carpet interview at the 2013 MAMAs and she laughs at that too - cast inside joke? spartace inside joke?) And then, we have the Hawaii incident, where SJH answers Hawaii instead of the fan service answer of Singapore. She's embarrassed about her mistake, and we see KJK quickly hold her hand/wrist and then let go. He also pats her arm, and after they all give the correct answer, she laughs and leans on KJK. I also find it interesting that when HH says he hopes JSJ can be SJH's character so he can be loved by KG, KJK bows his head so we can't see his reaction. When talking about bringing a fan to filming, SJH says something and KJK turns directly to her and they have a brief side conversation which ends with KJK sort of leaning on SJH. 


Edit: So the videos for these following interviews got deleted, and I cannot find replacements for most of them. I'll leave my descriptions up here,but you're just going to have to take my word for it that this is what happened.


Additional Interview 1: These interviews are more edited than the main one, so you can't see the reactions of the whole cast to some of the comments. This first interview involves asking MC questions. Just notice the change in KJK's posture when they ask about the MC kiss. In the earlier interview, KJK was engaged, but now he's leaning back. Though, when they ask about Mong Ji, you can see KJK nodding enthusiastically. When KG says he was just teasing SJH when he kissed her, we have KJK laughing and SJH starting to turn to look at him before the shot changes. And when KG bluntly says that SJH isn't his ideal type, KJK laughs (pretty happily in my opinion and pushes KG a little). And lol at KG, when describing SJH, he compares her to KJK. SJH bluntly says that KG isn't her ideal type. Then we see KJK laughing and SJH looks to her left but we don't really know if she's looking at KJK, JSJ, or HH. I don't even know how to describe this entire interview, which somehow turns from the topic of MC to KJK. HH tells KJK to get married to which KJK practically freaks out, and then HH describes KJK as the most pitiful man in the world (don't forget that they've just been answering questions about MC and specifically about SJH's ideal type). KJK starts talking about how MC can't date because of the program, but from the editing, it first seems like he's talking about himself, so I wonder if he kept it vague on purpose. SJH then says the question was for her and he laughs, gives her a playful push, and tells her to be quiet. Then we have KJK repeatedly tapping her and asking what she was going to say about KG's looks. 


Additional Interview 2: There's another interview that I didn't include here, but it has KJK describing his ideal type. The RM cast jokes about YEH (as always), but we don't get to see SJH's reaction. KJK eventually describes someone who would be a good mother to his children - a fairly standard answer for him. So the interview I attached here is where the RM cast describes the person to their left and then again describing the person to their right. And since SJH and KJK are "coincidentally" sitting next to each other... SJH describes KJK as a loyal man, and KJK says SJH is most adorable when she's trying her hardest in the games. When SJH's describing KG, KG makes her laugh, and she leans onto KJK - a

+nd not she is not subtle about it. 


Additional Interview 3: (There are way more of these than I thought there'd be). SJH has to describe KJK's most embarrassing moment, and rather than choose an actually embarrassing moment, she chooses him doing Sistar's dance. She really loved that dance. Her reaction to him dancing in that episode is so much fun to watch, and you can see YJS going to her during part of the dance. Side note: I also think that dance is one of the few times in RM where you can see SJH checking out KJK. We get quite a few times where KJK is stunned by SJH (since she gets to dress up some times and have a dramatic reveal to her male cast members) but KJK doesn't get scenes like that, so I love the fact that you get two shots of SJH subtly checking KJK out as he walks to the platform and no one else. SJH's reaction to KJK is the only initial reaction we get to see; it's not until KJK is on the stage that any one besides SJH gets a close up. 


Additional Interview 4: (Last one) In this one, they have to describe an alternate occupation for the person on their right. KJK says SJH would be a pretty art teacher, because she'd be good with kids and good at making sure they didn't act up. Just want to point out that this job does fit with his description of his ideal type being someone who would be a good mother. And then, we have the cute scene where SJH says she would like to be a doctor, and KJK, and then the rest of the RM members, tell her definitely not, anything but that. And then we have KJK and SJH leaning into each other when they laugh about KG's potential occupations. 


Main Interview


Additional Interview 1

Additional Interview 2


Additional Interview 3


Additional Interview 4



The interview took a lot longer than I thought it would to type up. Wow. But I think it was definitely worth it. The interviews are really where you can see the RM members dropping some subtle and not-so-subtle jokes about spartace dating. 


They also had a press conference on the 18th. I don't have a video for it, but I do have an article that translates the RM cast's answers to English. The main point of interest is that KJK cuts into a question for SJH, joking that she's "no woman". Don't take him too literally on that "no woman" comment, KJK definitely sees her as one. You'll see when we get to the From Fool to Fool video. But anyways, back to this interview, KJK really likes her Ace image. Since the thing he thought was adorable about her in the ONETV interview was when she tried her hardest in games and now he praises her for being stronger than the men of the cast. I also included some of the posed pictures so you compare how comfortable she is with KJK to how comfortable she is with KG. 



