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[Official] SPARTACE COUPLE KimJongkook-SongJiHyo

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Honestly have no hopes for this show to get any better hence why I am rewatching old episodes instead of following the new ones so better not have any regrets, better let them know how we feel. maybe they will notice and do something. they pretty much only have the international audience left (they already lost a lot of domestic audience) so they need to know that the international fans arent happy either. At least I'll feel like I did something to save the show I loved all these years lol.

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Guest ktiminie

@bogummish I agree, I often feel that PDs love for the cast and the show just disappeared. What a waste of RM family talent. Should we go with a common message to post on SBS Running Man Instagram? Between the 100-300 comments they usually get, hopefully ours will be read...

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Guest athoughtcloud1
11 minutes ago, ktiminie said:

@bogummish I agree, I often feel that PDs love for the cast and the show just disappeared. What a waste of RM family talent. Should we go with a common message to post in SBS Running Man Instagram? Between the 100-300 comments they usually get, hopefully ours will be read...


This is a good idea. I don't want any loveline, but I at least want the show to give fair screen time to all the members. It is not about being a spartacer, but being an RM fan. I will write more after watching the subbed episode.

Perhaps some of you have already read this. It is a recap of Gary's farewell episodes. The recapper may not see all the problems we see, but even for him, a neutral viewer, the difference between the two episodes is striking - RM has been that way pretty inconsistent lately. Is it coz of different PDS directing different episodes?


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Im so mad I didnt take a screenshot but earlier someone complained abt the direction RM is taking, on the PD's instagram account (Hwanjine) and later when I went to re-read it wasn't there. I think he (the PD) might have deleted it. 

I read on insta that RM is getting butchered even on Reddit by international fans. I don't use Reddit so idk what they wrote over there. At this point just spam their insta page and so be it, we have the right to an opinion too.


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Guest athoughtcloud1

I don't think spamming on the PD's personal id is good, he uses it for other purposes too. But we sure can post on the sbs RM ig. Write something constructive. I know it won't make much of a difference, but we should also keep it fair. We have had problems with MC fans spamming the id with their messages, don't want us to turn out like that. Things can get out of hand too. 

Watching this episode with subs, though the games were a bit childish, the first half was still better.

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Jong Kook praises JH for everything including singing in this ep. XD He said she sings well around 09:58( we all know how good her singing is)

Delulu mode

I don't think JH has used much strength in the first round when she had to pull JK's hair. JK as well, If he wanted to oust JH he could have done it much earlier. He ousted KS and D.O like instantly to prevent JH hurting too much maybe?? In the final round no doubt they had to play seriously since it is harder to cut. 

Why SJ had to state that because they are a family so he can pull harder even she is a girl?(I will always remember what he said when spartace were playing the ice pepero game)  

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Around min 60, Jo Jung Suk and Yoo Jae Suk were shown walking around the food carts. Behind them you can see Ji Hyo and Jong Kook standing in front of the same food cart, Ji Hyo even shouted "palli wa" to someone (maybe the vjs, idk). Their mission was filmed but not aired.

Edit: here 

2nd edit: Lots of unaired stuff in this ep 


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Guest ktiminie

Apparently there are 3 main PDs currently working on RM. Do you guys have any info?

In RM official web page this can be found:

  • 연출 이환진 박용우 정철민
  • 조연출 최보필 박소현 강형선 윤화정


Some people in the kshowonline comments section state that the PDs take turns, "one of the three is responsible for an episode, then the other is responsible for the next, and the other after..." That would explain, for instance, why the two separate KG farewells gave us a vibe of them being executed by different PDs?

Anyway @athoughtcloud1 I'm with you on this, can you share here the (positive and constructive) message you're gonna post on SBS RM Instagram? Thank you :)

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36 minutes ago, ktiminie said:

Apparently there are 3 main PDs currently working on RM. Do you guys have any info?

In RM official web page this can be found:

  • 연출 이환진 박용우 정철민
  • 조연출 최보필 박소현 강형선 윤화정


Some people in the kshowonline comments section state that the PDs take turns, "one of the three is responsible for an episode, then the other is responsible for the next, and the other after..." That would explain, for instance, why the two separate KG farewells gave us a vibe of them being executed by different PDs?

