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[Official] SPARTACE COUPLE KimJongkook-SongJiHyo

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She is born 08/15/1981, so she will be 35 in less than 6 months. 
Obviously it's my POV, but that program isn't a drama or a movie it's a reality show or something like that, it's a show were two people go on dates and fake a relationship, if I'm not wrong, Of course in every work you will be with other people, but in a drama, a movie or in an other type of show, you can appreciate the individual performance, here she will only be judged for her interactions with Chen Bolin and nothing else. What can I say as viewer about her capabilities? I hope she doesn't go from bad to worse with rumors and speculation. but she is a grown up, if she made this choice, she will have her reasons and she will be prepared to what will come from it.

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3 minutes ago, laubi said:

She is born 08/15/1981, so she will be 35 in less than 6 months. 
Obviously it's my POV, but that program isn't a drama or a movie it's a reality show or something like that, it's a show were two people go on dates and fake a relationship, if I'm not wrong, Of course in every work you will be with other people, but in a drama, a movie or in an other type of show, you can appreciate the individual performance, here she will only be judged for her interactions with Chen Bolin and nothing else. What can I say as viewer about her capabilities? I hope she doesn't go from bad to worse with rumors and speculation. but she is a grown up, if she made this choice, she will have her reasons and she will be prepared to what will come from it.


She will be in 6 month, but isn't yet, when people say what their age is, they usually count what it is currently and not what it will become after half a year. anyway believe me people will appreciate her individual performance and love her for it just like she get's love and fans from her other projects. I know that you are not found of WGM, but this show is quite popular and has a huge audience.

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I usually go with the year, but I don't even know how to explain, it's too late here (2:30 a.m.) and I'm tired, so I'm sorry if I said already, I'll correct with almost :)
It's not about my like or dislike, It' s a show were all a viewer can say is "they are so cute" "he is handsome" (he is XD) "she is beautiful" "will they really date?" or something between these lines, I can't imagine someone in his right mind saying "she is such a great actress, I can see it while she is drinking her coffee, glancing at Chen Bolin", but it will help her with image and popolarity so good luck to JH :) (and goodnight everybody XD)

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hello everyone, :) long time no see lol

anyways, just passing by to say that I definitely agree with everything y'all said regarding her interview. she is dead tired of the image people has of her in running man and went to WGM hoping for a change. just like her, I also want to see her more feminine side (even if I can't imagine it as of now). also we can see that in a way she's afraid of what MCunts will think about her, she don't want fans to feel like she betrayed (in a way) G-squid, and once again reassured fans that nothing is changing between her and G-squid, AKA they're just friend with a loveline!!! ha in yo face mcunts!!!! sorry about that, i just had to:P

and like you guys, I also want to see her in more projects. but as the realistic person that I am, I see that ALMOST impossible. why? because as long as she has that image in running man and G-squid name tagged with her, all her project will fail. all her dramas has had low rating, they even cancelled the last one she was on. even if the dramas are good with good story line, people can't see past her ace image. and that loveline is preventing her from getting offers and if that wasn't enough, actors have blacklisted her because in every richard simmons PC the first question they ask has to do with G-squid. and they ask her to make comparison between the actors and G-squid. I don't know how jihyo put up with all the richard simmons they throw at her. y'all saw in her recent valentine meeting how it was. 

as a side note,I richard simmons admire y'all. apart from good analysis and critical thinking, y'all are down to earth. not so much delusion like our archenemies, and definitely do not impose our ship like our beautiful neigbors do. just so y'all know that you all have to teach me how to write those freaking long essays lol. not even for college I write that much. y'all are mega super Jjjang!!! #ProudSpartacerHere

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Another thing that sucks is that SJH and KG are friends. All of RM are friends. But it must suck to have fans constantly telling them date each other. It probably makes their friendship awkward, and she probably doesn't feel as comfortable KG as she might if they weren't in a love line together. I personally don't like it when spartace fans tag KJK in instagram posts, just because it feels like fans are forcing spartace on them, and while I don't think shipping them and theorizing in a forum is bad (as long as we realize it's their lives and their choices), I think fans talking to them about it and asking them to date directly crosses a line.