So right before the actual fanmeet is the fan signing event. In this video, the five members introduce themselves. KJK and SJH stand next to each other, which I'm fairly certain was a predetermined line up (especially since they try to match the pictures behind them) with KG on SJHs other side (for the MC fans).  However, it seems important to the RM members that SJH and KJK stand next to each other, since they do so in almost all of the 2014 fanmeets as well. During the introductions, we can see KJK's smile when the fans start cheering for SJH. It's KJK who takes care of her, whispering to her and explaining what's going on. And when SJH is surprised by the fans' reaction, she laughs and looks at KJK. I've seen some fans say that she relies on KJK here because he's the most fluent in English; however, the other three members present have all been to three fanmeets before this - they know what's going on just as well as KJK, and she could easily have asked KG. Also, it's not in the video I linked to, but if you search youtube for "Running Man Fan Sign at Jurong Point" you'll find more videos of SJH and KJK sitting together at the table and still whispering to each other. 




So now we’ve finally reached the actual fanmeet. I don’t have a lot of videos for the game section, sorry. They’re just not that easy to find, and I’m not 100% confident about the order I place these videos in. The fanmeet has a lot of MC moments; after all it’s SJH and KG’s first fan meet together. I can talk about how MC at fanmeets has affected MC in RM, but that’s a whole different post, so I won’t. But I’m telling you now, the number of spartace moments in this fanmeet far outweigh the number of MC moments, and that’s even with KG and SJH singing “Turned Off the TV” together. I’m not kidding. Spartace are ridiculous this whole fanmeet from beginning to end.


Opening Number: The spartace moment doesn’t start until halfway through the video, but we can see SJH looking to her left (I think at KJK but we can never be certain with where people are looking) which causes her to walk into JSJ. KJK puts a hand on her back to steady her and you can see them both smiling and laughing at what just happened








Opening Introductions: I will never not laugh when watching this video. SJH only claps for KJK. And you can’t make some excuse that she was nervous about her own introduction and didn’t think to clap until after she was finished, because HH introduces himself after KJK and SJH doesn’t clap for him. Only KJK gets that honor. I find it hilarious every time.





Opening Interviews: As I said earlier, I’m not 100% confident in the order these occur in. They’re only short videos of spartace moments but they’re all cute. Also, I’m so glad these interviews were in English and that KJK is reasonably fluent in English because this is one of the only times where I actually know what’s being said in these interview segments of the fanmeets.


Video 1: This is the beginning of a spartace tradition (yeah, I’m calling it a tradition). In numerous fanmeets and interviews following this one, we see SJH needing a cover for her legs because she’s wearing a short dress/skirt. KJK is almost always the one that helps her, asking for a cover and helping her put it on. But this is the first time. And it’s also cute that he’s surprised by the host’s question because he’s too occupied with helping SJH.


Video 2: I’m fairly certain that this video comes shortly after Video 1 because the host and KJK are talking about how KJK is competitive and how KJK likes to win games. KJK says he can’t win every time because it’ll be boring, so he lets the other cast members win. KJK jokes that he’s generous like that, and the host tells the audience to clap if they think KJK is generous. Guess which two RM members clap. SJH and HH. You could argue that because they aren’t good at English, they just heard the word clap and did that, but there are Korean translators on stage.


Video 3: Once again, KJK cuts into the obligatory MC questions. KG is describing what he likes about SJH (pretty and sexy). KJK reacts at the word sexy, which causes SJH to laugh and look at KJK. KJK then adds that SJH has a lot of gold. In my biased mind and based on the previous interviews, KJK wants to highlight SJH’s Ace image, while KG is just sticking to appearance-related descriptions.


Video 4: To this day, I don’t understand how this interaction happened. Seriously. KJK makes a joke about how SJH quit smoking thanks to the RM members. It’s an old joke among the cast. But then, all of a sudden, the host points to KJK and SJH and says, “I know the two of you went to the toilet together.” He has to be talking about SJH and KJK, since KJK was the one talking (about SJH) just moments before and the host is pointing to someone beside KJK. HH, on the other side of KJK, is the person who responds by saying “I saw it too” (I’m pretty sure that’s the right translation, correct me if I’m wrong) so it’s not HH. I have no idea why the host, who knows MC is the main loveline, would suddenly want to highlight, on stage, in front of fans, that KJK and SJH went to the toilet together. My headcanon is that the host noticed KJK always commenting whenever something involves SJH and finally put two and two together, but who knows. But I love KJK’s pause after the host’s comment, and it’s HH who has to respond. KJK only gives a weak “yeah” like he doesn’t really know what he’s supposed to say.



