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[Official] SPARTACE COUPLE KimJongkook-SongJiHyo

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I do have the most of the translations (rough) for the Jk-JH battle at least:

Caption: Even if JH is the ace, a confrontation with Kookie...

JSJ to JH : JH-ya, don't think of anything else, his right hand is weaker after the arm wrestling

Haha to JH: No, you can do it

Caption for JH: let's give it a try

YJS to JH: JH-ya, fly!!

Caption: Commander vs Ace

JH hits JK and JK hits her back. JH falls.

YJS to JK : Aah, really

Caption: haven't understood yet, but it meant something close to "a small protest"

Next caption: This hyung really has no mercy

LKS to JK: Woah, JK-hyung

YJS to JH: JH-ya, hold it in

LKS: Woah, JK-hyung is a different man.

JK says JH-ya, before she hits him with the pillow and pulls her into a hug (I was screaming during the live broadcast at this point, lol)

Caption: You, understand my heart, right? Jh-ya, sorry, sorry(and a heart sign at the end)

Caption:  Mode switched from manner guy to Relentless fighter

JSJ : JK's concept has changed

YJS: that was cold, that was cold

Haha : JH-ya, sorry, sorry (@athoughtcloud1, you  were asking about this, I think?)


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51 minutes ago, androkia91 said:

Haha : JH-ya, sorry, sorry (@athoughtcloud1, you  were asking about this, I think?)




I'm pretty sure it was JK who said that... it's just his voice was lower since he was looking down to get off, so his mouth was closer to the mic ;) (just hear that JiHyo-ya... only JK can make her name sound like that)

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Agree with @athoughtcloud1 people may see JK a bit rough against a female, but what is needed to be remembered is JH is an RM member, JK may act weak in front of female guests and just let them win when it's a one-on-one match, but JH is always an exception. He knows her well, she'd rather be a warrior than being treated like a princess (I think this is what the PD means in the latest interview about not treating her the same like the female actress). She has no objections to go against a man and always puts her best effort in it. 

When the game started, I can see JK nods, like allowing her to attack first. This could be noted as an action of a well-mannered man like him. After he knocks her down, his face shows the regret expression, maybe after seeing the 'protest-face' of JS. Seeing the hug, makes me wonder if in their real life, it was his way of comforting her after arguing :D

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Guest athoughtcloud1

What is this news about a show which (from google translate) is described as a "food-travel variety show with fans " SBS is co-producing with Tieba Entertainment in China where KJK and SJH's names are mentioned along with Jung Yonghwa's as guests from Korea? Is there confirmation on this, Chinese fans? Saw somebody mentioning on SA baidu that they have just been invited and there is no confirmation. But usually, when they mention somebody has been invited, they do join the program. With WAIL too, the news reports first said JH had been invited to do the program, right? Since SBS is co-producing and Yonghwa's name too has been mentioned, I kind of feel the participants have been approached and there is at least a 50-50 chance. Don't know what kind of show it will be, will it be stars travelling with their fans (?) in which case even if KJK and SJH participate, their onscreen interactions will be limited. So keeping my hopes low. But at least they will be in China during the same period and might attend some promotional event together, if ever the news turns out to be true. http://m.weibo.cn/5749042654/3979052971173245?sourceType=sms&from=1065195010&wm=5311_4002

Finished watching episode 301. It was far better than episode 300 though I wish the last mission was better. After making the RM members do such tough missions, especially KJK, Gary and SJH, thought they would be given some time to relax. Wished the quiz mission they did in the beginning of episode 300 were the last one. It would have been fun and nostalgic instead of a mission which was not scary as they promoted it and therefore felt pointless. Also, they could have arranged better food for the RM members after the pillow fight game since they know JK rarely eats ramen and it did not look like he was having any in the footage they aired (though he won the game). And to give punishments to the RM members after all they did in the really tough mission seemed kind of anti-climactic to me. Would have loved to see our cast's smiling faces at the end of the day rather than the haggard and tired faces we got to see.