Being pressured by fans can really damage platonic relationships. I think the love line between KJK and YEH also damaged their friendship. If you remember, when RM posted about getting YEH on the show with enough likes, she didn't want to and KJK apologized to her even though he had no involvement. That's also part of the reason why I think it's nearly impossible for people to date their love lines. The romance between them is created for the cameras and is a part of the job, and there's probably always a part of them that wonders if it's only for the cameras. Plus, it's a relationship created for fans. Even if the two people dated, there would be aspects of their relationship that would probably still feel like fanservice. Dating their love line partner would mean they never escape the characters on the show. I think it's different for two acting costars who start dating after filming together, because they play characters in movies/dramas/tv shows. The romance between actors doesn't equate the romance between characters because they're obviously separate. RM and other variety shows the character version of themselves are harder for fans to separate because the variety characters are based of the real people. So if MC started dating in real life, fans would consider them Monday BF and Monday GF rather than KG and SJH as individuals separate from RM.

That's also why I don't think KJK and SJH could date or reveal they're dating (if they wanted to) during the existence RM. It wouldn't fit their characters. Hypothetically, if they were caught dating, the entire RM cast would have to adjust but stay in character. KG, as the Monday BF, would have to be jealous of KJK - but that would upset MC fans because KJK and SJH would have "betrayed" KG - so KG would have to, as a friend, be nothing but supportive of KJK and SJH - but that would be inconsistent with his character of Monday BF. So we have this jarring moment in the MC narrative that has been created throughout RM. There would also be inconsistencies with KJK's character, because he is seen as extremely loyal plus hardcore MC shipper. So in the context of the show, KJK would have betrayed KG and be hypocritical of supporting MC - which doesn't match the character he's created. Plus you have the whole Monday GF betraying the Monday BF on RM.

But at the same time, I think this would actually help SJH and KJK if they were to start dating/reveal they were dating after RM ended, because their characters on the show would never date. People would have to see them separately from their characters While we might still see them in part as Sparta and the Ace (the Liger Couple), I don't think we'd expect fanservice in the same way that MC fans would, because KJK and SJH never gave us fanservice during the show. It's not a part of their relationship.

That is way more than I intended to write, but I wanted to give my opinion. I'm glad SJH is doing WAIL. I don't know if I'll watch it or not (I'm more a KJK fan), but I hope she does well and opens up a career in China. 

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4 hours ago, linzer03 said:

I personally don't like it when spartace fans tag KJK in instagram posts, just because it feels like fans are forcing spartace on them, and while I don't think shipping them and theorizing in a forum is bad (as long as we realize it's their lives and their choices), I think fans talking to them about it and asking them to date directly crosses a line.


agree with this. i'ts better not tagging JK in every posts about spartace. this might be one of the reasons why we see less SA moments in RM lately. because they realized their suspicious interactions or camera angle can make misunderstandings (just like JK said in Escape Crisis).



it's good for JH joining WAIL, people can see the feminine side of her. we've been seeing JH as a strong and competitive woman all this time. and don't forget about "bad jihyo" character attached to her. i think those aren't "the real jihyo". RM isn't the first reality show she's joining. in FO, JH looked strong but also a calm one. i dunno, maybe bcz it's her first time meeting those hosts so she felt a bit awkward. but JH's close friends, such as heechul, dongwook, - oh and even her new "partner", chen bolin, admitted that she's really a nice and caring person. about her loveline in RM, i'm pretty sure JH has discussed this with RM teams and PDs before decides joining WAIL.

i'm happy to read your opinions about our couple. we don't force them, we support their career and see everything realistically - not in delulu way. we join this circle bcz we ship them, love seeing them together. but whom they will end up with, that's their decision.

about what's happened in Dubai ep filming, pfffft i have nothing to say why they sent KG and JH together on a mission, just two of them. so, let's just wait the upcoming episodes!