Video 1


Video 2


Video 3


Video 4



So after the interview section is the game section. Like I said before, there aren’t a lot of videos of this, but there is a section where the cast members dance to “Gangman Style”. There’s a sequence to this. First, HH and KJK dance to “Gangnam Style” with SJH. To which the host says KG will be jealous. Following this, SJH dances with KG for a MC moment. You can see SJH’s kind of uncomfortable with dancing with KG even as she laughing (she tends to laugh when she's uncomfortable). There a few moments in the video where you can see KJK’s reactions, but mostly he seems to play along with the MC loveline. It's quite possible this moment was planned beforehand. The fans were promised a lot of MC in advance of this fanmeet. But at the end of the dance, KG acts like he’s about to kiss SJH to which she responds by retreating to where HH and KJK are.


Another video I found is before they play a tug-of-war game. KJK (at the front) says something to SJH (at the back) and she laughs. It’s brief, but it’s spartace.


They also play a charade game, which they do almost every fan meet. It’s really small, but when they get the right answer, you can see SJH turn to KJK to share her surprise with.


Those are really all the game videos I could find, but as you can tell, they’re still interacting during the games. We also get HH, KJK, and SJH dancing together before their "Turned Off the TV" routine during the 2014 fanmeets. 



KG and SJH dancing together


KJK, HH, and SJH dancing together


Tug of War





So now we get to the singing part. I’m a little uncertain of the exact order of the songs (except the last two since they're the encore). When watching these videos, you have to remember that this is SJH’s first fanmeet – which is part of the reason while I don’t think we’ll ever get a fanmeet like this one ever again. She isn’t a singer/rapper like KJK, HH, KG, or JSJ, so she isn’t comfortable singing and dancing on stage like they are. She tends to stand in one spot during the performances unless one of the other members approach her first. I think it’s because of her nervousness that KJK stays close to SJH throughout the performance (occasionally wandering off but mostly staying with her) and SJH pretty much shadows KJK everywhere on stage. The other members, JSJ and HH mainly, approach her from time to time, but KJK is clearly the one who looks after her on the stage. There are, once again, the obligatory MC moments that I’ll talk about when we get there, but it’s mainly spartace glued together.


Our Meeting: KJK and SJH start off this song standing together and show no interest in moving. KJK encourages her with her singing and you can see her smiling at him. She taps him on the arms and says something to him that makes him laugh. Then, when KJK starts singing, she does the response. KJk walks away for a bit and you can see SJH still watching him. She’s very aware of where he is on stage throughout the performance. It’s harder to tell with him because of his sunglasses, but considering they’re never far apart and he’s constantly including and encouraging her, I’d say he’s pretty aware of her too. He turns to her, puts his arms around her, and sings with her before walking away for a bit again before coming right back to her and saying something. And then puts his arm around her. They don’t move from each other’s side for the rest of the song.





From Fool to Fool: You can’t always see it in this video (since it’s KJK focused), but spartace are side by side for pretty much the whole thing. You can see SJH standing kind of shyly when they start jumping. Then she looks over at KJK with a smile and immediately he comes to put his arm around her so they can jump together. KJK briefly leaves SJH and moves around the stage. He’s a professional singer so he knows to move about, but he returns to be beside SJH pretty quickly every time he does leave her. He puts his arm around her, shouts her name, and starts dancing with her. And, you can see, when they start jumping, she holds his hand. Then HH and KJK try involving the audience. SJH watches them and decides to join in, but doesn’t really know how to, so KJK shows her (with some skin ship in there, of course). Then, when it’s KJK’s turn to sing, HH shows off KJK’s abs to the audience. After pulling his shirt down, KJK looks over at SJH and she covers her mouth with her hand. Seriously. To anyone who says they’re siblings – what kind of brother checks his sister’s reaction after having his abs shown off? And what kind of sister reacts like that? If KJK really thought SJH wasn’t a woman (as he said in an earlier interview), he wouldn’t check to see her reaction to his abs. We also get to see her reaction to KJK having water dumped on his head and she’s shocked/entertained by that. She’s pretty fascinated by everything that happens to KJK, something you don’t see with KG or any other RM member on that stage. And then, at the end of the song, KJK moves to stand by SJH and they put their arms around each other before walking off stage together. The amount of attention they pay to each other on stage in front of fans is crazy during this fan meet.




So the RM members come back out to perform an encore of “Lovable” and “Hard to be Humble”. Lovable has a couple MC moments, which I know are going to make some of you cringe, but SJH’s reactions in the video tell a lot. And I think this is one of those videos that every spartace and MC fan should see.


