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[Official] SPARTACE COUPLE KimJongkook-SongJiHyo

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@assyl4 For Welcome Show/Opt Show, the live broadcasted section in Wed ususally don't have any sub.  However, following the trend of previous episodes, the ep with dragon bros will be aired on June 3 & 10.

FYI, Cha Tae Hyun had asked question related to JK's marriage. Also, JK revealed one of the reason why he broke up with his ex. He said that he once lied to his ex and went to the gym, so they broke up. (Though most of his Chinese fans think he's making things up...all are saying that you cannot trust JK when he is talking about his relationship and marriage lol). And the reason of his broke up also hit the news haedline...haha

@elevenpapitus I read the news as well, wondering whether he will held solo concert/Turbo concert or other else. Will he invite guests to his concert? Can't wait to see...On the other hand, running man race start concert is usually held in year end, right? Wondering whether Kookie will be able to join. Love seeing the spartace interaction during running man fm. Especially without monday couple this year, hoping to see the changes in the show...

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Guest athoughtcloud1

Ok, I admit it. 'Cutie couple' suits them as much as spartace. They both have the little girl, little boy vibe at times. :D


Thank you @dragonlovers, @assyl4 and @elevenpapitus for the translation.

Let me speculate a bit about the topic which we have been speculating about for a while in this thread. Found it interesting that SJ mentioned JH's marriage in his essay. He might be teasing her about how she being so strong will not find a suitable guy, but still, it is the first time I hear him teasing JH about her marriage. Usually, they all keep wishing for JK to get married, but rarely talk about JH's marriage (the instance where I remember members mentioning JH's marriage was during the 2015 year end horoscope reading. When the fortuneteller was talking about JH's love prospects,Gary tells JH that it is time she got married and JSJ also chimes in and says the routine MC should get married or something like that. Also remember Gary wishing JH all the best for WAIL at the RM PC saying he didn't mind even if she and CB got married. Other than that, I can't think of any other instances where members directly mention JH's marriage. Do correct me if you remember any other).

At the year end awards, when JK said somebody was asking him to delay his wedding and Haha brought up JSJ's name before the flustered JK, JH had a slightly pissed off expression on her face before she changed her expression. JS was also giving JSJ the "oh, did you?" look. Even earlier during a Happy Together broadcast, JK had said that JSJ keeps telling him to postpone his marriage while JS keeps telling him to get married asap.  So I think there is some truth to what JK said. JSJ might had have some personal reasons for saying that since he has had troubles in his marriage, but I think much of it was due to professional worries. In an earlier scenario, Spartace making any dating announcement, especially in 2015 when there was so much focus on how MC might have some real life chances, would have spelled a death knell for the show. JSJ, despite his love for both JH and JK, is the member who is most likely to lose if the show comes to an end. So I can understand why he might not have been as enthusiastic about their marriage plans before. But with the new PD, have some things changed? MC have been revealed to have no feelings for each other. The conversations that the members had  with JK's mom centred only around his marriage and everyone was acting like they kept advising JK to get married. So in the new scenario even if JK and JH do get married, does the RM team not regard it as spelling the end of the show? May be, I am reading too much into JSJ's words. Obviously, I don't see any plans for that this year. Their schedules are packed and the kind of announcement they make will need some careful planning. JK had said he had plans to get married in 2017 during his 2015 horoscope reading (whether he really meant it is something we can't be sure of since his marriage plans keep getting postponed every year). JH also said recently that she has no immediate plans and that there is still time for that big change in her life. So definitely not this year. It can't be all too sudden for their sake and for the sake of the show. But is it something the team and the other members have finally come to terms with as a certainty of  a not-so distant future which they too will have to make plans for?

We will get to know where things are headed after WAIL ends and the fanmeets begin. If the members still continue MC promotion like before and the show also springs some MC moments on us as we near the 6th anniversary, we can be sure it will be another long wait. But if things change a bit, perhaps there is a chance.

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I, too, found it interesting that SJ is telling JH to get married, but he's told JK to wait. 