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8 hours ago, makeitnasty said:

hello everyone, :) long time no see lol

anyways, just passing by to say that I definitely agree with everything y'all said regarding her interview. she is dead tired of the image people has of her in running man and went to WGM hoping for a change. just like her, I also want to see her more feminine side (even if I can't imagine it as of now). also we can see that in a way she's afraid of what MCunts will think about her, she don't want fans to feel like she betrayed (in a way) G-squid, and once again reassured fans that nothing is changing between her and G-squid, AKA they're just friend with a loveline!!! ha in yo face mcunts!!!! sorry about that, i just had to:P

and like you guys, I also want to see her in more projects. but as the realistic person that I am, I see that ALMOST impossible. why? because as long as she has that image in running man and G-squid name tagged with her, all her project will fail. all her dramas has had low rating, they even cancelled the last one she was on. even if the dramas are good with good story line, people can't see past her ace image. and that loveline is preventing her from getting offers and if that wasn't enough, actors have blacklisted her because in every richard simmons PC the first question they ask has to do with G-squid. and they ask her to make comparison between the actors and G-squid. I don't know how jihyo put up with all the richard simmons they throw at her. y'all saw in her recent valentine meeting how it was. 

as a side note,I richard simmons admire y'all. apart from good analysis and critical thinking, y'all are down to earth. not so much delusion like our archenemies, and definitely do not impose our ship like our beautiful neigbors do. just so y'all know that you all have to teach me how to write those freaking long essays lol. not even for college I write that much. y'all are mega super Jjjang!!! #ProudSpartacerHere


I think you are quite harsh and pessimistic in your post, and i personally don't agree with you comments about JH, I don't believe that her Ace image on RM is preventing people from seeing her in a different light, only stupid people would think that the image she has on a variety show is her real one. it's the same with people who think kwangso is stupid in real life just because his image on RM is like that. Song Ji Hyo has gained alot of recognition for her recent drama "ex-girlfriend club" despite the ratings, she won the Best Actress Award alongside Kim so Hyun who won the best actor award 2015 in koreanupdates, more then 11 MILLIONS voted for these awards, and today Song Ji Hyo again won the Soompi Best Actress Award along side Kim Soo Hyun who won the best Actor Award. so MANY people did see her past her image on RM and did appreciate and take notice of her amaazing performances as an actress. I think questions she get regarding G-squid are annoying and inappropriate at times, but that' the reporters faults, and they are only asking such questions,  because they know those kind of questions will make good articles that sells and earns them money. But regardless I think after being partnered with a new man on WGM it will lessen these kind of inappropriate questions regarding G-squid in the future, and hopefully makes them completely stop.

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4 hours ago, mary-ann said:


I think you are quite harsh and pessimistic in your post, and i personally don't agree with you comments about JH, I don't believe that her Ace image on RM is preventing people from seeing her in a different light, only stupid people would think that the image she has on a variety show is her real one. it's the same with people who think kwangso is stupid in real life just because his image on RM is like that. Song Ji Hyo has gained alot of recognition for her recent drama "ex-girlfriend club" despite the ratings, she won the Best Actress Award alongside Kim so Hyun who won the best actor award 2015 in koreanupdates, more then 11 MILLIONS voted for these awards, and today Song Ji Hyo again won the Soompi Best Actress Award along side Kim Soo Hyun who won the best Actor Award. so MANY people did see her past her image on RM and did appreciate and take notice of her amaazing performances as an actress. I think questions she get regarding G-squid are annoying and inappropriate at times, but that' the reporters faults, and they are only asking such questions,  because they know those kind of questions will make good articles that sells and earns them money. But regardless I think after being partnered with a new man on WGM it will lessen these kind of inappropriate questions regarding G-squid in the future, and hopefully makes them completely stop.

sorry if I came up as harsh but If I have something to say I go straight to the point, it wasn't my intention to sound harsh. but all I said in the post unfortunately its true. MOST people see jihyo as only running man ace with the exception of us fans. Im not being pessimistic either, as I said I am realistic and we have to look at the big picture here. I definitely agree with you that jihyo has improved her acting on the last drama, but that wasn't enough. some people didn't even know she was on that drama, maybe because it was on cable. but tell me, have jihyo being recognized as an actress in Korea? she does gets recognized internationally but only by fans, and even most only see her as the Monday girlfriend or only running man ace. even if I don't like it, cuz trust me I don't, I still can't do anything about it. regarding her awards, Im still waiting for the day she gets a really important award. not saying those aren't but I'm talking about the big ones. 

one last thing, you and I, both know that they are not like the image their portrait in RM, but how many out there think the same?. like or not there are some dumb people out there who can't differentiate between variety and real life. thats why fights always takes place in the first place. 

but if I said something that might have offended you, Im sorry but I still stand with what I said. in any part I said I didn't want jihyo to get offer, only that it seems ALMOST impossible, but I do want her in more drama. I want people to recognize her as an actress instead of just RM ace but it takes times. 