Lovable: This is the early version of "Lovable" before the 2014 fanmeet where they choreographed parts of it so KJK ends up almost always singing the chorus to SJH. (They choreograph a song so KJK can sing to SJH and people still think they're siblings?) So anyway, KJK and SJH are, once again, side by side at the start of the song. And then, KJK calls out her name and lets her sing part of the song. Other than “Turned Off the TV” which she does with KG, I don’t think she sings any of the other members songs like this. Correct me if I’m wrong, but none of the other members have ever encouraged her to sing verses of their songs. KJK has done so at multiple fan meets, not only this one. It may be my biased eyes, but I think SJH is more enthusiastic about singing KJK’s song than HH or KG’s. But, anyway, KJK is very encouraging of her singing and gives her a thumbs up afterwards, which she returns. He then walks away a bit and you can see SJH watching him and laughing when he dances with HH. When they have the usual dance session in the middle of “Lovable”, KJK calls out MC and they dance together (SJH looks a little stone faced, but maybe that’s just me). Anyway, the moment the MC dance is over, she goes right back to KJK’s side. KJK shows off his abs once again, and while we don’t see SJH’s immediate reaction in this video, she is shown smiling and laughing in the background. And once again, they’re back side by side and he’s singing parts of the song to her.


And then we get to the ending. The ending gets its own paragraph because I have a lot to say about the ending. KJK pushes MC together, and the look on SJH’s face when she sees KG immediately transforms from happy to disappointed. I don’t think there’s any way a MC fan can paint that expression in a positive light. She is not happy to be pushed towards KG. She glances and KJK, so he’s definitely part of the reason for her disappointment. Then, you see her put on her Monday Girlfriend expression and pose for the fans. Now, before you get mad at KJK for forcing MC on SJH, I want to point out that I’m pretty sure this was planning beforehand. You can see KG move to stand beside spartace towards the end of the song, and he plants himself in front of KJK with his arms folded right before KJK pushes MC together, so KG and KJK both knew it was happening. I don’t know why SJH was surprised, since they practice these things beforehand. My best guess is that she had been a little overwhelmed by the crowd the whole night and was happy to be singing with KJK that she forgot there was a planned MC moment. MC dancing together during “Lovable” was probably planned to, because before dancing with KG, SJH is standing apart from KJK for the first time during the song. But if you watch KJK’s expression in this video after pushing MC together, he’s smiling at first but as he’s clapping, it fades and he looks a little bitter. HH did say KJK was the most pitiful man in an earlier interview.





Hard to be Humble: It was hard to find a good video that showed spartace most of the way through the song, so I included two. Video 1 shows them in the beginning and end well and Video 2 shows them in the middle well. I think this is the first song where KJK and SJH start off with some distance between them. It doesn’t last very long, SJH moves across the stage towards KJK, and KJK quickly ends up closing the gap. But then KJK moves to the far side of the stage, and you can see SJH (in Video 2) standing by herself in the middle of the stage looking a little lost. HH, interestingly enough, takes SJH and moves her to KJK, and the three of them move to the far end of the stage together. And then, HH leaves them there. Lol. I don’t know if HH did that on purpose or not, but it’s kind of funny when you think about it. The encore of this fanmeet reads like short story. I’m not kidding. KJK and SJH are happy singing “Lovable” together, but then KJK forces a scripted MC moment, and they both feel awkward/a little mad about it so they stay apart even though they want to make up, and then HH pushes them back together and they’re good. It may just be all in my head but just watch it play out on stage. It’s crazy. So anyway, after being abandoned on the far side of the stage by HH, spartace moves back to the middle of the stage, KJK puts his arm around SJH, and they spend the rest of the song together and leave the stage together.



Video 1


Video 2



And that is the 2013 Singapore fanmeet in all its spartace glory. If I missed anything (and I’m sure I did, because the whole thing is loaded with spartace moments), let me know. I still don’t understand how people can watch these two during this fanmeet and not believe they were dating at the time. It goes beyond sibling or just friends. The fact that KJK and SJH rarely leave each other’s sides (during the fanmeet, during interviews, in the airport) is crazy and the fact that they share almost every moment with one another—that really isn’t friendship or siblingship.


But, now, as the last couple posts have said, we will probably never see spartace like this again. Firstly, because this is SJH’s first fan meet. Throughout the 2014 and 2015 fanmets, you can see SJH become more comfortable performing for a crowd so she doesn’t depend on KJK like she did in this one. Secondly, I think their awareness of MC changed. Here, they have subtle inside jokes about MC and KJK. They’re actually pretty blatant, in my opinion, about spartace – at least compared to other interviews. It may be because this is spartace’s first time in public not on the RM set. They haven’t really had to face the MC fandom as directly and they’re perhaps more confident that they can hide their relationship than they should be. Now, they’re definitely aware of spartace fans and know how MC fans react, and they’re a lot more wary of these things. Thirdly, spartace was still early on in their relationship (according to the 2013 dating theory) and still in the honeymoon phase. Their relationship has changed. They don’t need to constantly be together or constantly touching each other anymore. So, in my opinion, I think we should appreciate the Singapore 2013 fanmeet for what it was and now look forward to new moments between KJK and SJH.