Is it possible that his statement to JK was just him being a smart-a$$? There are some guys who will do that, where they're hanging out with other guys and tell them "dude, don't do it." Usually it's followed up by complaints of nagging wives and being limited to one woman, which, based on some of the comments SJ has made in the past, seem like something he would say.

Just a thought. But I totally see all of the other perspectives, as well.

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Guest athoughtcloud1
2 hours ago, aschae said:

I, too, found it interesting that SJ is telling JH to get married, but he's told JK to wait. 

Is it possible that his statement to JK was just him being a smart-a$$? There are some guys who will do that, where they're hanging out with other guys and tell them "dude, don't do it." Usually it's followed up by complaints of nagging wives and being limited to one woman, which, based on some of the comments SJ has made in the past, seem like something he would say.

Just a thought. But I totally see all of the other perspectives, as well.

I think it could be just that. May be I am reading too much into it as a shipper. JSJ is one of those types to be sure.But in front of JK's mom, he was the first one to say "We keep telling JK to get married soon". LOL Anyway, JK was looking flustered when Haha was trying to dig deeper into the identity of the person on awards night.  And seeing JH's slightly annoyed expression before she smiled and JS' reaction too made me wonder whether it was a touchy topic. And here JSJ is telling JH to go get married...May be just a joke.

But JSJ's essay is really funny. Think in his hurry, he left out JK among the people he has complaints against. Wanted to know what he wanted to say to JK. But it is interesting that SJ kind of equate JK and JH in terms of strength.

@elevenpapitus and @dragonlovers Could it be a Turbo concert since I haven't heard of any solo album coming out this year? Have you?

@dragonlovers What did JK answer when CTH brought up his marriage? The usual?  I have heard the gym story before too, that his GF broke up with him because he spent too much time at the gym, that when she asked him to meet up, he gave some excuse and went to the gym instead. But that was a long time ago. I think it was Jang Hyuk who said something like he needs a girl who spends time at the gym.

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@athoughtcloud1 From the report,it's not exactly said whether it will be JK's solo concert or Turbo concert or other else...It has only mentioned that JK was invited to have a series of concerts and activities for the korean and chinese in America.

But I think it's likely to be JK's solo concert,because they only invited JK to Las Vegas,and the report seemed to point out only JK.But,it perhaps will have some changes..Let's see!

And in welcome show,when CTH brought up JK's marriage,he just answered the gym story,maybe..There are a lot of things done ,I can't remember clearly...sorry

Btw,I saw another story about JK in welcome show.CTH asked JK if a girl he want to marry with in the future,calling him to accompany her instead of going to the gym for one week,does he willing to?

JK answered 'That she would not love me'LOL



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Guest athoughtcloud1

@elevenpapitus Thanks for the info. From the articles, seems like it will be a KJK concert than a Turbo one (perhaps KJK will invite KJN and Mikey for one or two guest performances?) RM fanmeets are starting by August, right? Any idea of the schedule? Hope he will be able to join the fanmeets in October and November.

As for the ratings decline, I heard 1N2D also had a decline. Some people were saying that it could be because people went out since it was nice weather compared to the previous Sunday when it was raining. Don't know how far it is true though. Also for a 300th episode, RM did not invite any big star. Even BTS weren't proper guests per se. But I think ratings will be back this time. From the preview, this episode looks interesting.

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@athoughtcloud1 Sorry for not responding to you yesterday, as I usually visit this site once in few days, and I am not that 'high-tech', still figuring how things work here.

Regarding JSJ's essay, I think he was only teasing JH for being strong (not feminine enough), and it's hard for her to get a husband.

Also, I do think your previous postings were very 'enlightening', hope to see your analysis more.

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I'm pretty sure only KJK can hug SJH like that. LKS would probably hug her after knocking her off, but he would probably get off the beam first and go to her. I mean, KJK holds her hand first and then pulls her towards him before wrapping his arms around her head (and we know how sensitive she is about her head lol). It's a very different kind of hug and I don't think any of the other RM members would hug her like that no matter how close they are. Just wanted to point out KJK's special status when it comes to being psychical with SJH.