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1 hour ago, makeitnasty said:

sorry if I came up as harsh but If I have something to say I go straight to the point, it wasn't my intention to sound harsh. but all I said in the post unfortunately its true. MOST people see jihyo as only running man ace with the exception of us fans. Im not being pessimistic either, as I said I am realistic and we have to look at the big picture here. I definitely agree with you that jihyo has improved her acting on the last drama, but that wasn't enough. some people didn't even know she was on that drama, maybe because it was on cable. but tell me, have jihyo being recognized as an actress in Korea? she does gets recognized internationally but only by fans, and even most only see her as the Monday girlfriend or only running man ace. even if I don't like it, cuz trust me I don't, I still can't do anything about it. regarding her awards, Im still waiting for the day she gets a really important award. not saying those aren't but I'm talking about the big ones. 

one last thing, you and I, both know that they are not like the image their portrait in RM, but how many out there think the same?. like or not there are some dumb people out there who can't differentiate between variety and real life. thats why fights always takes place in the first place. 

but if I said something that might have offended you, Im sorry but I still stand with what I said. in any part I said I didn't want jihyo to get offer, only that it seems ALMOST impossible, but I do want her in more drama. I want people to recognize her as an actress instead of just RM ace but it takes times. 

no, no you haven't, it just came of a bit harsh but thanks for clarifying your comment :) I also want to see her take on more dramas in the future, whenever there is a new upcoming drama i always look for news of her being casted as the lead actress in a new drama, but right now i'm content with seeing her on WGM and in the upcoming movies. Maybe once she finishes filming for WGM she will do a drama next, i'm hoping for that :)

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@mary-ann I'm hoping for the same thing too. hopefully after WGM she gets tons of offers in china. jihyo is pretty popular everywhere, specially in china as it is, so imagine if she gets really good offers! she would rock china for sure!. I'm getting pretty excited just thinking about it lol  she's a beauty with good personality. its impossible to dislike someone like jihyo. she could easily become bigger than she is now.  

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Guest athoughtcloud1
9 hours ago, assyl4 said:

agree with this. i'ts better not tagging JK in every posts about spartace. this might be one of the reasons why we see less SA moments in RM lately. because they realized their suspicious interactions or camera angle can make misunderstandings (just like JK said in Escape Crisis).

Like you two, I too don't like people tagging KJK on spartace posts.  At the moment, it's quite obvious they don't want any attention on their interactions. The fact that their public interactions have almost become minimal recently shows how cautious they are being about it. Obviously, they are aware of their shippers. Perhaps a time will come (if they 'start' dating) when they would want support and blessings from their fans. And I believe if and when that time comes, they will try to lay the groundwork and we would get to know when to be vocal about our support. But now is not that time. I like this fandom because of the respect most of the shippers have shown towards the couple and everybody concerned and in the caution they have exercised so far.

As of now, the main reason I can see why JH signed up for WAIL is to get away from the Monday GF image. The other things seem more like added benefits to me. I had tried watching a bit of WAIL Season 1 with Choi Si Won. It was not really my cup of tea, but hoping that having two slightly more mature people on a dating show would add a different flavour to the format. I hope JH not being the conventionally romantic type comes through and we get to see a less syrupy version. Hoping that we get to see something of her normal life as well. Unlike in RM, she would not be the passive partner in the loveline. Again, she would have to do a lot of the talking since she is on her own and doesn't have the RM members to fall back on. Perhaps, the kind of roles that are coming to her in Chinese movies are of the action type and so this could help her showcase a different side of her which would help her get more varied roles in the c-industry.