As for Spartace, I am really glad the smother-hug was not edited out since otherwise there was very little spartace in this episode. They edited out almost all the parts where JH was standing with JK/massaging him that we saw in the BTS pics. The Spartace screenshot from the mission they put on the SBS insta also did not get aired. The little massaging that we got to see from JH's hand movements was due to fans' hawk eyes than thanks to the RM editors. From this episode, I can see that the team might start subtly promoting MC. It may not be as loud as before where they put pink captions and the members say cheesy stuff about them. They can't go that route thanks to the brain scan test they did. But some MC interactions will be highlighted to cater to the MC fanbase some of whom still believe that something may yet develop between them. Otherwise, I don't see why they edited out all the parts where JH is massaging JK's shoulders and neck and didn't do the same to JH massaging Gary's neck in the car. (I don't know how much of Spartace interaction will be there in the next episode though they are in the same team since it seems to be team member against team member based on the preview and I can see JH and Gary are competing against each other. But didn't really see a smother-hug coming in this episode while watching it live. So there may well be SA interactions that don't get edited out). I think the team is aware that there is a spartace fanbase too. Don't know how much inputs the RM PD team has in the pics that get posted on the SBS insta. But seems to me they cater to three shipper fanbases which has JH in it, Spartace, MC and at times KwangMong. So don't think it will be all MC too. Otherwise, they could well have edited out the smother hug (though I don't see it having created that many reverberations in the RM fandom other than among SA shippers). I am wondering whether there could be other reasons behind why they retained that. If they had not aired it, would JK have come off as too rough with JH? Possibly. But then they have cut shots pretty awkwardly before like for instance the segment where JH was calling Park Bo Gum  where the scene was cut while she was in the middle of her sentence. So perhaps, it might have been retained for other reasons too. The editors also put the caption "You understand my heart, right? Ji Hyo ya sorry sorry"  with a love sign in tow after JK pulls JH into a hug. Of course, it can be interpreted as "friendship", but found the caption interesting. Also remember the caption they put for JK when JH said she liked somebody whose name started with "J" ("Was it a mistake? Or did she really mean it?"). Not that any of these would be even noticed by non-SA fans. But feel a wee bit happy that the editors are at least trying to cater that much to the unofficial couple fanbase.

But anyway, I feel that after the brainscan test, JK feels like he needn't be so cautious as before in his spontaneous interactions with JH. If MC relationship was still considered ambiguous, I can't imagine him doing that with JH in front of the camera however apologetic he may have felt. He might have apologized with a side hug and a pat on the back. This kind of effusive apology where he pulls JH into his arms belongs more to the 2013-2014 period. So though JK is still acting cautious around JH (they still talk rarely), I think he feels a bit freer too in terms of expressing himself with her in front of the camera(based on the AS episode hug and this episode's smother hug).

In some shots during the mission, you can see JH standing near JK. There is also a shot where JH is standing with her hands on her knees and you can see JK's muscular arms by her side. There is also the scene where JSJ fails and JH asks JK whether he really showed "paper". Also when KS is doing his mission, you can see JK asking JH to do something and JH immediately goes and puts something down from the table where KS is doing his mission. Though in the shots they aired where the team is eating, JK is sitting away from all the rest, he is sitting near JH when they are doing the puzzle from the two shots they aired during the last mission.

Thanks @androkia91 for the translation. Good that SA fans translated that caption with the love sign which the editors put since the subbers didn't translate that in the subs I watched (not their fault, of course, but it is our loss).

@tushe0511 Wondered for a moment if that comment could be by JSJ (if it is not Haha's since it didn't sound like JK's). But you could be right about the mic and I don't see why anybody else should apologize to JH.

@assyl4 Agree with you on that. Also, before the start of the pillow fight, JK looks pretty nervous not even daring to look JH in the eye. Remember the arm-wrestling match where JK and Suzy were pairing off against JH and SJ. There, the people on JH's team (was it Haha?) were asking JH to look JK in the eye since they felt that would weaken JK's resolve. Though JH looked, JK was not looking her in the eye. When he has to seriously fight against her, I think he evades her gaze since perhaps he feels that would weaken his resolve. In that match also, he didn't treat JH like he treats other women, going strong against her. Again during the XMan episode, Gary tries to put JH as JK's opponent during the first game where you had to pull down the opponent (perhaps thinking JK may not play as strong against her), but JSJ intervenes and puts Seolhyun instead.

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Like most people on this thread, i think that one key thing of the episode was that hug scene. I felt the most telling thing was that LKS was literally about to go on one of his rants that we normally see him do. Since he's very close to KJK he pretends to scold him all the time on the show. The fact that he stops mid sentence as theyre hugging speaks volumes in my eyes. I told you guy that the second part of the show would be better. I too would have preferred something along the lines of a group mission where through teamwork they could go all succeed together and fail together. The whole reason why there's such a massive following of RM is the shared bond the cast members have with each other. 