Let me know what y'all think. Anything to add or correct? Any favorite moments? What do those of you who don't think they're dating take these moments as? (Because I really don't know how they can be anything but dating based on their interactions.) Sorry for writing two really long posts almost back to back, but since @dragonlovers mentioned not having seen any of the fanmeet, I thought I should just lay it all out here and we can discuss it. Again, all opinions welcome!

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guys it's time to VOTE again, this time Song  Ji Hyo is once again nominated for goddess of Asia title, she is current on 7th, let's all vote for her and make her win the title, fighting guys

sidenote: you vote by pressing the heart and write the characters that pop up, it only takes seconds and you can vote every 30 minutes


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@linzer03 thanks for your hard work in writing up most of the sa moments in singapore fan meeting 2013. After reading your post, I found that I came across some of the moments before but never watch or link it from the beginning to the end. (Never come across the whole interview as well...only watched some cut parts...lol) Therefore, I didn't find that much sa moments as mentioned. Now I think I will spend some time to review all the rm fan meetings though it will be a huge project. (I always watched cut parts but never come across the whole thing for all fan meetings) Thanks for your sharing again.

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Today is the 6th anniversary episode, so my sister and I watch broadcast together. I am eager to find sa moment as well, so I am like very excited and came home earlier to make sure I watch it on time. However, we turn it off with the dirty play of LKS. Even LKS is the bias of my sister, she also think LKS has crossed the line. And all KJK fans are angry with his dirty play.

Understand that it is his role in rm. LKS always cheat in games especially with JK. But when comparing to the earlier episodes, it is far more dirty and it really cross the line. To produce a funny scene, different people will use different method. Even JS, who is close to JK for more than ten years and watch JK grow in the variety field does not dare to do that to JK, not to mention that he never use dirty act like this to be success. HaHa, being the one that actually teach KS how to be cheater (you can find it in early episodes, HaHa is the one who always cheat instead of KS), did not ever do this to JK although he is very close to JK. Actually, over the years they spend together, nobody use act as cheap as this in the show. Even when KG kick JS in the crotch in this episode, he kick JS with gentle as you can see in the show (if you call it a kick). Sometimes they will "hit" others richard simmons (like JS did to KG this episode...don't know what it is called in English) which can be found in many korean variety shows, but it is different than hitting upfront especially for male. KJK fans are angry and upset because you can see that LKS hit JK really hard in the crotch and he did it with intentions but not an accident. Ashamed that LKS is happy with his success. JK is always tolarent and forgiving. But does this mean that someone can hit you crotch hard and say sorry to you and act like nothing happen? Furthermore, everyone knows how bad JK body is, especially his back. At least I am sure that being a close friend, he and the member should know it. After being hit in the crotch, JK falls from a high place and land with his back. And what can JK do when they are in the middle of filming? He can only said never mind at the spot, and with his personality and how dedicated he is to his work, he will not scold LKS. But will someone really do not mind that you friend treat you like this and say sorry and then do it again every week? How many antis will JK gain if he does not forgive LKS? So I am really amazed with JK's personality. JK really tolarents his every act. It is really what I wish I can learn from him. If JK did not fall from that high, JK fans will not be that angry. And just like what happened before when LKS did something without limit (like removing JK's boxer during game), LKS Chinese fans said it is just for comedy and nothing special why JK fans overreacted and there is nothing wrong with it. This kind of comments are all over weibo now. This makes JK fans more upset with the immature of LKS fans are. I am sorry but he is not the only one with the image and role as a cheater and betrayer. HaHa is the one who shares the same position as LKS, but LKS is the one who always act so low and this is the cheapest act I found as a gagman (if he can be named as one).

To be honest, I really want to cursed but I will hold it down. I know it is not right but I glad that Soyou (Sistar's member, partner of JK) take a revenge for JK and take LKS down.

For god sake it is the 6th anniversary and this is what JK being treated with no respect as a friend or a colleague or member in a special episode, thanks to LKS. And with the anger I have, I forgot any special thing I discovered about Spartace. I think I will not watch this whole episode for some time. So will see what you guys can find about the two we love. Thanks. And sorry about my bad temper in this matter.

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@dragonlovers I hope LKS’s actions don’t damage your image of him permanently. I’m a big KJK fan too and I don’t like it when this kind  of stuff happens to any of the members, but I think it’s important to remember how easy it is to cross the line between what’s joking around and what’s actually harmful. It’s easy to get caught up in the moment, trying to make people laugh, and think you’re playing around, and then end up taking things too far. Especially on a show like RM that encourages cheating and exaggerated violence. The RM cast, in my opinion, is usually pretty good about not crossing that line, but they’ve all, even SJH, taken it a bit too far at some point or another. The one that always stands out to me is KJK getting stripped naked by YJS and LKS in the Big Bang episode. I know there was a lot of criticism for that too. But there are also times where KJK has used more strength than he should have or his scoldings went too far and actually upset the person. In this episode, the other RM males were hitting each other around the crotch area before the LKS and KJK match. It was just that LKS stepped it up a notch for KJK and maybe crossed the line.