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Do love JK's hug JH,it's really sooo sweet~!!!Don't you think this behavior is like what bf did something wrong and comfort his gf??LOL..

I have never seen JK done this kind of hug with other female,he is a self-discipline man with many original principles.He wouldn't do this kind of things with people he don't get close to,not to mention the female.He is JK who has the name of 'discipline squad'.

Plus,JH is also the one who don't like too much body touch,such as E230 she didn't like gary touch her head,E291 when JH faced gary's behaviors,she all got rid of.But in this episode,she had no resistances of JH's hug her,even when JK stretched out his hands,she also took the initiate to catch JK's hand.It reminds me of E137,she also took the initiate to catch JK's hand and JK hugged her.



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Seriously guys, how am I supposed to live with that hug!!!!!!! :)))) That was too sweet! I cannot freaking believe JK had put his defense down. So thankful MC was not being pushed as hard as before and JK just I can't guys how were you able to handle that hug!?!?!???? How!?!?????!! TT

  So sweeeeet of jongkook!!!! than was soo sweet... sorry for this I am so overflowing with emotions and so overwhelmed by that swwwweeeet hugggg... Okay I'm gonna stop now... But the hug... :))) TT

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The hug was really sweet, but i still have mixed feelings, I don't understand JKs behaviour, like he ususally doesn't attack or fights women but he did just that here with JH, but then again he usually doesn't hug or hold females that closely sooo.....

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14 minutes ago, mary-ann said:

The hug was really sweet, but i still have mixed feelings, I don't understand JKs behaviour, like he ususally doesn't attack or fights women but he did just that here with JH, but then again he usually doesn't hug or hold females that closely sooo.....

That was a little rough for me too but it also indicates how close both are. With other women he is usually gentle but with her, it's another story. :) But that roughness though was easily overcome by how he pulled her to him, snuggled her head (w/c btw his hand touching her face) near his chest, and how he sweetly got his head closer (was he rubbing his nose on her head?). And oh that smile too... He sported a different smile (was the smile sweet and apologetic? with a bit of wanting to hug her full-blown?) oh well.. ☺️

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I've seen some comments about KJK hitting SJH with the pillow too hard, but seriously what do you expect him to do here? He's matched up against her for a pillow fight. He can either 1) let her win, 2) hit her once and get it over with, or 3) not hit strongly and drag out the game until she falls off. The episode isn't subbed yet so I don't know the stakes of the game, but apparently he wanted to win. If he's trying to hide a relationship, letting her win doesn't do much in the way of hiding it. I'm sure he knows she can handle it, and actually being able to hit her shows how close KJK and SJH are, because if it was a female guest you know he wouldn't do it. For whatever reason, KJK couldn't let SJH win so he had to choose between options 2 and 3. 3 would require him to drag out the game and hit her multiple times, whereas with 2 he can hit her with the pillow once and get it over with. She was laughing when it was over so obviously she wasn't that upset about it or hurt.

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4 minutes ago, linzer03 said:

I've seen some comments about KJK hitting SJH with the pillow too hard, but seriously what do you expect him to do here? He's matched up against her for a pillow fight. He can either 1) let her win, 2) hit her once and get it over with, or 3) not hit strongly and drag out the game until she falls off. The episode isn't subbed yet so I don't know the stakes of the game, but apparently he wanted to win. If he's trying to hide a relationship, letting her win doesn't do much in the way of hiding it. I'm sure he knows she can handle it, and actually being able to hit her shows how close KJK and SJH are, because if it was a female guest you know he wouldn't do it. For whatever reason, KJK couldn't let SJH win so he had to choose between options 2 and 3. 3 would require him to drag out the game and hit her multiple times, whereas with 2 he can hit her with the pillow once and get it over with. She was laughing when it was over so obviously she wasn't that upset about it or hurt.