I was just curious where do you guys see the BTS pics? what accounts do you guys follow on instagram? would like to do so myself. 

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@seabear11 it is from SBS official instagram. FYI, not just the spactace scene was edited out, the whole game was not aired.

@athoughtcloud1 For Teiba and SBS collaboration, it didn't mean they have already invited them. In many of these cases in China, they will ususally mention the guests they intended to invite to draw media attention (and state clearly on the info instead of mentioning already invited them to allow some room of variation). The final decision has not been made. This kind of conference often held in the initial stage. There are some cases that the guests have changed in the end. So it is not confirmed yet but we can have our hopes on it. However, if spactace is real, will they be able to announce the news officially after they both join the show? Since somebody mentioned that in Korea, a real couple cannot work on the same variety show. I forgot where I saw the comment but I saw it a few times already... So my concern is whether a collaboration show counts and how will this affect their relationship.

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I don't think the couple game JH and KG did is a signal of MC's return (though I might be wrong, we need couple of episodes more after WAIL ended to know where the teams are heading). For me, since JH and KG were introduced as MC in the opening of ep 300, so the game they played on 7 vs 300 people match might be based on the character they are most known as. And still, it's gonna be weird to start MC again after the brain scan test.

Looking forward to the official announcement of the program. Hope they really invite JK and JH. It would be great since they're rarely being together on a program outside RM.

Anyway, were their ranks from the pillow fight supposed to determine the room they got? If it's true, then JK might gave his room for JH. Their ranks went like this: 1st - JK, 2nd - KS, 3rd -HH & JSJ, 4th KG JS JH

When they entered their room, we can see KG and JS got the similar mattress. Both of them are in the same ranks, along with JH. But then it showed that JH got the big-sized bed and a nice room instead (which I think it must be for the 1st place person, compared to others'), JK on the couch and KS is using mattress (dunno how to post picture here, grhhh got me frustated).

Edited by assyl4
need to add something
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 @dragonlovers  That's a rule secretly for real couple in korean program,but this is a show collaborated by tieba and SBS,so perhaps it has some differences.Invited together with spartace,there is another 'couple' like MC and OJ couple on the screen in China.They are guessed by their lovers that if they are real couples in real life,so I think if spartace really are confirmed to attend the show,it won't some problems.Plus,even if they really attend the program,it can't change it just a business.So I don't think this collaboration will affect their relationship. This show has some uncertainties,but we hope it very much.LOL...

This collaboration show is celebrities bringing fans to travel and eat delicious food.Travelling is surely okay,but delicious food,er.., JH is certainly okay,but I think JK maybe has something difficulties due to his strict management of body(but they can feed each other,hhhhhhhh)

JK signed a Chinese business (YS-ENT)several days ago,and from what the business post was that JSJ was also signed by it.But to our surprise,it focused on JK and JH in its weibo,instead of SJ.So we guessed if JH also prepared to sign this business or has signed already??Plus,we also guess if the business is concerned with the the collaboration...

Don't anyone remember this time last year when SBS also posted a video which spartace were appeared seperately in there,and it was about something of SBS etc..(I don't remember clearly,sorry)

So I guess if the collaboration is concern with that video...but that just my guess.


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Haha i think this possible show collaboration having JH and JK together is basically due to each of their appeal to the China market, JH with her recent We Got Married show and JK, of course, with him being a hot favourite in China. and not missing out their popularity as RM members too.

Theres no concrete details sadly. But it seems like a pure coincidence, could also be that the show will have JH and JK filming episodes with fans individually :( (but can you guys imagine an episode with just fans, and both JK and JH as guests/hosts? LIKE SPARTACE ALONE ON A DATING/WORK TRIP TOGETHER outside of RM whoop whoop?!?!) (WE NEED A FANFIC FOR THIS ANYONE, lol)

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@elevenpapitus what I meant by affecting their relationship is, if they would like to announce their relationship to public (that they are real couple), will they decide to postpone it because they are on the same show? As it seems that running man is one of the reasons why they don't officially announce they are real couple (if they were in reality). SBS is involved so not sure whether the show will be aired in Korea as well (JK's Fashion King, which is a collaboration bwtween China and Korea, was aired in both China and Korea).