The RM cast members have been doing the show for six years now, and they usually don’t openly show the audience when they really disapprove of one another’s actions towards each other. There are some exceptions, but they’re usually presented in a joking way and never when they cause each other pain. The RM cast want their show to be humorous, so they’re not going to admit for the cameras or guests when they’re injured or when they’ve accidentally injured each other.

Anyway, I believe the RM cast is close enough, especially KJK and LKS, to say when each other are crossing the line between joking and harmful. But they’re not going to do it on camera and draw attention to how that line was crossed. That would be breaking the humor of the show. So anyway, I hope we can all understand that it’s easy to get carried away when trying to be funny and that it happens to everyone so we shouldn’t hold it against them.

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So, is no one going to talk about spartace in the most recent ep? I feel like only a couple of people have been talking on here recently. It’s kind of lonely.

I liked this ep, but was disappointed in the nametag ripping. Just because the RM members have an established order that they eliminate each other. It doesn’t matter if they’re wearing partner boxes, they still gang up on the same people. But other than that I enjoyed the episode, not one of my favs but entertaining, especially since they had to improvise the games considering the rain. And I’m glad SJH won. It seems she’s now winning all the couple races.

I wasn’t expecting much in the ways of spartace since they were both partnered with different people (though we have had plenty of spartace moments during couple races in the past). There was a moment where SJH shakes her head when Hyolyn selects KJK, and when SJH is playing the don’t laugh game, KJK wonders aloud how he should make her laugh (like he considers it something he should be able to do since, you know, he’s dating her). Also, see SJH’s adorable smile when KJK is introducing himself. Then, KJK leans against the post for SJH’s bar game and talks her through it. SJH and her partner also stand on KJK’s side of the two bars during his fight against LKS where most of the cast were in the middle or on the females’ side. During the pepero dancing, you can see KJK’s eyes move from KG and Hyolyn to the left (so he’s looking at either SJH and partner of LKS and partner) and then when it’s KJK’s turn, SJH’s off screen for most of it, but you get a brief reaction shot and she isn’t exactly thrilled. That's all I can remember off the top of my head, but let me know if I missed any.

What I wanted to talk about in this episode was how you can tell who the RM cast considers the bachelors. Two Sistar members pick LKS as their partner and two pick KJK (side note: I think this is the first time both KG and YJS haven’t been first choices of anyone in a partner selection), but the difference in the cast’s reactions to the LKS and KJK triangles is obvious. There’s huge drama surrounding LKS when both Dasom and Bora pick him, but when both Hyolyn and Soyou pick KJK it’s like “Okay, that’s nice, you have to make a choice now.” The captions try to build up Hyolyn’s return (as if trying to make it dramatic like the triangle between LKS, Dasom, and Bora) but the cast members don’t really make any comments about it and Hyolyn doesn’t seem interested in fighting for KJK so the triangle never goes anywhere. The RM cast also never tries to create a love line between KJK and Soyou. You get a couple comments about “are you trying kiss?” because of their weird position during the dancing pepero game but that’s it. It’s the Sistar members (Hyolyn, I think) who comment that KJK and Soyou are a good couple. (KJK won Soyou’s ideal type world cup match during ep 209, btw.) The captions also try to make a little love line between them when the teams are eating, saying KJk and Soyou are a good couple, but since the RM cast never say anything like that or try to build up any kind of potential love line between them, there’s nothing for the captions to go on. With KG, on the other hand, the cast is absolutely thrilled to make a love line between him and Hyolyn (and the two of them were awesome together, she might be my favorite partner for KG). But I think this episode makes it clear that the RM cast regards LKS and KG as the bachelors and it’s the two of them who get love lines. KJK and Soyou are treated as a platonic couple in the same way that YJS and Dasom are a platonic couple.

Since SJH is the only RM female, I don’t really have anyone to compare her to in regards to how the cast treats her partnering with a male guest. But there’s never any hint that the cast regards her pairings as romantic. They treat it more like she’s a fan of the guest and she’s happy that she gets to spend the day with a handsome guy. No love lines for her either. But to be fair, I don’t think she’s ever had a love line with a guest (correct me if I’m wrong).                                                             

Anyways, I’m really looking forward to the next ep. Spartace plus JSJ usually gives at least one good spartace moment though I bet you anything they won't win. I’m trying not to get my hopes up about any big moments. The best spartace moments usually come when I'm least expecting them.

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Agree that it's kinda lonely. It seems like it's been quiet on a lot of platforms lately (minus IG).

I guess I don't really have any analysis; just more of random thoughts and observations.

I did catch the grin that JH has when JK introduces himself. It wasn't quite what it was like when he read the letter to his mom a few episodes back, but there was one there. I didn't re-watch all of the introductions, but I know it wasn't there for the couple before JK. 