And how proud I am for SJH for trying to keep up with the other male members and not making her gender as an excuse to the point that she's not spared by the ever gentleman JK. Too much respect for our JH. :)

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5 hours ago, linzer03 said:

I'm pretty sure only KJK can hug SJH like that. LKS would probably hug her after knocking her off, but he would probably get off the beam first and go to her. I mean, KJK holds her hand first and then pulls her towards him before wrapping his arms around her head (and we know how sensitive she is about her head lol). It's a very different kind of hug and I don't think any of the other RM members would hug her like that no matter how close they are. Just wanted to point out KJK's special status when it comes to being psychical with SJH.

You are right. I don't think any of the other RM members would have hugged her quite like that. Plus that snuggle?! or whatever it was, it was soo cute! He didn;t do it for real, but I think off cameras he is a big fluffly teddybear and he does that kind of thing often. Cuttteeee!

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Guest athoughtcloud1

I am on a re-watching spree. :) When I take a break and come back and re-watch, I can't believe how intimate it is and find it hard to believe that JK did that to JH in front of the camera (Like 'really, that almost invisible person under JK's arms is really JH? And is that really JK doing that snuggle? ). And to think they cut that shot in between and zoomed over to other members' faces leaving questions unanswered like did that snuggle end mid-air? :wub: Since I have this giant grin plastered on my face, this post is going to be half-sense and half non-sense. ;) 

I have ranted about it on this thread earlier. I have always had a problem with JK in situations where he doesn't treat JH as an equal competitor. In the SNS race, JK instead of treating JH as a real opponent and going after her nametag once he got her name, waited around for others to take her out. Finally, after a messy name-tag ripping which he could have avoided if he had gone for a clean one-on-one with JH earlier, he had to explain his reluctance to fight JH by highlighting her gender [we know the real reason was coz the opponent was not just a woman, but JH]. In the nametag ripping in Dubai where JH could have at least got one member out if she had been allowed to compete with them, JK asked the members to leave out the women and fight it out among the men first (LDH took out a couple of name-tags that day in another messy name-tag ripping). I know JH has her limitations in terms of physical strength which the male members have to take into account, but generally I believe JH deserves to be treated as an RM member first and foremost (in many things, she is better than the men and in the matter of physical strength, she is better than SJ at least). So, I am glad JK didn't give JH the soft-glove treatment this time and competed against her considering her as an RM member first and foremost. Like @meh2222 pointed out, we respect JH a lot coz she gives her all in the fights with the guys (didn't she require her wrist to be treated after the fight in the ring with LKS? In the 150th episode, in the fight against Choo Seung Hoon, JH says that she doesn't want to be treated like a woman and wants to die with her pride intact ). Still, I agree that the smack was a bit too strong. How  could anyone feel like hitting my cutie pie JH like that? :lol: We still haven't got the subs, so that may change how we judge the situation. 

But, perhaps, JK himself didn't realize his hit was going to be that strong (after all the arm-wrestling he did that day or the previous day, he may have thought he would not have his normal power, so perhaps he put in a little bit more to compensate and it proved to be too much. JH was the first member he was going against, so he may not have got the proper idea in his head how much power he should exert. He may have wanted to knock her off the bar the first time itself, but perhaps not with so much force). Even otherwise, JK sometimes doesn't realize how strong is. I remember in one of the fanmeets, JK tried to do a body-bump with JH (like he would usually do with the guys) and JH almost flew away. LOL Anyway, it was pretty obvious that none of the members expected JK to go so strong against JH (perhaps they may have expected him to defend two or three of her attacks and then slowly knock her off the bar - but then haven't we seen that before? Isn't this fun for a change?) I know it is hard when you think of JH as a woman, but when you think of her as a RM member, it seems like he respected his opponent by giving his best. And yes, we know JK would have never done with any other woman, so that shows their bond and his faith in her strength. And JH immediately gets up and tries to hit him with the pillow. It shows she is no weakling either.  I remember JH in the second episode of 'WAIL' says something like even if you are lovers, you should compete well against each other. So, I guess JH sees this kind of face-off with a BF as something challenging and fun. And when she gets mad at JK, most of the time, she and he both can't stop smiling at each other for some reason yet to be researched. :wub: Btw JH's expression when she tries to hit JK is just like that time when she tries to punch him in the chest in the mud-wrestling game.