For the Chinese guests they intended to invite for the same show with spartace, their fans actually hate each other very much due to their previous show =.= (two of them had been the hosts on the same show before) You can always find 'war' between their fans in Weibo if you know what I mean...Hope this will not affect the show...

All in all, the final decision has not been made. It is still in a very initial stage where the aim for this conference is to attract sponsors for the show. So everything is uncertain right now. Hope for the best.

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@assyl4 Agree with you that in EP301, the winner of the pillow fight might be given a better room. Or else, the pillow fight would be meaningless. I got these pictures from Baidu SA, I'm not sure whether they will show up (still a newbie in learning process, LOL). The pictures show Jihyo in the left lower corner, JSJ in the right upper corner (better rooms), instead of JK (middle lower) & LKS (middle upper), who are the winners of the pillow fight. So, JK maybe gave his room to Jihyo & LKS to JSJ.



(Pic. Cr. Baidu lighttkma)

Regarding the invitation of new Chinese variety show, praying hard that spartace will take up the job. However, it is high possibility that JK won't accept the invitation in view of his tight schedule in the 2nd half of 2016, namely 2 variety shows in Korea, US concert tour, Chinese album, Running man FM (not confirmed yet), Chinese variety show Ding Ge Long Dong Qiang Season 2.

Edited by htttt
Retry insert pictures
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FYI, JK will bring HaHa along for US Tour, it will be werid if both of them don't attend RM FM. (since they are better singers among the members...one of them missing is still fine, but two of them are missing then I will be worried about the FM lol) So I think the US Tour will not clash with RM FM Tour.

@htttt Agree with you that JK will be very busy in the second half year. With the Chinese album, he will need to attend events / shows in China to promote the album. Ding Ge Long Dong Qiang seaaon 2 has not been confirmed yet. The recording will start very soon but there are still no news confirm he will indeed join season 2.

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@dragonlovers Thanks for your clarification regarding JK may not joining DGLDQ 2. I always thought that since CCTV is governmental-linked, it should be pretty reliable in their announcement. And of course as a Spartace shipper, I wish JK will accept the new variety show proposal together with Jihyo, rather than DGLDQ 2.

How wonderful if they can host a new show together, which is totally different from Running Man. If I let my delusional mode on, they can later announce that they have feelings towards each other during hosting the show (take an example for Ruby Lin and Wallace Huo, who admitted they are dating recently. Despite having rumours that they are dating for years, Ruby said that she accepted the confession only during her birthday this year). If that is the case, thay can avoid bad comments, especially from Korean audiences and MC shippers (of course all the above is my delusion,LOL).

PS. still fail to insert a picture that will show up, sigh....

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Based on today's rm,when JH ate spicy food,and she couldn't bear it,so she leaned on JK,and JK scratched her continously,instead of E285 he scratching JH's wrist.It seems like a signal,he seemed like not so cautious like before,and didn't mind pd.....If spartace really attend that new society program,I think we will see more frames like this.

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Guest athoughtcloud1
49 minutes ago, ktiminie said:



Nice gifs. Love the way JK is rubbing/squeezing JH's hand to comfort her. :) I think he meant to use his other hand to either hold her waist or shoulder and then settled for holding her hand with that hand as well. 

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That's a very boyfriend-like action. Mainly because he keeps holding onto her. Based on the video clips I've seen, SJH bumps into/leans into KJK and in response he grabs her right arm with his right arm. That's an action I could see between friends, no big deal. But KJK keeps holding onto her and even switches so that its his left hand holding onto her right arm (a more comfortable position). In the video clips I've seen, we aren't shown KJK letting go of SJH. So he's holding onto her for quite some time and even adjusting his position so its more comfortable to hold onto her. Hmm...

KJK has definitely become more willing to interact with SJH recently. I remember the days (in 2015) when people didn't think they were close. It wasn't until the 5th Strongest episode came out that people (outside of the spartace fandom) started including KJK as one of the people closest to SJH again. We all know I attribute this to the end of MC (I've said it countless times on this forum), and its nice to continue seeing this type of behavior from KJK.  

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We're having little moments of our SA but that's enough for us... the future could reserve so much more!

I noticed once again JK's tone of voice while talking to JH in the beginning... While he was saying "you brought all kinds of food"  it sounded so warm, so familiar (even though he wanted to scold her, lol) it actually reminded me that moment with the letter he wrote for his mom in ep.296. Also when JH asked if the mission was really finding the ingredients JK answered in a really deep tone of voice "mm"... so sexy.

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