JK also had a bit of a reaction of his own when they were playing the keeping-a-straight-face game in the train car. When the comment came out about SJ liking JH, you can see JK's shoulders shake a bit, like he's laughing, but trying to hold it in. I do think it's funny that he seemed so perplexed on how to make her laugh. commanderandace summed it up perfectly

I get the feeling that KS is dating someone, just based on this episode, and 247 (mostly because I watched this one the other day...). I do find it interesting on who they choose to pick on about relationships. Curious, though: when was the last time someone gave JK grief about being in a relationship, or teasing him for having a girlfriend? I do agree, though, with KG being single. He doesn't really come across as someone who is currently in a long-term relationship. 

And yeah. JH hasn't really been in any lovelines with guests. I think it's probably due to her always being shipped off to Gary, and I don't know how they could have worked it in. Tbh, it'd be nice to be done with all of the random lovelines and couple races. I'd rather see natural alliances and the hilariousness that happens when you have a close-knit group, rather than it feeling like the pages of a young adult novel. Then again...I'm probably not their target audience, and definitely not of that culture, so I may be in the minority on this one. 

While the episode was decent, I was pretty impressed with the rainy day games the staff came up with. I've worked at summer camp before, and coming up with rainy day activities was always one part of my job that I hated; it is not easy to do. So, kudos to the staff for pulling it off, and at least keeping my interest.

I also don't know what to think of KS. I think he went a bit far in this episode. @linzer03, you have an excellent point.

On 7/10/2016 at 0:55 PM, linzer03 said:

but I think it’s important to remember how easy it is to cross the line between what’s joking around and what’s actually harmful. It’s easy to get caught up in the moment, trying to make people laugh, and think you’re playing around, and then end up taking things too far. Especially on a show like RM that encourages cheating and exaggerated violence. The RM cast, in my opinion, is usually pretty good about not crossing that line, but they’ve all, even SJH, taken it a bit too far at some point or another. The one that always stands out to me is KJK getting stripped naked by YJS and LKS in the Big Bang episode. I know there was a lot of criticism for that too. But there are also times where KJK has used more strength than he should have or his scoldings went too far and actually upset the person. In this episode, the other RM males were hitting each other around the crotch area before the LKS and KJK match. It was just that LKS stepped it up a notch for KJK and maybe crossed the line.


That line is definitely easy to cross. I think that line was crossed back in the unlucky hand episode with the stuff that happened to KS, and I definitely agree that the line was crossed and continued about five miles down the road with JK's forced stripping. JK also was notoriously critical in earlier years, and I agree that his scoldings have probably gone too far. Then again, I think KG and Hyorin went a bit over the line, too. But that's based solely on how "clean" the show has been kept. I'm not opposed to adults behaving like adults, but it was just a bit much for my tastes.

While it was hard to get a read on what JH's reaction was when it happened, I do feel like her comment to KS later, about how he deserves her actions towards him, came across a bit barbed, and my gut thought was it was a veiled reference to that game. 

I guess I don't have any expectations for next week's episode. Everything lately has been so inconsistent that I don't want to get my hopes up. All I'm looking for is an episode that will make me laugh! :)

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@aschae lol at the post. I think KJK was overthinking how to make SJH laugh. It kind of reminds me a bit of ep 163 when they had to guess what food SJH likes. KJK took charge of listing off foods she enjoys and then when she practically gave them the correct answer (even telling them it's China's other main dish when they assumed the wrong one, compared to the vaguer hints she gave the other team), KJK (and LKS) ended up overthinking it and getting the combo. 

I'm not a huge fan of love lines because they can be taken too seriously (KG/SJH and KJK/YEH being perfect example), but they're also ways of helping the guests get airtime so I'm not totally opposed to one episode love lines every once in awhile. Like I said, I like the X-Rated couple (they definitely crossed the line of what's acceptable on RM, but that was the humor in their love line) but it's not like I want the X-Rated couple to date in real life. 

@mary-ann While it'd be fun and who doesn't want to see jealous KJK, I doubt SJH will ever get a proper love line with a guest. For one, she's not one to easily act familiar with new people. My point about LKS and KG being considered the "bachelors" is that if they are in relationships, they're probably in the earlier stages where it's okay to have love lines for an episode of a show. Going by the 2013 theory, KJK and SJH have been dating for three years now, and they're probably getting to the point where they're just waiting for the right timing to get married. In the beginning of their relationship, KJK was still willing to do love lines with guests and SJH was still willing to do MC, but now I get the feeling that they're not interested in doing love lines anymore. If you remember the War for the Center episode, KJK seemed pretty determined not to have a love line with HJY and there was no attempts to form a love line in this episode. MC is fairly over at this point (though a part of me is still fears it'll return) and SJH has finished WAIL (which I feel like was in part her attempt to end MC). I could be wrong and SJH could have a love line with a guest two episodes from now. This is all just speculation. 