Anyway @athoughtcloud1 I'm with you on this, can you share here the (positive and constructive) message you're gonna post on SBS RM Instagram? Thank you :)


The part about the PDs heading as a trio can be confirmed via this article: http://www.soompi.com/2016/05/21/running-man-pd-reveals-details-about-300th-special-episode-and-future-plans-for-the-show/


Stepping up to the role of main PDs after Jo Hyo Jin and Lim Hyung Taek are Lee Hwan Jin, Jung Chul Min, and Park Yong Woo, who have been working hard at incorporating fresh challenges in the show while still keeping its basic format.


But the rotation is only speculation, there hasn't been any proper confirmation. Aside from the different styles per eps, there are times different PDs answer via press releases for those eps with different styles. It easiest to differentiate the episodes in the PDs' early eps + the first few when they returned, but now it's confusing again since the episodes seem to be an amalgamation of their preferences and habits. 

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I never though a running man episode could frustrate me so much. I mean I know it is not the Olympics and I expect them to be lenient towards the guests but how unfair they were to Hahyo and KJK/JSJ teams was just irritating. Also why always favor YJS and KS, makes no sense to me. I did not understand the purpose of the pulling each others hair game as although Spartace teams won them they sang last.  I never understood Korean's obsession with "charm", it does make it look Nickolodeon. I also did not understand why cover "discovery expedition" on everyone's shirt except JSJ. I have a feeling that our two favorite members missing in the beginning was them having a meeting with the staff and deciding who's team is going to loose. And because KJK paid several times, they decided to put it on SJH team now. Why not let KJK sing and shine, a lot of people love his voice (I remember staff just listening to his singing when he was giving a wrong answer because he is so good). I get it, the guests are also singers and they are good and KJK just proved he is a top actor as well I would like to see him as a main lead in a drama.

I mean I like that guest ( Soek brother) he is very charming and all, but it might have hurt his pride too to not permit other teams to give answers in order to favor his team. To console myself I'm going to rewatch the "ya!... I am watching you" moment and  keep thing "why only Spartace missing in the opening "

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Guest athoughtcloud1

I think we should all put our heads together and come up with something, provided most of us want to do it. I hadn't really thought the comments on sbs ig made much of a difference, but after the second Gary-centric farewell episode, I am not that sure. Perhaps they do read the fan comments! I am not that aggressive as a commenter generally and do feel uncomfortable when I see comments hounding the PD or the RM team, but sometimes I feel some of the aggressive comments also make a difference. But I also don't want spartacers to get a bad name as an aggressive fandom.

What we should focus on are: what are we gonna say? What are the main issues that we need them to address? For me, it is mainly the unequal screen time and the lack of creativity in the games. The first one was blatantly apparent in this episode - that they did't deem at least one shot of the other two teams meeting up worth enough to air says a lot. Do they think the other 4 members don't have enough fans? The other frustrating part was the market mission - we are used to RM favouring the guests, but not to this extent before. So, I think there should be an intervention. Again, should we also have a Korean version of our English message? What should be the length of our message - does it need to be short?

As far as spartace interactions are concerned, I don't know what to write. It is a tricky question. The team is slowly starting the post-Gary phase and it wouldn't be fair to expect them to suddenly start giving that much focus on spartace interactions. In the next two episodes, Spartace are in the same team, so I think we are slowly entering a phase where their interactions will have to be focused on more. However, we also need to make the PDS understand that there is a fanbase for spartace, that focusing on their relationship (need not be a loveline) will be a welcome change for a large section of RM's i-fans.

I would like to know the other posters' thoughts on this too. I can see how seeing the same message repeated on the forum by different posters can create some impact on the RM team, so I think this is an idea worth exploring. I can help with the framing once we decide on the basic format of our message. 

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1 hour ago, athoughtcloud1 said:

What we should focus on are: what are we gonna say? What are the main issues that we need them to address? For me, it is mainly the unequal screen time and the lack of creativity in the games. The first one was blatantly apparent in this episode - that they did't deem at least one shot of the other two teams meeting up worth enough to air says a lot. Do they think the other 4 members don't have enough fans? The other frustrating part was the market mission - we are used to RM favouring the guests, but not to this extent before. So, I think there should be an intervention. Again, should we also have a Korean version of our English message? What should be the length of our message - does it need to be short?

I would add the editing too, it is so bad that the viewers can not understand what is happening, like at the beginning of this episode ...