@laubi Totally understand the shipper's guilt. LOL As long as we keep within bounds as shippers and not breathe down our biases' necks, i guess it is okay. I cannot pretend that SA never existed (though you were doing it for just one post ;) ).  I am also confused as to what to do. Will my assumption that they are dating be disrespectful of my biases' current stance regarding their relationship? Will it be burdensome for them? I guess as long as the theorizing happens here, it is okay. Gah, I feel conflicted!

Better translations of the interview:



cre: gapiplus

Reading the interview once again, why do I feel that Monday Couple loveline, if it dies, will be dying a slow death? Ji Hyo seems to be pretty anxious about her MC fans. Perhaps RM team has allowed her to take on another loveline on the condition that there will be some MC fanservice from time to time. Hoping that in the long run, things will change and that MC loveline will peter out as the Orange Juice loveline blossoms. If it is going to be a long wait, I don't know how I can force myself from not revealing my spartace shipper thoughts here. Confusing!!! :crazy:

On a re-read, it also seems like the colleague thing is chiefly meant for MC. Hmm...

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@athoughtcloud1 There's this weird guilt for shipping her with a coworker when she says in an interview that she doesn't want that, but I feel like as long as we don't pressure them and make it clear that we're happy with whoever they marry it's not that harmful. 

The thing that confuses me is that SJH has picked up spartace banners at not one, not two, but three fanmeets (Shanghai, Nanjing, and Shenzhen, I think). One could argue that shes being polite to all her fans, buy she isn't obligated to the spartace fandom in the same way she is MC. Acknowledging a spartace banner once would be enough but she's done so three times. If she wanted to discourage shippers of her "circle", why pick up spartace items? It's possible that some event (the recent rumors maybe) triggered SJH to change her mind about how to approach the spartace fandom. For some reason, she approved of spartace at one point. What about now? Is spartace the same as MC?

(Sorry for any typos. I'm using my phone on the train.)

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Even if somewhere in me the guilty feeling remain (it's more like a moral dilemma), I know they will never know what I think about them, I only write here about spartace so no pressure from me ^_^. I agree it's too much when some fans tag their real accounts, moreover there is no meaning in it. 

@linzer03 I think the recent rumors influenced her behaviour towards spartacers,whether they are dating or not, they don't want people speculate about their relationship. However it seems to me she wanted to stop all the shippers in general, of course she is tired.

It's not clear why she can't stop the loveline if it bothers her (and it always seemed so to me), I know there are a lot of MC fans, including some PD, and a lot of pressure, but I don't really think it's impossible to find a solution. If she really wanted she could have escaped it long ago. But to be honest MC is business for JH and Gary, even now she seems Gary's brand (even if not official) testimonial, I don't blame her/them, but you can't eat your cake and keep it. This doesn't change the fact that a lot of MC's fans go overboard...by far,  and is sad to see a popular actress afraid of some histerical teenagers. At any rate is what I think, I hope there aren't adults among the obsessed with MC who bash her online when an other man appear.

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I am so happy that he is no more spearheading after Dubai. Apparently, Myuk PD will be the temporary PD till we have a new one. AT least now we can hope for fair and equal treatment for all members. Her's what I hope happens:

1. Hope that the missions themselves are not way too biased against particular members( JK's comment in ep 285 was telling of his feelings- "Just tel me that you don't want to send me to London). Also his lack of screentime in the 1st 20 minutes of the previous episode

2. Show us various personas of JH apart from the Monday GF. Not only bad JH. She has said that she would like her fans to see different aspects of her personality. While WAIL could accomplish that too, I hope RM can also take baby steps in this direction without compromising on her competitiveness

3. Reduce MC. Seriously, it's been 5 years and the dynamic hasn't changed one bit. Show them as friends-  won't object, but don't show us that they somehow "ended up together" in the same teams when we know it's deliberately scripted

4. Reduce the scripting. Bring the cast rapport to the forefront. Make all cast members naturally interact with all other cast members(ahem... ahem... SA). I believe at least we shippers are sane enough not to shove our ships down their throats and will be happy even if the camera doesn't cut the 2 just because they are standing beside each other.