I know JK is not that shy with girls as he is made out to be (he is shy, but not that shy). In other shows he does, he interacts with women more freely than in RM. So, I wouldn't go by JK's RM image completely when analysing his skinship with JH here. Still, what he did in this episode is a bit too much by any standards. After he knocks JH off the bar and sees her enraged face, you can see the regret on his face as he tries to pull her closer to him. JH then holds his outstretched hand. JK could have done many other things to convey his apology (like a side-hug, a pat on the head, sitting down in front of her to have his hair pulled like in episode 70 and 88) . But then JK, perhaps in one of those rare moments where he half-forgets there is a camera around since he is feeling that apologetic to JH, not only pulls her closer, but does it in a way where his hand is cradling her face (his fingers are almost touching her mouth). He pushes her face towards his chest almost smothering her (which man pulls the face of a woman close to his chest just like that?) . And not even that, he then does a snuggling action above her head with a very tender expression on his face. Sadly, the camera doesn't let us see where the snuggle ends, but we get to see a red-faced JH at the end of it (that is me adding some spice. Most probably, nothing more controversial happened after the snuggle). More interesting are the reactions of the members. KS is in the middle of scolding JK (he is tapping JK's back) when he sees JK pull JH close towards him and he immediately lets go of JK and  looks down slightly embarrassed, but he also has a  smile on his face (kind of shows KS knows it is gonna be a private moment between the two and he had better leave them alone) Once JK gets off the bar, you can see JS doing an action where he moves his hands away from his lips looking in JK's direction (perhaps asking JK not to say anything? or was it meant for something else?). In fact, I find it weird that JK doesn't say anything (the one who says sorry to JH at the end - whose voice is that? ) through the whole thing - you can see him mumbling 'Ji Hyo' as he looks at the PD (guess it is a 'what have I done?' kind of expression), but he offers no other explanation or apology. Instead, he goes for the spontaneous smother-hug (shows he doesn't need to show his apology through words when he has the freedom with her to show it through his actions - flashback all the SA hugs that follow JK ripping JH's nametag).

The fascinating thing with the other RM members whenever there is a spartace tiff is that while they blame JK or try to physically restrain JH, they do not intervene beyond a point. They let them sort it out among themselves. The episode where JH can't do the yoga pose and JK and JH are bickering, JS says something like "why should we listen to all this?". Made me wonder if he was reminding them that the members felt like they were in the middle of a couple tiff  and that it was making them uncomfortable. Then SA immediately patch up and JK pats and holds her hand while they move to the next location.

I know even after this, there will be many who will explain this away saying "they are siblings and JK is just treating JH like a younger brother/sister". I cannot really see anything sibling-like in the hug. Even then, to answer those people, the puzzling thing with Spartace is the inconsistency is their skinship in front of the camera. If JK was so consistently free with skinship with JH where he freely hugged her or patted her head whenever he felt happy with her, then the "he treats her like a guy" could have applied here(though I can't see him doing what he did here with a male member). The same with 'he treats her like a sister'. This is really inconsistent with how generally JK treats JH in front of the camera in RM especially in the last two years (though after the new PD took over, we got to see JK initiating skinship with JH in the 'Apology service' episode where he runs to pat her on the back when she gets the wrong answer and restrains her by almost hugging her when she goes after KS).  Hence, for me, this episode's close skinship fits with the 'JK was so caught up in the moment that he forgot to be cautious' than any sibling-based explanations. However, there might have been moments like this even before where too caught up in the moment, they might have forgotten there was a camera in front. All those moments must have been edited out. Thankfully, this time, it was not.

Waiting for the subs so that we can all understand the context better.

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