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Im just curious, cause im new to insta, was there ever an instance where RM fans demanded something there and RM answered? Like I think it'd be better to post on the RM tv cast naver page? or chinese websites? Idk why I feel they dont really care abt instagram and whoever comments in english :(

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10 minutes ago, bogummish said:

Im just curious, cause im new to insta, was there ever an instance where RM fans demanded something there and RM answered? Like I think it'd be better to post on the RM tv cast naver page? or chinese websites? Idk why I feel they dont really care abt instagram and whoever comments in english :(

I think that they answer simple question like this, i saw today: 

cr. 2ne.konic

but i dont think that are the pds who manage the account...


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Guest athoughtcloud1
20 minutes ago, bogummish said:

Im just curious, cause im new to insta, was there ever an instance where RM fans demanded something there and RM answered? Like I think it'd be better to post on the RM tv cast naver page? or chinese websites? Idk why I feel they dont really care abt instagram and whoever comments in english :(

I have no idea what happens on RM tv cast naver page. From what I know, sbs ig is the one most frequented by i-fans. From the k-netz comments I have read, it doesn't seem that they care for the Monday couple any longer (they used to at one point of time, but for long, they know it is just a business couple). On the other hand, a huge section of i-fans are fervent MC shippers who believe they are real. Since RM has stopped caring about its domestic market for some time and is busy pleasing its i-fans, I would say the comments on SBS IG make a difference. Yes, there has been an instance where SBS ig responded to the comments by i-fans. This was the time when there were strong rumours based on the interview of the chief PD in charge of RM in a Singapore newspaper that they were going to replace two members of RM. There were lots and lots of comments and threats by the i-fans that they would stop watching RM if the members were replaced. Then SBS ig responded with a comment in english saying the rumours were 100% false. Once the news about Gary leaving the show was announced, many RM fans left comments saying they wanted a farewell episode for Gary without any guests. I don't know if it was the team's plan all along or whether it was them being influenced by popular demand, but that is what happened.

I don't know how far this theory is true, but once it was announced that Gary was gonna leave the show, there were some angry comments  by MC fans on Haha's and JK's igs that they had been responsible for Gary leaving the show. So some see the unnecessary second farewell episode for Gary as trying to please the MC fans who were not convinced that Gary left the show on his own.

Again, at the moment, the situation on SBS ig is such that whenever JH's pics with other single members are put (like say KS or JK), there will be comments by MC fans saying they are trying to create new lovelines for JH and that they are disrespecting Gary. So I can see that the RM team may also feel sightly worried seeing reactions like that. Hence, I feel it is important also for fans of other members to make their voices heard - I don't mean attack each other, but make sure that the team knows that the couple combinations, be it kwangmong or spartace, have their fans. This is not related to Spartace, but as a neutral fan, I feel Haha and JSJ don't get any focus, especially Haha. 

Thank you @Rinys. Hope the others too give their opinions - if you think it is a bad idea and have reasons to say so, please feel free to express them here.

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1 hour ago, bogummish said:

Im just curious, cause im new to insta, was there ever an instance where RM fans demanded something there and RM answered? Like I think it'd be better to post on the RM tv cast naver page? or chinese websites? Idk why I feel they dont really care abt instagram and whoever comments in english :(

They answered before but not in a good way. Once when they posted lot of mc pictures in their ig and some fans didn't like it they answered just enjoy bts pictures here and episode on tv.

Another one when they mocked jk injury in dream cup last year and his fans were angry instead of an apology they posted a picture of him ans said he was doing a mission after it. lol they wanted to say he was okay and fans made a fuss for nothing when we all could see he was limping the next day.

Another time they answered fans last year when they posted pictures of mc and some fans commented things about how it looks like they are a real couple that admin answered with a smile or yes it's true or similar things. 

Btw i decided to comment on their ig but i think they will do what they want and won't care about our comments. 

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lol, I see a lot of international fans are complaining abt the low quality of the program on the previous pic they put before this blackpink one, but they choose to reply to this hahah.

Anyway, I will make one long a s s post about this whole insta issue so please bear with me and thanks for reading in advance. 