4. Get a grip on the editing. There have been episodes with choppy editing and average BGM at best. No random shots, no shaky cameras unless completely unavoidable.

5. No separating the cast and no food missions. We have enough of those. While the yearly cooking competition could be an annual event, i won't object the sepeartion for those episodes.

6. Have respect for all fans. We are not dumb. We do use social media. We love the show too. Doing fanservice just for a particular set of fans who contribute monetarily won't help.

On another note, I wonder if that is why Taek was harping on about not caring for the ratings. Obviously, this decision might have been in the works for at least a couple of weeks if not more. Also i wonder if the spike in MC was in any relation to that, since Dubai was Taek's last ep.

Also, I now wonder what the future of RM is. Will they evolve to complete new show or is RM gearing to end it's run(pun unintended, lol)?


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It would be interesting on how will Myuk PD lead the RM team this year! In terms of RM's future, I am conflicted because I still want to see my faves every week but if the quality of the show keeps declining, maybe it is time to give it a rest? Or maybe they could do a reboot? Like take a short hiatus so the cast and crew could rest and reenergized? They are not getting younger so I am not sure if their endurance is still the same as 6 years ago. 

Also, i agree about not doing separate missions anymore!!!! One of RM's strength is the cast dynamics, make use of it PD!

Also, isn't PD Dong Wan also leaving too? 

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Oh, I just read that Myuk will just be advising them, but the show itself will be helmed by 3 new young PDs.

Credit to cassandr_rmsa on IG for this link : https://t.co/q7y4UPhB7p

Also, one of those PDs is mostly gonna be the MMA PD, Lee Hwan Jin, who was the maknae(youngest) PD a couple of years ago lol.

From Lee Hwan Jin's IG , apparently he was part of the 17th SBS PD initiation ceremony where there were 7 or 8 others.

I suspect the other 2 PDs could be the ones who accompanied the cast and Taek on the stage in the sbs award ceremony. Lee hwan jin was one of them.

And yes,  @tee2015, Dong wan is also leaving.

Edit: this is the sbs award pic I was talking about. The 2 beside YJS and the lady behind Taek PD


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2 hours ago, androkia91 said:

Oh, I just read that Myuk will just be advising them, but the show itself will be helmed by 3 new young PDs.

Credit to cassandr_rmsa on IG for this link : https://t.co/q7y4UPhB7p

Also, one of those PDs is mostly gonna be the MMA PD, Lee Hwan Jin, who was the maknae(youngest) PD a couple of years ago lol.

From Lee Hwan Jin's IG , apparently he was part of the 17th SBS PD initiation ceremony where there were 7 or 8 others.

I suspect the other 2 PDs could be the ones who accompanied the cast and Taek on the stage in the sbs award ceremony. Lee hwan jin was one of them.

And yes,  @tee2015, Dong wan is also leaving.

Edit: this is the sbs award pic I was talking about. The 2 beside YJS and the lady behind Taek PD


So happy Taek PD quits, as a running man's fan and spartacer he was becoming my nightmare LOL
Delusional thought about the lady PD behind Taek PD: she put JK and JH side by side on the stage during PD's acceptance speech shown in the picture above, I love her :D
Returning normal (or almost)...maybe we will see more natural JK and JH, nothing like a push in that sense, IMHO it'll never happen on the show, and rightly so. I wish there will be more interactions among all the members, not always the same teams or episodes were they barely see each others. On the other hand I thank Taek PD, he had the opposite effect on me, more he decided to put JK and JH in different team, pushed MC or made it look like SA weren't close at all, but everytime refuted by BTS pics or incontrollable gestures, the more I bacame a spartacer ROFL.