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12 minutes ago, linzer03 said:

@aschae lol at the post. I think KJK was overthinking how to make SJH laugh. It kind of reminds me a bit of ep 163 when they had to guess what food SJH likes. KJK took charge of listing off foods she enjoys and then when she practically gave them the correct answer (even telling them it's China's other main dish when they assumed the wrong one, compared to the vaguer hints she gave the other team), KJK (and LKS) ended up overthinking it and getting the combo. 

I'm not a huge fan of love lines because they can be taken too seriously (KG/SJH and KJK/YEH being perfect example), but they're also ways of helping the guests get airtime so I'm not totally opposed to one episode love lines every once in awhile. Like I said, I like the X-Rated couple (they definitely crossed the line of what's acceptable on RM, but that was the humor in their love line) but it's not like I want the X-Rated couple to date in real life. 

@mary-ann While it'd be fun and who doesn't want to see jealous KJK, I doubt SJH will ever get a proper love line with a guest. For one, she's not one to easily act familiar with new people. My point about LKS and KG being considered the "bachelors" is that if they are in relationships, they're probably in the earlier stages where it's okay to have love lines for an episode of a show. Going by the 2013 theory, KJK and SJH have been dating for three years now, and they're probably getting to the point where they're just waiting for the right timing to get married. In the beginning of their relationship, KJK was still willing to do love lines with guests and SJH was still willing to do MC, but now I get the feeling that they're not interested in doing love lines anymore. If you remember the War for the Center episode, KJK seemed pretty determined not to have a love line with HJY and there was no attempts to form a love line in this episode. MC is fairly over at this point (though a part of me is still fears it'll return) and SJH has finished WAIL (which I feel like was in part her attempt to end MC). I could be wrong and SJH could have a love line with a guest two episodes from now. This is all just speculation. 


I just saw on instagram that SJH and KG was on the same show again in China I think it's called " please take care of my refrigiator"  and in the romotiong video i saw MC-loveline again, so i also fear that it will be revived. anyway I hope and pray that thee producer would let song ji hyo and the guest form a loveline, that would be refreshing and give RM the romantic  feel again, that it has been lacking lately!

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47 minutes ago, linzer03 said:

@mary-ann But don't SJH and KG still have the CF going on? They probably can't abandon the love line completely until that's done, which is why they're still going on shows to promote. Has anyone watched them on those shows? How is MC?


I forgot the CF, yeah that actually makes sense

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Heard some news from Baidu, RM fan meeting will be held soon at Hong Kong, Macau, Taiwan, and 6 venues at Mainland China. Also, MC is guesting a Chinese variety show, which will be aired next week. Seems like they are going to promote MC loveline, as shown in the trailer. 

I'm worry (actually a little bit frustrated) that MC is going to do fan service again like previous FMs in China. Will Myuk PD revive the already half-dead loveline, so that the actual program and FM look 'in-sync'?

Have watched the recent episode, the guest (Sistar) is hilarious, I love the interactions between the guests and the members. However, I do feel disappointed with some segments, namely the pole fight and the dirty dance. Viewers are pouring in compliments for this episode but maybe I am the odd one. Considering RM is not a R-rated program and loved by children, those dirty dance and attacking of opponent's private parts are very inappropriate. Just to voice out my opinion, feel free to disagree. 


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I don't think MC will be revived. It's had its moments in recent eps, but it's never really comeback as it used to. Plus they didn't do any jealous SJH or jealous KG shots in this ep so I think Myuk PD is done with MC. In my opinion, RM is moving on from MC, though its kind of going through an back-and-forth adjustment period because it clung to MC for so long that it's hard to let go 100% right away. They probably don't know what to call KG and SJH's relationship anymore (I remember one caption that called them something like "close coworkers" which just sounds weird) and MC is the easy fallback. And I'm pretty certain the Chinese variety show has to do with the CF and not with RM, so just because they are doing their love line for the CF doesn't mean the love line exists in RM anymore. It's probably in their contract with the CF company  that they have to do MC promotional stuff every once in awhile, so once the contract expires they'll probably stop appearing on shows together like this. 

I'm hoping they don't do MC during the fanmeets (don't forget that SJH has WAIL now with CBL so the fanmeet questions may focus more on that), but I would never rule it out. They may have a watered down version of MC, eg SJH and KG sing a song together but not have a kiss. Give the MC fans some MC moments but not make it romance for the other fans (since its been said on the show that MC is platonic). I don't think they can get away with pushing MC as a romance at fan meets anymore. I think a lot of fans have gotten annoyed with the love line and now that iits been ended in the show, I don't think they can continue it. (I bet the CF company was really annoyed that they did the brain scan episode. They pay this love line to promote their product and then the love line tries to end itself.)

I've always wondered what the size of the spartace ship is compared to MC. There's not clear way to confirm it, I guess, but spartace is definitely the biggest ship in RM after MC, but I feel like the two much closer in size than people give spartace fandom credit for. What do y'all think?

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