Honestly for me the problem with RM is not the lack of spartace (even as a non loveline), it's deeper than that. RM started like 6 years ago, alot happens in 6 years, people graduate, get a job, get married, move out, get sick, get heartbroken, ish happens, so it's pretty normal a substantial part of their original viewership will be lost, unless you are really a hardcore fan with nothing happening in your life, who sits every weekend in front of the TV to watch RM, but in 6 years like I said, people's lives change. I personally never followed a program for more than 2 years. Hence why I understand why koreans aren't tuning in anymore. The thing is, they NEED to attract new people. Whatever worked 6 years ago, isn't gonna work now. There's a whole new generation of people out there with new interests. The only thing they need to keep is the thing that makes them special aka the name tag ripping (which they didn't even do lately). I see programs like IC are getting down with the times, they are up to date with what's going on around them, even 1N2D are. All RM do is bring a guest and pray that the fanbase of said guest will tune in somehow and get them a 1% rating increase. This is called lazy directing and lazy writing. It can only work if they didn't script their own members' interactions so much but even that is hopeless because they obviously script a lot of s h i t and even mess up with the cuts and editing, this is why it's so frustrating, I want to yell at them what the hell is even your goal with this show anymore??? You won't let the members interact freely and at the same time you won't do anything to attract new viewers. You think an average korean born in the 90s now cares abt a peppero game every weekend, like please.... And we shouldn't be the one suggesting to them which games to invent next or which topics to cover, it's their job. They graduated in writing and directing, they should know what to do.

They are completely out of the loop when it comes to their fanbases, they think people who were watching in 2010 are still around to check out who smacked Kwang Soo on the head this week, was it KJK or YJS. They can't come up with anything and refuse to change so they just fill in the void with guests most international fans don't care about. 1N2D started bringing up too many guests to promote their movies and make up for their maknae absence and got criticized for it. I don't think Korean fans even bother criticizing RM anymore since they're not even watching, like they don't even care enough to criticize, I guess. RM and the members need to sit around a table and discuss what is it they want to do in this show, all of them are successful people, some are even better off in other programs (like Haha and YJS in IC), SJH hopefully will get her acting career back on track, KJK has a good variety experience and is a funny guy, not like he'll stay jobless or off-tv. JSJ has his businesses and his radio program. LKS is LKS, good actor, good in variety. 

Maybe this sounds too bleak from me lol, but I just don't think they understand what their real problem is so they will probably never fix it.

Lastly, about Spartace. If they really are a thing (and the contrary would be quite shocking at this point tbh) and serious abt each other then I guess we'll just wait to hear from them, depending on what their career plans are etc. It's never easy for an actress to get hitched to someone from within the industry and keep on working in it like before, so she might wanna reflect on that and choose the right timing. As for KJK, he geniunly seems like a nice guy and from his past (known) relationships, he seems like a good bf (he got cheated on with his best friend and back up dancer, that mustve hurt, then came the whole YEH thing, I never really liked that girl tbh but idk what happened between them, idk if he had other gfs, his close friends say they know nothing abt his personal life other than the fact he's always on his phone lol). I guess what i'm trying to say is that both are good people so whatever happens in the show, to the show or after the show,,I'll always root for them individually or hopefully together. It was nice discovering their little moments together, maybe they don't know it but they always were the icing on the cake during every episode of the show for a lot of people during 6 years. 


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3 hours ago, Nina Negru said:

I never though a running man episode could frustrate me so much. I mean I know it is not the Olympics and I expect them to be lenient towards the guests but how unfair they were to Hahyo and KJK/JSJ teams was just irritating. Also why always favor YJS and KS, makes no sense to me. I did not understand the purpose of the pulling each others hair game as although Spartace teams won them they sang last.  I never understood Korean's obsession with "charm", it does make it look Nickolodeon. I also did not understand why cover "discovery expedition" on everyone's shirt except JSJ. I have a feeling that our two favorite members missing in the beginning was them having a meeting with the staff and deciding who's team is going to loose. And because KJK paid several times, they decided to put it on SJH team now. Why not let KJK sing and shine, a lot of people love his voice (I remember staff just listening to his singing when he was giving a wrong answer because he is so good). I get it, the guests are also singers and they are good and KJK just proved he is a top actor as well I would like to see him as a main lead in a drama.

I mean I like that guest ( Soek brother) he is very charming and all, but it might have hurt his pride too to not permit other teams to give answers in order to favor his team. To console myself I'm going to rewatch the "ya!... I am watching you" moment and  keep thing "why only Spartace missing in the opening "

I couldn't even finish watching this episode because it was just watchable for someone who liked guests and i didn't like that man from his drama oh my ghost. 

And i think this time pd just too much. And i could feel jk,jh,haha and sj in some points were frustrated with pd favoring guests so much. 

They have 6 talented casts there that can make a show funny and entertaining but they are unable to use them and still keep on mentioning gary and try to keep their mc fanbase.  Right now i don't know what pd is trying to do with this show. They abandoned their local viewers and a part of i fans and just stick to yjs for their local fans and lks for international fans plus something is gone and ended before and can't help them anymore. 

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