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Guest athoughtcloud1

Thanks @androkia91 That is the best news I have heard in a long long while. It hasn't sunken in yet. Taek PD has been there with RM since the beginning and so I acknowledge his contributions. Granted RM has not been what it used to be and he alone cannot be faulted for the decline, but his taking over as the PD surely accelerated it. Even before I became a spartacer, the recent RM episodes were driving me crazy. They were all over the place. It was like the production team itself was so anxious and insecure about what would work that there was no consistency from one episode to the other or even within an episode. The gag team episode was pointless and painful to watch. The camping episode and the ice igloo one were basically much ado about nothing with the teams running all over the place for what? In the diamond necklace episode, JK was almost doing nothing after a point. Can you imagine someone like JK, who loves to use his brains, just waiting around for things to get over? There is a sense of exhaustion and boredom that I get from the members as well. One or two recent episodes have been good like the Strongest RM member one (though the name tag elimination was truly unfair since winning all the mini-games just went on to give you handicaps instead of advantages) and the Zombie one (though the ending was a total let down). RM really needs some new blood to get the members excited about the missions again and the missions also shouldn't be this ludicrous. I wish the new PDs would try to have some fun with the show instead of just going with the flow or rehashing old ideas that no longer work. It might take them some time to change things around, but if they go with a vision and stick to it and not get so insecure over the ratings, they can give the show a new lease of life. There is so much they can do. Just look at some of the early episodes for ideas, if they want. I also want them to focus on an episode where the RM cast is in one team where they help each other. For a show whose core strength is the cast chemistry, they should try to renew the bond between the members through special episodes. And yes, ditch things that no longer work like the Monday couple loveline which has really outstayed its welcome. I am not even asking for special spartace moments, just give me back some of that old RM fun. Fingers and toes crossed though! I hope the new PDs do not follow Taek's footsteps. Come on guys, there is so much you can do. The cast can do with a re-invention of their images.

Is there a video available of this? Haven't seen that anywhere

@linzer03 I remember JH holding out the Spartace banner and her looking at the Spartace bag, but don't remember the third time. There was also that time with the food truck from the JH n MC fans when JH was really surprised to see a pic of her and JK together on one of the food packets and Haha supposedly was joking with Gary that his loveline was over now or something like that. Yes and not just Spartace, people close to them also know about their shippers. May be them being so cautious with their interactions started after JH started thinking of doing WAIL. Anyway, as long as we are respectful shippers who know our boundaries and finally care only about their personal happiness (whoever it is with), things ought to be fine.

I was watching episode 149 yesterday. In that episode, there was a strong possibility for spartace to couple off, but like always, that didn't happen. There was this segment where almost everyone was singing JH's praises since pretty female  guests were few, asking her to pick them, even the married members. JK just kept quiet. It's so funny how many RM viewers don't seem to have noticed that JH and JK have never been paired off in a couple race. Or they reason that they can't be coupled off because they will form the strongest team. I mean how lame is that! If that were the case, JK and JH would have won every time they were in a team. Besides, the RM team has had no problem pairing JK off with strong female guests and calling them the "strongest" team. Every time a couple race happens and the other members complain that they don't want JH to be their partner because they are always paired up with her, I kind of feel bad for JK and JH. They have never been paired off together (except for the chance pairing off that happened in the evil women episode). Though JK and JH may have wanted it many a time, they can't even say it loud. I don't know how much of scripting is involved that in these six years, they have never been coupled off. Even in the evil women episode, when KS asks JH whether they are paired off saying it is unfair, she gets defensive and says "aniya". I mean why be so defensive when they didn't break any rules to be paired off in the last game? It is like they are the forbidden couple or something.

It's usually because of the guest's insistence that they get teamed off even in a three member team. Episode 53 team happened because the other guests had already picked theirs, so JH got both JK and SJ. Ep. 57 happened because Chae Tae Hyun insisted despite a lot of suggestions to the contrary that he wanted them both on his team. The Hong Kong episode happened because Yong Hwa wanted them both on his team. Even in cases where JK can pick JH and it wouldn't be considered a big deal like for instance in episode 118, he doesn't. JH can't pick JK  out of consideration for other female guests. It's really such a shame! Perhaps from the beginning, their couple chemistry was so obvious that the RM team didn't want them paired off since it would overshadow the official couple's chemistry. Otherwise, I see no reason why they haven't been paired off even once in a couple game all these years.

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59 minutes ago, athoughtcloud1 said:


Is there a video available of this? Haven't seen that anywhere


This is the only video footage I've come across of that moment, around 26:30:


The same video almost caught an SA moment that had been reported at the end of the game segment, but the camera cut off too soon. 

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